Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1194: Massacre

In the large formation of dragon corruption, there was silence.

"What are your two plans?"

Watson asked while adjusting to his new body, and the people who followed him were almost dead, leaving only Megan and Capello.

"I want to commit suicide!"

Capello was frustrated, and he hated himself at the moment.

"I used to have a big plan and always wanted to do it, but I was too concerned about it and couldn't make it out. It doesn't matter now.

Megan's eyes were blank, and she was about to break the jar. Since she was so unlucky, let others suffer together.

"In this case, it is better to follow me and let us turn the world upside down!" Watson issued an invitation. "What nine empires, what evil gods, what blaze of the Holy See, let's step on them all, don't you want to appreciate Do you stand at the top of the world?"

"Then you must kill Downton first!"

Megan rolled his eyes.

"Of course, I'm going now. If it's boring, just come and see his death!"

A pair of ugly dragon wings were born behind Watson. He felt very beautiful when he arrived, flapped and lifted off.

Megan and Capello looked at each other and followed.

Due to the different dragon souls obtained by the corrupt dragons, their wings are also different. To be gorgeous, Downton is the most natural.

"Subjugation, or death!"

Downton stood in front of the two dragons and asked coldly.

"His, it is you who should surrender!"

The two dragons were murderous. Like a beast hunting, kill Downton because of a sprint. The shock waves all blow away the dirt on the ground.

Dragon claws tear, the air breaks the wind!

"Go to death, let me try what your brains taste like?"

The dragon grinned strangely, but the next time, his expression stiffened, because a fist suddenly appeared in front of him, it was too late to dodge.


The dragon who was hit leaned back. Flying backwards, but moments before leaving Downton. He grabbed his ankle again and used it as a human mace, hitting the next one.


The two fell to the ground, and the dust splashed a dozen meters high. Then it fell like a raindrop.

Downton did not pursue, but turned his head and looked in the direction of 2 o'clock.

"Downton, you are such a great majesty!"

Watson suspended in the air, overlooking Downton from the top, it seems that this is the only way to bring psychological satisfaction.


Being swept by Downton's icy eyes, Megan only felt cold all over, and she thought she could ignore life and death. But now I realized that it was just deceiving myself, so I fell to the ground. Bend your knees toward him.

This beautiful girl of the Fox family should be a mixture of fire dragons and ice dragons. The scales on her body are fiery red, like a flame, but there are blue circles and runes on the edges, just like Frost flowers freeze.

Due to the dragon. Megan had a single horn on his forehead, and his figure was more uneven. Especially a pair of giant breasts, who broke their clothes early, only covered with a few scales, and they looked different.

Capello is an ordinary dragon figure, quite satisfactory.

"There are too few people watching the ceremony. I want Watson to defeat you and spread it throughout the continent!"

Watson exhaled and yelled out Dragon language.

The dragons in the magic circle are at a loss. After hearing this dragon language, they fluttered their wings and flew over. After a while, more than 80 people landed nearby.

"Duke Downton!"

Some of these dragons also retained their memories. After recognizing Downton, they greeted in a low voice. Of course, more of them were confused and vigilant.

"Capello, explain the status quo for them!"

Downton was a little surprised. If you remember correctly, there were more than a hundred people who entered the magic circle. After this calculation, only one third died.

The mortality rate is not high, but Downton forgets that these people are eligible to be handed over by the false patriarch and sent into the dragon cemetery, but they are all elites of various families. The end.

"What else to explain? This is our opportunity, so you don’t need to hurt the spring and fall. What we have to do is to live in a new identity and conquer the world!"

Watson opened his hands and began his impromptu speech with high tone.

"Did you say it? Roll off and die to death!"

Downton took his ears impatiently.

"Downton, don't run wild, I am now the pinnacle of the Grand Marshal, killing you is no different than crushing an ant!"

Watson sneered, disdainful, "If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I might consider forgiving you!"


There was a chilling sound from the audience. This position can already run the world. The legendary level is a town-level strongman in the nine empires, and one battle loss is an irreparable loss. Watson is just one step away.


