Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1277: Crypt level

A pair of flame wings that stretched for tens of meters spread out, shooting countless crows and collided with the water element on the ground, causing a big explosion.

boom! boom! boom!

The seawater is evaporated and the white mist rises.


An adventurer saw Downton's offensive and was ready to rush up to pick up the leak, but was pulled by the companion beside him.

"You are dead!"

The companion was not angry.

"Relax, just be careful, it won't be affected!"

Adventurers are worried that it is safe to follow Downton, but the heroes are not stupid. Without excellent performance, they will certainly not be recognized by them.


The sharp roaring sound pours into the eardrum, and Downton, who is wearing flames, descends from the sky like a meteor outside the sky and hits the sea emperor's array.

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of giant whale beeps, raised their heads and sprayed water bombs, intercepting Downton, and layers of blue water barriers appeared.

Hell volcano!

Downton was enveloped by the white gas that evaporated, and a bang broke through the barrier, hitting the ground.


The landslide was cracking and the volcano erupted!

As a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, a huge magma spewed out of the ground, thousands of meters high, and the cracks on the ground continued to spread.

boom! boom! boom!

Like the detonated volcanoes, the lava bursts, the thick smoke billowed, and the orange-red magma fell like a rainstorm.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The elemental army of water was scalded with holes. White mist is transpiring.

Blazing sky!


The flowing magma converges like a tsunami, rolling up waves that are several meters high. Spread to the Sea Emperor's formation, wherever it went, it was burnt to a scorched earth.

Click! Click!

The sea water freezes out huge icebergs to resist the lava tsunami.

Lava puppet.

The gradually cooled lava came out of the ground and became element puppets of different sizes, bypassing the iceberg and charging towards the battlefield.

The water elemental army was killed. This is the home court, and they have strength advantages. It's just that whenever the lava puppets are about to be destroyed, they will explode, spreading to tens of meters, killing one.

Flame Ring!

Downton passed low. A garland of flames will be continuously radiated, with sparks drifting, blurred and dreamy.

"This attack power is too terrifying?"

The officers watching the battle blew their breath, and the entire battlefield was completely raged. It was still the water element. I didn’t know what the fear was. If I replaced it with a human corps, I wouldn’t frighten the war. The smoke alone will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness.

"Ma Lei, Downton is a self-propelled human-shaped nuclear bomb!"

Some nobles remembered the ancient wars recorded in the classics. It is said that the elven queen invented a weapon called the magic nuclear bomb. Once used, it can destroy everything within a few hundred kilometers. Apart from the scorched earth, it will erase all signs of life and leave nothing behind.

"I used to think that the Frankfort hadn't been extinguished. It was good luck, now it seems. It was the devil hornet who took back his life!"

Many officers marveled at Lianlian, the magic of fire is always the most powerful and lasting spell on the battlefield. Downton’s set of combo moves is simply a magical skill for clear soldiers!

"Look, look at the sea emperor."

At the moment when the officer's voice fell, the sparks scattered across the battlefield suddenly lit up a bright light and followed the explosion.


boom! boom! boom!

The flames spread all over the sky, and the waves burst.

"Goddess is up, look!"

The exclamation continued, and someone noticed that in this stormy offensive, the little loli was riding an empty ray, covered in an oval shield, and was rushing forward, waiting to approach the Queen of the Sea, directly It was a full blow.


Downton was staring at the flying shot, the sea emperor who was preparing for the big move was suddenly stunned, and yet there was no reaction. A huge barbarian illusion appeared and played a set of consecutive moves.

The officers covered their faces with one hand and couldn’t bear to look at it again. The numerous domineering and endless sea emperors have now completely turned into sandbags, and they are still about to be beaten.

"Are these two men crazy?"

Some officers were shocked. The goal of the second level was to break through as soon as possible after the elemental army’s siege. The test was the adventurer’s ultimate endurance, attack power, and defense. As a result, Downton and Walnut killed the mixed soldiers. Began to beat the sea emperor avatar.

"Stop it, you guys pass!"

The sea emperor stopped it.

",So happy!"

