Hero’s Creed

Chapter 206: Magic Youth Championship

After Downton became Donovan's heir, Liszt, even the mayor's son, had no way to find an excuse to put him in a cell to clean up. M

Although there is still no title of nobility, Downton is no longer the worthless civilian kid. He has his own power and a strong backstage and is eligible to fight Liszt.

Downton thought that the crusades were in danger and wanted to send Celes and Walnut back to the dungeon, but neither girl agreed.

"I can also fight acridine, don't treat me like a child." Walnut grunted, dissatisfied, and finally ignored Dunton.

Although Siles didn't speak, but she was stubborn for the first time, she followed him all the time and said nothing left.

"Forget it, let them follow, and see some killing scenes as early as possible, and they can mature as soon as possible. Besides, Ceres is still a magician. Remote support can make the battle easier." Homer persuaded Downton that he was too spoiled. These two girls have changed, and they have been thrown into the **** battlefield to try.

"Well, there is abomination protection anyway, there should be no danger!" Downton compromised and went to the horse farm to borrow three horses to Chenwu Town.

"Why don't you let me ride a bear?" Walnut looked at the furry mount under his hips, feeling ugly and dead. It wasn't even a warhorse, just an ordinary wagon horse.


Downton rolled his eyes, if the majestic and domineering Sherman Bear was riding, it would be even more eye-catching than the unicorn. After all, it is the soul of the super-order Warcraft, and it is a combat mount with higher value.

Ceres was not used to riding horses yet, clutching the reins, worried, and afraid of falling.

The team only has three people, Downton, Abagon stayed in the mine, and Kasimodo was loaded into the war space. There is no way. Although it is only three meters high, after a thousand years of ritual, the body has been assimilated by the essence of dark energy. , Making the body important five times higher than ordinary hate, the general mount can't drag it at all.

In the evening, Downton returned to the morning fog town and saw that the wolf and spice store did not open the door, he gave up the idea of ​​looking for Xia Luo.

"Go, take you to a big meal!" Downton waved his horse whip to mount, and went straight to the Golden Ivory Tavern.

Walnut tied the reins, trot up the stairs, and entered the tavern. Although the voice inside was full, she still couldn't suppress her excited shouts, "Take all the delicious food. Today I'm going to invite Big Brother to dinner."

With the huge sum of money handed over from the slave, Walnut felt that he was a rich man, and he should repay Downton's meal.

Ceres was a little scared, and even stopped in front of the tavern. She had never seen so many mercenaries. She worried that these people would cause trouble to Downton if they knew her identity.

"Come on, here!" Walnut stood on a chair and waved towards Downton. The cute little Lolita made the mercenaries with bad habits look sideways.

"Don't be afraid, something is wrong, I'll bear it!" Downton took Celace's hand and walked in.

Vieri had been tracking Downton, and almost arrived on the back foot. If Hannah was not there, he would have started early. Waiting during this time almost drove him mad.

Gypsy dancers on the high platform, bards playing the harp, adventurers discussing the secret realm, in the wine-filled tavern, formed a fantasy picture of the Western Continent, making Celesce feel everything Are full of freshness.

The walnut grabbed the knife and fork, and the rabbits ate and the juice splattered. Soon a pile of plates piled up in front of him. "Don't be stunned, eat fast? Waiter, let's have another seven mature steak!"

"Eat slowly, no one robs you!" Downton didn't dare to let Celes take off her cloak. Although the death banshee is similar to human Zhang, but the skin color is too white, and there is a sense of transparency, it is easy to be recognized .

Before he was formally qualified as a paladin, Downton could only act with caution, otherwise it would be troublesome to recruit the Templars of the Light Flame Church.

"Why do they always stare here?" The adventurers around looked at Downton's table constantly, making Celesce uncomfortable.

The most recent major incident at the border was the Dagger Mine Storm*. Downton, as the main player in the battle, beheaded Tyson’s younger brother and took the position of chief engineer at the age of fifteen. Naturally, people are also talking about it. Of course, At the end of every talk, there will be some jealous people coming to the sentence that is a'go **** luck' guy.

After someone who had seen Downton recognized him, most people's eyes naturally fell on him. He wanted to see what this guy who was favored by the Goddess of Luck looked like. Then he became more jealous.

Young, handsome, and full of sunshine radiating a vitality, whether sitting or eating, there is a slow and temperament temperament, and elegance can't be added.

