Hero’s Creed

Chapter 638: The blood of dawn, the dragon slaughter!

In the center of the altar of dark energy, Downton's body collapsed and was going to death!

"Are you going to die? Okay, go and experience the underworld!"

The first element gazed down at Dunton through the pages of the magic book and sighed deeply. Apart from that, there was no more radical action.

Downton is the host. Once he dies, Shalomanda also wants to dissipate his soul. However, at this moment, it shows the courage of being a lava mystery vulcan, and greets the arrival of death indifferent. Then we must bear the consequences of this decision.

In the final analysis, the first element was also eager to return to the peak, before agreeing to Downton's risk-taking behavior. A strong man like it has always been heads-up, fighting with other super beasts, which really made it feel dignified.

"Aunt, is there really no way?"

Sissi was about to cry, and pulled the wings of the crystal dragon.

"No way, his soul started to crumble."

The crystal dragon shook his head, this world is not without treasures and treasures, but it is too rare, not to mention that even if there are, it is impossible to appear here for emergency.

All around suddenly fell silent, Homer and his team stared at Downton silently, whispering and praying!

Downton's body continued to crumble, but when his chest disappeared by a third and his heart was exposed, it suddenly jumped violently.




Like the sound of war drums resounding in the ancient battlefield, Downton's heart was more and more powerful, and a ray of white light was like a sharp blade, showing through the heart. Then visible to the naked eye, the light turned golden.

"What's going on? Is there a turnaround?"

Cheap God is excited.

"It seems to be bloodline power?"

Homer is not sure.

"I have never heard of the power of blood that is immune to life and death!"

Although Crystal Dragon doesn't believe it. But it seems that a miracle is happening.

The golden light is soft and dull, full of life force, overflowing from the heart, like the silk spit out of the silkworm, wrapped up Dunton.

A lush foliage, like the projection of the Soul Tree of the Optimus Giant Umbrella, appears behind Downton. The endless sea of ​​flowers ripples with the radiance of soul power, madly absorbing the energy transformed by the hand of creation. Then transform into the essence of higher energy, repair the master's body.

"Soul tree projection? What is the origin of this kid?"

Crystal Dragon exclaimed, but things that made her even more stunned were still behind.


As if a stone had fallen into the calm lake, the layers of ripples blocked it, and a golden light cluster appeared in front of Downton.

In addition to Sissi, in the eyes of the strong birds like Firebird, you can see the light mass. I gave birth to a soul seed.

"Quick, throw these magic diamonds in!"

Without any hesitation, Homer gave all the magic diamonds on his body to Firebird and let it smash into the altar area. Downton now needs vast energy, only the dark energy well is not enough.

Firebird immediately followed suit. Then exit, staring down at Downton closely, waiting for the miracle to come.


Under the irrigation of sufficient energy, it seems that the silver bottle suddenly broke the water slurry, and a seedling of the soul tree suddenly burst the seed coat. Sprouts breed!

"It's impossible, how could it be a twin soul tree. Its birth rate is only one in a billion, and only a few extremely rare bloodlines can be bred. On the entire western soil continent, this magical person with twin soul trees , Count with one hand."

Crystal Dragon almost fell off her tongue. No one answered her, because even Homer, known as the Encyclopedia, was trapped in great shock.

The new soul tree grows quickly, then germinates and blooms, and then sways like a lotus in the summer wind, radiating the golden soul wave.


Downton's soul fire ignited, his heart burned, and then he was completely wrapped in golden soul flames.

"What bloodline is this?"

The crystal dragon can't recognize it, but there is always a feeling of deja vu.

"The golden soul fire is the iconic bloodline of the ancient high elves."

Homer Cope, Downton's new soul tree is golden, no matter the trunk or branches, even the soul power of the radiant flowers formed is golden.

"You mean the bloodline of the ancient elf queen? The bloodline of dawn and dawn, known as the immortal imprint of the undead?"

The crystal dragon exclaimed, if this is the case, then Downton is definitely saved, because dawn is the strong guardian blessing given to the elf queen by the moon **** Elune. It belongs to the highest level of the law oath. When dying, there is always a chance that you will be given a chance to be born again.

"Downton is a hybrid of elves and humans?"

When Sisie looked down at Dunton again, she suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he was handsome and had a breath of sunshine.

"No, he is a pure human being, but he traces it back to his ancestors. There should be blood from the ancient elves."

Homer immediately denied that having lived with Downton for so long, the soul has detected his body for many times, and it has never noticed the power of the bloodline, which shows that he has inherited the blood lineage of the ancient elves for dozens of generations, very light.