Fighting with Downton allowed Walnut to experience the long-lost happiness. He didn't listen to what the sea emperor said. A warhammer waved like a windmill, and its split was broken.

"Will killing you increase the favorability of the heroes?"

Downton asked.

"No, let's say you have already passed the customs clearance perfectly."

The sea emperor's depressed vomiting blood, others came up to break through, you are good, just push it straight, even if the dragon is not so bold.

"There is the second level, let's go!"

The sea emperor held his head in one hand, and pointed in the direction, and big tears flowed out. It didn't know why there was such a terrifying power in this little loli's body. It was so painful to hit.

The adventurers were originally worried that Downton and his party would fly, but they could not catch up with them. After seeing the second level, they were relieved.

Huge mountains blocked the road, and if you want to continue, you must enter those deep tunnels.

"Which one to choose?"

There are thousands of tunnels in front, a dozen meters wide, and the narrow ones can only accommodate walnuts to climb over.

"Let me choose!"

Sissi kissed the ring on her index finger, and a spotted elf sprang out and shot with bows and arrows.

"Go here!"

When there was only one arrow at the end, Sissi chose the tunnel.

"Go in. Moria song, after you break this time, pay attention to protect Sissi."

Downton took the lead. Sissi's ring is epic and contains the power of fate. The route it chooses must be the most advantageous.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Sissi's face pale, Yilian quickly blessed several restoration techniques.

"It's okay."

Can help Downton, no matter how much it costs, Sissy feels worth it.

The darkness, depression, and silence in the tunnel can hear everyone's breathing. It is definitely a torment to the spirit.

"Do you think the tunnel is narrowing?"

At the moment an adventurer asked, the tunnel shook. The surrounding walls squeezed down.

"Fool, why do you think Duke Downton is speeding up?"

Someone cursed that once said, the enemy hidden in the dark will definitely attack.

Bang! Bang!

The earth wall rises. Blocked the way.

Downton's speed does not decrease, he charges strongly, encounters obstacles, and directly punches hard.


Mud splatters.

"Ah, help!"

Suddenly stretched out the muddy arm on the wall to catch the adventurer, some hapless egg was accidentally caught, Downton is too far away, just a look back. Torn arm.


The adventurer was divided into corpses, and the internal organs and blood were spilled. This scene made other people run faster.

Such a narrow range. Downton did not dare to use flame attack, which was easy to accidentally hurt, so he entered a violent state and broke through with a pair of steel fists.

"No, ordinary traps can't trap them."

The officers vomited.

Normally, the position is at the forefront. The fewer soil arms, the less attacks. The people behind will definitely run into other channels in order to survive, but now Downton is breaking too fast, so that adventurers are following.

"The first difficulty is coming, you can't stop it, it's all destroyed!"

The officers' eyes did not explode for a moment, staring at the screen.


After blasting a wall again, the light in the field of vision suddenly rose, and a huge blue and white light came over.

"Oye, is this regiment gone?"

"Even if it does not die, it is estimated to be hit hard!"

"This level is called the adventurer killer. I don't know how many people died here."

The officers said, suddenly they said nothing, because after the light disappeared, Downton stood there intact. Because of his protection, all the people behind were not injured.

"Ma Lei, how can I forget that Downton's talent is to move from star to star, known as the legal nemesis!"

"Not only that, his nervous response is too fast."

"What reaction, I think Downton has already prepared. Hasn't he created a mirror to stop the water? It is said that he can predict all attacks."

The officers were completely convinced, and at the same time envied the good luck of those adventurers. Following Downton, they might have a chance to step into the Hall of Heroes. After all, many of them were missed.

Downton and his party stopped, and before them appeared a huge square crypt, as large as ten football fields.

The crypts are covered with stone slabs. Each stone slab contains portraits of heroes in history, either crying, laughing, or mourning.

"What does it mean?"

Walnut found that there was no way to go except the tunnel opposite the Crypt Square.

Downton looked back.

The adventurers took a step back in full, with fear and flattering, in the face of the unknown trap, they naturally sent cannon fodder to find the way.

"I'm here!"

