Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1250: Strong king

"It turned out to be Sissi!"

"It seems the rumors are true, she is chasing Downton!"

"What can Downton do, alas, it seems that Jutland's attack plan is about to die."

The messengers were stunned. Downton embraced Sissy's thighs. It was difficult for them to feel underdeveloped. Then they felt lucky, but fortunately they rushed to apologize, and then they were unpredictable.

"Your Highness!"

These messengers are all from small countries, and they usually have no chance to contact big people like Sissi.

"All Dragon Slayers!"

Feeling the horror sent out by the guards, the messengers trembling.

"You are……"

Sissi stopped.

"If you're looking for Duke Downton, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. He is not on his way to Tallinn!"

"I am Wise's messenger!"

The messengers talked, you shoved me, secretly fighting, all trying to grab a good position.

"Your Highness, are you here?"

Abagong dashed out and smiled, "I have already prepared the bedroom that I have prepared for you. You can bathe and change your clothes. I will arrange dinner!"

"grown ups!"

Seeing the Lord, the messengers immediately swarmed, "Where is Duke Downton?"

"When does he come back?"

"Are you giving a quasi letter?"

Call an elf goblin and let the messengers of these nobles suffocate and vomit blood, but there is no way to beat others, only tolerate.

"The host is on his way to Lubgarana, and he should have already entered Wangdu by this time. He probably came back to end the war the day after tomorrow and started to return!"

Abagong said flatly, his eyes fell on the face of a middle-aged man.

Other people's eyes have also been swept away. There are also rabbits and dead foxes, because he is the messenger of Ghana.

"No, our king summed up with sincerity, really. It is even possible to cede the border to fifty miles!"

The messenger was cold and sweaty, thinking of Tallinn's miserable situation, and ignored the negotiation, and directly reported the hole card.

A cry of exclamation sounded and retreated fifty miles. That is translation, which means an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. This handwriting is not small enough to allow the King of Ghana to be nailed to the column of historical shame.

"Fifty Miles? Are you calling Hanako?"

Abagong sneered, "Sorry, we don't need it. How much land does the owner want? We will take it in person! Your Highness, please!"

"Don't go. You can discuss it!"

The middle-aged man wanted to chase, but was stopped by a barbarian guard and hit his face with a punch.


The middle-aged man had nosebleeds and fell. He endured severe pain and wanted to get up, but he immediately followed a machete.


The axe blade chopped the floor, and Mars was flying.

"His Highness is here. I don't want your body to pollute the environment, so I will let you go and tell you the king. Be ready to die!"

Abagong walked a few steps, and suddenly turned back, "Oh, I forgot. When you go back, the country of Lughana should be wiped from the map."

These words are too domineering, so that a bunch of messengers froze, and a cold air straightened the bone marrow, and they looked at each other. Coincident decision to increase the chips.

"I'm not going, just go to Downton!"

Sissi waved her hand and returned to the battleship.

Abagong gave his cordial courtesy.

"Downton is too arrogant? Who does he think he is? Want to annex us, we have to see if there is such a big appetite!"

A messenger whispered, but found no one to echo, they all left in a hurry, apparently to make emergency contact with the country.

Unlike Tallinn, which is backed by Jutland, Lugana is surrounded by small nations, so for shock shooting, Downton did not choose an airborne raid, but led the fleet to fly at low altitude to the capital.

When dozens of huge and fierce battleships crossed the sky, all the cities under the route were shocked. They raised their heads and their faces were full of frightened expressions, especially when the Titan Fortress broke into the horizon. Horror is rendered to the extreme.

"Mom, what is that?"

A noble girl holding a windmill, pointing at the battleship curiously, asked her mother.

"It's death!"

The mother's lips were trembling, and finally she whispered this sentence, and then reacted, immediately picked up her daughter and rushed home, starting to pack up and prepare to escape from the country.

In order to increase fear, even the small towns along the way, even in large cities, Downton will also send the frost dragon. When hundreds of super-order Warcraft flew across the sky, the whole city was silent and fell into a silence. .

"Why should we send troops to Frankfort? Now people can't fight, what should I do?"

