He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1229: Love or passion? (2)

Chen Cheng suddenly got up again and gritted his teeth again. The classmates at the front and back tables couldn't help but project their gaze toward them no matter how serious they were. Song Zhixing grabbed Chen Cheng's hand uncomfortably and ran out of the classroom.

Chen Cheng's expression has not yet eased, "I will accompany you to the police station! Star, don't be afraid, I tell you, even if he is rich and powerful, he can't..."

"Cheng Cheng, calm down, it's not what you think." Song Zhixing cut off Chen Cheng's words.

"What's that like? You all..." She said halfway through, and said anxiously: "Yes, while the evidence is still there, let's go as soon as possible."

Seeing Chen Cheng fighting injustice and indignation on her behalf, Song Zhixing only felt more embarrassed, and the truth made her hard to tell.

"Cheng Cheng..." She squeezed Chen Cheng's hand, licked her lips arduously, and then said: "I volunteered..."

Chen Chengzhen was on the spot.

Staring at her incredulously, "You...what did you say?"

"That's what you heard, I volunteered. He didn't force me." Song Zhixing repeated. She felt the heaviest when she was telling lies, but at this moment, she realized that it turned out to be so uncomfortable to confess the truth. However, hearing Chen Cheng scolded him for beasts and beasts, she didn't feel any better in her heart.

It took a long while for Chen Cheng to recover from this huge shock. She still felt a little messy in her mind. After organizing the language for a long time, she cautiously said: "That...star, I said before that Loli and Uncle are very good. But... that's just joking with you, don't you take this seriously, right?"

"I do not have……"

"Yes, your second uncle is very good. But... don't you still call him second uncle? This generation and status are just there. Also, don't you say that he is your aunt's fiancé? Why are you..." It was so shocked that Chen Cheng squatted. She never expected that she would do such an extraordinary thing.

"You also think it's ridiculous, right?" Song Zhixing stared at the scenery in front of him, pressed his hands on the railing, loosened, and clenched again. The breathing tightened, "I also think it's ridiculous. Chengcheng, you say... how could I be so scared with me and so shunned by the second uncle to this point?"

Her voice was cold and heavy, as if she was asking Chen Cheng, but also as if she was talking to herself.

After a while, she turned her face away, her eyes flushed with tangled pain, "You said I... am I psychopathic? I always treat him as an uncle..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly couldn't continue. The voice was trembling. When the wind blew, it sounded broken.

The look of self-doubt and self-contempt made Chen Cheng feel sour.

"Star, then do you like him?"

Like it?

Chen Cheng asked Song Zhixing for this question. Because this is a question she has never thought about. In other words, the answer to this question has always been clear. She hates him! She had never concealed her aversion to him before, so she didn't need to think about it.

But what about now?

"I don't know..." She shook her head indiscriminately, like a child thrown in the mist, her eyes were confused, "I don't know anything. I only know that I now... don't seem to hate him as much as before. Up."

Chen Cheng clasped her shoulders, "Xingxing, since you just don't hate him so much, then you should calm down and don't mistake passion and dependence for love!"

"Passion and dependence?" Song Zhixing repeated these four words nerdy.

"Yes, I think you are just passion and dependence on him! You grew up without father and mother, and a little Electra complex. This is normal. Besides, your second uncle is still so good." Chen Cheng calmly analyzed to her. "A man like him who is mature and stable, and has experience and tolerance, can easily confuse girls. I don't think these have anything to do with love. You are just bewildered by him for a while! The matter is not revealed. Fortunately, if you let your aunt know this, then it will be too late to regret it!"

Song Zhixing recalled uncontrollably the nightmare he had had last night, and his face turned pale.

She doesn't want it!

She didn't want anyone to know about her and second uncle! She couldn't bear all the betrayal.

"Then what should I do?" Song Zhixing looked at her for help. The authorities are fascinated, she is a little at a loss.

Chen Cheng thought for a while, "I think you should keep a distance from your second uncle. Stars, you are right to move out! You are calm and calm, and your dependence on him will surely fade away. At that time, I will never be confused by him again."

Is that right?

Song Zhixing also hoped that he was really only bewildered by him for a short time. Otherwise, even she herself would look down upon herself.


When she returned to the classroom, her cell phone rang right at this moment. Song Zhixing looked at the word'Second Uncle' displayed on the screen, and his heart trembled.

Has he arrived in country S? It should have landed safely!

All kinds of thoughts in her mind jumped out, almost wanting to listen to his phone immediately, but in the end, biting her lip, as if made up her mind, she pressed the mute button heavily on the phone and put it in the drawer.

Tang Yu has never been a stalker, and he is also very busy, so after the call was unanswered, he never called again.

All day long, Song Zhixing was lying on the desk with his head drooping, lacking energy at all. She was thinking about Chen Cheng's words seriously-if she wanted to reject the confusion of her second uncle and keep her distance from her second uncle, she would definitely move out of the Tang family villa. But, will the second uncle allow it?

The last time I turned the house upside down, it was only two days after I moved out.

"Xingxing, let's go, go to dinner. Xi Nan might be waiting for us now!" After class, Chen Cheng didn't even care to put his schoolbag back into the bedroom, pulling Song Zhixing away. It was unbearable that she was listless all day today.

Song Zhixing responded and followed Chen Cheng out of the school. The driver of the Tang family, Lao Mo, was already waiting at the school gate.

"Uncle Mo, can you send us to Pingnan Road." After getting in the car, Song Zhixing said the address.

Lao Mo didn't ask much, so he turned the car to Pingnan Road.

Xi Nanding's seat is in a seafood buffet restaurant on Pingnan Road. Of course, this restaurant is not for Tang Yu and others on the pyramid, but it is already very luxurious for ordinary people.

"There! There!" As soon as Chen Cheng entered, he saw Xi Nan sitting by the window.

Song Zhixing looked in the direction of her fingers. After a while, Xi Nan remained unchanged. The big boy in a white school uniform is clean and white under the dazzling light of the restaurant. It's like the prince charming only in the comics.

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