Hero’s Creed

Chapter 596: Strong clearing

"Furious aura?"

The talking man's eyes are all staring out, but this is a bishop-level magic, which will definitely use the five-star Templar Knights, against the same level, they have always been in an advantage.

As soon as the invincible thought broke into his head, the talking man saw a warhammer with orange magma flowing into his head. It was so gorgeous, it seemed to be full of the flames of the world.


The soul shield was smashed into pieces without suspense. The talking man tried his old life and almost bent his waist to one hundred and twenty degrees before he could escape this violent blow, but he had not had time to loose it yet. In a breath, a golden dragon gun shot from a blind spot in the field of vision, pierced his ribs, and almost pierced his heart.


The talking man vomited a spit of blood. His talent is healing, and he quickly activated. At the same time, he was tumbling and trying his best to escape. Unfortunately, he was still too close to Downton.

Downton didn't even charge, a giant seal, a dozen-meter-long magic energy warhammer bombarded from high altitude, beat the talking man into a meatloaf, embedded in the mud.

In this series of confrontations, in less than thirty seconds, the dust did not dissipate. The Brotherhood of the two did not hear the captain’s command and ran out stupidly. As a result, he saw that he was beaten by Downton. .


The captain is ruling the sixth order, and the result is the opponent's instant second. How terrible is this attack? The two guys thought with their heels that they could not beat others, so they escaped without delay.

The two of them were very tacit, and each escaped in the opposite direction. At this time, they were destined to fight for their luck. After all, the enemy was only one person and could only chase and kill one person.

Downton was not in a hurry, five golden dragon guns instantaneously, squeezing the enemy to dodge the space.

The brotherhood being targeted had to slow down to dodge, but just avoided. Then he saw a magic power shot from the sky quickly, covering him like a big net.

Catch the dragon!


The unlucky egg was caught and pulled towards Downton. He struggled, but it was useless, let alone let Downton's power crush him. Bakongquan is the epic martial art of the barbarian king Tanan.


The dragon-trapping type was broken, the big hand tightened, and the soul shield of the brotherhood was exploded. He released the talent magic, but all were transferred by Downton's fighting star.

"Save me!"

Hearing his companion's cry for help, the third person glanced back when he was lucky that he had not been pursued, and almost scared.

Downton rushed to kill. In a blink of an eye, he rushed into ten meters. There was a magic power cord on his left hand. At the end was a magic power hand. He was grasping his companion and exerting his strength, squeezing him like a balloon, and as he released his hand, he changed. Shaped human flesh fell.

"Knight. I am a member of the Dark Brotherhood. If you kill me. If you want to face an endless chase and let me go, I can give you a lot of money."

The third person procrastinated, and because of fear, his speech was unfavorable.

Downton snorted, reflecting the magic from star to star. The holy revenge continued to launch, but he did not forget that these guys just attacked without saying hello, or if they hid quickly, they were shot and killed.

The third person listened to the argument. He even avoided the dragon-catching arrest, but Downton's offensive was too intensive. He couldn't take care of it after all, and was shot through the calf by the divine whaling fork.

"Do not kill me!"

The third person begged for mercy, and even lost his weapon, showing a gesture of surrender.

"What are you doing in the Grey Ridge Mountains?"

Downton slowed the attack and asked for intelligence.

"Come to the tomb of Saint Coffin, but the head of the team discovered a mine vein and is collecting magic energy with a singular object."

The third person knows everything, especially the words "Holy Coffin Tomb" and "Wonderful Object", which increase the tone and attempt to distract Downton's attention.

"What a wonder?"

Downton asked, deliberately showing excitement and curiosity.

"It's empty..."

The third person hadn't finished talking yet. Downton suddenly noticed that the wind was roaring behind him, and the soul shield was broken by something.

"go to hell!"

The third person broke up, pulled out a dagger, a charge, appeared in front of Downton in the blink of an eye, and pierced his eye socket.

If Downton is in a normal state, I am afraid to eat a dark loss. Unfortunately, he is now in a violent posture, and his nerves are terribly fast. What’s more, he is still preparing for it. Almost at the moment when he feels dangerous, the holy armor is launched.


A purple venomous snake bite Downton's neck, injecting poison madly, and at the same time his body rolled around and wrapped around his neck, trying to hang him.

Downton dropped the warhammer, pulled his right shoulder back, clenched his fists, closed his waist, followed by exhalation to accumulate, and when the third person approached him, his right fist hit.


boom! boom! boom!

A sky-blue magic energy punched like a storm, with countless afterimages blasting towards the third person, because the speed was too fast, they all played a deafening sonic boom.

In an instant, the third person was overwhelmed by the magical fist, and as the last blow came, he fell out.

Downton grabbed the venomous snake that was biting on his neck and pulled it off with brute force. This is the third person's talented venomous snake. He is best at sneak attacks, but because of the sacred armor, his fangs have not been able to bite through the skin and inject poison.


