Hero’s Creed

Chapter 601: Ruling reached at level 6

In the void of the mind, the soul tree shines brightly, and the sea of ​​flowers mixed with sacred white and flame red is rippling, radiating soul power and resisting the erosion of the soul storm of coral insects.

Because of his childhood experience, Downton was a tough-willed person. The foundation he laid when he became a magician is also extremely solid. With the step-by-step approach to the present, he has gone through all kinds of hard work, and his nerves are comparable to steel, so he wants to be simple It was difficult to defeat him by the soul storm.

"Break me!"

Downton's fighting style has never been dominated by defense. In the holy singing of the soul angels, the soul power counterattacked like a tsunami, and wave after wave rushed to the corals.


The coral insect on the top of the coral tree is too far from the core part, the defense is the worst, it is broken, and it instantly turns into mist, which is absorbed by the soul angel.

There are too many corals and there is naturally more consciousness. If they have always had the upper hand, they will naturally get angry, but now they are frustrated. These simple thinking tiny monsters begin to flee, want to stay away, and seek to protect themselves.

The collapse is like an avalanche!

Those coral insects that wanted to resist were also disturbed by these various soul consciousnesses, unable to form a scale, and even down to several cities by Downton's soul storm.

boom! boom! boom!

Soul power poured out, swept the coral tree, surrounded it, and ignited completely. Its magic energy could no longer be contained, and all flowed to the soul angels, turned into wings, and shot into Downton's body.

The coral insects are too small to catch with the naked eye, but the flickering light spots around the coral trees are their individuals. In a single existence, their defenses are extremely poor. After a few waves of soul power swept through, all of them died and were absorbed. in vivo.


Downton found that the soul power was skyrocketing. The number of soul angels has increased again, and their appearance has become more detailed, just like little beautiful angels.

There was no magic waste, all of it was absorbed by Downton.

The Flame Banshee received abundant nutrition and happily emerged from Downton's forehead. Flying around the body, a cheerful flame elf chirped.

"No matter how many times you watch it, this magic energy reserve is still horrible as always!"

Feeling the fluctuation of the soul in the air, Twilight didn't expect Downton to get the corals so quickly. It seems that his evaluation must be improved by one level.

"In terms of talent, it seems to be worse than Heinrich and First Nova, but it has reached the level of DuPont and is a very powerful character."

Twilight knows that this evaluation is not accurate, after all, he has not seen Downton's bottom line. Furthermore, a person struggling in the face of death and adversity has different powers. Peerless geniuses like the first star can always turn adversity into opportunity. You don’t know where his limit lies.

Downton had no problem, Twilight turned his eyes to the sky, leaving little time for himself. But how long do I have to stay underground to find the tomb of Saint Coffin?

"You are so persistent. It is simply a mistake. You should use your life in a more valuable place."

This is what the girl who is both enemy and friend said, Twilight knew she was persuading herself sincerely, but how could she let go?


Twilight coughed violently, and when he took away the hand covering his mouth, there was blood on it. Recently, the number and intensity of curse attacks are getting bigger and bigger. If she is not strong, she will be forced and her body will collapse.

Bang! Bang!

The blue thunder flickered with a dazzling white light. The air seemed to crack, and an angel killed him, holding a spear and rushing towards Downton.

The roar on the ground continued, the flames rose, and the flame demon was born.

The elemental strike began, and Twilight could hear Downton's battle roar. One shock wave uprooted the surrounding trees, and the rolled rubble flew around.

The energy storm is tumbling and the wild is raging!


At 10 o'clock, the leaves rustled and twilight stared at it.

"Human, your perception is good."

A head of Warcraft came out, staring closely at the Twilight, full of bloodthirsty sight.

The information can be transmitted with soul power, which means that it is the peak of the hero order, and only one step away can enter the ranks of super beasts.

"I'm in a bad mood, you better leave quickly!"

Twilight's tone was calm.

"Arrogant humans, you can't even see my rank, but dare to speak wildly?"

How could Warcraft retreat? The elemental repulsion caused by Downton is too strong, which means that he contains huge energy and is a perfect big prey. It is better to die. Even if it survives the elemental strike, it will generally be seriously injured. Great time to hunt.

"As long as it's not a lord level, it doesn't make sense for me to come." Twilight chuckled. "You want to die?"

"It's you who died..."

After World of Warcraft finished, it was necessary to release magic, but looking at the dull look of Twilight, somehow, an extremely threatening feeling swept over my heart immediately.

As Warcraft, their perception has always been keen, and it is precisely because of this talent that they can survive the hunt of the adventurer and gradually grow.

