Hero’s Creed

Chapter 656: Title of Dragon Slayer

"Fire Crow explodes!"

Downton's right finger sky, fire clouds formed, followed by a flame of condensation crows flew out of the clouds, shot at Smaug.

The self-explosive crow swept the dragon like a migratory locust, and immediately hit a violent explosion. The orange-red flames churned, completely drowned the enemy, and swarmed all around again.

The whole world, a sea of ​​fire, the hot high temperature melted the floor, making it as soft as a mud.

One of Smaug's powerful wings immediately blasted away the flames, forming a safe zone. His huge head flicked away, and in the breath of dragon's breath, five magic circles formed in front of him.

call out! call out! call out!

The magic circle was like a volley of hundreds of crossbow vehicles, and countless flame spears rushed to Downton, covering the sky.

The Red Dragon King is a fire attribute, and he is best at flame magic. It thinks Downton is only excellent in magic defense. It is not expected that it is a flame immunity. After all, the entire continent may not be one for thousands of years. , You can definitely bombard him.

Besides, Smaug’s strong strength is completely a crushing stance. Before eating, he will not consider tactical issues at all. This is just like human beings can kill whatever they want when facing ants. It will not waste time to make a careful plan.

Downton knew that Smaug's contempt was that he could fight for the guarantee of the Sapphire's bondage. To confuse it, he opened all the magic shields, and the top of the head was moving against the stars, reflecting the flame spear madly.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton let the magic shield intercept very little magic, always kept on the verge of breaking, and at the same time rushed to Smaug, the storm hammer threw continuously.

The spear slammed into Downton's body, and then shattered into sparks without any damage. There was no pain, so he charged with no scruples.


Twilight God's Word launched, and the curse was involved, and a large pool of blood was spit out directly, even the skin was a little dry.

Smaugosau had the invisible law of power flashing, and then bound. It was like a swimming fish covered by a fishing net. His body stiffened, lost his balance, and slammed on the floor.

Downton rushed and punched hard.


boom! boom! boom!

Countless burning fists fell like a meteorite, slamming towards Smaug's head, sparks fluttered in the roar of the sky, and its skin burst. Blood bleeds from the corner of the fragile eye.

"Downton, take the axe!"

Homer threw out the broken pieces.

Downton caught it, twisted his arms directly, and the giant windmill was cut out.

In a circle of blades of light, Downton approached, and Smaug, unable to move, could only watch as the reptile slashed into his own eyes.


Severely tearing his nerves, Smaug broke free, and slapped Downton on the ground with a slap. Spit directly towards him.

This time the Dragon Breath brought the soul of origin, is the most pure and top fire flame. Not to mention turning the enemy into ashes, even the soul will be burned to death.

"Damn reptile, this is the end that offends me!"

Smaug's ability to fight is indeed excellent. His fragile eyeball was hit by the giant windmill in front of him. He didn't go blind, but his vision was temporarily affected. But the enemy's souls were annihilated, enough to vent this bad breath.

Just as Smaug loosened his claws to get to know other annoying bugs, a figure shot out of the sea of ​​dragon breath and the axe slashed.

"Why are you still alive?"

Smaug was shocked. There was a brief stunned god. For Downton, this was a big flaw.

Giant windmill, hit 50 times!

Downton's battle axe shot out, slashing on Smaug's eyeball.

what! The King of the Red Dragon screamed, its lens broke, and finally it went blind.

"Damn, I was injured by a reptile, yes, you are immune to fire, otherwise I can't sustain my magic."

Smaug roared, slapped his paws towards Downton, and then completely instinctively spit out another dragon breath.

There is no way, it is the property of fire from birth, and the world has relied on the magic of the fire system. For tens of thousands of years, this habit has been deeply ingrained, and it cannot be changed at once, not to mention that in the case of extreme anger, it naturally chooses The best way to attack.

Paradise Ballista!

Downton slammed into the flame demon's hand in Smaug's other eye, then was shot by the dragon's claws, the meteor generally fell to the ground, but he didn't give up, the tomahawk waved, and the three-shot heaven cross cut off Its unblinded eyes.

"I'm going to kill you, imprison your soul, and make you a slave forever!"

Smaug roared and wanted to continue to hunt down, but the delay caused the blue treasure lion to escape the imprisonment of the dragon cocoon and stopped it in time.


Downton hit the floor, and with the defense of the mountain barriers and steel skin, he was badly injured. He broke several ribs without saying anything, and vomited blood.

Xia Luo quickly treated him, and Juliet and Sissi ran over to help him.

"Head, you can blind Smaug's eyes, you are absolutely famous!"

Looking at the dragon blood contaminated on Downton, Su Ya and Batty admire nothing more, at this moment, they are sincerely convinced, and following this master, they will never be wronged.

"You are amazing."