When Walnut lifted his leg, he stepped on it, and was pulled back by Downton.

"Homer, let go of the ghoul!"

Downton picked up a stone and threw it at those slabs without any movement. Then the first ghoul stepped on it, and then the second foot fell. The huge thunder suddenly jumped up, turning it into a coke.

The ghoul continued to walk toward the stone slab, and was constantly destroyed by the thunder. The farthest one was only more than thirty meters away.

Seeing the decrease in the number of ghouls, the adventurers wanted to run away. If Downton couldn't feel the pattern before consuming them, he would get everyone to operate.

"Is this cheating?"

Freya ridiculed, not really, because the mage can also summon a large number of servants to go out on a safe route.

At this level, legal competitors have a natural advantage.

"do you understand?"

After consuming eighteen ghouls, Downton asked back.

Sissy and Elaine nodded.

"Ah? See what?"

Walnut looked left and right, clutching his hair, his face sad, because he didn't understand it at all.

"First, when you step on the Crypt Square with your first foot, what expression is the portrait on, and then you have to step on the same expression, otherwise you will be attacked."

"Second, the most smiley portraits."

"Third, stand on a stone slab for a maximum of five seconds or you will be attacked."

"Fourth, the feet cannot leave the slate for more than five seconds, otherwise they will also be attacked."

"Fifth, when the ghouls reach a third of the road, they will be attacked as long as they advance, which means that the place is the dividing line, and it will definitely change at that time, which requires you to be flexible."

Downton explained, looking at Sissi.

"I choose to move forward!"

Sissi wants to prove her worth.

"It's troublesome, can't you rush through it in one breath?"

Walnut is the most afraid of things that bother you.

"No, repeat what I just said!"

Downton did not allow Little Loli to be cute and make sure that she remembered it before she said, "You follow me, so I can help in time if I have trouble."

A group of adventurers squeezed over and listened to Downton intently, no one doubted his judgment.

"Let's look at your route first. Sissi and Elaine, you go with those two, your smiles are more dense."

Downton reminded.

"Are you ready?"

After confirming that the companions nodded, Downton said, "Jump!"

The first step, safe and sound, and then the second step, Downton and his party moved forward in this slightly repressed atmosphere.

"What shall we do?"

Someone asked.

"Go on, otherwise you can only go back!"

The adventurers did not want to give up, and it was too late to say that there was no way to catch Downton’s ride.

"Watch it, the show is going to start!"

The officers widened their eyes and put on a gloating expression.

"One third is here, pay attention, the walnut jumps first!"

Downton reminded.


Walnut responded and jumped to the next smiling face.


Countless blue currents spread across the slate, and all the portraits changed their expressions in an instant.

Downton immediately turned back.


An adventurer panicked and jumped subconsciously to the next piece.


Thick lightning flashed out and bombarded him.

"Wait, it's no longer a smiley face, but the same portrait expression as your feet."

Downton yelled.

"what should I do?"

Sissi looked down and found that the portrait expression had not changed.

"Don't worry, take your time and jump according to this expression. For safety, only choose the portrait of the same person."

Downton motioned for Cici to relax. In this way, although a few stones would be dropped and increase the difficulty, it would definitely not go wrong.

Elaine grunted, feeling that her brother didn't care about herself.

"Oh, with your ability, I can pass the level without reminding!"

Downton rolled his eyes, but his sister was a genius.

"Is that right?"

Sissi was sweaty, nervous and excited. From small to big, she was spoiled by her father and had never done such a dangerous thing.


Downton's voice is stable and powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is full of contagion. It seems that listening to his words, the panic in his heart will not be easy to fly away.

Suddenly, current flows and the portrait expression changes again.

"Calm down, just follow the steps just now, very well, stick to it."

Downton directed.

"Ma Lei, boring."

The officers vomited, and many people died here every year, but Downton led the team. Except for a bad luck, there was no downsizing.


An adventurer screamed and was blasted into lightning by lightning.

"All attention, the next step is at most three seconds!"

Downton shouted, "Walnuts, especially you, will jump within a second." (To be continued)

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