"Look at his leather armor, it seems to be the standard equipment of a certain country, do you know?"

"This kid actually scratched the logo on his chest. It must have been stolen."

"It's nonsense. People used to have perfect level battle axes, expensive and rare soul mounts, and a space prop. They are worth not less than one million gold coins. As for stealing things?"

Whoever goes out will basically not wear armor, which is too influential, so Downton only wears 100-man warrior leather armor, with black dragon wings and long swords of order, hung around the waists on both sides, since using two weapons to cut After turning the three-headed magic dog, he found that he liked the feeling of dual wielding.

"Look, this kid actually has a black dragon wing."

Some of the adventurers had good eyesight and called out the cavalry saber pointed at Downton's waist.

"How is it possible, you mean that he alone has the Black Dragon Wings forged by the Black Rock Dwarf, the perfect top grade, and worth eight million?"

With this incredulous shout, the pub was completely quiet, and even the dancer on the high platform stopped and looked down at Downton.

Grunt, a sound of swallowing a group of swallows sounded.

"Isn't it all recognizable?" Downton was a bit big. He hadn't been an adventurer, so he didn't understand the behavior of these guys at all, nor how rich their knowledge was.

"What is the other handle?"

The eyes of the adventurers were aimed at the knight's sword. Just looking at the appearance and the glory of Dulu, they knew that it was not ordinary, but no one could recognize it.

"Fortunately, if I were recognized as a perfect weapon again, I wouldn't have to sleep in peace, waiting for the thieves to come!" Downton breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you afraid of? Luxury weapons are a deterrent. Haven't you seen some people look at your expression?" Homer reminded, "Adventures are also masters of the wind and rudders. People who are generally qualified for the best weapons, Either they are powerful, or they come from a big family. No one likes this to provoke them."

"I also saw some coveted eyes." Downton retorted, in fact, he understood that it was because they knew their civilian identity.

"Huh, if they dare to find trouble, they will all overturn!" Walnut muttered vaguely next to the mouthful of food, just like a kitten defending his master, glaring at the person who came over, but she looked Cute, no danger, but a lot of laughter.

"Downton, I found that your usual behaviors, including drinking tea and eating, have some elegant temperament, much like aristocrats, are you really a civilian? Or did someone teach you about daily etiquette?" Homer wondered. Especially for dinner, no matter what delicious food is placed in front of him, Downton has never shown an eager look. Unlike walnuts, he wished to swallow them all at once.

"No!" Downton puzzled, and immediately remembered something, and smiled, "Yes, it's mom, she said a lot when she was a child, she beat me many times to correct my eating posture."

"Your mother should be an aristocrat, um, or a ceremonial master." Homer had never heard of Downton talking about family, and was curious, "What about your father?"

"No dad!" Downton looked at the ring on his finger and stroked it gently, the only relic left by his mother.

Downton was hesitating whether to leave or reduce his attention. The entire tavern was suddenly swept by the cold currents of the frozen ground in the north. The voice of the adventurers talking about him disappeared, and he looked at the door of the tavern.

"What's the matter?" Downton turned his head and saw the young man who came in, and then understood why no one spoke. He was so beautiful, just like the sun **** Apollo.

The young man was about eighteen years old, with short blond hair and a handsome face, wearing a fiery red magic robe with flame runes painted on the edges, but the most dazzling thing was the cloak behind him, with nine sprays on it. The giant fire-breathing snake seemed to be flying away, as if to be alive.

"He is Torres, the winner of the Saint Geraldine Empire Magic Youth Contest, known as the Empire's most talented and promising magician, said to be the town of Morning Fog a week ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I finally saw a real person this time."

The talking adventurer was full of excitement and excitement, hesitating whether to ask Torres for a signature.

"I heard that he was the son of a businessman. Although he had a bad background, he was so talented that he was spotted by a scepter magician!"

"No, Scepter Order? Doesn't it mean that his mentor already has the power of a single dragon killer?"

"Yes, Torres's mentor is famous in Jutland, but he is not bad, has he seen his cloak? That is his logo, representing his talent magic nine snakes, because he is also known as T9."

The adventurers in the tavern no longer care about Downton, and their eyes are all on Torres. Some people who have seen the world are bragging about T9's growth experience, showing that they are well informed.

"Did you see that? This is the real genius. No matter where you go, it is the object of attention. You are still far away!" Homer inspired Downton. "You are even the title of the first person in Chenwu Town. If you don’t get it, let alone mention other places.” RS


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