Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1238: Ruan Jiaojiao will be Li Junyu

Chapter 1238 Ruan Jiaojiao Will Lijun Yu Privately

After finally filming the "Shameful" bed scene, when Ruan Mengmeng ran back to the lounge, the flushing on her face had not yet disappeared.

Today's highlights have been filmed. In order to calm her down, Director Andrei will give her a holiday, and then she can go back to rest.

"Ms. Ruan, you did a good job just now ... we just glanced at it just now, great!" Said the makeup artist Mao Mao while removing makeup for Ruan Mengmeng.

Annie, a clothing designer who was finishing clothes, said with a smile: "Of course it's great, the old aunt like me is full of spring heart, and the little deer in my heart is almost jumping out. Miss Ruan, you must be waiting for this movie It ’s going to be popular! You are really a good match with that Li Shao. Your opponents have a good show and are too realistic ... "

Cough, realistic.

Ruan Mengmeng was sitting there with her eyes closed and the makeup artist removing makeup for her own house, it was so embarrassing that I didn't know what to say.

She didn't want to be realistic ... not to match Li Junyu at all.

Here, Ruan Mengmeng is still wearing complex makeup.

On the other side, in the exclusive lounge of Li Junyu, the man who had just unloaded a costume and changed clothes heard a knock on the door.

The person standing outside the door seemed very timid, knocking gently on the door, his knuckles clasped on the door panel.

The man's dark, narrow eyes narrowed slightly, was it cute?

"Come in." Li Junyu said.

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the lounge was pushed open by the man, and the figure belonging to the girl appeared at the door.

"Mr. Li, it's me ... I want to talk to you about something."

Seeing that the person who appeared outside the door was Ruan Jiaojiao, not the girl she wanted to see, Li Jun's frown was slightly cold.

"I'm not interested in talking to you." The man said, walking towards the door indifferently, passing by Ruan Jiaojiao without squinting.

Staying with a woman like Ruan Jiaojiao for a moment will make him feel uncomfortable.

Li Junyu is not interested in wasting time on such women.

"Wait a minute ... what I want to tell you is about Ruan Mengmeng! Ruan Mengmeng's biological father, are you ... interested?"

Li Jun, who had crossed Ruan Jiaojiao, stepped out of the door and stopped.

He turned his head back, Mo Tong froze deeply.



In the large dressing room, Ruan Mengmeng took off her makeup and put on her clothes before going home to rest.

Who knew that when she just came to the door, she hurried over to find her associate director: "Ruan Mengmeng, you should hide."

"Hide? Why?" The girl just called Chen Qingzhi and asked Mian Mian baby to wait for her to eat out at home.

She hasn't taken her family's baby out for a long time to eat delicious food, and it just happens to be free today.

Deputy director: "Those reporters are crazy, and now you see the mosquito that smells blood. I don't know who brought the head. Now the Internet is swiping you out of the entertainment circle. We have explained that it is a misunderstanding It did n’t matter at all, they just did n’t believe it, they had to rush in to interview you. Our staff could n’t stop it. The master knew that he was furious and called the police! ”

The deputy director also feels inexplicable. Based on his many years of experience in the circle, this matter is definitely not easy.

How can it be so simple?

Ruan Mengmeng is an ordinary newcomer, who doesn't know who is blocking the way, but can be hacked by the entire network.

In addition, the crew has already explained it, but the reporter wrote it in a random way, saying that they are covering Ruan Mengmeng for the benefit of the crew.

Unfortunately, those cameras were buried at the scene of the incident, otherwise they would be able to testify for Ruan Mengmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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