Hero’s Creed

Chapter 250: Beat the nobility

Downton looked at these people and suddenly felt ironic. They had been discussing with Dolfink, and had never asked their opinions at all, just like they could take full control of their own destiny.

Indeed, if they did not enter the dungeon, they were still worthless civilian postmen, they could definitely kill themselves.

"Downton, you seem to be having some trouble, how? If you are willing to cooperate with us, I will help you get these people!"

Vieri leaned against the door frame with his hands on his chest, and looked at Downton playfully. His identity was a little sensitive, and he could not follow Downton all the time. So the gangster action some time ago, he hired Assassin's Creed assassins to monitor and protect. He knew everything about Downton's strength.

"Why would there be hatred in the royal tombs under Crow Ridge?" Vieri was not stupid. He felt that the following might not be a tomb group, but he had to get his hands no matter what.

"Don't bother you." Downton sneered and walked towards the group of representatives.

Vieri made a handy gesture and started to watch with cold eyes. These people represent the middle and upper levels of the Sequoia County border. He does not think Downton can shake them. After all, this cannot be solved by brute force.

Downton stood in front of Dovek, glancing at the group of people, taunting lightly, "You will hand over my head, don't you plan to ask me what I think?"

"What kind of thing are you? A civilian, a guy who relied on Dolfink to take the position of mine principal, really thought you were a person?"

"Yes, we can kill you by waving our hands!"

"I think there are a few abominations that are great. We can mobilize the soldiers across the border and cooperate with us if we know each other, otherwise we will hang you directly."

These noblemen were worried about their son's safety and slammed Downton.

"What are you still doing? Go and call the guards and grab this guy!"

The identity of these people is not low. What's more, there are still bandits on the side. They naturally took enough guards when they went out. Together, there were nearly a thousand people. They felt that they were enough to suppress Downton.

"You are their head?"

Downton looked at a middle-aged nobleman. The guy's pleats were covered with white powder and sprayed with perfume, exuding a disgusting smell.

"Why? Want to hit me? Tell you. I'm a real Viscount who owns the territory and offends me. You will be hanged...

The nobility could not continue because Downton quickly reached out. Grabbed his neck.


The noble's face flushed like a drowning hapless ghost, waving his hands and feet. Fluttering non-stop.


The delegates were startled. Followed backwards, watching Downton's fingers work harder and harder, lifting the nobles alive.

"Downton, stop now, are you going to kill him?" Dolfink hurried to Pull Downton.

"Let go of the master!" A dozen guards rushed in anxiously, and if the master was injured, these guards were finished. But without waiting, the abominations have stopped in front of them.

Jackson caught the crossbow, and if anyone dared to attack, he would give them a shot.

Downton swings his arms like a tomahawk slam dunk and smashes the nobility in his hand to the ground.

Poof, the nobility vomited blood, feeling that all the bones were broken.

Downton did not let him go, but raised his legs and kicked towards him.

The miserable noise instantly resounded in the living room.

Watching Downton's long military boots rushed to the nobles one by one, the nobles were stupid. I did not expect that this civilian boy actually dared to start, and then watched him kick the rotten Viscount's mouth. They All of them shivered, and took a subconscious step back.

The guards wanted to charge, but they were instantly overthrown by the haters.

"Downton, stop it!" Dolfink was very angry.

"It's okay, I can't die." Downton stood up, and Jackson handed a handkerchief very keenly, then knelt down on one knee to help him wipe the blood stains on his military boots.

"Who is next?" Downton carelessly wiped the blood spilled on the back of his hand and took a step forward.

This group of representatives immediately retreated, and some people even shouted, "Don't come here."

"Downton, it was a crime to beat an aristocrat for no reason." Another aristocrat stood up and begged Dofenk, "Do you still want to cover him?"

Dofink was very annoyed. The nobles were all old fritters. When they saw that Dunton couldn't help, they started to trouble themselves. If they helped him, they would definitely offend these people.

"Noble? What I saw was a villain who colluded with a bandit and wanted to destroy Chenwu Town." Downton dropped his handkerchief on the Viscount.

"You bullshit."

"Take out the evidence, otherwise it will be slandering, and sin will increase."

"Evidence? You probably don't know that I caught the bandit Boulder Johnson, this is what he said personally." Downton's words directly made everyone silent.

"You're bloodshed, how could Lord Viscount collaborate with the bandits?" The nobles certainly didn't believe it, colluding with Tyson would not do him any good.

"I don't care, Johnson said that anyway." Downton shrugged helplessly and said to himself, "Well, do I want to kill him, or maybe he secretly sent Tyson secretly intelligence."

