Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1245: Downton's first show under the Corps!

"Commander, taking advantage of the high morale, will you attack?"

The generals knelt down to fight, and there was a cry.

"What are we?"

The commander-in-chief didn't worry, but asked softly.

"We are the invincible Seventh Army!"

The generals and staff roared with pride and confidence all over their faces.

"Yes, so show your glory and grace from the Saint Geraldine Empire. Now, quietly waiting for the enemy array."

The commander-in-chief snorted, "Don't you say, head to head, will you lose?"

"We are invincible, we are invincible!"

"We are fledglings from hell, spreading death and terror, we took away life and hope, and left glory and merit!"

"We are hellbirds and will drag our enemies to the desperate and abyssed hellbirds!"

The officers began to sing the war song of the 7th Legion, and then the voice spread more and more, echoed in the sky, and then under this endlessly coercive force, the Deranke army set foot on the battlefield.

The city gates of Sarajee opened wide, and a team of immortal hatreds over six meters tall came out. They were all made up of the corpses of Warcraft. They were expressionless and covered with ugly and grim sutures. ⊕ they didn’t Armor, because the strong flesh ~ body is their strongest shield and weapon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were no drums of war, but each hate had nearly a thousand pounds. The military boots stepped on the ground, and a dull sound broke out, as if thunder roared.

Their faces do not change, because they never fear, it seems that they are not facing the millions of Legion of Hellbirds, but a group of ants.

"What kind of arms is this?"

Some officers groaned with stunned faces, and it was reasonable to say that they were abominable. They should be heavy infantry, but this regiment. It's quite weird.

There is no tower shield enough to resist heavy riding, no dragon gun enough to pierce Warcraft, only an arm belt around the waist and slung on the chest, which is covered with a tin can, except for the back Behind a barrel-shaped armed cabinet, there is a rubber hose connected to a gun-shaped nozzle. Hang on the left side, easy to access at any time.

"Undead abomination? Grenadier Regiment!"

A staff member took a telescope and read the text on the battle flag.

"Let the war team communicate the order, whoever dares to run away, the whole team sits!"

Arnold's tone was full of murderousness. In order to protect the kingdom of Chieftain Downton, they at all costs.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

The sharp horn sounded, and it seemed that the whale sprayed water with a unique vibrato. Throughout the thousands of miles of battlefield.

This is a horn that is produced after hunting dragon whales that only live in the polar ocean, stripping off the dragon horn, and it can stimulate the power in the human blood and is a unique symbol of the barbarian kingdom.

"It's a barbarian army!"

The barbarians withdrew from the center of the western continent long ago, and they were trapped in the polar frozen ground, so the officers had never heard this horn, but this did not prevent them from recognizing people.

Long brown hair. Combing into a braid of hair, only a pitiful triangle leather pants. On the head is a horned helmet with a horn broken, carrying a Viking tomahawk that is bigger than an adult...

"It's a barbarian!"

In the Corps, the whispers of the soldiers sounded. These costumes were no different from the images of barbarians in taverns, history, and bards, and their eyes slowly floated with a little worry.

The barbarians are fierce and brutal. No matter production, like killing and snatching, the most important thing is that this race is crazy, they think. Fighting to death is the perfect home for barbarians, and the soul will be recognized by the hero king, and will be led by the goddess of war to enter the hall of heroes.

"How come a group of mental illnesses that are not afraid of death?"

Looking at this group of muscles with a minimum of two and a half meters ~ sticks, the soldiers are screaming hard, they can fight fearlessly, but they are not afraid of death, but the opposite, but really enjoying the battle, the battlefield is regarded as a belief And home.

"How can Delanckford have such a troublesome regiment?"

Someone began to complain in a low voice, but the trouble was just beginning.

The heavy-handed cavalry regiment of the Black Hand clan led by the Black Hand came out. These dwarves are from the dark area. They are the tomb clan of the dwarf kingdom. They guard the treasures of the dwarf king for generations, and they loyal to the ring of the lonely mountain forever.

These dwarves are not the common five short statures, but a water hill dwarf with a height of more than six meters. Their armor is heavy, covering the whole body, running, like a large steel can, giving people nowhere Feeling under the mouth.

The dwarf's heavy-faced mask is grisly, with only a horizontal line around the eyes, a protuberance in the muzzle and nose, and dense holes on it. When breathing, white mist will spray out.