"But with this bloodline, Downton's parents should not be ordinary talents!"

Sissy already knew the information of Downton, so she didn’t understand why he was born as a civilian. But it was the blood of dawn and dawn. Even in the elven tribe who always looked down on humans, he could have a comfortable life.

"It must have been a court scandal. Don't forget that one of the royal families has a blood of dawn and dawn!"

Even if the crystal dragon is a dragon family, it can't change the fact that it is a woman. It also has a very heavy curiosity and gossip mentality.

"You mean the royal family of Brittany?"

Ordinary people certainly cannot know the blood of the royal family, which is a high-class secret, but Sissy is different. Her identity is doomed to know a lot of things, even without the secret agent to collect, those royal families will obediently lineage the lineage of men of the right age in the family Write into a book. Put it on her desk.

Sissi picks her fiancé, but it doesn't only need to look, learn, and choose ranks. You also need to look at the bloodlines. Some bloodlines merge, maybe a stronger bloodline will be born and a stronger power will erupt.

"Yes, Downton is a prince of the Breton empire, huh, huh, it's so interesting, if this news is passed back, it will definitely shock the royal family.

The fire of gossip in the crystal dragon's heart is burning, and I hope to find the reason why Downton's mother and son were abandoned immediately.

"No matter what, Downton is finally alive."

Homer and the cheap **** are relieved, and there are some luck, activated blood power, Downton's future achievements will be higher.

That's the twin soul tree, a rare rarity in the entire continent. Although it is more difficult to practice, after all, the magical energy required by the two soul trees is larger and it takes more time, but in the same stage, Downton is absolutely invincible.

The blood of dawn and dawn is boiling, and the golden soul flame is burning. Consistent will, meat ~ born again!

Downton's body is the body of the fire god, which contains a ray of primitive fire. As the body repairs, vitality increases. The original fire was rekindled.

This time, because the body gradually repaired. The primordial fire is also integrated into every granulosa cell, and it is more closely combined with Downton.

Soul angels appeared one after another, singing loud hymns, resounding through the sky!


"Huh? Soul is recovering?"

Twilight was puzzled, and even after showing a relieved smile, he really did not misunderstand the person, Downton actually came through.

"This guy, will you scare me?"

Xia Luo stopped and murmured angrily.

"Hey? Are you okay? Oye, big brother is okay!"

Walnut felt that the familiar soul wave was getting stronger and stronger, could not help cheering, and then ran faster, she could not wait to see Downton.


The burst of blood power triggered the law, they were absorbed into Downton's body, and then merged,

boom! boom! boom!

With Downton as the center, the magic energy exploded, and the golden light cocoon exploded. Not only did he recover, the muscle lines looked fuller and more perfect, it was almost full of power, as if the God of War incarnation.

After experiencing the will of the spirits of the kings of the hills and the test of reincarnation on the verge of death, Downton's soul will be sublimated.

Naturally, Downton took that step, and then on the soul tree behind him, the endless flowers rippling began to fall as colorful as falling English.

"so beautiful!"

Huabianyu invaded the world, and the beauty resembled a fairyland, so Cici couldn't help but wonder.


Not only Homer and the cheap god, but also Firebird and Crystal Dragon this time with emotion, sincerely wish Downton.

Falling flowers! result!

Pieces of tiny fruits are borne on the branches, bringing a bumper harvest and representing the future.

The Tulong Stage is the result of falling flowers, allowing these fruits to grow vigorously until they are mature. All the laws, high energy, will, etc. contained in all the fruits are fused into a single fruit, which is to reach the scepter stage.


A soul dragon with a length of more than one foot appeared around Downton, cruising around him. This is the dragon shield of the Dragon Slayer. It can not only defend ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but also attack.

Downton closed his eyes and stood in the altar, quietly realizing that as he was successfully promoted to the Tulong Stage, a ray of law descended from the sky and poured into his heart.


A lot of consciousness and information flowed into my mind, messy, but one of the most important words, Downton saw, that was the legend, the most brilliant rank, the most brilliant name!

"I don't know how much his life has increased. Looking at the momentum of this rank, it is estimated that it will be no less than twenty years."

The Crystal Dragon is very curious. One of the biggest benefits of the Dragon Slayer is that every time he is promoted, his life will be improved. Every ordinary Dragon Slayer fish will change for a decade or so, but Downton’s is definitely more.

"Downton be careful, the rule excludes coming!"

Homer had no time to care about this, shouting to remind.

The shadow of the twin trees of Tang Dun's body gradually disappeared, the thunder and thunder around him, and the elements rioted. In a moment, a giant dragon formed, roaring, and rushed towards him.

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