Hero’s Creed

Chapter 641: Princess Melancholy

"Of course, Fletcher's uncle is a strong fifth-order dragon. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test" The adventurer's voice shuddered, looking at Bentner, "What shall we do?"

With Fletcher's death, the elemental giant martial arts disappeared, and the demon servant who lost his master wailed, hesitated, and left.

revenge? Don't laugh, as Warcraft, it feels very keen, it feels a strong breath from Downton, and it's too late to run.

"I remember, are you Sissi?"

Bentner tapped his head, suddenly realized that he looked at Sissi expectantly and unexpectedly.


The adventurers were stunned.

"Nonsense, of course the Bavarian Princess!"

Bentner gave his companions a blank glance, and in his capacity, he was not eligible to see the princess, but he had the privilege of seeing a dv crystal, shooting a video of Sissi's vacation in Venice, because it was a sneak shot, so it was too far away It was not very clear, he didn't recognize it for the first time.

"No? Why don't you have a guard?"

The adventurers do not believe it. With Sissy's distinguished identity, they will always shout back and forth no matter where they go. How can the bodyguard Yun Cong be with a strange young man?

If it spreads, how big a scandal is this?

An active adventurer secretly took out the dv crystal and wanted to photograph the two men.

Downton frowned and pulled out the Krupp gunpowder to shoot the male.


Before the adventurers understood what was going on, they saw the dv crystal bang fall, and the filming man screamed with his shattered right hand.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, if I'm here, I can live in town!"

Bentner signaled everyone to be calm.

"Those aren't Xueman?"

Downton pointed to Fletcher's companions. Slowly reload the gunpowder.

"They are Rhine!"

Bentner explained.

"This man took the lead in attacking and was killed by me. If his uncle is dissatisfied, let him come to me."

Downton did not want Sissy to get into trouble. Not good for her reputation.

"No. You are to protect me!" Sissi refused, crossing Downton to the adventurers. "I am Princess Sissi of Bavaria. I am solely responsible for everything that happens here. Let the uncle come to me!"


The adventurers clamored. Staring at Cici, the excitement shivered a little, this famous Bavarian rose, one of the two most beautiful girls on the Western Turkish continent.

Several adventurers ran a few steps to find Sissi's signature, but then glanced down at Downton, who stood aside, and stunned. Who knows if this'violent' guy will kill himself?


Downton reproached, what did you do with your name? He also intends to clean up these miscellaneous fish.

"Call me Sissi!"

The princess was dissatisfied and smirked.

The adventurous screams of repression came out again, and the gaze hovered over the two persons. Guess their relationship.

"The relationship is so intimate, won't it be a couple?"

"It shouldn't be, Sissi is a pure princess. How could it be mixed with a man?"

"How to explain the current situation? No matter what, this is definitely big news."

The adventurers whispered, watching Downton's eyes full of envy and jealousy.

Who is Princess Sissi? The daughter of Lombardy Union, Maximilian II, one of the nine empires, the most beloved daughter of the entire continent, the first beautiful girl in the continent, the first beautiful girl in the continent, married her man, immediately worth more than 10 billion, when the princess was in power Later, she can also assist her as a prince, and her power has reached its peak.

The easiest way to become the first life winner on the mainland is to marry Sissi,

"This **** lucky guy!"

Even Bentner, who had always felt confident and felt omnipotent, cursed Downton at the moment.

"How? Know the charm of Princess Ben!"

Sissy chuckled, as if the flowers were blooming, it seemed that the dark world was dyed with colorful colors at once. She secretly poked Downton's waist, and her white chin lifted, showing a proud smile. .

In fact, Sissi is making fun of her face, although she is a princess, but with Downton and her party, she has a lot of pressure. Whether it is Twilight, Charlotte, or Walnut, they are all geniuses, which makes her huge. Frustration, let alone the beauty of the sage wolf is not inferior to her, even the maid Juliet is also very beautiful.

For the safety of her daughter, Maximilian gave her a legendary treasure that can dismantle all illusions and disguises to prevent someone from assassinating Sissi after the change. After all, in this world, there are many magic clothes and even potions that can be changed. It can make an assassin a close person who assassinates the target.

Through this treasure, Sissi found out that Twilight took some unknown potion to become the present mediocre extreme.

"She may be beautiful, she may be famous, but she disguised herself only because she was worried about unnecessary trouble."

Sissi always has a feeling of acquaintance with twilight, mainly because her sky blue eyes are so beautiful, like the stars of summer night.

"She shouldn't be Dilan Xue?"

When Sissi was born, she had everything. No matter where she went, she was the center of the world and the most eye-catching princess. She was very happy and contented. She always felt that she was the happiest girl in the world, but she saw her After Shi Ji, although she didn't want to admit it, she knew she was being compared.