The breathing of the Saint Gerald soldiers began to be heavy, and his eyes were cramped.

The black-handed heavy mount is an iron-ridged dragon beast, which is more ugly than the Sherman and the bear, but it is more ugly, its diamond-shaped armor, the crossbow vehicle attack is tickling, and the magic below the dragon level cannot be shaken.

The **** warhorse re-ridden by the **** bird is a little better, and the light cavalry's mount has been restlessly restless, and he is constantly digging the ground.

No way, the oppression brought by the black hand heavy riding is too great. Their armor is blade-style, with sharp edges and full of the beauty of steel and power. Except for the short-handed flying axe hanging on both sides of the mount, everyone's hands All are long-handled warhammers that are longer than their height, and they are simply violent.

This corps is a powerful weapon for attacking and tearing all corps.

"Look at the left!"

"It's the dark elf!"

"Goddess is up, how much does this have to be? Wouldn't it make you rich if you grab it?"

The soldiers suddenly clamored.

After the black hand re-ridden, the drow elf cavalry in black armor rode on the black panther, just like a dark cloud, pouring out instantly and spilled on the battlefield.

"Give me a straight back, we are the most invincible legion. For Goddess Rose, for the servant Downton!

At the forefront is a female drow, her name is Maiev, the sister of Drizzt, the most rebellious and talented young daughter of the Duden family.

"My Emperor Polo is another race that is not afraid of death!"

This time, even the officers began to have a headache. When the word drow was mentioned, they were full of conspiracy, death, and killing. They had fanatical beliefs. For the sake of Queen Rose, she was willing to give everything.

The drow cavalry drove on the battlefield, demonstrating superb horsemanship. They carried two narrow scimitars across their waists, carrying a quiver and a long bow, and a black kerchief on their faces. A long silver hair fluttered, and he was full of spirit.

Giggle! Giggle!

Full of emotion ~ Laughing laughter echoed on the battlefield, the female drow flirtatiously seduce the soldiers opposite.


Many soldiers swallowed subconsciously and set up their tents under their hips. Their eyes were fixed on the white thighs of the female drow, wishing to take a bite, and also dreaming of confining them under the scene of conquest.

"You want to die, don't watch it. That's a dark elf that can squeeze your soul out of bed!"

Some warnings sounded, but the sound was too weak and was quickly overwhelmed.

"A bunch of bitches~ son!"

The black hand cursed, as a foe living under the ground, they knew that, even if the female drow were exposed, they seemed to have weak defense. But that is all means, as long as the enemy is distracted. There is no doubt that the female drow is the kind of woman who snuggles in your arms with a tender smile and can pierce your heart.

"It's time for us to play!"

Thyssen raised his chest and took the Krupp legion to the battle, but he was not greeted with praise. It is relief and relaxation.

"Goddess is on, and finally it is no longer the kind of mad race that is not afraid of death!"

Saint Gerald soldiers drew crosses on their chests to pray.

"Damn it, transform me!"

Thyssen's head smoked white smoke, no longer hide, just announced all over the body.

A Zun originally had a Krupp giant that was seven or eight meters high in the red light. Straight from the ground, it became 15 or 6 meters high, and some even exceeded 20 meters.

The soldiers of Hellbird were dumbfounded at the giants who were all red and covered in flames.

Finally, the foreign orc corps led by Tauren Batty appeared, but no one paid attention to them.

Silence is spreading. This time, no generals took the initiative to fight, because they were not sure of defeating the enemy. Although the number of enemy troops was not large, they were definitely not vegetarian.

"Where is your courage?"

The commander-in-chief scolded.


The officers and staff stood upright, their faces were solemn, and they shouted in unison, "I am willing to be a pioneer and win victory for you!"

"Let the light cavalry begin regular combat!"

The commander-in-chief didn't want to wait, but soon after the words fell, there was a bit of a jam, because he saw the sky opposite and a dense battleship appeared.

"It's the air force of Deranke!"

"No, how much more than intelligence?"

"My Emperor Polo, is that a fortress?"

A series of surprises sounded loudly. As soldiers of the great empire, no one knew the power of the air force better than they did. They thought it was a one-sided crush, but they did not expect the opposing air force lineup to be more aggressive than their own.

The sound of the offensive horn sounded, but there was clearly a pause.

"Cut the messenger!"

The commander-in-chief growled.

