Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1205: Nicole Queen

The maid's long purple hair curled up, Dan Feng's eyes narrowed, looking forward, full of majesty developed by giving orders on weekdays. ,

She wore a gorgeous court evening dress, low-cut and open-back style, so that the full **** appeared in the air, and the beautiful back curve, under the wall lamp, full of temptation.

Without using the talent floating technique, the maid long stepped on a pair of crystal high-heeled shoes, walked over in a crisp sound, and was not close to the entrance of the study. Some servants took the lead and opened the door.

The maidservant had long been accustomed to waiting, and as a matter of course, some servants stopped because they were not qualified to enter the study, and some continued to follow, waiting for the maidservant's affairs.

"and many more!"

The maid raised her hand. Everyone seemed to be pressed the pause button and took the stop. When she saw her turn, they immediately flashed to the sides and gave way.

"No? Can it be found?"

Downton didn't squint, but he saw the maid's head approaching and looked at him suspiciously.

"Come on, why don't you see it!"

The captain scolded.

"I don't seem to have arranged someone to guard the study?"

The maid chief asked.


The captain of the guard was sweating and answered, and then snarled at Downton, "Who made you make your own claims? Whose subordinates are you? Let your officers come to see me!"

"Sir, the study is very important, and guards should be arranged!"

Downton knelt on one knee and deliberately made his voice hoarse. Although it sounded dead and lifeless, without any mood swings, he was already scolding his mother, and he encountered such a maidservant who had a good memory and no memory. Jane is getting old.

"Very strange voice, have I seen you?"

The maid chief walked a few steps forward. From Downton's corner, you could see two long slender legs. The transparent high heels were covered with Dan Kou's tender white toes.

"No. I'm new here!"

Downton murmured.

"Take off the helmet!"

The maid commanded.

Downton only hesitated a little, and the death knight guard behind him put his hand on the hilt and stared at him staring at him.

"What luck is this?"

Downton was depressed and took off his helmet. He was ready to fight.

The maid squatted down and stared down at Downton. Because of this movement, the dress that was sewn to the thighs of her body suddenly separated, and not only the full thighs were exposed. There are also translucent.

Downton saw it all at once, embarrassed, and quickly looked away.

"Well, that's true, the stinky man, really tried his best to please the Queen!"

The maid sneered.

"Do women like brain supplements?"

Downton has changed his plan to get out of the encirclement and attract as much attention as possible from the enemy. Fight for time for Twilight rescue Elaine, but for now it seems. The maidservant completely guessed her origin.

"Destroy his face!"

The maid chief coldly ordered that in the dragon's nest, she and the chief of guards had the highest status and the greatest power. Since all this was given by Queen Nicole, they were all trying to please the queen. And recently, listening to that stinky man is arbitrarily selecting beautiful men from death knights.

Handsome, handsome, burly, sunny... All kinds of men have picked out one of the best, it seems to be to satisfy Queen Nicole.

The death knights pulled out their swords and rushed over.

Downton is about to break up and hurt people. He didn't want to be ugly.

"Wait, why am I stupid, I can also offer beautiful men to the queen!"

The maidservant suddenly stopped his subordinates, and the more he looked at Downton, the more satisfied he was, "Very handsome, do you want to keep him for yourself?"

The maid did not talk, everyone stood with their heads down, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, so that the atmosphere became dull.

"Oh, what am I thinking!"

The maidservant blushed for her evil thoughts, "Few of you, go take those materials with you, and you, get up, follow me!"

The head maid stopped entering the study, and went to Queen Nicole's bedroom.

"Haha, there is a good show now!"

Cheap Kagura.

Downton has no possibility of refusing at all, and can only adapt to random.

After turning around, the maid chief took a group of people to a huge bedroom. Fortunately, she was busy with her work.

In the capacity of maidservant, there was no need to report at all, and I walked in.

In the large bedroom, the magnificent, imperial style, even if there are more than thirty death knights kneeling, still do not feel crowded.

