Hero’s Creed

Chapter 282: Element giant

"Blood power? Or talent?"

Homer desperately wants to give Elian a full body examination, and can perceive the essence of the soul angel, which means that her soul tree is very sensitive to the sacred elements, and has a strong affinity and infectivity to it. m

In fact, the soul tree of the magical person will show more or less affinity to a certain element, but people with ordinary qualifications can't even notice it, and those who are particularly outstanding can sense that they are practicing the corresponding exercises. Time, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Elaine didn't notice the look of the magic book, she was completely shocked at Downton's horrible magic energy throughput.

Every time the wings of the soul angel with its full power shot down, it will exhaust the firefly-like magic energy spots around it, as if forming a short vacuum, and then a large amount of magic energy will be used to refill it and then Repeat the process of being evacuated.

From a distance, Downton's surroundings were suddenly bright and dark, like a vortex of a storm, and even the airflow was disturbed.

"Brother draws up to catch up with the fifth-level warriors, and the intensity of elemental repulsion will increase exponentially later." Yilian's face is very dignified, and the amount of drawing is large, which means that the pain is also suffering. Doubled.

The advancement of the magician is to sharpen and test the will, soul, and body, and like the sea and sand, polish them into treasures.

If the pain suffered at the soul level is an appetizer, then the war level is the main meal.

When the magic energy can be infused from the root system into the soul tree, as they are full, they will gush out from the tree body and branches, and run to every cell and every inch of flesh of the body to condense them.

The magic can flow, and it will scratch the skin like a saber. It brings about torment like a delay, but it must be gritted and supported, because it includes the heart, bones, muscles, veins, organ strength, etc. It is in this magic energy washing after being infected by the soul tree that it can be completely Achieve reinforcement.

The level of war is to perfect the perfection. There is no limit to this process, it depends entirely on the strength of the magician.

Those famous melee heroes in the history of Xitu, even relying on the power alone, can tear the dragon and complete the abyssal demon abuse.

Unlike the Soul Stage, which removes the impurities from the Soul Seed, even if it succeeds, there is no specific requirement for the promotion of the War Stage. The criterion for reaching the growth of the Soul Tree is only a minimum. The longer it lasts, the more beneficial it will be to future achievements. .

Of course, the body's tolerance is also an issue that must be considered. In history, there were many magicians who pursued the ultimate goal, and as a result, their bodies were ruined, but instead died in the elemental strike that came later, which was not worth the gains.

"Homer, it seems very noisy outside." Celice listened, and there was a noise from the street outside the arena.

"Elaine, you solve it!" Homer ordered, "Jackson. Protect her!"

"You can't go in!" The administrator stood behind the iron gate and shouted to the citizens crowded in front. "There's nothing beautiful in it, just that someone is advancing."

"You lied to us, how could Chongjie give off green light?" The citizens didn't believe that they were even boring, and they even had to cross the iron gate.

Elaine who came over finally understood what was going on. Downton had absorbed too much magic energy, plus magic stones and magic diamonds. Let the magic energy concentration of the arena reach a saturation limit.

People standing on the street outside can see that the sky above the arena is full of green light, and the flare is flying, just as gorgeous and beautiful as the Milky Way stars in the sky, so they all want to come in and watch it up close.

"Elemental strikes are coming. If you come in, you will be affected." Elaine dissuaded.

The citizens didn't listen, and some bold men had even jumped in, but they had been kicked to the ground by ghouls before running a few steps.

"Stop all, or I will shoot you." Jackson showed the Dawn Messenger, "Don't force me to kill."

"This is Wangdu, do you dare to kill?"

The citizens are not afraid of this threat. They still do their own thing, but with a thunderous thunder, they were all stunned. Several unlucky ghosts on the iron gate even fell down.

Bang! Bang!

The continuous thunder roared, half of the arena was submerged by blue lightning, this time without persuasion, the citizens all rushed away, as far away as possible from here.

Elemental strike is here.

At the end of the stage, Tang Dun couldn't care about checking how much his physical fitness had improved. He took the sword in one hand and blocked it with a shield in the other, and quickly retreated to the grandstand.

The blue thunder was generated and raged out of thin air, and some of them converged like turbulence, forming a three-meter-high thunder element giant. It raised its arm, and a two-meter-long thunder spear appeared in the hand, followed by it. Threw at Downton.


The spear hit the wall and blasted out a large pit with a radius of one meter.

The falling stones shot randomly, hitting Downton's self-defense shields and banging.

"My Emperor Polo, are there any more?"

