Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1281: Field 1 under the stars

Everything is calm!

Not only did I see the birth of a legend, but also a rare continuous succession, which made the onlookers marveled and hooked.

Downton stood there, digesting the chaotic information in his mind.

The three legends turned around and ran without any hesitation. The remaining two watched, and they couldn't hold their faces. Even if they wanted to withdraw, they would have to put a few harsh words.

"Hey, don't you run, are you staying to die?"

Little Walnut puzzled.


"Speak out loud!"

The two legendary faces have become pig liver color, it is so brainless to say this, he is a legend, an invincible legend in the world.

"You really should run!"

The Valkyrie looked back at Downton, "Unfortunately, there is no chance."

The two legends were stunned. Moria Song just shocked the audience and showed a strong strength. And with her character, she seems not to exaggerate. Is Downton really so powerful?

"No, he has just advanced, and I am a legendary third-order peerless master!"

When sharp chin said this, the word "peerless" was intentionally bitten very hard, and the intimidation was self-evident.

"No matter what you are, you are going to die today!"

Downton's body flickered, teleporting to his pointed chin, the angel wailed and slashed.


A large cross appeared in the air, and the fierce wind pressure raged, directly marking the gullies of the cross on the floor.

The Barbarian illusion appears. Due to Downton's promotion, its self-consciousness is more profound, and the existence of the world is longer. It can already judge the attack autonomously.

The left hand is domineering, the right hand is Titan, the barbaric illusion launches a rage offensive, and the world is a huge earthquake.

"Rock field!"

The sharp chin is well-prepared, and the field unfolds instantly under the feet.

Click! Click!

Not only did the ground turn into gray rocks, but even the air began to harden and settle, as if it had become cement. To solidify everything.

"go to hell!"

The sharp jaw stared at Downton with a grin, his realm, but the murder was invisible.

Bang! Bang!

A sharp jungle of stone guns pierced the ground. Surrounding Downton, there are still some rock pillars rising from the ground, as if they were weathered, falling stone dust.

These stone powders not only obscure the field of view but also resemble magnets. Floating to Downton, you can judge his position and annihilate.

"The sarcophagus calms the soul!"

With a sharp chin grip on the right hand, the stone powder gathered in an instant, forming a sarcophagus, imprisoning Downton, and a large amount of rock rose on the ground, completely closing the sarcophagus.


The sarcophagus first squeezed inward, followed by a big explosion. The stone powder scattered all over the sky, because it was infested with blood, showing a red.

The audience exclaimed.

"Haha, I thought it was so powerful, it's not the same as death!"

The chin was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect Downton to be so shocked, but then he laughed happily and scorned Sissy and his team. "Did you see? This is legend!"

"Is that enough?"

Walnut stretched out her little finger and took her ears impatiently.


The pointed jaw is a little dumbfounded. Shouldn’t you cry in grief? How can one be so calm?

"She means, if you say enough, go die!"

Downton stood behind his pointed chin and repeated the sentence.

"How is it possible? I locked your soul!"

The pointed jaw looked at the shattered corpse, yes. Downton's squeezed head was still inside, and even an eyeball rolled down.

"Oh, it's up to you and you want to kill Big Brother?"

Walnut despised and compared a middle finger.

"No, impossible!"

Waving with pointed chin. Two huge stone pillars rose up and flew towards Downton as if shooting flies, shooting him into a pool of minced meat.

"Haha, are you dead this time?"

The pointed chin laughed.

"Hey, look behind you!"

Walnut shouted.

Turning his chin back, he saw Downton holding his chest in his hands and stood there, looking at himself in full leisure.

"This is impossible!"

The sharp chin screaming hadn't fallen yet, Downton's right leg swept out like a steel whip, and fell on his face.


The pointed chin flew out, then was caught up by Downton first, and continued to attack, so he was beaten like a sandbag.

"what happened?"

The onlookers were unknown, so they just saw the silly attack on the air with their pointed jaws, and said that they killed Downton as if they were mentally ill.

"Is Downton's field a spiritual department? Can people be hallucinated?"

Someone guessed.