Downton deliberately showed a grateful look.

Watson proudly raised his chin, extended his index finger, pointed at Downton, and nodded down to the ground.

"Oh, is this finger?"

Everyone was still looking at what Downton was going to do. As a result, he saw that he appeared in front of Watson and took his finger.

"It's fast!"

Watson jumped in his heart, just about to start his hand, and there was great pain on his fingers. He is now the body of the dragon, that is, the scimitar is cut in the hand, and he can jump the blade into a gap, but at the moment, he is stiffened by Dunton. Pinched off.

"Go to hell!"

Watson drew his sword, but without waiting for the sheath, he was kicked into the hilt by Downton, with a powerful force, and the blade was reinserted into the sheath.


Watson's second finger was broken and a clear voice spread throughout the audience.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"

Watson roared, punching Downton's head.


Downton punched and hit Watson's punch.

Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!

Watson stepped back three times. There was severe pain in his hand. He was unwilling, but he dared not fight against Downton. Can only pull the sword.


Downton charged, punching with a straight left fist, hitting the hilt, bouncing it back again, and then attacking again, hitting a storm of offensive.

boom! boom! boom!

Every time Downton punches, it seems to break through the boundaries of space. Not even afterimages, only after hitting Watson with one punch. The air waves spread out from behind him.

"Damn! Damn!"

Watson cursed that he didn't have time to draw his sword at all. It's the magic department, and it will be moved to the end by the star.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly a click came from the impact, and Watson’s arm was bent straight at ninety degrees, with bones puncturing the scales and sticking out, waiting for him to feel pain, Downton’s Titan succubus Come. Countless ‘Magic Energy Downton’ broke out and bombarded him.


Watson fell, and the entire sternum was sunken. The limbs are twisted irregularly and have become a blood man.


A dark red magic circle unfolded under Watson, healing his injuries, this is his pseudo realm.

"Shall we ask for forgiveness?"

Downton teased.

"Go to hell!"

Watson sprang up and finally pulled out the legendary long sword, like a hurricane. Downton anger.

"Downton, stop playing. Hurry up and end the fight!"

Homer urged.

"I just want to use him to adjust to my new body!"

Downton pouted, shouting, and the blazing blaze and the huge monster popped out of the war space. He grabbed it and took a sword.

Titan beheaded!


The huge magical energy blade hit and the dust was flying. Watson had just evaded and saw that thousands of stars suddenly burst out in front of him, enough to shake his eyes.

The defense was fully open, but unfortunately it was useless. Watson couldn't even see Downton's sword. He was completely reduced to a target and covered in blood.

"So strong!"

A group of dragons admired that all the martial arts that Dunton learned, except beasts and martial arts, were the stronger the body and the stronger the power. Now he is dragon-like and his natural attack power is surging.

Soul harvest!

Downton waved his sword, and a ghost in a black cloak took a huge long-handled sickle. It suddenly appeared like cloud and mist, and overflowed Watson's body.

The sickle easily broke through the shield and cut through Watson's neck, no blood came out, only a ray of soul was drawn.

"Watson, I didn't treat you as my opponent from beginning to end!" Downton received the sheath and glanced at the audience. "Who else is not convinced?"


Watson couldn't answer. He fell to the ground, and a gust of wind blew him away, causing his entire body to desert and dissipate.

"May I die for Lord Downton!"

As Megan knelt on one knee, the other dragons succumbed, and they understood that there was only one way to go when they refused.

Downton didn't realize that when he became a dragon, he had a thicker wild and tyrannical atmosphere. In his hope, he was all disdain for the lower creatures.

"Very well, we are going to slaughter those dragons now and kill the dragon lich!"

After saying this, Downton didn't wait for these people to answer. After a while, the wings spread out, followed by a shock, like a cannonball shooting straight into the sky.

Titan Flurry!

Downton waved his sword, and the blade of light flashed, bursting through the light curtain.