Downton swears, and the elemental giant spear fires, not only the frequency of attack is dense, but also the power is much larger than the elemental tornado, and the most troublesome thing is that it is extremely fast, striding forward, and visible to the naked eye. Shortened the distance with Downton.

"Be careful, the giant water element will appear." As soon as she noticed that the humidity of the air was increasing and the water element fluctuated violently, Homer quickly reminded.

A large drop of water appeared, pouring down to Downton like a rainstorm, and merging after landing, forming a stream of water, like a fountain growing a giant from the ground.

The water element giant inhaled, and after his lungs expanded, he shot like a crossbow car, shooting a water arrow, chasing behind Downton's butt, and punching a row of fist-sized holes on the ground.

"Why are there four elemental giants?"

Elaine ran back, looking at Downton chased like a rabbit with arrows by the four element giants, but couldn't help but exclaim.

In each big step, the way of elemental strike is different, but they all obey the law of increasing power.

The Soul Tier is an Elemental Tornado, while the War Tier becomes an Elemental Giant. Every time a small rank is promoted, an elemental giant is added.

"Homer, is my brother the second-order war?" Looking at the two diamond shields surrounding Downton's body, anxious Yilian asked Homer to know that an elemental giant is enough to crush the war of the same order. There are now four. The pressure is definitely increasing exponentially.

Indeed, Downton had no chance to fight back, and could only escape, trying his best to delay the end of the strike time.

"Your brother became a solid foundation when he became a magician, and each time he was promoted at a small level, he suffered several times the pain of the ordinary magician, plus the energy transformation extracted by the hand of creation, causing him 'S Soul Tree is more than ten times stronger than the magician of the same level, so the appearance of four elemental giants is completely understandable."

Homer comforted, "Don't worry, if he can't even survive this crisis, he won't deserve to be the master of my ancient magic book."

"By the way, I heard from my classmates that Hannah, the school’s maternity student, had an additional elemental giant when he was promoted, but they are princesses of the Principality of Porto. They have huge resources, and they have since accepted a role What is my brother's careful guidance from the scepter's dad? A civilian who can only eat black bread for three meals a half a year ago!"

Elaine was thinking about it, and there was a lot of pride in his heart. He was worthy of his brother, and he was not inferior to those civilians.

"My wrestling field! Why is the destructive power so great?" The administrator sees the magician advance all the year round, but something special like Downton is definitely the first one.

Looking at the destroyed stand, the administrator's head was big, and he asked Elaine, "Why did you make a false claim to the rank? How could this degree be just the second rank of war?"

"Brother is indeed second-order!" Walnut argued.

"Fart, my eyes are not blind." If Downton was surrounded by a diamond-shaped soul shield representing the war rank, the administrator would think that he was ruling the second rank. "You must add money. All damaged seats must be Compensation."

"Why? You have already received the money?" Walnut was not happy. "If you have already said that you have to compensate for the damaged items, we will definitely not advance here."

"I'm still complaining? Other magicians never made such a big move when they were promoted, nor damaged so many chairs!" Watching the four elemental giants chase Downton, spears, water arrows, The flames shattered the seat, and the administrator shivered and roared, causing trouble for himself. If it is done, he will be fired tomorrow.

If it were not known that Elemental Strike could not be stopped on its own, the administrators wanted to drive this group of guys away immediately.

"Damn, if you tell the truth, I will arrange another underground site for you. The fourth or higher level of the war will be promoted below." The administrator is chattering. In a word, you must get compensation.

"The responsibility is not on us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Elaine jumped out and immediately refuted the administrator. The argument she said was in the first place, and the opponent's language was refuted.

Walnut and Celesque were dumbfounded. Can the bargain be so high-end?

For Yilian, a civilian born, a copper plate is also necessary. Seeing the administrator finally compromise, as long as the compensation fee of eight hundred gold coins, she patted the money bag with satisfaction.

"If Ilian were to deal with cheap gods, I'm afraid that guy would lose his pants even in the end!" Homer sighed. It was another aspect of Yilian.

"Relax, I'm not too much. Eight hundred gold coins are enough to repair the arena. I just removed the part that the administrator wanted to swallow." Seeing the two girls looking at themselves, Yilian blushed, first Being shy this time, I quickly explained that she did not want to be treated as a miserly girl.

The administrator did want to take the opportunity to extort money, but unfortunately came across Yilian, who was bargaining hard.

"You seem to be very happy to talk? Did no one help me?" The elemental giant disappeared and Downton slumped to the ground. Even with an orderly suit to protect him, he was still injured, and some of the parts had a slight crack. (To be continued...)

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