Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1240: Alliance and return

"What about Juliet? Could you please help me bring her back!"

Downton smiled, ordering to find Juliet while coping with compliments.

"Why are you still looking for the woman who hurt you?"

Megan was not happy, the fox girl's bold style, let her unscrupulously hold Downton's arm, a pair of **** chests were all attached, squeezing a deep gully.

"She is my sister!"

Downton couldn't bear to watch Juliet suffer.

"You go to bring people back!"

Nicole waved his hand and asked the chief of the guard to take a team of death knights to do it, but after returning for half an hour, he found nothing.


Downton was puzzled.

"Yes, we searched for a radius of tens of kilometers, and we didn't find any trace!" The Captain of the Dead Rider bowed back and answered, "She's like the world has evaporated!"

"Maybe escaped in shame, then died somewhere?"

Hilton teased.

"To shut up!"

Downton stared at him with a sullen expression, and suddenly made Hilton shudder. Others also felt a cold bone penetrated the body, and it seemed that even the heart was frozen.

The hearts of everyone sighed and subconsciously slowed down their breath. Although Downton was only the pinnacle of the Grand Marshal, he already had the soul coercion not inferior to the legendary strongman.

"Go ahead and send the Frost Dragon Guard!"

Perhaps because of a life and death experience, Downton's mentality has changed a lot, and it is no longer the previous peaceful character. It's a strong man like a king.

The Captain of the Dead Rider did not immediately listen to the order, but looked at Nicole.


Nicole waved and hit the captain's face. "According to it, his words will be my orders in the future."


After standing up to salute, the dead riders walked away quickly.

"Go to the palace for a break first, you are tired too!"

After seeing Downton's talent and courage, Nicole was no longer depressed and felt that there was such a boy with him. May enjoy different life pleasures.

"Sister Bellonica, please help me arrange accommodation for these companions!"

The legendary identity of the maidservant. It is worth respecting Downton.

"Prince Downton, you are too kind!"

Bellonikati salutes.

"Has the queen finally found her husband?"

"But do people have girlfriends? It's not one, and they have good strength. Fight. We may not have won!"

"Fool, who said a man can only marry a wife?"

The succubuses on the side were screamed at the name "Prince" and followed Twitter, looking at Downton with curiosity and excitement.

"Shut up for me!"

Nicole could not be embarrassed, but he did not stop the call of the maidservant, but he was a little relieved. It was a servant who had been with him for many years and knew his mind best.

"His Royal Highness, I will return to the Western Continent as soon as possible. What about you, what are you going to do?"

Tang Dun opened the subject, not to mention Wang Ting's status quo. He himself is the target of all, plus a free trade zone comparable to a cash cow, who is not coveted? As long as he doesn't show up for a while, Deranke must face war.

Nicole was silent.

"Queen, don't you want to have freedom? The opportunity to return to Dragon Island is right in front of you!"

Downton persuaded.

"You stupid. Persuade her with personal feelings, when the time comes. You will have an extra confidante of Saint Ao Xun, um, still a rare dragon girl!"

Cheap God despise.

"You should say "Nico, I need it, come back with me!"".

Homer added oil and vinegar, and his voice was mixed.

Downton certainly knows the Queen’s affection for herself, but he is not a scumbag and will not give such a promise.

"Ah, call me Nicole!"

Nicole wanted to hold her back, but looked at Downton's expression and gave up, but the persistence of the other party made her feel better.

The icy rain dispersed, and the long-lost moonlight scattered.

The surrender of Queen Nicole meant that the adventure of the Dragon Cemetery ended in victory. Downton lost a lot of spoils despite losing Juliet, Charlotte and her first love, and more importantly, Dilan Xue. Love affair.

After a sumptuous dinner, Downton held a military meeting at the War Palace to formulate future policies.

Capello, as the first subordinate, represented the dragons. Although these dragons were excellent talents of the family, after the dragons became humans, they would inevitably lose the inheritance rights of the family, so ten of them chose to loyal Downton, use Use your own hands and vision to fight for a bright future.

Megan was present as a representative of the Masters, Hilton didn't fight her, and could only hide in the bedroom and get sulky.

"I want to participate too!"