The dragons spread their wings and took off to follow. For a time, everyone swept across like dark clouds, covering the sky and covering the sun.

Bazuka, with the Death Totem Legion, was floating in the air, watching these ants.

"Quit the Queen, otherwise all will be executed!"

Bazuka announced.

"Downton, how did you become this ghost?"

After leaving the magic circle, the blockade of the law was over, and the twin angels suddenly saw Downton's new posture and were frightened.

"Let's talk later, kill these dragons first!"

Downton's blue magic pattern appeared on his body, entered a violent stance, and charged strongly.

"What's wrong?"

The twin angels looked at each other. They thought that Downton would use beastification to perform martial arts and open the field. After all, Bazuka is a legendary order. As long as he is not crazy, he will not choose to attack.


Even the body of the dragon, Bazooka couldn't bear Downton's impact, and the whole body flew back. The dragon squad behind it was caught off guard and was suddenly broken into it, disrupting the formation.


Downton snapped a seven-meter-long thick rib from Bazuka's body as a mace, and slammed it toward his head.


The tremendous force caused the ribs to be broken into bone powder directly, and cracks appeared in Bazuka's brain. It screamed and fell to the ground.

Downton chased him up, riding on his neck, wielding a heavy hammer like steel.

The dragons were stupid, and they stared blankly at the head of Downton's beating head. Every time they hit hard, their green fireballs would violently jump once.

"This is what humans can do?"

"No, he is already a dragon!"

"What a terrifying power!"

The dragons instantly became frightened, and the dragon clan stood on the top of the pyramid in nature with their strong body and resilience. But now, a human who has no use of martial arts, no talent, and only a pair of iron fists, The beating was like a stray dog ​​on the roadside.

Bone sticks were flying around, and in a blink of an eye, Bazuka was removed by a third.

"I said earlier, I can't provoke Downton, this man is too powerful!"

Baresi thought.


Downton's arm was light blue, and after a punch, Bazuka's entire body fell vertically and hit the ground, a big pit 15 meters deep.

"Sonic field!"

Bazuka casts a magic sound, but Tang Dunsi, who has a shifting star shift, is undamaged. Instead, he takes a deep breath and squirts with full force when he is about to fall to the ground!


A white gold dragon breath boiled, rolled, poured on the ground, radiating to the surroundings, this is the holy flame of heaven, can purify all evil and darkness!

Was wailed with a standing Bazuka, burning like a torch spattered with grease, even if it sprayed itself with frost and frost, it could not extinguish the fire.

The dragons watching the battle are far away, but they can't help but retreat. Those beautiful and hot holy flames scare their souls.


Downton fell like a meteor and hit Bazuka's body. In the splash of bone, he grabbed its skull with both hands.

Titan windmill.

Downton twirled the whole person, and in the crackling sound of Kaka Kaba, he completely twisted Bazuka's head off.


The bully stabs in, and as long as Downton squeezes hard, it will extinguish its soul fire.

"No, disturb my brother's life?"

Baresi pleads.

"Homer, what happened just now? What the **** is this form of Downton?"

Attis asked, Downton actually hit a legendary frost dragon with his bare hands. How powerful is this physical quality? It's okay to call it a humanoid beast.

If Downton killed Watson just now, and everyone still questioned, then now, he completely conquered the Dragons by force.

"Quick, pack up and leave here!"

Amo urged the acolytes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to take away important information. The rebellion of these dragons, he thought of it, but he did not expect that the death totem could not suppress them.

"The Queen saw this scene and didn't know what she would do?"

Amo sighed, and the appearance of the Corrupt Dragon would definitely cause concussion throughout the continent.

The two men confronted each other in the sky. The dragons were so cowardly, but the defeat of Bazuka made them lose their momentum. He was hesitant about what to do, and when he made peace, the opposite side actually took the lead in attacking.

"Kill them!"

Downton is going to destroy everything today.


The dragons with strong morale want to take this opportunity to be a dragon slayer!

"You can have a big meal!"

Cheap gods are happy. (To be continued)

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