Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1024: Adultery

Chapter 1024: The Taste Of Adultery

"My request is only one ... Brother Jing, can I transfer my live broadcast account from the current platform to Longteng Live Broadcast?"

When the girl spoke, her eyes blinked unconsciously, and the bright apricot eyes twinkled.

As if ... as if falling into the eyes of money.

The girl thought very clearly. Anyway, it was discovered by Brother Jing anyway, so don't hide.

‘Long Teng’, as a leader in the live broadcast industry in Country S, has more audience traffic than this small platform now.

For the generous live broadcast, if the live broadcast room is moved to 'Long Teng', the audience traffic of her live broadcast room will also increase.

In order to make money, to live a good life for my mother, grandfather and grandmother.

Ruan Mengmeng is no longer the "Millet Worm" in Ruan Zhaotian's mouth.

She also began to learn to work hard and learn to make money.

Ruan Mengmeng's request was unexpected by Jing Yiyi.

He thought that the girl who had suffered that kind of thing would probably hold him crying and complain to him as he did.

Although Ruan Mengmeng didn't say anything, it is no secret that Master Li's wedding was cancelled.

He thought that Ruan Mengmeng might ask him to help and find Li Junyu back.

But no, nothing ... Ruan Mengmeng didn't mention his own pain.

Instead, they are active and plan for the future.

This cuteness makes Jing Yiyan's eyes dark.

The emotion that had long been hidden by him seemed to start to sprout again.

He naturally agreed to Mengmeng's request. The two said yes, and met at the company the next day.


The next day, later.

A strange topic suddenly dropped to the third place on Weibo.

# 待 我 长发 及腰 #

Some netizens couldn't understand and were curious about this topic, so they went in handily-

A look after you went in, obediently, it's really amazing ...

There are actually tens of millions of people discussing this topic.

[Who is my long hair and waist? 】

[Be my long hair and waist are cute girls? Is it a female star sponsored by the president of the Golden Lion Group? 】

[How can my family Jing Shao raise female stars? My family Jing Shao owns an entertainment company. Does he still need to raise female stars? Everyone of their golden lion's beautiful actress wants to sleep with him, does he still need to raise him? 】

[It's not foster, it's the sister of association. I found this video on my website, “Let me have long hair and waist”, she seems to be a woman, she does n’t use a voice changer, her voice is so cute ...]

[Hmm, what's the use of Meng? It must have seduced Jing Shao. Otherwise, why did Jing Shao repost her signing official Wei Weibo on Weibo, and followed her, @@ 她! I swear, Shao Jing and this ‘long hair and waist’ must be messy! 】

Many fans of Jing Yiyi are noisy under this topic.

After all, this morning, the Golden Lion Group suddenly announced in a high profile that it had signed a new game anchor.

The anchor ID is ‘Let me have long hair and waist’. Guanwei issued a signing announcement. By the way, congratulations to the anchor on the Longteng platform.

This was originally a sparse and ordinary thing. On such a large platform, Longteng did not know how many companies to sign up with every day.

But the strange thing is that for hundreds of years, the president of the Golden Lion Group, who has not been on Weibo for many years, the dream of thousands of girls-Jing Yizhen, Jing Dashao.

Actually logged in to his own Weibo and reposted this signing official Wei.

You know, since a certain entertainment event, Jing Yizhen came to power as the award presenter.

He was on Weibo and got a fan girl.

What is true, long-legged, more beautiful than a woman, overbearing president, and now has a template.

And this dream of thousands of girls has not only reposted Guan Wei, but also paid attention to the Weibo account of ‘Long Hair and Waist’.

And @ 待 我 has long hair and waist, a ‘smile’ expression.

I didn't say a word though.

However, many female fans who moved by the wind still captured the taste of JQ (traitor love) from that rare smile.

[Complete the update, see you tomorrow at 8 o'clock ~ tomorrow to go to the grave, if it is not updated at 8 o'clock it may be late, why?]

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[Recommends the author of "Love Sweet Wife: Ao Jiao Di Shao, gently pets" ~ is still a free pet article, you can go to see it ~ super beautiful]

(End of this chapter)

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