Walnut clung to Downton’s neck and even put on a small uniform, wearing a steel helmet. The helmet was a bit big and kept sliding down, so she had to raise her hands frequently to help, otherwise it would cover Keep your eyes closed.

Boom! Boom!

Capello knocked on the door.

"Prince Downton is here!"

The heavily armed Death Knight roared and stepped forward, pushing open the gate of the War Palace.

When the magnificent hall broke into view, the crowd also saw the officers standing on the right side. They were in a straight posture, wearing sabers on their waists, and arranged in two straight lines, like two insurmountable barriers.


Those sights came over, like a blade, making people cry.

This is Mawei. If they don't get their approval, Prince Downton, let alone command, will get a little respect.

With no expression on his face, Downton held the saber in his left hand, and Feng Ji buckled tightly, and walked into the hall meticulously.

His body was a well-cut military uniform, and his feet were long-sleeved military boots. Even if there was a thick carpet in the hall, everyone stepped on it, and everyone seemed to hear the sound of a drum of war.

Downton's striking pace is powerful, Downton's back is wide and solid, Downton's face, such as a knife and axe, full of sunshine, is full of confidence and majesty.

The officers of the dead totem fought to kill. With incomparable sharpness and bloodiness, but in front of Downton, the halberd fell.

"嘁. My elder brother is the first star in the North. Do you know how this title came from? After defeating a total of millions of troops, he has experienced more war than you!"

Walnut lifted his chin proudly. In her mind, Downton will always be the first in the world, no one can match it.

The officers sneered. Poorly looking at the entourage behind Downton.

Di Lanxue remained unchanged, completely ignoring these people. She is the leader of the Twilight Empire, not to mention a group of officers, even Nicole, who is not necessarily suppressing her on the aura. You must know that Lion Ji is facing high-powered old foxes such as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Prime Minister of the Empire, and the Commander of the Empire. She is intimately fighting with the heads of the wealthy family and negotiating with the empire king, which is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The same is true of Xia Luo, although she has no amazing record, but as the daughter of the goddess of harvest, she has enough qualifications to despise these undead officers.

The walnut swayed and followed behind like a little crab, and she didn't even know what spiritual coercion was called. Even like a cat stepped on the tail, he fangs towards the officers.

"I can't embarrass my brother!"

That's how Elaine thought, shy expression. No way, although she is a princess, she has not received royal education after all.

"Don't be afraid, just treat them as carrots!"

The wolf king comforted, as Prince Wolf, a genius not encountered for thousands of years. With countless military exploits, he glanced sharply. No one is cold all over the body.


Yilian glanced, thinking that the officers' heads had turned into radishes, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Downton's rise is already irresistible!"

Megan and Capello glanced at each other. They had no competing ideas. When they thought that these officers would eventually become Downton's men, their hearts were fiery.

"Even if you work overtime throughout the night, it will take a week at the earliest before you can erect the portal again!"

Nicole explained.

"This is not anxious, even if a month is wasted, the teleportation array must be stable!"

Di Lanxue is more concerned about the life of the soldiers, and the shuttle rule is unstable, which is no different from dancing on the tip of the knife.

"I have seen the map of Drankfork, the landing area, I chose the border line between the dragon hills and the morning fog, if the war breaks out at that time, you can join the war immediately without adjustment!"

Nicole stood in front of the tactical board and described her combat concept.

"Does it need to be trimmed?"

Capello asked.

"Who do you think we are, we are the Death Totem Legion!"

"Huh, we will remember our military flag on the entire western soil continent!"

"I can't wait to do it."

A bunch of officers shouted.

"be quiet!"


Nicole scolded, and the pointer flew **** the tactical board.

"Downton, in order to deal with the threat of Long Island, I will take all the soldiers back, leaving only a guard stationed in the Dragon Cemetery, and then settle down to work, it will trouble you!"

Nicole does not plan to use the Dragon Tomb as a backup base, she will return only if she has nowhere to go in the Western Continent.

Of course, in that situation, the arrogant Nicole would rather die in the battlefield.

"No problem, don't dare to say anything else, but fortune, Deranke is absolutely proud of the heroes!"

Downton smiled and remembered the goblin steward Abagong, a talented businessman who could turn a copper plate into a box of gold coins.