On the ground, the light cavalry began to run to the battlefield according to the order, while the heavy cavalry began to advance slowly. Large-scale combat has always been coordinated by various regiments.

"Cool, worthy of being the troop of the Northern Army, well trained!"

Nicole stood on the deck and watched the Hellbirds move out. The tacit symphony was like a perfect symphony, and could not help but praise.

Downton's face was solemn, hesitating whether to use the battleship to suppress the battlefield.

boom! boom! boom!

The blue-green signal flare rose from the drow cavalry into the sky and exploded into gorgeous fireworks.

"Your subordinates are very courageous!"

Ni is ridiculous. This signal is common in the mainland, which means that the corps is singled out and does not accept assistance. In the next moment, the same signal flares have risen in the Black Hand Regiment and the Barbarian Corps.

"These guys are crazy!" The commander-in-chief pouted. "Okay, then I will complete them!"

In the Hellbird camp, several blue-green signal flares were also raised in response to the challenge!

"The commander-in-chief has orders to destroy the drow elves, and the captives are yours!"

The commander of the light cavalry was quite mental. In a word, the morale was greatly boosted. The soldiers had green eyes, just like a wild wolf hungry for a long time, and screamed and threw it up.

The heavy cavalry is advancing, and the two light cavalry are the first to fight because of the speed of the wind.

Drow is proficient in riding, two strong and powerful thighs control the mount, two hands open the bow, three consecutive shots of rage, directly spread a ‘black cloud’.

call out! call out! call out!

In the arrows of the migratory locusts, in the sharp whistle, the dark clouds fell, overwhelming the hellbird light ride.

The screams rose, and many cavalrymen shot arrows and fell into the saddle.

Hellbird deserves to be the trump card, and its tenacity, even if the comrades around him are shot by arrows, and their faces are splashed with blood, they are unshakable, and even the crotch of the war horse stomps the comrades who fell on the horse, and their brows are not wrinkled. Take a moment, at this time they clenched their swords, the only thought is to cut down the enemy.

The distance of nearly a thousand kilometers passed quickly, and the drows put away their short bows, and before the two torrents collided, the double knives were unsheathed.


The drows drew their knives, not to mention a simple hand-up style, but they used the angle of the blade and reflected the sun, suddenly letting a light flash in front of them, shaking the eyes of the enemy.

Hellbirds are also veteran oil seeds, squinting their eyes, predicting the enemy’s trajectory, and cutting them off with a knife. If they are other legions, they will definitely suffer a big loss, but this time, their opponents are drow elves.

With terrifying physical coordination, the drows evaded the hacking, and the two knives directly hit the counterattack, breaking the enemy's block and slashing on his neck.

puff! puff! puff!

A large piece of cavalry planted a warhorse, without exception, all of them were swords in the neck, half of the cervical spine was cut, and the head was bent at ninety degrees and slumped on the shoulders, exposing Bai Sensen's throat.

In the blood pillars of the sky, the drows continued to charge, and the dark martial arts started, and a cloud of black mist exploded from the body, covering the battlefield.

The cavalrymen suddenly fell into darkness that they couldn't reach.

Seeing this scene, the staff directly shivered, and a thought came out of their minds at the same time, the light cavalry regiment, it was over!

Fighting with Drow who is good at night warfare in the dark, it is definitely a bun to beat the dog, never to return.

Pounding hoof~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just one minute, the two are conveniently staggered, leaving the black fog zone, just the side of the **** bird, most of them are only blood-stained horses, and only a small number of cavalry rushed out, and Zhuo On the other side, the manners are relaxed. It is not like having just experienced a cruel fight, but instead like an outing, the harvest is not life, but harvested mushrooms.

The surviving cavalrymen can no longer care about the captives and enjoy Drow's body. At this time, their brains are filled with fear.

The drows shook the reins in unison. The entire team was like a flexible antelope, turning their heads and turning around. After a charge, they could still stand up to one-tenth of the light rides, and then they did not escape. The drows closed the knife Enter the sheath, hold the bow again, look back at the moon and shoot them on the spot.

The entire battlefield was silent, and no one thought that the Hellbird Qingqi defeated so quickly, so miserably, it was completely destroyed by the whole army, and the battle flag was taken away. According to the convention, this Qingqi name will be revoked.

The commander-in-chief was so thick that he clenched the reins, the teeth creaked, and even the staff members next to him could hear them clearly. (To be continued...)


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