Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1268: What Shen Lan was afraid of

Chapter 1268: Shen Lan's Fear

In the living room on the third floor of Li's old house, Mrs. Li is talking to Shen Lan.

"It's a fox spirit to be a mother, and it's a fox spirit to be a daughter ... Jun Yu would be fascinated by the daughter of Chen Qingzhi's fox charming woman, which really disappoints me!"

Hearing the old lady's disappointment with Li Junyu, Shen Lan's original discomfort instantly improved.

I was about to seize the opportunity and add a few words of jealousy, but I heard the old lady say.

"No, Yaoyang got tired of Chen Qing after all these years, and finally was willing to divorce her. I can't let her daughter hook up with my grandson again. I'm going to find Chen Qingzhi and let her take care of her daughter ... she If not, threaten her with the incident.

I don't believe that she did the kind of thing that year, and dare to let her daughter and Junyu together! "

With that said, the old lady would get up and arrange for someone to explore Chen Qingzhi's whereabouts now.

When she saw this, she was afraid that the old lady would bring up the matter with Chen Qingzhi and stop it immediately.

"Old lady, let me do this. You can rest assured that Jun Yu is the hope of the next generation of our family, and I will never let Chen Qingzhi's little fox spoil him."

That's what she said, but in fact she couldn't wait for Li Junyu to be entangled by Ruan Mengmeng.

It's better to marry Ruan Mengmeng, who has the power and the powerless drag, and that's even better.

However, all this is based on the premise that Ruan Mengmeng is not Chen Qing's daughter.

If Ruan Mengmeng is not Chen Qingzhi's daughter, Shen Lan will not only stop them, but even help them.

Today, however, Shen Lan brought Ruan Jiaojiao to Li's home instead, and she specifically told her to tell the old lady.

Why did she do this?

Except for the reason that the old lady and Li Junyu's ancestors wanted to have an encounter, the most important reason was that Shen Lan would never tolerate Chen Qingzhi's daughter to marry Li Junyu.

If they really become a couple, they will definitely talk about the events of that year.

If ... if Li Junyu was sitting for Ruan Mengmeng, he could sit down and ask Chen Qingzhi for the truth in that video.

By then ... maybe all of her layout might be discovered by them.

And the truth of that year may not be concealed anymore.

They cannot be found by Li Junyu and Li Yaoyang, and they cannot find out the true cause of Yue Xuexin's death.

Thinking of this, Shen Lan's eyes darkened.


Two days later, one early morning.

Shen Lan, who found Chen Qingzhi's latest address, appeared downstairs in the Chen family.

The luxurious and high-profile Rolls-Royce stopped at the side of the road, causing countless people in the community to look back.

They are qualified for the old quarters, and what good luck have they taken recently.

Luxury cars come every day.

"Mrs., according to our observations, at this time of day, Chen Qingzhi will take a little girl and accompany an old woman to the vegetable market to buy food. When they come back to buy food, they will be at the gate of the community and send their children to the kindergarten car. . "

"Children who are still in kindergarten ..." Shen Lan narrowed his eyes. "What kindergarten did you go to?"

"Intellect is private."

Hearing the reports from his men, the haze in Shen Lan's eyes was deeper.

Wisdom private, how could a child of the Chen family be able to afford Wisdom private?

It seems that she despised Chen Qingzhi and Ruan Mengmeng, thinking that they would be driven out of Ruan's house, and without Li Yaoyang's reliance, Chen Qingzhi would fall down.

Unexpectedly ... they could live such a comfortable life.

Thinking of this, Shen Lan's clenched hands became even tighter.

And just at this moment, a figure of Suona, holding a little pink girl, accompanied an old lady with a vegetable basket out of the corridor.

[See you tomorrow night at 8 o'clock ~ I will write more tomorrow night ~ I wish the babies 6.1 happy in advance ~]

[Oops, make up one ~ Liuyila ask for tickets ~ A monthly pass comes]

(End of this chapter)

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