Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1038: Heartbreaking Tyrant

Chapter 1038

[333: Does it matter if you don't sleep in the middle of the night? 】

After the girl said hello, she waited for two seconds, and the opposite 333 answered.

At first sight of this sentence, Ruan Mengmeng felt kind.

Alas, it really is 333, which is the same as the mantra that usually speaks in the barrage.

The monk read the sutra and asked her to go to bed.

Keke ...

After thinking about it, the girl replied--

[Hair grows fast: just finished broadcasting, ready to sleep ...]

Mom, she didn't know why she had to answer so honestly.

Feeling wrong, added again immediately.

[Hair grows fast: I am a long story short, 333, and go to bed after talking. Today in the live broadcast room, I asked the Super Pipe to permanently block your IP and ID. So in the future, you won't be able to enter my room to watch the live broadcast ... You know this, right? 】

Hmm, why ... edit a long list of words in the past, 333 is overwhelming, and there is no reply at all.

"He must have seen it, it was impossible to fall asleep ..."

Whispering, regardless of the 333 times, the girl did not answer, and directly sent what she wanted to say together.

[Hair grows fast: I'm looking for you and my friends, just to explain to you, Yongfeng is my personal meaning, because I don't want you to continue spending money. Then the money you called me before ... a total of ... a million. 】

[The company collects half of this money, we collect half of it. After removing the tax deduction, it may be more than 400,000 in my hands. Our company pays bounty once a quarter. When I get it, I will pay you back as soon as possible. 】

Ruan Mengmeng hesitated a little when she entered the number of one million.

She still suffers from old problems, and vaguely remembers that it is 1 million.

On WeChat, the man holding the cell phone looked at the girl who was almost trying to clarify the relationship with herself.

The cold face had become heavier and heavier.

Gloomy, almost like dripping water.


When he saw the words 'One Million', his cold eyebrow peaked, but he casually looked down.

Add it back and forth, and the account ‘333’ was rewarded a total of 1.4 million in the live broadcast room.

On several occasions, he offered more than 100,000 yuan.

And the man knew that the soft and cute little **** was not a girl who was greedy for money.

She could not return the money, but found herself in private and demanded it.

Therefore, she must be sincere.

And sincerely, she can make such a simple calculation.

Mo Mei's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled-Li Junyu thought, what Mu Jingxing stopped him that day, and said what he said.

‘Meng Meng is useless even if she is a genius. She has dizziness, and she ca n’t do the simplest addition and subtraction without you! ’

‘It ’s you, it ’s all you… If it were n’t for you that suddenly happened before the college entrance examination, how could Mengmeng fail to pass even wisdom studies…’

The cold black pupil floated a layer of frost.

Feeling embarrassed by the girl over the phone.

The man who wasn't going to promise him so easily, squinted and typed a word against his will--

[333: OK]


it is good?

It's so easy?

Ruan Mengmeng was a little unbelievable holding a mobile phone.

She also thought that, like the 333, who likes pranks, willfully reward in the live broadcast room, the wayward and rhythmic big guys are definitely taunted and very difficult to do other BOY.

I didn't expect to talk so easily.

While the iron is hot, the girl immediately edits a sentence again--

[Hair grows fast: Can the big guy not come to my room in the future? Do n’t change IP or ID ... because, every time you come here, honestly ... makes me kind of ... troublesome ...]

[Next chapter, before 23:20]

(End of this chapter)

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