"I heard that Downton is the first star in the North, and the Bavarian Rose is still chasing him. As long as they get married, they are the prince of the Empire, how can we afford it?"

"Cut the land and pay for it, or you will die!"

Citizens talked about each other, and then found that overnight, prices have skyrocketed, public order is chaotic, everything is developing in a bad direction, so they even resent the king who is proficient in swordsmen.

Downton's marching plan was relatively time-consuming, so when the fleet arrived in the capital, the king had already mobilized the large army to station, and all the high-end combat power was put on standby.

The first time the enemy ship was discovered, the air cavalry took off, but the number was pitifully small, only a thousand rides.

"What can this person do? Even an honor guard can't be assembled!"

Walnut pouted.

Little Loli didn't know the air ride she despised, but the king's proud trump card, every time she went abroad, she would definitely bring Yaowu Yangwei, because she would inevitably receive a lot of envy and jealous eyes.

Even in second-rate countries, air riding is a rare and expensive armament, and the degree of burning money is painful, so this is a manifestation of strong national strength.

"Ma Lei, I am also a warship!"

On the city wall, the king stared closely at the warship coming in the distance, cursing his teeth, and let his flagship take off.

It was purchased from Jutland in the name of tourism.

Lugana has a good geographical advantage and a pleasant climate. Not only is it rich in products, but also has a very developed tourism industry. Therefore, it has created a rich country, otherwise he will not become the leader of the coalition forces and have the courage to attack Drankford.

"Look. It's a battleship!"

The little walnut started to get excited again, "Should I beat it down?"

If you let the king hear the evaluation of the little walnut, you have to cry, but his expression is almost the same now. When one battleship after another broke through the clouds and appeared in the field of vision, he was completely dumbfounded and dreamed that Downton's air power would be so powerful. He thought it was an exaggeration of intelligence officers before.

"Ma Lei, he is a third-rate country, how can he save so many warships?"

A group of generals tried to break their heads, but they didn't get an answer.


The king urged.

"You are invading Lughana, please stop your atrocities, otherwise all the consequences caused by you will be borne by your Frankfort!"

Diplomats harshly accused, "We will also give the aggressor a merciless blow!"

"Sink the warship!"

Downton squeezed his eyebrows, too lazy to waste his tongue.

"Is the tone too strong!"

The minister asked in a low voice.

"You are old and negotiate between countries. You must not show weakness!"

The king taught, and as a result the voice fell, and he heard a continuous roar.

boom! boom! boom!

A round of salvos from the death totem fleet, a huge magic energy ejected from the muzzle and hit the flagship.

Sawdust flew and limbs splashed!

Without even a trace of struggling, the flagship was torn apart in the sight of a group of Ghanaians, burning and falling to the ground.


There were constantly soldiers screaming and no choice. He jumped from the battleship and attempted to escape, but all fell to death without exception.


The flagship fell to the ground and a huge fire mass rose. The black smoke billowed.

"how is this possible?"

The Ghanaian face was dull and was frightened by the horrible firepower of the death totem. One face to face, in less than ten seconds, the king spent billions of gold coins to decorate, and the proudest flagship was slammed.

"Do these people understand diplomacy? How can they attack? How to negotiate? What about bargaining?"

A group of ministers growled. Use this to vent your fears.


Downton stood on the deck, his hands pressed against the side of the ship, overlooking this wealthy city, more and more satisfied, this will be in his pocket.

"The Duke Downton has an order to let your king surrender with the scepter, crown and national book within three minutes, otherwise it will destroy the entire city and kill every member of the royal family!"

Cassimodo's roar came from the magic speaker and swept across the city.

The Ghanaian's face changed, and he looked at the king subconsciously.

"To bully too much!"

The king screamed and grabbed the pickup from the diplomat. "Downton, who do you think you are? Actually let me surrender?"

"His Majesty!"

The prime minister was terrified and tried to persuade him so as not to intensify the situation.


The king threw a fist and hit him in the face, making his nose bleed.

"Go away, do you think I don't know your ghost thoughts? Change a king, you are still nobles, collecting taxes from civilians, sisters sleeping civilians, but me? Will be sent to the guillotine!"

