Hero’s Creed

Chapter 233: Chop

After a big loss in the afternoon, Mussel became more and more worried. Davis’s head was replaced by military merits, not to mention the promotion of the military. The monthly salary alone will be higher, and now it is completely ruined. M

Casimodo immediately stood up and walked to Downton to intercept.

If he changed to usual, Mussel evaded, but today he drank, coupled with the encouragement of the soldiers and colleagues, he hardened up.

"Isn't it just a big guy? Lao Tzu is about to be promoted to war rank, and the enemy killing experience explodes your ten streets." Mussel spouted his breath and scolded at Downton.

"Teach Davis' head!"

"That's our sir, why should you take it?"

"Somehow, and our chief singled out, your mother wouldn't recognize you unless you hit him."

Seeing Downton stopping Kasimodo, the soldiers thought he was afraid, and even more recklessly abused.

Little Loli thought of hitting someone, but after drinking, her legs were soft and she didn't get up.

The bear goblins squatted sideways, worried about causing trouble to the upper body, but a few brains were alive and joined together.

"We are caught by Lord Downton, it's your business!"

Bear Gnome's spitting stars sprayed on Mussel's face, and the odor of not brushing his teeth all year round made him sick.

"A group of humble aborigines dare to show off their power in front of me?" Mussel roared, and Keng pulled out his saber and chopped towards the bear goblin in front of him.

Bear Gnome's hands were **** by the rope and could not resist, he could only back away, but it was still slow.


A flicker of blood flashed, and the head of the bear goblin rolled down, following the headless corpse on the ground. The blood spewing from the neck cavity poured on the campfire and venison, crackling.

The goblin captives immediately made a commotion, but there was no movement, and a group of soldiers had squeezed over and pulled out a long knife to surround them.

"Hiccup, this native is my fool. Should my head be mine?" Mussel stared at Downton with a fierce tone, "Brothers, cut down all the natives."

"Sir, commander!"

Cut down a group of tied gnomes, and the soldiers have no pressure.

"Who dares to move my slave, I will destroy him!" Downton's face sank like water, and Sen Han's voice was like the cold current of the frozen ground in the north. It makes people shudder.

The soldiers were a little worried, and all stopped and looked at the chief.

Downton stood up and walked to Mussel, "Can you give it a try?"

"Are you afraid?" Mussel sneered and snorted. "What the hell? If you cut them, if this kid dared to act, he would be rebellious!"

"Yes, let's chop a few natives, why should he manage?"

The soldiers yelled and emboldened themselves, but the next second was all stunned by the scream of the officer.

Downton was at the same time Mussel's voice fell. Pulling out the saber, he chopped it to his chest.

Mussel saw the knife flashing, and his alcoholic awareness woke up most of the time. His body was soaked with sweat. He wanted to step back and open the shield, but his head was dizzy and slowed down.


One arm was cut off. Five fingers twitched reflexively when they fell to the ground.

"what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy? He is a hundred people!"

The soldiers were frightened. They dropped the bear goblin and ran over. They guarded Mussel and faced Downton with a knife.

The nearby militiamen were all frightened, but they did not expect Downton to dare to do it. This courage was even fatter than that of the dragon.

"Go away. Otherwise I will kill you together." Downton was angry, killing the captives in his own face, if he didn't find it, he wouldn't have to mix up later.

Casimodo stepped forward. It's about to fight.

The captives didn't expect Downton to cut a hundred-man arm for them, and they all froze.

The soldiers were afraid, but they dared not back away, otherwise Mussel would kill them.

"Go and call Lord Roker."

Finally a soldier came to his senses.

"Shout what shout?" How could Rockell not notice the commotion here, and when he saw Downton's knife, he ran over immediately, "What's the matter with you?"

"You should ask him!" Faced with a long question, Downton was indifferent.

"Aren't you just chopping a captive? As for letting you draw a knife to face each other?" Rockell's tone was not good. "If you stab it in front of the Duke of Xijing, you won't take it for granted."

Indigenous people in the hills have no human rights, let alone bear gnomes. In the eyes of human beings, they are no different from goods. If they cannot sell money, they are killed. Living is a waste of food.

"My captives are mine. Whoever moves, if they can't get through with me, will bear my anger!" Downton was out. This is no longer a question of captives, but dignity.

"It's unreasonable, even if these guys are slaves, they can't sell them, kill them, kill them, what do you do to maintain them?" Rocker was worried, he had tested Downton's bottom line, this is a lawlessness Guy, if you move him yourself, he will definitely pull the knife without hesitation.

"That's my business." Downton released ten abominations.

The bear goblins gathered around, and Rockell's words increased their hostility, and began to think about their future, at least follow Downton, don't worry about being killed immediately.