The delegates were frightened, and now no one dared to step forward and tear Downton apart, all at least three meters away from him.


I don't know who cursed, but everyone agreed.

Vieri was not calm, and looked at Downton with a surprised face. Wasn't this kid's head broken, didn't he even dare to fight?

"Downton!" Dolfink frowned. Although he appreciated Downton's solution, it undoubtedly pushed him to the opposite of the delegates. Even if he took the town mayor, his life would not be better.

"Adult, don't worry about it. I will go to Chenwu Town now to solve the gangsters." Downton will leave.

"Okay, everything is careful." Dolfink coped with it casually, without asking how to solve it, he really didn't want to manage this mess.

Delights appeared on the faces of the delegates. Chenwu Town was his own territory. As long as he went, it was difficult to fly wings, so he quickly sent someone to notify the mayor to prepare to arrest Downton.

"A bunch of idiots!" Downton sneered. This was just an excuse. All he wanted to save was the wolf and the spicy Charlotte. After finding her, he would go to the capital and find his sister.

"You are not kind, don't blame me for being injustice!" Saving Chenwu Town? Downton originally had this plan, but these representatives also wiped out his last feelings. The civilians paid a lot of taxes, not to fatten these **** and let them live a luxurious noble life, but to get asylum. If the nobles can't even do these things, then simply die.

Out of the parlor, Downton went to the black jail for the first time, shutting Johnson and a dozen ogres into the war space.

"This is the witness. It annoys me. I'll give you a cut before you play!" Downton became ruthless. With more and more blood stained on his hands, he was no longer the original postman who wanted to complete.

"Master, many people!"

Abagong pointed to the door of the mine. There were many heavily armed guards waiting for the war horses, obviously leaving with Downton.

"Look at him, don't let him run away, if you don't go to Chenwu Town, don't talk about killing."

The delegates directed towards the guards, some of them were not going to leave the mine. After all, it was much safer here, and their families would be taken over later.

"Downton, I'll **** you!" Vieri also brought a team of mercenaries. He said that the sound of the grandeur was only to monitor him.

"Oh, if you can keep up with my speed, let's go together!" Downton took out the badge and instilled the magic energy to release the unicorn.

"Hah, don't worry, my pure-blooded horse is worth 100,000 gold coins!" Vieira stroked her horse's mane, and almost stunned her eyes just after showing off.

"What, is it a soul mount?"

"It's a unicorn, but this is super-order Warcraft, I actually saw it in my lifetime!"

"Its price is at least 10 million gold coins? Where did this kid get it from?"

There was a riot at the scene, and everyone was still watching Vieri's pure-blooded finches. As soon as the unicorn appeared, their eyes immediately stared at them, envious, greedy, and so on, and finally merged into a thick Jealous, how can this stupid boy be able to ride this rare mount?

Walnut took out the badge to release the bear, and was stopped by Downton.

"Sherman is too slow, you are wronged, enter the war space!"

Although Little Loli was not happy, she did not refuse.

"What? There is a soul mount?"

"Listening to him, it seems that Sherman is fighting the bear!"

"Just kidding, that's the heavy mount of the troll empire. It's very rare. Is it estimated that it's already extinct?"

The crowd whispered, because there were only a few people who fled, so they didn't know that Downton had the War Bear.

Vieri looked at the pure-blooded horse under the crotch, and his face was ashen blue, and compared with the unicorn, this is the miscellaneous fish among the miscellaneous fish.

"You actually humiliated me?" Vieri cursed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am leaving, you guys, you must keep up! "Downton was too lazy to ride Livieri, fluttering his horse's belly, the unicorn was like a flash of lightning, breaking the clouds month by month, and opened a distance of 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

The guards were dumbfounded. They were exhausted by the ordinary mount under their crotch. They couldn't keep up with others. Didn't see that Vieri was so interesting!

Downton rushed off the road, and the scenery on both sides quickly retreated in his field of vision. He knew that this must be troublesome to go to Chenwu Town, but for Xia Luo, he must rush once.

"Hey, it seems that this kid really fell in love with that girl!" Homer didn't understand why Downton liked Charlotte, is it because of her voice?

At dusk, Downton rushed to the town and immediately noticed a panic and nervous atmosphere. Some rich people loaded their luggage on the carriage and prepared to leave the town to escape temporarily. Those who had no money could only stay.

The mayor sent a security team to yell non-stop along the street to appease the townspeople. This may be the only psychological comfort. Everyone is praying that Tyson will not attack the town.

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