A twenty-seven or eight-year-old woman, sitting on a huge velvet sofa with a golden sword, stared intently at the curtain hanging on the wall, on which was broadcast ‘This killer is not too cold’.

"Master Queen!"

The maid salutes.

The queen waved her hand at random, she didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to disturb her naturally, standing beside him respectfully, waiting for the opportunity.

Those dead riders knew that their mission here was to win the heart of Queen Nicole and satisfy her. This was a great opportunity for the superiors, so their eyes were like a sword and they wanted to crush their competitors with momentum. Downton's arrival was naturally also eyeed.

Downton ignored these guys and looked at Nicole with the corner of his eyes. When he saw her clothes, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Even in her leisure time, the Queen actually wore a well-cut red military uniform. In addition to the opening of the style button, she showed a white neck, and Jane was meticulous to the extreme.

"What a long leg!"

Downton marveled, the queen’s chest was not big, plus a slightly neutral and beautiful appearance, Jianying was full of spirit, but the most striking thing was the slender beautiful legs, which were set against the slim military pants and over-the-knee long military boots. Next, full of visual shock.

Even Downton couldn't help but feel the urge to touch.

Nicole is quite beautiful. Although she can't think of them as pretty series even if there is no race regardless of Sissi and Dilan Xue, it is already out of the blue, especially in this era of long hair popular, the Queen’s Short blond hair. Shuang Shuang's inability to add, Jane poked some short hair control heart, so that they can not extricate themselves.

"Huh, it's really a wonderful movie. I've watched it ten times, but I still don't feel like it!"

End the subtitles on the curtain. Nicole took a deep breath and relaxed the atmosphere in the room.

Immediately, a servant took out a cold drink from the ice bucket next to it and poured it into a glass. After the ice had passed, white frozen gas overflowed.

"Bellonica, you are doing very well. I will continue to collect movies for me, especially the work of this Downton director, focusing on it."

Nicole made a gesture. The maid took notice and gave the cold drink to the maid chief.

"It is our duty to make the Queen happy."

Bellonika finished and explained another sentence, "As for Director Downton, he has not had any work recently!"

"Why? Did Jiang Lang run out?"

Nicole's expression was tight. After watching so many movies, she felt that Downton's work best suited her taste.

"No. Downton, although nominally the hand of the king of Drankford, is the real power controller. He is also the speaker of the Northern Continental United Convention Organization. There are so many things on weekdays that there is no time to make new movies!"

The origin of the maidservant, Chief Downton, could not find a new movie in the future, and was punished by the dissatisfied queen.

"Then destroy his country and make him a poor man, so as to make a living. He has to go to the movies."

Nicole's style of behavior has always been simple and rude, "Chief of the Guard, you are responsible for this task."

"The Queen and the Dragon clan have regulations throughout the ages, do not get involved in the disputes among the mainland countries. Try to ensure the mystery of the Dragon Tomb!

The chief of the Imperial Guard advised that with the power of the death totem, Berdrankford, even crushing a second-rate empire, had no pressure, but the aftermath was trouble, and as a commander, even if the queen defended, he would also be the dragon punishment.

"I see, it's really troublesome!"

The queen frowned and took out the cold drink in a sip. As a military madman, she could not experience the battlefield and could only drill the army at the Dragon Tomb. It was a torment to her.

"Downton, did you expect Queen Nicole to be your fan?"

The cheap **** ridiculed, "You might as well expose your identity, maybe you can become her VIP, or even roll a bed sheet and kiss Fangze!"


Downton scolded.

"Queen, this director has no new works, but as a screenwriter, he has produced many operas, an opera group that was originally a third-rate opera group. With these works, he suddenly became the hottest opera company in the Western Continent. Full."

The maid head opened the conversation, but she knew that the belligerent queen was looking for an opportunity to start a war, so she had to kill all the signs.

"Oh, then send someone to take this opera troupe to me." The Queen looked at the Chief of Security, "Isn't it alright this time?"

The chief of the guard is speechless.

"Okay, I didn't want them to die. As long as I performed a month of opera, I let them go."