"Mussell's father is a little noble, his hands, what are you going to do?" Rocker's guard picked up the broken arm, and if it was properly preserved, it could be picked up by divine art, but the cost was definitely not small.

"What about my dead goblin captive?" Compensation? Dream about it, don't want to get a copper plate from Laozi's pocket.

"Everyone quells and talks slowly." Rukia appeared with a crack in her teeth. "Downton, you will arrange a team tomorrow to pursue the remnants of the Iron Man Bandit Group. Do you want to participate?"

"Participate!" Downton replied without hesitation.

Rukia was stunned, and Downton's pain made the speech he prepared later was wasted.

"Well, you will act with them tomorrow, and when you return to the town of Morning Fog, I will make it clear to you about Mussel." Rockell set the tone and brought his men to the side.

"Resue early." Rukia wanted to talk, but looked at Downton's cold expression and patted him on the shoulder before leaving.

"I knew you were not credible, I wanted to kill me, no way!" Tang Zheng spit, "Go, bury the body."

"Can't go. They must want to kill you." Ceres lowered her voice.

After all, Downton is a hundred people long, and Dovek is the backstage. There are many people in the camp. If Rockell can’t explain it, he might as well send him out and then kill him.

"Relax. It won't be a problem." Downton had his plan. It's too dangerous to follow the team. Who can guarantee that they won't kill themselves by the means of three things?

Anyway, the class has got it, it is better to leave the team tomorrow. With the help of the unicorn, Downton can rush back to Chenwu Town with the fastest degree.

At dawn. Downton was still awake, and soldiers came to urge him to go on the road.

"Eat breakfast first, then talk!"

Downton fired to cook, but was interrupted by Rockell.

"There is no time, or Tyson's remnants will all run away." Rockell made excuses to pervert Downton. In fact, he couldn't help it. Who would have thought that this kid had room for war, and all the food and water were prepared by himself. Otherwise, they would kill him without knowing what they were doing.

"Well, walnuts, get up."

Downton is actually paralyzing Roquel, he can't wait to leave the team early.

"Sir, take us."

Downton rode a unicorn, and when he was about to leave, all the bear goblin captives ran over.

"Bring us!"

"Yeah. Otherwise, if you leave, he will kill us."

"I just left for a day or two, and I will be back soon." Downton appeased the captives, and then looked at Rockell. "If I saw one less when I came back, I would kill. "

"I don't kill. But I won't keep it for you." Rockell rolled his eyes.

"Forget it, I will take care of you, anyway, there are a lot of supplies." Rukia played a round.

"Thank you." Downton urged a few words and hugged Ceres. Leaving on a unicorn, next to him is a walnut riding a Sherman and a bear.

"Awesome, I really want one." Rukia sighed as she watched Sherman break the tree and crushed past.

"It's yours soon." Rockell's mouth overflowed with a mockery. In order to kill Downton, he gathered four veterans of the Hundreds. In addition to them, there were four Hundreds who were around the first order of the war. Long, Downton can't fly even if he inserts his wings.

"I really want to kill him myself." Mussel gritted his teeth.

"Unfortunately you have no chance." Rockell laughed.

"He won't take the opportunity to run away? I always feel that the kid is very cunning." Rukia was a little worried, he felt that things were going well.

"In such a big redwood forest, he doesn't have a map. Where do he go? Besides, don't forget our profession, follow him, is not a piece of cake?" Rockell disdain.

"That guy didn't even take the captive away, indicating that he will definitely come back." Mussel wished to kill the bear goblins now.

"Yes, in order to dispel his vigilance, the idea was mine. I also sent Aceko to accompany him to paralyze him. He should not be able to escape, but it is estimated that a war will be inevitable." "If you go together, I will be more at ease."

Roquelpi smiled, if he didn't look at Rukia, what if he and Downton united themselves?

Downton can't run away if he wants to run. When marching, not only there are soldiers on the front, back, left, and right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even on the pretext of going to the toilet, someone will follow, to protect the reputation of the sir.

At noon, the troops rushed to the edge of a stream and began to rest for lunch.

"These people were not confused when they hurried, and apparently they already had a predetermined goal." Downton did not dare to wash his face in the stream. He sat on a stone and looked at these people.

Arceco came together again and talked to him.

Downton guessed right. People are border guards anyway. They are familiar with some areas on the edge of the redwood forest. Now he is leading to a swamp area to hate the weight of the warrior. As soon as he enters, he will get stuck. Fighting strength.

In the eyes of the hundred heads of men, without hatred of the warrior, Downton is a fat sheep arbitrarily slaughtered.

Downton felt uncomfortable, thinking about an excuse to flash people ahead, a javelin shot out, and stabbed a soldier who was washing by the stream. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

ps: The update is complete today!

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