Sissi praised her and supported Downton, feeling the hot body temperature from her palms, her heart beating faster and blushing.

"I want to slaughter the dragon too!"

Walnut, who was fighting the Yalong, grumbled and complained to Downton.


Downton pushed away two girls, waved a blessing, and stood in front of the team again, ready to intercept Smaug at any time.

"It's still close!" Twilight looked at Di Maria and the ghost hunter. "Are you sure you want to continue to paddle?"

Although Twilight's tone was dull, the two super beasts heard heavy majesty in it, just like the soul of coercion when facing the superior lord super beast, which made people unconsciously tremble.

"let me try!"

The man had to bow his head under the eaves. When Downton's fierce gaze moved, Di Maria directly lifted the two Yalongs as human flesh mace and killed Smaug.

The ghost hunter also shot and began a sneak attack.

The crystal dragon's face was blue and red, but he threw himself out. She knew that it was Twilight because of Sissi's relationship, and she gave herself a face, so she didn't blame her face.

Firebird flew from Downton and joined the battle group again.

"What is the origin of this girl?"

Seeing the three-headed super beast re-enter the battle, they began to do their best, and everyone stared at Twilight. This king's momentum is like an emperor.

"It's still too slow, Xia Luo, do you want to shoot?"

Twilight is still dissatisfied with the game. If you drag it too long, there will be more variables, and Smaug’s avatar will die. The Red Dragon King will definitely feel it, so you have to spare effort to deal with it.

Xia Luo nodded. With a dagger, his finger was cut, a drop of blood flowed out, and then in the glorious red, the blood turned into blood mist, and a majestic giant wolf was killed and slammed into Smaug.

Everyone turned their attention to Homer, but this time the ancient magical book known as the Encyclopedia, which was well-known and widely known, could not say why this time.

The giant wolf servant summoned by Xia Luo. Homer doesn't know it either, but its combat power is definitely not lower than that of Sapphire. Definitely beyond the crystal dragon and ghost hunter, as soon as this new force joined the battlefield, Smaug immediately lost and was beaten down.

"The big picture is set!"

Downton breathed a sigh of relief. If it were not for the Vulcan mode, Smaug rushed over just now. My team was destroyed. Speaking of it, the King of Red Dragon was too bad, but Downton, who was immune to fire, could kill him directly. Without his interception, other people will be killed in an instant. When the master control is lost, these super beasts will also leave and win the battle.

"A grand marshal is so hard to tangle. Isn't the legendary class even more terrifying?"

Old cloth murmured, today he saw what is called high-end fighting.

"Nonsense, the entire Western soil continent can be counted by a slap in the legendary order. The Grand Marshal is already the cornerstone of a country's town, and every empire may fall apart and an empire may fall apart."

Su Ya rolled her eyes and never saw such a lack of common sense. Why did the troll millennium empire be destroyed? Isn't it that the two-thirds of the Grand Marshal who died in the jihad led to the destruction of the country?

"Okay, killing only the avatar created by the soul, Smaug will also be hit hard. You can take the opportunity to kill it, and then the reputation of the dragon slayer will spread throughout the Western Continent."

Oak shouted excitedly.

"Why do not you go to hell?"

Downton cursed angrily. After seeing the mighty power of the Grand Marshal, he vowed to see the strong man in the future and hurried around.

There was no suspense in the battle. Under the siege of several super beasts, Smaug, who was seriously injured, found that he was invincible and wanted to steal it. As a result, he was chased by the firebirds and launched a fatal blow to win the faucet. It was a little breath.

"How to divide the dragon's body?"

Sissi wants a few teeth and scales, but this is the first time he has participated in a team fight, and the first time he has got a loot, he must keep a memorial.

"Quick, quick, distribute the loot later, go to light the furnace to open the secret channel." Twilight stood up under the help of Juliet, and the avatar died. Smaug would definitely feel that if it collided with it, the team No doubt.

"Lead the way!"

Downton urged that the idiot Oak actually let out the frustration that he had accumulated for thousands of years in his roar, not knowing what to do.


Oaker gave Donton a glance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he also knew that it wasn't the time to quarrel, so he took Donton and his party to hurry.

"Who wants what part of the dragon's body, sign up in advance!"

Downton shouted. He knew that after the war, he must be rewarded, so as to improve morale, and then it would be fine if he did not affect the hurry.

"I want a faucet, I want to hang it on the bedroom wall."

The little walnut is not polite, but this thing is a bit big for the decoration of specimens.

"I want a few teeth and scales."

Although every part of the dragon's body is a precious potion, which can sell hundreds of millions of gold coins, Sissi doesn't care.

"I am the same as the princess."

Su Ya raised her hand, and Batty hesitated, and also spoke, the same teeth, he would wear them and make a pendant. (To be continued...)

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