The body of the pointed jaw was wrapped in sand and stone, and no longer dared to procrastinate. The fate escaped. As for another legend, when he saw that something was wrong, Sayah ran away.

"Have you run?"

Downton snorted, his right arm raised high.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

In an instant, a magnificent and mysterious galaxy star spread out at the foot of Downton. With his right arm held high, cross-shaped star bursts flashing, lighting up the night sky.

Field skills, the stars are falling!

Downton's right arm was pointed to the pointed chin.

In an instant, all the stars flew, as if they had become meteors, dragging the dazzling silver glow tail and shooting at the pointed chin.

"Rock Mother Defense!"

The pointed jaw also knows that the limit is coming, so it uses the most extreme defense.

Bang! Bang!

The ground cracked and the chin sank. A mother of rocks was born, grabbed him, and guarded him in his arms. Then the layers of rock barriers closed together, and in a moment they gathered into a mountain.

The meteor group fell and hit the mountain.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth is moving and the rocks are falling everywhere. Every explosion exploded by a star will form a strong impact and spread to the surroundings, just like a big hand, scraping off the dirt.

The smoke filled the explosion and the explosion roared.

Everyone seemed to experience the end of the world, subconsciously opened the defense, and quickly retreated.

By the time the dust had settled, the original mountain had been blasted into a bottomless pit, and the pointed jaw had disappeared, leaving no remains of the soul.

Everyone was shocked.

"Downton, is this a killing legend?"

Shire's face was embarrassing.

"Brother, the other ran over there!"

Walnut is like a loyal beagle, guiding Downton.

"He can't run!"

Downton chuckled.

The astral world moves, the universe reverses!

The air around seemed to be distorted, and the field of vision became narrow. Then the onlookers saw that the fleeing legend was rushing back with sweat, like a stupid rabbit stupid enough to hit the stake.

"Ah? Why are you here?"

The legend is about to scare urine, teleport directly. But after appearing again, he moved closer to Downton, which made him panic.


The blue magic tattoo illuminates on the back of Downton's right hand, then spreads his arms, and the light is bright.

"Don't kill me. I admit defeat!"

Legend cannot bear the pressure of this death, and begs for mercy. He is also a third-order, and his companions have been killed in seconds, so he knows that he cannot be spared.

"Actually hit a legendary surrender?"

The onlookers were dumbfounded.

"I remembered it. It was the great movement of the astral world, known as the most mysterious realm under the stars. It is known as the most dreamy existence in the planes. Because of it, it is said that it is really like a dream. Everything can be achieved."

After all, Othello is the arrogant son of the St. York family, and at this moment, the accumulated knowledge over the years has exploded.

Many onlookers have lost their faces and have never heard the name in this field, but people like Shire and Washington have been shocked and almost shattered their chins.

"The birth rate in this field is unbelievable. I haven't seen one for thousands of years. Downton's luck is that the pro-son of the goddess of luck may not have this opportunity!"

Shire's mouth was bitter.

Even geniuses such as the Second Prince and Freya. At this time, jealousy was born, because that field is really rare.

How powerful Star Movement is, just look at Downton's performance. Although his strength is stronger than the two legends, but it is impossible to want a spike. It is impossible to know that this is a leapfrog battle, but he has done it by the field.

Even more frightening is that this is only a small part of the astral move. No one knows its true meaning so far, otherwise it will not get the title of the most mysterious realm under the stars.

"My daughter's vision..."

Similian II did not know what to say, now Downton is definitely qualified to challenge Heinrich and the first new star to become the first person in the young generation!

"All the three dark organizations must die!"

Just when everyone was emotional, the second legend was beaten by Downton into a ball of minced meat. This scene made countless people sweat and terrified.

"Moria song, you help me take care of Sissi and Elaine, Walnut, go, go and chase those bad guys!"

Downton instructed.


Walnut responded, and performed a dance with Downton, flying into the steel castle.


Moliya was speechless, and she was not Downton's maid, but she understood that he was doing harm for the people, so she defaulted.

"The Big Three are miserable this time."

"It definitely hurts."

"Not necessarily, I don't believe in the Big Three and have no followers!"