"If you don't go, you don't have to go." Twilight raised his hand and pointed at the intruder. "Dead!"


Warcraft felt an invisible force strike, reminding it of the helpless death when it fell into a hunter trap as a child. At the next moment, it was like a late death sentence, and there were dense wounds all over his body. The blood sprayed and instantly became a blood man.

With a wailing sound, this Warcraft turned around and ran away, because it was unable to find a way, and it broke a lot of trees, but it couldn't even ignore the screams.

"You still don't leave, are you waiting for death?".

Twilight's soul storm radiates, ticking, like a stone falling into the lake, rippling in ripples.

Bang! Bang!

Under the pressure of the huge soul of twilight, the warcraft hiding all around frightened as if they were newborn cubs.

These guys are waiting to hunt Downton. Just as humans can practice with magic crystals in the body of Warcraft, Warcraft can also devour human corpses to advance.

"Cough, I'm actually angry again, I must hold back next time."

Twilight knew that it failed repeatedly. After all, it made her irritable.

Seeing that the Elemental Strike was about to end, Twilight returned, but after a few steps, he fell to the ground, coughing violently, and a large amount of blood was coughed out. The pale face seemed to die at any time. Anyone who had faced this pain of tearing nerves would have a distorted expression and had no desire to give birth, but this girl was still like a pale level, like a lake under a clear starry night. Xing.

After coughing for three minutes, the curse was alleviated, and Twilight stood up and flicked the dirt on the body. Go to Downton.

A faint hymn echoed through the forest, washing the soul, and also making the birds sing along.

"This girl's mind is too tough."

Firebird stood on the tree branch with heartfelt emotion. It knew that Twilight had found herself long ago. Without saying that, she meant that she wanted to keep her secret.

"Downton, you still have a long way to go. Don't be complacent."

Firebird flew back, watching Downton's happy look. Did not remind anything, but directly integrated into the back of the tattoo.


Twilight smiled.

"Thank you, what's wrong with you?" Downton's observation power is as detailed as ever. It's okay to see the twilight look, but the skin color is wrong, and quickly lost a divine spell.

"I'm fine. I'm sick." Twilight waved his hand. "Don't waste your magic, it's useless."

"If there is anything I can help, please tell me."

Downton's expression is very serious, except to fight side by side. Just sending out Twilight Coral to promote himself to this friendship, let him identify Twilight as a friend.

For Twilight, Downton appreciates it very much. The girl's appearance is very ordinary, but other aspects are excellent.

With Xia Luo, watching every time she raises her hand, Downton has a feeling of heart, and with Twilight, it is a peace of mind, even if the front is the Abyss Styx and the sea of ​​hell, as long as the companion is Twilight Only, he would not have the slightest worry, dare to step hard.

Twilight's sense of security is too great to cover the sky.

"She is a superior, a leader, accustomed to controlling the overall situation with little details, and shielding her subordinates from the wind and the rain, so it will give you this feeling."

Downton thought of Homer's evaluation of Twilight, and was curious about her identity, but he didn't ask very much.

"No injuries? Very good, let's go back!"

Twilight was not surprised. With Downton's strength, she would be surprised if she would still be injured in the elemental strike. A character like him should have been the level of anti-element puppet and core hunting.

"This is for you, please be sure to take care of me, otherwise I will be sorry."

Downton handed a red coral the size of a fingernail to Twilight, which is the core of the dusk coral, and as long as it exists, it can continue to draw magic energy.

Twilight refused, and Downton directly stuffed the coral into her hands.

"You are very upright!" Twilight looked at Downton's eyes and smiled from the bottom of his heart. "I used to wonder why people like you who are not faithful would become clergy, now I understand a little."

"What is it?"

Downton asked.

"Don't tell you, think for yourself!"

Twilight rarely reveals the woman's expression, so Downton can't help but look at it, this girl's eyes are really beautiful~www.wuxiaspot.com~Pure as a star gem.

"Are you promoted again?"

When the two returned, Homer discovered Downton's performance for the first time.


Palin was shocked. If he remembered correctly, this kid still adjudicated the fourth order before entering the ground. The speed of this order is too fast, right?

"Well, it's a little bit rewarding." Downton clenched his fists. "Slain a few dark brotherhood fish."

"Hurry up, what happened just now?"

Sissi was very curious, Downton said easily, but as long as the title of the Dark Brotherhood, how could it be a miscellaneous fish? The general nobles try not to provoke them.

"Hum, let you be arrogant for a few days, wait for me to advance to the Dragon Dragon Rank, you will wait to die!"

Palin closed his eyes and seized the time to meditate. He already had a feeling that he knew he was very close to the threshold. (To be continued...)

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