The king glanced around, cursing angrily.

"Downton, if you want my country, then come and fight. Lub Ghana will let you see what is blood and bravery. We will resist until the last drop of blood is drained!"


After the king finished speaking, he directly smashed the pickup on the ground, without losing his temper. These people thought they were soft eggs.

The walls of the city were as silent as a chill, and everyone aimed at the battleship, waiting for Downton's reply.

Without shouting, Downton walked down the deck, and when everyone was expecting him to die, he flew over so dashingly.

Immediately following, one figure after another went down the deck, following beside Downton.

"Dancing sky?"


Watching Downton and his party walk flat in the air, the Ghanaians almost slammed their eyes. This single hand is enough to make them daunted, because this is a proof of their strength.

"I have come to see your bloodiness and bravery!"

Downton hugged his chest with his hands and hovered in the air, overlooking the crowd on the city wall. His eyes were fierce and overbearing. No matter who was swept by him, he looked away with fear and fear.


A team of guards rushed over and stood in front of the king. The crossbows and archers of the city bowed with bows and arrows, ready to shoot him.

For a time, the Ghanaians were facing a great enemy, and on the Downton side, each one seemed to be at ease, as if walking in the spring.

"Is this eggplant face the king?"

Walnut carried his little hand on his back and looked at the king. In a word, he almost made him vomit blood.

"Extremely rude!"

The king can ascend to the throne and take control of Ghana, relying on strong strength, so he directly exudes the great marshal's fifth-order soul pressure and gives these people a dismount.

"Oh, do you want to fight? I'll be your opponent!"

Walnut took out the warhammer, one arrow step, and was about to charge. Downton's eyes were fast and he grabbed her collar, so little Loli was like a domestic cat and was carried in the air.

"I slaughtered the dragon, but I haven't killed the king yet. Will this opportunity give me a chance?"

Walnut looked pitifully at Downton and grunted his lips.

When the Ghanaians heard this, it was as if they were stabbed into the chrysanthemum by the ogre's mace and opened their mouths one by one, looking at the walnut in disbelief.

"She is joking, must she be joking? She must be joking?"

The ministers thought about it, but looking at the eager expression on Walnut's face wasn't a joke, and to their surprise, Downton actually agreed.

"Be careful!"

Downton touched the walnut forehead.


Little Loli leaned forward, an acceleration, like a shell hitting the wall.

At the same time, the blue Titan magic pattern spread all over the body, the momentum soared, like a meteorite falling.

The king frowned, subconsciously trying to avoid it, but it was too late, the walnuts were killed, the warhammer blasted.


Without any suspense, the king was beaten by a walnut full of fire.


The entire section of the city wall was violently shaking, and a circle of blue shock wave radiation made the people around it like a hurricane, and directly flew out.

"You can't help but fight, are you a fake?"

Walnut asked, and continued to attack.

A mutated double-headed dragon beast emerged from the dust, sprayed green slime, drowned walnuts like a rainstorm, fell on the city wall, and immediately corroded white smoke. Some unlucky soldiers were affected and suddenly burned into a puddle of pus water.

"Go away!"

The walnut is unavoidable, with an oval shield coming close, hitting with a hammer.


The dragon beast, taller than the tower, wailed and fell to the ground.

Dozens of dead shot from the shadows, robbed walnuts and rescued the king.


Downton throws his fists disdainfully~www.wuxiaspot.com~Bang! boom! boom!

Dozens of magical energy punches out of thin air and hit them with precision.

The bodies of the deceased were inflated, suddenly swelled, followed by rupture, and shattered into the sky of flesh and blood.

Kasimodo and Arnold didn't attack, but waved the battle flag hard, cheering for the little princess.

"Who is this family!"

The face of Ghana was as earthy as the attack on Downton's side was almost destroyed, and a despair began to breed in my heart.

"Huh, it's not your turn to be arrogant here!"

With a loud rebuke, an area expanded and covered a thousand miles, the legendary strongman of Lugana couldn't stand it anymore and shot. (To be continued.)


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