Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1295: That year (4)

Chapter 1295: Talking About That Year (4)

The child is born in October.

Chen Qingzhi gave birth to her first child. She is a little baby girl with pink carvings and jade skin. Her skin is as white as her and can be broken.

She slept peacefully, unlike other disturbing, crying babies.

This baby girl born by Chen Qingzhi is very smart and sensible.

No crying, no sleep, sleep quietly, feed and rest.

At first, Chen Qingzhi was frightened and worried that the child was born especially like Ruan Zhaotian.

But when the daughter was born, she found that she looked a bit like herself, although not very similar to Ruan Zhaotian, but not like others.

Looks like a little girl as beautiful as her mother.

Chen Qingzhi hung in the air and finally fell.

Later, Ruan Zhaotian gave her daughter a famous poem, Chen Qingzhi loved it for a while.


She realized that the child was becoming more and more different from other children, and that her back was getting colder and colder, and she realized the seriousness of the problem.

Ruan Shishi, her daughter, is too smart, too smart.

Ruan Shishi, who is less than three years old, always likes to sit and play with her own things.

She doesn't like talking to people, she doesn't like crying, and she doesn't like to coquettishly with her parents like other children.

She has beautiful apricot eyes, much like Chen Qingzhi.

But it's just like.

Because there was no innocence in her eyes, and there was no softness like Xiao Qing's childhood.

Little Ruan Shishi always opened his eyes quietly and observed the world.

Her black eyes seemed to be full of thoughts, and she had matured at all ages.

This performance is definitely not like Chen Qingzhi, and even less like Ruan Zhaotian!

Although no one knew about the Ruan family that night, the existence of Ruan Shishi reminded Chen Qingzhi of the nightmare.

Every time, when she finally forgot, the little girl's somber, focused and quiet apricot eyes seemed to remind her of the existence of that night.

Chen Qingzhi was too scared, too scared. She was too afraid to test her DNA. She was too afraid to deceive herself.

But no matter how scared she is, facts are facts, and the existence of Ruan Shishi proves it all.

Because of this, she resisted approaching her biological daughter from the beginning, and later wanted to escape.

She even felt that Ruan Shishi was a stain on her life, and she wanted to escape.

Because of the excessive pressure, I was immersed in the fear of the east window incident, being discovered by my husband, and fearing that Duan's family would come to you.

The relationship between Chen Qingzhi and Ruan Zhaotian gradually drifted away. The former sweetness seemed to be a thing of the past.

But at this moment, more than three years after she gave birth to Ruan Shishi, the Duan family was almost annihilated by time and disappeared into her life.

One day, Ruan Zhaotian, who was exhausted, returned home and brought her a news of a thunderstorm.

At that time, it was the time when Ruan's career was blocked and he encountered a trough.

When his husband needs comfort most, because of his sensitivity and fragility, Chen Qingzhi is not only unable to care for him, but often noisy.

Ruan Zhaotian has gone through many ways and used many methods, still unable to restore Ruan's fall.

Seeing that Ruan was about to go bankrupt, he heard a message from the people nearby.

The man said, ‘does n’t your beautiful lady like Tianxian really like the old lady in Duan ’s family? I remember a few years ago, she received an invitation from the old lady's dance party, and that night she could see that old lady was very satisfied with her. The old lady misses the old, why don't you let your wife ask the old lady. ’

In a word, I woke up Ruan Zhaotian.

Yeah, if a big family like Duan would help him, Ruan would be saved!

So he returned to Ruan's house and made a request to Chen Qingzhi.

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter, the next door was even more wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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