He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1267: Love beyond cure (1)

Tang Yu was surprised by her reaction, which attracted attention. His gaze pulled away from the notebook temporarily, and fell to her, "What's the matter?"

Song Zhixing originally wanted to silently withdraw the book containing the love letter Xi Nan gave her, but when he turned his head to see, the book was so undead at the moment that the book was pinched in his hand by his second uncle! Moreover, he was turning page by page without any haste.

Song Zhixing's heart hung up to his throat, and his heart was up and down. She didn't know what was wrong with herself, because there was nothing wrong with Xi Nan, so she felt guilty as if she had stolen love.

"Second uncle, I am going to write chemistry now. Or, you should pay me back that book first." Song Zhixing opened his mouth cautiously, pretending to be as calm as possible on the surface.

But who is Tang Yu? How could he not understand her reaction? Slightly raised her eyes and glanced at her, as if carelessly, and compared the other workbooks beside her under her jaw, "Write the other work first. This one will be checked immediately."

As he said, he turned the page slowly.

Every time it turned over, Song Zhixing's heart jumped once. Because she had found the love letter, just a few pages later. She is regretting now! Love letter, even if it is torn, why does she carry it in the book! Now it may not only be unsuccessful, but the second uncle will be caught on the spot.

Song Zhixing thought about it, and reached out to take back the workbook. However, Tang Yu reacted faster than her. With one stroke of her long arm, she rushed into the air. Song Zhixing was anxious, and immediately got up and rushed towards Tang Yu, grabbing his wrist with one hand and pressing his shoulder with the other, not allowing him to get up. Otherwise, with his height, she wouldn't be able to get it back!

She was thin and small, and Tang Yu was easy to deal with her. The long arms hugged her waist, gave her a light hug, and hugged her on her lap to sit down. Song Zhixing's legs were separated, and he refused to sit obediently. He straightened up, almost lying on him, reaching out to grab the notebook. Tang Yu patted her buttocks lightly, "Sit down."

Song Zhixing refused, knelt on the sofa, straightened his body, and looked down at him from above, "You should pay me back the notebook first."

"Is there anything in the book that I can't read?" Tang Yu asked. With her head hanging down, her long hair with a fresh fragrance swept over the tip of his nose, a little numb.

"...Nothing." Song Zhixing didn't dare to meet his eyes.

Only then did the words fall, as if they were specifically against her, the love letter suddenly fell from the book he held up. Song Zhixing clicked on her heart, and when she reacted and stretched out her hand to grab it, her other big palm had already taken the letter one step closer to her.

Tang Yu held the letter in his hand—it was a letter written in a pink envelope with a small red heart printed on the seal. This is something that only young people can play with. However, he also saw it at a glance, this is definitely not an ordinary letter, but a love letter.

died! This time it's dead! Song Zhixing was about to mourn for himself. Before Tang Yu opened, she should run away quickly.

"Second Uncle... Look slowly, I'm so sleepy, I'll write the rest of my homework tomorrow. I'm going to sleep." Song Zhixing said, pretending to be yawning, and got up to get away from Tang Yu's legs.

How can Tang Yu be so easy to deal with? The big palm held her hips, she might leave. Instead, he held the letter and glanced at her, "Who is it for? It hasn't been opened yet."

There was already some coldness in the voice. This little guy, just loves the trick of love letters?

"..." Song Zhixing bit her lip. Anyway, it has been discovered, and it can't hide from the first day of the junior high school or the 15th day. Thinking about it this way, she gave up and ran away, saying: "You can see it by yourself."

See for yourself?

Tang Yu suddenly remembered something, the coldness between his eyebrows, and suddenly moved away. In the deep and quiet eyes of the past, a wave of excitement appeared at this moment. He held the letter and said, "Written for me?"

"...?" Song Zhixing didn't react. What is written to him? Why did it become written to him?

However, her silence seemed to Tang Yu to be her acquiescence. This little thing actually wrote him a love letter! He originally thought that this kind of thing would never happen.

He was excited to take the love letter apart immediately. Song Zhixing came back to his senses and immediately squeezed his hand, "Second Uncle, wait a minute."

"Waiting for?"

"That's... I think there are still many things wrong with this letter." Song Zhixing has actually never opened this letter and read it. I don't know what Xi Nan wrote. She licked her lips, "I want to take it back and write another one."

"No, I think this is good." As long as it was written to him, even if she didn't make sense of her writing, he would also think it was good.

"You haven't watched it yet!"

"So, watch it now."

Song Zhixing was upset, and it seemed that it was impossible for his second uncle to return the love letter to himself. She had to run one step first. The hand was still pressed on the envelope, "Then can you wait for me to leave?"


"Second Uncle, have you confiscated a girl's love letter?"

"We adults, don't play with your children." Tang Yu replied and said righteously.

Song Zhixing was helpless, "Girls should be reserved too! It is very, very wrong for you to open your love letter in front of a girl like this."

Tang Yu looked at her and could see Song Zhixing beating the drums in his heart. However, in the end, Tang Yu, who was disturbed by this love letter, let go of her hand and said, "Okay, you go up to sleep, I will look for you later."

Song Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to show it at all. Just pretending to be calm, and slowly took his homework from the sofa and coffee table, and walked upstairs.

Every step is very elegant, slowly, without any flaws.

Best, he won't find himself tonight!

Tang Yu saw that she had already walked up the stairs before opening the envelope. The corners of his lips kept smiling faintly. Inside the envelope, there was a beautiful envelope paper, which he unfolded to read. There is no one's name in the first line, but the font is not that of that little girl. Tang Yuxin was suspicious. After reading a few lines, I saw, ‘Since I knew you wrote me a letter, but I didn’t receive it, I’ve always regretted it. It is said that the most feared mistake in life is to miss. I think, I may have committed such a mistake. At this time, Tang Yu had already determined that he had been fooled. His eyes quickly swept to the end, the word'Xi Nan' was written there impressively.

His expression suddenly sank. He was actually fooled by a little girl!

Song Zhixing didn't dare to look back the whole time, but when he heard movement behind him, he understood. As if there was a beast chasing after her, she screamed ‘ah’ and almost ran away.

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