"If you do this again, I will become the enemy of men all over the world."

Downton sighed helplessly, Sissy's charm was really unparalleled. Looking at those adventurers, they all had a fascinated expression, even if they had a favorite Charlotte, but they were a little careful.

"Humph!" Sissi snorted slightly, and then lowered her voice and asked, "What do these people do?"

"Leave the Xueman and kill the Rhine!"

Downton looked at the rhinemen who were like a startled bird, and he remembered the siege and coercion of the green day adventure group from Rhine when he was in the lava secret realm, so he didn't like these guys at all.

"His Royal Highness, we are not malicious!"

With Downton's current strength, he simply disdains to hide. So the voice was so ordinary that the people of Rhine heard it, and then his face changed greatly, clarifying to Sissi. Longing for forgiveness.

"You just launched the offensive just now. Now that you are not as good as you are, you put on the face of the victim. Don't you feel shameful?" Sissy frowned. "I didn't forget, you need to find Uncle Fletcher." Die us."

"No, how dare we do this?"

The adventurers cry without tears. Uncle Fletcher doesn't want to take revenge anymore. How far can I run? Compared with Sissy's guard, it's just scum.

"We will never report the news!"

The adventurers made a guarantee, and at the same time their eyes were cruising, and they began to retreat slowly, wanting to distance themselves.

"Xueman. The group destroyed this adventure group, otherwise you will die with them."

Downton didn't want to wait, and threatened.


The Xueman were thankful that they had stopped Bentner just now, and did not rob Sissi. I thought I had escaped, and I was dumbfounded when I heard this.

"Boy, don't think it's great to have a princess on her back!" Under the death crisis, an adventurer broke out, "Princess Sissi, I always thought you were pure, but now it seems that it is no different from a woman with a heart like a viper."

"So much nonsense!"

Downton shook his hand, the elements were condensed in the crackling blue lightning, and a two-meter-long storm hammer was formed, and then he hit the guy who spoke badly.

The Rheinians scattered like birds and beasts, and the wicked man opened the shield, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the attack. Before he was relieved, three storm hammers came and hit him.

boom! boom! boom!

The first shot shattered the shield, and the last two shots hit the wicked man, blasting his upper body into a rotten flesh.


"What's wrong? Hurry up and kill these people!"

"It's a great honor to fight for the death of Princess Sissi, fight!"

The Xueman shouted and rushed to the Rhine. In fact, in their hearts, they were still more afraid of Downton, and they were afraid of being killed by him, so only if they became accomplices would they have a chance to survive.

As for killing, as long as you are an adventurer, there is no pressure. After all, this is a world of weak meat and strong food. Who hasn't got blood on his hands?

Downton charged, and immediately caught up with the Rhine, and then the warhammer waved, strangling out the blood and shattered corpses.

All of Tu Long's first order were killed by Downton, not to mention these ruling orders. Under his hands, he couldn't even support a single move.

It's not that there is no talent magic to intercept Downton. Unfortunately, all of them are engulfed and reflected by the liquid mass. Under the protection of the fighting star shift, he can be said to be the enemy that the legal profession does not want to face.

Now that the hands were on, the Xueman people were spared. They worked hard and wanted to be appreciated by Sissi so that they could be mixed. Unfortunately, the speed of the killing of a group of people couldn't keep up with Downton and could not help being discouraged.

"Well, I can do that." Bentner was still bragging, but the result was an inadvertence, and he ran away after being teleported by the enemy on the opposite side. "My Emperor Polo, come back to me!"

Bentner chased his legs wildly, but did not run two steps. Dozens of azure heavy punches fell from the sky, breaking the unlucky egg into a pool of minced meat.


An adventurer took the space ring and perfect two-handed sword on Fletcher's body and handed it to Sissi.


Siqian didn't look down on these things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She put them away to show that she and Downton are in the same position.


After glancing at the dead bodies, Downton released the Green Devil and turned his horse.

Sissi also rode her unicorn, and as she should have, envyed her again.

"It was actually a hot nightmare in the abyss, and it must have been given to him by the princess."

The adventurers are reluctant to admit that Downton is a noble and rich person, otherwise their last sense of superiority will be destroyed, so they would rather make up this guy is a civilian, because of his handsome appearance and excellent strength, he won Qian Qian's appreciation.

Downton disdain to explain, running wildly.

"Hurry up!"

Bentner greeted his companions, and the two came from the altar area. Obviously, they had received the Holy Ring of Wrath of the Lonely Mountain. It was useless to go by themselves. It is better to follow Sissi to see if there is any chance to please her.

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