Hero’s Creed

Chapter 980: 1 saint, 1 empress!

In the big conference hall, the quietness was a bit scary, and all eyes were on Patton, trying to see him through.


   "The three imperial princesses all worship Downton? I should have heard it wrong!"


   "Damn, is this guy going to be a princess killer? Isn't it enough to marry a Sissi?"


   "What's going on with the King of Brittania? It is said that this country has the most **** guys, does he look Downton? Want to **** his ass?"


   The delegates of various countries communicated with their eyes, and there was no clue at all. The door opened when everyone did not know how to relax the atmosphere of the venue.


  The saint lily dressed in a moon-white sacrificial robe walked in.


  When I saw the saint, I stood up and bowed, even if Heinrich was no exception. After all, in this kind of public occasion, Sacred Lily represents the face of the Holy Flame!


   "His Royal Highness, what do you tell me?"


   Someone went out and asked.


   "Don't dare to be commanded. On behalf of the Holy Flame, I applaud the election of Duke Downton as the first NATO leader!"


   The clear voice of St. Lily fell, the audience representative dumbfounded, and looked down at Downton subconsciously, this guy He Dehe can actually let the Holy See come forward.


   "Is the Holy See not always interfering in the affairs of countries?"


   The representative of the Jutland faction said, there is a bit of resentment to hear it.


   "An important organization such as NATO has a major impact on the stability of the northern part of the Western Continent, and our Guangyan Holy See naturally does something within our power."


   Say Lily said beautifully. But the delegates understand that this is the Holy See foresaw the future and does not want Heinrich to grow bigger. In turn, it suppresses the divine power, so it helps to cultivate the forces of friendly parties.


  Imperial power and divine power are also naturally independent. The Holy See doesn't want Heinrich to control the northern region in the future. They must rely on the charity of others to survive. They must have the right to speak.


   "But why choose Downton?"


  Inzaghi's question is also the doubt of everyone. How can Downton do it? I heard that this guy is a wild Templar. There are only a handful of times to pray in church.


   "He was an epiphany genius, even though he was just a Templar. But he has mastered several priest-level magic skills!"


   St. Lily walked to Downton.


   Everyone was silent, and the saint was talking about facts, so that they suddenly discovered that Downton was willing to be the loyal dog of the Holy See. Immediately he will get a huge position, no, he no longer needs it, and now the Holy See is actively throwing olive branches at him.


   "Hello, Her Royal Highness!"


   Downton salutes.


"You're welcome, I am here to announce to you at the command of the Holy See, because your outstanding performance has been verified by the Cardinal Academy. The Pope decided to grant you the holy sword and oak leaf badge, the holy flame knight badge and title, and the archbishop's Honorary title!"


   St. Lily's right hand turned over, and two boxes appeared in the palm of his hand and opened. On the red magic cloth, there are two badges representing the Templar Wu Xun and the glory.




   Delegates looked at the two badges and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The holy sword and oak leaf badges and the title of Archbishop are a honor, but the holy flame knight badge is different. To get it means to be recognized by the Holy See. The upper middle class who entered the Holy See.


Now Downton has not only received a piece of mining, he can receive a high salary every year, but most importantly, he has the right to mobilize a knighthood under 3,000 at will. All cities can take effect!


   Armed forces are always the guarantee of the existence of the ruling class. Downton can lead the troops, which represents the Holy See of the Holy See.


  Know that any holy flame knight is a loyal believer of the light flame, and there is absolutely no possibility of betrayal. Downton can get this position, showing how rich the interest sent by the Holy See is.


   "This badge is not a decoration, it is a legendary magic jewelry that can increase the magic power and soul power worn, heal the wound..."


   Shengli's tone is like talking to an old friend.


   "Thank you!"


   Without St. Lily's explanation, look at the envious eyes of the representatives of various countries. Downton also knows how great this badge is impossible to buy on the market.


  Someone moved the chair for the Virgin, and she naturally sat down. Even if you didn't like this occasion, you had to complete the task assigned by the Pope.


   calmed down again in the hall, and the targets of the delegates drifted to Heinrich from time to time. The current situation seems a bit bad.


Of the nine empires, apart from the orcish empire, elven empire, and true monstrous empire, did not participate in the Northern Conference, and excluding Saint Jutland, three of the remaining five actually supported Downton, and now even the first religion of the Western Territory Shot.


   Suddenly, the delegates discovered that Downton had changed from a fish to a **** giant shark, and directly qualified for the position of speaker.


   "Heinrich's St. Judeland, Kuta Magus Empire, Twilight Empire, against Lombardy, Brittania, and Saint Laurent supporting Downton, the Holy See, hehe, there is a good show!"


