He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1536: Get married immediately (2)

"Daddy, Mommy!" Mimi finally looked away, calling out sweetly, already running away from Qi Qi, and came over and hugged Zhao Chuning's leg.

Zhao Chuning did not pick up the child, but subconsciously half-armed the child's back, bowed slightly to greet Father Tang, and smiled, "Hello. I'm sorry to disturb everyone, I'm here to take Mimi home."

"Isn't this Mimi's home, where else to take it?" Elder Tang said.

Zhao Chuning's breathing tightened.

But seeing that the old man's face was not serious, but he kept smiling, she couldn't figure out what it meant. The old man pointed to the sofa opposite, "All come, so sit down, don't stand."

Zhao Chuning looked around the crowd, and finally, his gaze fell on Tang Yi. In this kind of place where there are all strangers, and all the Tang family, she is somewhat at a loss if she can't get in as an outsider. At this moment, of course, Tang Yi is closest to her. She naturally looked at him in search, and wanted to ask him what he meant.

Tang Yi took her shoulders and compared, "Go and sit down."

Zhao Chuning hesitated for a moment.

Tang Yi lowered his head and whispered to her ears, "Here are all our family members inside and out. You want to take Mimi away like this. Do you think it's possible to break through?"


Zhao Chuning shook his head.

He laughed, "Will you go sit there?"

It's rare for her to be so well-behaved, and she took Mimi to sit down. She just wanted to hug Mimi on her lap, the old man suddenly said: "We have already negotiated and are going to send Mimi to study abroad. Miss Zhao, you must have heard of Lomis School, this school is The world’s highest-end and most advanced. It has the latest educational concepts and the strongest teachers. During this time, I have contacted the school manager, and receiving Mimi on the way is not a problem at all."

Zhao Chuning never expected that the old man was actually making such a plan. This is even more difficult for her to accept than letting Mimi stay in Tang's house or live with Tang Yi.

"No, I absolutely disagree with this proposal!" She looked firm, her eyes fixed on the old man. "I'm Mimi's mother, you want to discuss, and you should also discuss with me."

Mimi didn't know the seriousness of the matter at all, and just raised her head and asked her, "Mommy, why should I go abroad to study? Will there still be mommy when I go abroad?"

"Although there are no moms and dads abroad, they have the best teachers. Moreover, there will be many friends to accompany you, and the best aunt will take care of you." The old man replied Mimi.

When Mimi heard it, her small brows became a ball, "Although there is the best teacher, but without Daddy and Mommy, I would not go anywhere."

"Mimi is so good, we won't go anywhere." Zhao Chuning said, holding Mimi and got up, "Everyone, excuse me, Mimi and I will go back first."

She wanted to leave with Mimi.

However, before he took a step, he was stopped by two men in black.

Zhao Chuning's face changed. Before she could hold Mimi into her hands, Mimi had already been hugged away.

"Mimi!" Zhao Chuning exclaimed.

"Take the child out first!" The old man ordered, and the two of them walked outside the villa with the child in their arms.

"Mummy!" Xiao Yimi realized that she was panicking now. She waved her hands wildly, her voice was crying, "Mummy, Daddy!!"

"What are you doing?!" Tang Yi, who had been watching, originally wanted to figure out what the old man meant, so he didn't interrupt in time. But now, the situation seems to be getting worse.

Zhao Chuning wanted to chase out, but was stopped by someone.

She seemed to grab a life-saving straw, clutching Tang Yi's hand tightly, "Don't let them take Mimi! Don't let them take Mimi!"

Tang Yi was calmer than her, he still didn't believe that the old man could be so absurd as to send such a young child abroad. And still without his consent. He embraced her with one arm, clasped Zhao Chuning in his arms, and stared at the old man's eyes coldly, "Grandpa, don't mess around. Let them send the child back."

The old man sat on the sofa leisurely and said, "It is impossible to send it back. I sent a special plane, and I am waiting at the airport now. The school procedures are also completed by your brother in advance. You now have no second choice. ."

Tang Yu, who was named, pushed a pile of materials from the short table to Zhao Chuning and the others, "Miss Zhao, calm down and look at the school materials. Maybe you will change your mind."

When Tang Yu said this, he looked at Tang Yi meaningfully. Tang Yi's heart is even more suspicious. What kind of drama is this group of people playing here?

"No! I won't change my mind, I won't change my mind no matter what school!" Zhao Chuning retorted excitedly. In the ear, the cry of Mimi was still echoing.

With a sound, tearing her eardrums and pulling her nerves.

If Mimi were sent abroad, she would collapse.

She broke away from Tang Yi's hand, to rush out. Tang Yi hugged her hard, "Chu Chu, calm down!"

"I don't want Mimi to go. She doesn't know anyone abroad, Tang Yi, this is too cruel to her. I will go crazy..." She cried. The voice echoed in the hall, and it sounded heart-wrenching. The people on the side couldn't bear it in their eyes. The old man also became unstable and adjusted his sitting posture several times.

Her tears flowed down his neck, and Tang Yi felt his heart hurt. Hold her tighter, wipe her tears with the other hand, "They don't dare to have me here."

Tang Yi's words, as well as his fingers wiping tears, seemed to have magical powers, and could slightly calm the panic in her heart.

She can only hope Tang Yi now. She instinctively tugged his fingers firmly, as if a drowning person was tugging a driftwood, Tang Yi became her only support at this moment.

"It's ridiculous to go abroad, I don't agree. Grandpa, you immediately ask your people to send Mimi back!" Tang Yi's tone was extremely gloomy, his expression even more so.

"You still have the right to talk about the word'ridiculous' with us? No matter how ridiculous, what you have done so many years is ridiculous?" It was not the old man who responded, but Tang Shoulin. He scolded coldly, with a cold face, "Look at what you have done to make a girl get pregnant first when she is unmarried at a young age. If you are irresponsible, let's go and marry Liang Yan. Now again. Regret marriage! You are such a bastard!"

Tang Yi couldn't bear Tang Shoulin's reprimand, his face tense, and a deeper chill emerged. Before speaking, the old man also took the conversation and said, "Now if you want to send her abroad, you know that it is cruel? After all these years, she has only a mother, no father, and was jokes and bullied by her classmates, so she won’t be cruel? If you don’t want me to send her abroad, you can marry me right now!"

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