The queen complained.

The maid chief was secretly happy, but it was a chore, and finally he could see the jailer unlucky.

"Eh, don't clean up, Leon is so cool, let me appreciate his style again!"

Nicole, who is doing nothing, can only rely on these to pass the time. "Damn Downton, I played so well with Leon. I cried when I was hurt!"

"Queen, Leon is just a fictional character, and I am here, but he is not inferior to his Death Knight!"

The chief of the imperial guard took the opportunity to sell.

"that's it?"

Nicole's eyes glanced over, and the dead riders raised their heads one by one immediately, revealing the most charming smile, eager to leave a good influence on the queen.

"It looks good, but I don't know if it's waste!"

As a military maniac, Nicole still has a good opinion of the dead riders who are born warriors, not to mention that these were carefully selected by the chief of the guards, and their appearance and temperament are not bad. "Wait, this is What do you mean?"

The maid chief and the chief of the guard looked over and almost exploded their lungs. It turned out that there was a dead rider wearing a helmet, which was absolutely disrespectful.

"This guy is definitely a fool!"

The maid chief slandered, but this is a great opportunity to brush the presence in front of the queen. What do you mean by wearing a helmet?

"So cunning, why didn't I think of this trick?"

The captain of the Imperial Guard regretted it and suddenly showed his face. There is still a sense of freshness. Unlike the present, there are so many dead rides for comparison. As long as Downton does not look too bad, just take off the details of the helmet. You can make him stand out.

"What are you still doing? Take off the helmet!"

The maid growled, she really wanted to kick this idiot, because of her anger, her soul extinguished under the pressure of consciousness.

After all, Bellonica is a legendary strongman, the chief of the guards picks people, looks at the face, but not the strength, so in the death knight, the highest is only the scepter. At this time, the maidservant’s terror was swept away. Trembling, a war rank, he couldn't help shaking, almost peeing his pants.

The queen pouted, suddenly showing an unpleasant look. She likes the tough guy. How far this soft egg rolls, but when the sight falls on Downton, it can't help but shine.

Downton was rock-like, kneeling on one knee, standing still. He who had experienced countless blood battles had long been immune to this soul pressure, and instinctively exuded a strong blood of uncompromising strength. The whole person, It is more like a sharp dragon gun, almost trying to pierce the sky.

"Are you deliberate?"

The chief of the guard stared at the maidservant. He felt that he had been calculated, and he was randomly wondering where this dead ride came from, but he didn't pay much attention, thinking that it was used by Belonika to hide it. Own hole cards.

"It's a pity that I didn't start first!"

The maidservant regretted that such a good man should enjoy it!

"Ma Lei, really want to kill, and kill these people!"

Downton complained that he had to take off his helmet.

"Look up!"

Nicole ordered.

Seeing the opportunity came, the Chief of the Guard kicked Downton's chin and tried to make him a big ugly.

Downton was not the loser, his right fist slammed into his left leg.


The rushed guard snorted, and the left leg was beaten backwards, staggering a few steps, and almost brought him down.

"look up!"

Nicole's sudden glance, the captain of the Imperial Guard is legendary, and can make him deflate. The strength of this dead ride is not bad.

Downton reluctantly looked up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then came the cry of the maids, their eyes turned to the curtain.

"The actor looks like this dead ride!"

"This is younger and cooler!"

"It's over, Master Queen this time, maybe you really want to fall in love!"

The servants whispered and did not dare to look down upon Dunton unscrupulously. After all, he is likely to become the master of Dragon Nest.

"Beronica, do you understand my taste?"

Nicole laughed, ridiculed the faithful maidservant, she was born and grew up in the dragon cemetery, had not seen the outside world, and was with the undead creatures all day long, to be honest, even a handsome death knight The way to make her tempted, but this one is different, in his breath, there is a taste that fascinates her.

Because of the preconceived thinking, Nicole did not expect that humans would sneak into her base camp, so she did not know that it was the tantalizing deliciousness exuded by Downton's soul! (To be continued...)


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