The adventurers whispered, and the three joint forces killed Downton, which turned out to be a good opportunity to annihilate them. These high-end forces were killed and the power was definitely reduced.

"No matter what, the underground world is definitely going to make waves."

Many nobles are eager to try, and the vacuum of power is ultimately to be filled, depending on who can eat these fats. As for Downton, just fight dogs to fight.

The gift of Heroes' Realm is not free. If Downton fails to complete the oath, he will be cursed, but he doesn't care, and he does it all based on his original intention.

The hunt has begun!

The people of the three forces are too unlucky. The third level of the steel fortress is a huge maze. It is necessary to continuously kill adventurers or puppets, get the fallen fragments, and gather a complete map before leaving. This gave Downton ample time to hunt.

Even without the help of Walnut's perception, relying on the imprint of the dark goddess' soul imprinted before, Downton could dig them out even if those guys hid in the gaps of the plane.

"What the **** is this place?"

Several members of the Brotherhood moved forward together, and the long corridor made them irritable. Suddenly, a figure appeared opposite.

"It's Downton!"

At the moment when Downton was discovered, a group of people launched an attack and also summoned a demon servant to act as a meat shield.

Hundreds of magic shots swept through the corridor.

"Fool, Downton is magically immune!"

Someone just roared, and saw a thin film-shaped ball in front of Downton, swallowing all the magic, converging into a magic bomb, increasing the reflection.


The demon servant who was blocking the road was blown into a pool of flesh and blood and sprinkled on the wall.

In the smell of the smell, Downton charged strongly, followed by Walnut, the little follower, and threw the hammer of the storm.

"Don't panic, we can use the terrain!"

Before a guy finished talking, he found that the companion behind him ran away.

Domineering combos, endless broken!

Downton punched, and the wild magic could fill the corridor, raging like a storm.

boom! boom! boom!

The continuous explosion boiled, even the steel walls of the corridors were cracked, and a few unlucky eggs were directly torn, and there was no chance of a struggle.

Downton rushed by, looking for the next wave of enemies.

Homer drew the remains of the soul, and Walnut picked up the fallen map fragments.


"I will quit Assassin's Creed, Duke Downton, will you leave me alone?"

"I will do good deeds every day, do you want to kill me?"

"Downton is here, run!"

"Do not kill me!"

The screams of one after another came through the screen, and the officers felt a little palpitated, because they could feel the despair and helplessness of those people. Downton is like a **** of death, no matter where you are, you will be found.

"Ma Lei, if you don't give me a way to live, then die together!"

Seeing hopeless escape, a fierce guy blew himself up directly.

Downton didn't change his face. When he grabbed his right hand, a star-colored blurred light ball appeared, covering the self-explosive man.


With the self-detonation, the ball of light expanded violently, but then returned to its original state. A large marshal's self-detonation was reasonable enough to square a thousand yards, but now even an ant has not been able to kill.

In the steel castle, the three big people were beaten by Downton like funeral dogs, and they were not panic-stricken all day long.

"Hey, run into me, it's bad luck!"

Several adventurers were blocked by a guy from the Black Flame Church, and were begging, and they saw a figure flash, and then the head of the guy was removed, and the headless body was spattered with blood.

The symphony of death sounded, Downton opened the ring, and all were above the scepter.


"One hundred and twenty-seven!"

When Downton’s number of kills reached 300, all the onlookers left only deep admiration and admiration in their hearts. It’s important to know that these three high-end fighting forces were killed in one fell swoop. Dai Tian's death feud.

"Human~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are so arrogant!"

Inside the castle, a muscular man blocked Downton's path. In front of him, Jing Guan with more than a hundred heads laid out. He also held a beautiful woman's head in his hand, licking and licking the other party's cold. Lips.

"Evil God's running dog?"

Downton pouted.

"Haha, your realm is related to the stars, it is not a talent, it is a star-breaker under the **** of evil, which means you are destined to die in my hands!"

The muscular man ridiculed, his eyes full of contempt, his territory expanded and his soul exuded.

One, two, muscular men lit up like stars in the night sky, and finally they became a star chart.

"My star breaker is the master of Xinghai!"

The voice did not fall, and the muscular man ejected. (To be continued.)


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