Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1032: Someone can't bear it

Chapter 1032: Someone Can't Help It

Ling Dong is back. After the morning meeting, he went to the president's office to report. More than Ling Bei was alone.

After Ling Dong and Ling Nan fully expressed their contempt for Ling Bei and determined not to borrow money.

Ling Nan went to the security team to see the work.

Ling Dong followed Ling Bei and reported to the young master.

Who knows, Ling Bei just knocked on the door and was ready to push it in.

Only when he showed his head near the door, he heard Li Junyu's cold and cold voice coming from inside.

"Ling Lingdong in, you go out and wait."

Ling Bei: "..."

Suddenly, no matter how you go today, it's so unpopular! ?

Bei Bei's heart is bitter and bleak.

"Yes, Master." Despite complaints, Ling Bei didn't dare to show the slightest expression.

He closed the door lightly and turned around and said to his brother, "Ling Dong, Grand Master asked you to come in ... Listen, Master has been in a bad mood recently. You don't want to go to the North Pole again, you must not miss Meng Meng before Grand Master. Know? ? "

Afraid that the second brother would anger the young master without knowing it, Ling Bei also reminded him.

"Okay, the third child told me just now."

As soon as Ling Dong returned to the company, Ling Nan was told.

It was learned that Grand Master was almost married to Meng Meng, and he was so scared that his golden glasses were almost gone.

I learned that Master Ye broke up with Miss Meng Meng on the day of their wedding. Ling Dong was instinctive and did not dare to prescribe the words 'Ruan, Meng' in front of the Master.

Intuition told him it would be dangerous.

"Well, you know, just go in ..." Ling Bei patted Ling Dong's shoulder and pushed him into the office.


Ling Dong pushed in the door, and as soon as he entered the office, he was almost shaken by the gloomy cold air inside.

Obviously it is summer, the temperature should be very comfortable when the air conditioner is turned on.

But he felt that from the back to the back of the head, a cold current rushed up.

Ling Dong quickly tightened his neckline, looking behind the large desk, looking at his face, looking at the computer screen at hand, without even raising his eyelids.

"Master ..."

Ling Dong called lightly, but the man did not respond.

Those dark, dreary phoenix eyes remained motionless, staring at the computer screen.

Ling Dong didn't dare to make too much noise, so he had to approach, wanted to get closer, and then whispered softly.

Who knows, as soon as we approached, but looked up, we accidentally scanned the screen of the computer screen tilted on the desktop.

I saw on the screen that a game screen was playing.

At first, Ling Dong thought that it was the company's latest game.

But after a closer look, it turned out not to be.

That's not just a simple game screen, there are many barrage flying on the screen, and other players' interaction.

Obviously, that's not a game, but a picture of the game being broadcast by the anchor.

In other words, the young master of his family, like Ling Bei, is addicted to live broadcast! !! !!

Lying tank--

A big slot for cockler! !! !!

Ling Dong felt like he had discovered a new continent--

Oh no--

It should be, feel like you're about to be killed!

As long as he thought about it, he actually saw that the young master was so naive and so unscrupulous, that Ling Dong felt threatened by his own life.

When Ling Dong was trembling, I didn't know what to say, when covering up my confusion.

Li Junyu's cold and dark eyes suddenly lifted from the screen.

At that moment, it was opposite to those dark ink pupils.

It was found that it was mixed with a lot, which made Ling Dong unclear about the coldness of the road.

"Big ... big master ..." Ling Dong's feet were soft, and his throat tightened subconsciously.

Li Junyu just glanced at him: "Notify the Ministry of Finance to come up with a budget plan within two days ..."

Ling Dong stunned, "Budget ... Master, what budget?"

Li Jun's eyes sank, and Liangliang said, "Starting a new live broadcast company requires a budget."

Ling Dong: "..."

[Before 22:20 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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