The third person struggled to try to get up and saw that Downton turned around and left. Some surprises, did he conscience find that he was about to let himself go?

"You are dead!"

Downton's disdain came floating in the air.

The third person hadn't figured it out, and suddenly found that some parts of the body had swelled, like suddenly bursting out of gas.

"I don't want to die!"

After the third person shouted, the whole person burst, the internal organs and blood spattered like a shower of rain, and the surrounding leaves and leaves crackled.

Downton cleaned the battlefield, there are more than a dozen magic stones and a dozen gold tickets worth more than a thousand, and there are three excellent weapons with a total value of 300,000 gold coins, but he has not paid attention to this little money. .

The three heads of Warcraft were all burned to the ashes by firebirds, and the soul remains were cheaper than cheap gods.

"Was it a defensive magic?"

As the rank increased, Downton found that the defensive power of the Divine Armor could not keep up, at least Suya and Twilight could break his defense.

"Master, what's going on?"

Juliet looked nervous when he saw Downton, who had been stained with blood.

"The Dark Brotherhood's people are nearby, to avoid being harassed. I'm going to clear them." Downton greeted Homer, "Leave."

"You are too dangerous alone, I will accompany you." Su Ya jumped up and despised Palin, "You are really shameless, so worried about wasting time to learn magic energy?"

"Downton is very strong. It's just one person to do it. Isn't it a waste of fighting power to go so much? Besides, there are his treasures here? No one is guarding. What if I lose it?"

Palin was very cunning, and justified the reasons why he didn't follow.

"Walnut, guarding the cave, whoever wants to enter, kills directly." Downton ignored the Perlin and let out the Snow Falcon. Turned over and jumped into the saddle. This is not a good thing. If the ‘head’ is really a strange thing, I don’t want to share it with others.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you." Twilight sat on the magic carpet. "Don't fight, it's good for everyone."

"Okay!" Downton took off. "Firebird, go search for the enemy's position."

Sissi watched the two leave. Suddenly lost, he is the center of the crowd no matter where he is, the focus of attention, everyone is turning around himself, but here. For the first time, she realized the feeling of being marginalized.

At the tip of the Grey Ridge Mountains, deep in the dense forest, the two sides stalemate.

"Get out, the Brotherhood of Darkness is here to do things, and get out without thinking of death."

A tall man screamed at the patrol consisting of more than one hundred dwarves. He is the deputy head of this brotherhood team and is responsible for outside duty.

This team has gone through several battles, but there are only fifteen people left, but the face of the elite dwarves was scolded with blushing faces, and they didn't even dare to let go of their farts.

The Dark Brotherhood is famous, but it is not only arrogant on the ground, but also has a huge influence on the ground. Many dwarves are members of it.

"Did you hear me? Go away, or I'll start."

The domineering deputy leader, coupled with the dwarf's attitude, made the members feel honourable, which is what the Brotherhood should be.

"Let's do it?"


"But the general's order is for us to kill all the alien races that enter the Grey Ridge Mountains. This is our jurisdiction. If we let them go, we will be dealt with by military law."

The dwarves did not want to fight the Brotherhood, but leaving meant death, so riding a tiger was difficult.

The deputy commander had limited patience and was about to kill a few people Liwei. A snow falcon suddenly appeared at the speeding and landed.

"Vice group, flying mounts!"

The subordinates were excited, and all of them pulled out their weapons to prepare for a hard grab. This thing was sold arbitrarily, it was tens of millions of gold coins!

"I'm not blind."

The deputy commander was about to order the offense, and a girl floated over on the magic carpet and startled him.

"My Emperor Polo, isn't it? Is this the magic carpet of the Persian Empire? This is a very rare flying magic outfit. Where did you get it from?"

The deputy regiment couldn't help it anymore and shouted.

"Your leader, tell him to come out and meet me!"

Downton jumped off his mount and stood thirty meters away.

"Oh, is this kid crazy?"

"Fool~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you know our identity? Saying it scares you!"

"Put down the magic carpet and snow falcon, otherwise you will peel your skin."

The members of the Brotherhood clamored for a while, and reported the name of their organization. They originally thought that these two men would be as frightened as those dwarves. They did not dare to speak loudly.

"I hate nonsense, so I only repeat it once, to call your leader out, otherwise I will kill in a minute."

Although Downton did not bring Homer this time, he put on hellfire armor, and also wears a mask of anger for self-defense, and the weapon is a double-handed shattered and fiery hammer.

From a distance, Downton is more like a heavy soldier than a Paladin.

"It's a big talk, go together and cut them."

The deputy group was disdainful and was too lazy to talk nonsense. He shook his fingers and let his subordinates work directly, killing a bunch of people. There was no psychological pressure for him. (To be continued...)

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