   "At present, Downton is dominant, but he is not as capable as Heinrich!"


  Just as the delegates guessed that the situation was developing, a team of orcs walked into the big conference hall.


   "Sorry, the road is far away, we are late!"


   delegates frowned. Although humans and orcs are at peace now, and only have small-scale war conflicts in some areas, tens of thousands of years of ethnic grievances make them dislike these guys.


   "Which northern parliament, we recognize Heinrich elected!"


   The Lion Lion from the orc royal family opened his mouth, waiting for everyone to digest the meaning behind this news, and someone came again, this time, the whole audience was in an uproar.


   "Neither the elven empire borders with the north, so what is the excitement?"


   "Obviously came to support Heinrich!"


   "It's really hidden. I don't think that without Downton, Heinrich will never reveal his good relationship with the elves."


   Representatives whispered. The arrogance of the Great Elf Empire is well known, and they look down on any race. I think that I am the first higher race in the West, but now I recognize Heinrich's status. I have to say, really sincere!


  Heinrich looked calm and seemed to win the ticket, but there was already anger in his heart, these two cards. He didn't want to fight.


   "Five to four, Downton is almost!"


   The elven empire is too far away. But after all, it is one of the nine empires with outstanding influence. As for the orcs, it is adjacent to the northern border. If Heinrich made the speaker, with their relationship, then the border can be at least peaceful for several years.


   "Delegates, the election results are already obvious, Heinrich was elected as the first one with absolute advantages..."


  Wait for the host of the meeting to finish, a blue robin flew into the hall. It had a beautiful tail, and it was beautiful and unrecoverable.


   "Your Highness!"


   The messenger of the Twilight Empire quickly got up, this is the devil servant of Princess Lion. He did not dare to neglect.


   "Tiran Snow Princess told me to speak, the Twilight Empire recognized the status of the Northern Conference, and proposed Downton as the first NATO leader!"


  The robin fell on the long table. Stretching his chest and taking a few steps, he finished proudly, and fluttered another one, turned and flew away, and even Dilanxue's fiance, Heinrich, didn't take care of himself.


   "What? I heard correctly? Dilan Xue chose Downton as the speaker?"


   "Should I say the name of Heinrich?"


   "When did Downton know Lion Ji?"


   There was a huge discussion in the big conference hall. The delegates all have incredible expressions on their faces. Dilan Xueke and Sissi are different. Because she holds the king's scepter, her words and deeds can determine the future international situation of the Western Continent.




Heinrich, who had always been calm and restrained, lost his calmness for the first time and stood up in a puff. He looked at the robin who had left, thinking a little, and for a moment, he even suspected that his hearing had appeared. problem.


   "Hey, hello, Downton won't get Dilan Xue, wear a green hat for Heinrich, right?"


   "What nonsense? How could His Highness Lion Lion be the kind of person?"


"Whether it is right or not, in the meetings attended by the northern countries, publicly supporting another man means that there is a problem between her and Heinrich, saying that this is the most suitable couple in a thousand years, I It’s not necessary to see the parties!"


   Deputies peeked at Heinrich's look and could see that this empire's star of hope is ugly. This scene is probably to become the black history he is most unwilling to mention.


   "Now it's four to five, Downton is better!"


   Delegates are ready to see how Heinrich responds.


   "Shut up all!" Heinrich suddenly shouted, unconsciously using God's Word, the mouth of the audience was like being sewn together, directly closed together, unable to make any sound.


   "Tell me, what's going on?"


  Heinrich stared at the diplomat of the Twilight Empire, and looked like a falcon, piercing his heart.


The diplomat did not know that it was already sweating heavily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, he was directly bearing the majesty of Heinrich's soul. Even if he was the Dragon Slayer, he didn't stand it, and his eyes were straight and he was fainted. past.


"calm down!"


   St. Lily spreads the light of calm, appeases Heinrich's irritable and unbalanced soul. If he does something irreversible in his anger, it will be bad.


   "I'm calm!"


  Heinrich returned a sentence, looked at Downton, and found that he was also a confused expression, so he was relieved a little, he knew that this was not disguise.




  Heinrich didn’t want to stay anymore, and walked out of the hall after he finished.


   "I need an explanation!"


  Cici came to Downton, looked at his eyes, and asked in a low voice. The diplomats of Brittania and Saint Laurent also came over, curious.


   Di Lanxue is famous for any man, and even Heinrich has not received her approval, but she actually elected Downton as the speaker...


"how could I know?"


   Downton smiled bitterly.


  Just as Sissi wanted to question, the guards shouted suddenly outside.


   "Defense in the whole city, a huge fleet came to kill!"   




(To be continued) [This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Group @麒麟迹] If you like this work, please come to the official website to support the author.

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