"Fortune is useless, force is only there. Once Dragon Island troubles me..."

Nicole’s subtext is obvious. When asking about Downton’s attitude, you must know that the Dragon tribes pretend to be the guardians of the Western Territory, and even the nine empires dare not easily offend.

"I will stand firm on your side!"

Downton said without hesitation.

"Oh, are you okay? Don't scare your urine pants away!"

The Chief of Guards was sneering and could not be relieved. Others also cooperated with laughter.

"Add me?"

Di Lanxue interjected.

"who are you?"

Some officers dismissed the question.

"Queen of the Twilight Empire, what are you talking about?"

As a horse, Capello stood up unwillingly. As soon as his voice fell, all the officers stopped talking. Even if they lived in the Dragon Tomb, they had heard the names of the nine empires.

"Good, then we are allies!"

Nicole nodded.

The military meeting went very smoothly, especially after the Downton card was revealed, the officers suddenly found out that it was not people who climbed high, but their own big arms.

In the cemetery, the most precious nature is the skeletons of the dragons, but even Nicole and the dragon clan don’t allow Downton to get his fingers involved, but he doesn’t care, because the huge Titan ruins and the lost ancient magic technology are invaluable treasures.

Drunkfu is naturally unavailable, but with the talent reserve of the Twilight Empire, it is only ten years before initial results can be seen.

"You don't worry about Sissi's father knowing that you and I are co-developing Titan technology and trouble you?"

Di Lanxue teased.

Downton was speechless, frowning frowningly and scratching his hair.

"Forget it, I'm kidding!"

Lion Ji covered his mouth and chuckled, Donton's embarrassed expression, don't have a taste.

"Ha ha!"

Downton smirked. He really picked up the treasure on this unexpected journey. Nicole is Saint Aoxun. He has a profound attainment in magic. You can leave it to her.

Nicole himself is a commander, with outstanding military talent, Downton no longer has to worry about the dilemma of a general.

The chief guard and the maidservant are legendary strongmen. The former is capable of breaking the military list. The latter is a good player in managing the internal affairs. There are also many talents in the death knights, which are enough to support the rapid expansion of Drankford. , And the dragon lich brother Amoxicillin who was beaten by Downton and Di Lanxue.

In the process of perfecting the portal, the ministries were not idle, and sent troops to destroy the remnants of the blue robe, evil spirits, and brotherhood in the cemetery. The logistics guard was responsible for moving everything in the palace and taking away Nicole’s items.

Titan Fortress is very powerful, and the space inside is huge enough. In order to show sincerity, Downton gave it to Nicole as the flagship, but the Queen didn't want it.

On a rare sunny morning, in the altar area, a branch of the legion was on display and the flag was waving.

The portal has been repaired, and today is the day for everyone to leave.

Nicole rode a huge frost dragon, and when he emerged from the palace, it immediately drew cheers like mountains and tsunami.

"Long live the queen!"

Everyone stood up and saluted.

Behind the queen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is her clan's cronies, as well as the guards.

Out of courtesy, Downton, with important companions, waited on the Queen's flagship. When Nicole landed, there were several sights immediately.

"Hello, meet again!"

Downton said hello.

Amo and Xilin, who were reborn from their fate, did not know what to do. Bazuka and Barrett nodded. They were defeated by Downton.

"I have known for a long time that this man is not easy!"

Baresi's status is too low, he can only stand in the Corps and look from a distance, watching Downton talking with the Queen, it is emotional.

The sky went silent, and everyone was waiting for the queen to make a mobilization speech!

Nicole casually said a few words, then glanced at Bellonica.

The maid stood up, stood with her hands behind her back, and announced aloud.

"This Lord Downton is a companion personally selected by Her Majesty the Queen, and will also be your prince, now, dedicate your loyalty!"

There was an uproar in the audience, and there were eyeballs everywhere.

Downton was also stupid. He didn't expect that the queen would force marriage at this time. What if she refused? Is there a war? He subconsciously looked at the people around him, except for the little walnut with no heart and lungs, everyone else had a good expression that didn't know what to do.

(To be continued)

@静海听枫 @看那半抹残阳@被凌波逆推@LRan顶

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