Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1159: Devil gesture




"Asadin's mystery can finally see the mainland again!"

Naga looked excited, looking forward to the moment that shocked the world.

The beast evolution is so amazing, even if the magical person can’t reach the state of great perfection forever, it’s also called the match between them and the demon servant, just like no one knows the taste of the blended cocktail, and no one knows that it will be derived. What ability...

The state of soul resonance lasted for less than five seconds, and it was cut off. Downton didn't detect it for a while and was hit by Drogba. The whole person flew out. If the body of Vulcan is not tough, it will be seriously injured. .

"No, something less!"

Downton wiped the blood from his face, the whole brain was running fast, and many numbers, pictures, and irregular rotations appeared magically in his field of vision, forming a long river that impacted his knowledge of the sea.

"Huh? The power of the law is aroused?"

After all, the cheap **** is the deity, and he feels the most sensitive. The first time he realized that the power of the law of the secret realm no longer repelled Downton, but strengthened him.

"Donton won't have orc blood? Why would Holy Mountain agree with him?"

Homer is just puzzled and ridiculed. It is because he knows that Downton is a pure human being, so he feels it. Astrakhan is the holy mountain of the orcs, and he will only bless the orcs.

Naga knows the answer, except for the twelve starry lords under the king of the beasts, no one knows that the holy mountain has long been not that holy mountain, but has been assimilated by Asadin and has become his exclusive secret realm.

At this time the strength of the law is strengthened. Induction is a reward for Downton to step into the threshold of animal evolution and martial arts, to the level of Saint Coffin. Their eyes have been infinitely long-term. They are looking at the endless star plane, and they are not obsessed with race. Not to mention Downton, they are a humble goblin, an ugly and uncultivated hill native, once they have made great achievements in the Holy Mountain. Will be recognized and rewarded by the spirit of the Holy Mountain.

"Just the soul is not enough? Yes, there is the body. How can I forget it?"

Downton banged out with a punch, and after retreating, the soul was in harmony and resonated at the same time.

The heart is beating, the blood is running. Every granulocyte starts to shout and roar to communicate with the body of Shalomanda!


Before Drogba attacked, Downton flew himself, the whole person exploded, the skin cracked, lava sprayed, blood splashed on the ground, burning fiercely.

"Cough. Is my guess wrong?"

Downton frowned.

"You are not wrong, but the physical state of the first element is too different from yours, you should resonate with the twin angels. At least you are all humanoid!"

Cheap God guesses.

"It makes sense, but the Twin Angels are still in the war space and cannot come out!"

Downton nodded and tried to dive his soul into the magical space. He didn't expect to succeed at once, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. This proves his speculation is correct.

"Downton, what are you doing?"

Edith screamed. "Don't touch my soul!"

"Sorry, this is a last resort!"

Downton was not angry, and he had become accustomed to the external coldness and internal heat of Edith.

"Or do I come, how to do it?"

Fiona is like a big sister next door, very understanding.

"Soul fusion, let the heart, blood, and cells, beat on the same frequency!"

Downton explained.

Fiona is also a genius who knows a little bit. Plus, he and Downton are soul symbiotes, and have lived together for several years, so the same mind and heart can be easily achieved.


A piece of wings appeared behind Downton, fanning, white feathers fell, and the holy light fell, and Downton also began to change, and his face appeared white gold magic tattoo.

"It's so fast to learn, but it's not enough!"

Naga pouted.

Downton could feel that the magical energy and soul energy in the body were like firewood fuel, which was directly ignited and fiercely burning.

The surging power was squeezed from the heart and from every granulocyte.


Downton again hit the domineering boxing, the whole space began to vibrate, and even cracks appeared, lightning flashed.


For the first time, the impressive Drogba was flying, and his offensive was contained.


The triangular eyes looked happy, and the next second, I saw that Donton not only did not chase after the victory, but coughed up a bite of blood, and the wounds on his body cracked more.

Black robe and blue robe clenched their fists, looking for a chance to kill him.

"What's wrong?"

Downton was uncomfortably dying, as if soaked in magma, his body was melting.

Zi! Zi!

The spark came from Downton, the blood dripped, and it burned quickly again. The thick black smoke came out and began to emit a burning smell.

The body of Vulcan began to collapse, and more than that, the magic lines on Downton's face cracked and overflowed with white gold light. They were like sharp arrows, cutting straight through the body.

"Your soul and body are torn apart!"

The cheap **** saw Downton's shortcomings at once, "When a magician reaches the realm of Saint Aoxun, his soul and body will be connected by a bridge of spirit!"

"Yes, the soul is the core, the body is the external performance, and the spirit is the connection, they form a circle perfectly!"

Homer is already talking about advanced knowledge.

"It turns out so!"

Downton suddenly realized that the so-called spirit is just a manifestation of will.

Using the spirit to bridge the soul and the body, Downton immediately felt that the energy was penetrated, but it was still almost, almost unreliable, and he began to squeeze the soul force into the body.

Downton possesses a double tree of souls, and the energy that is completely born is beyond the body of the fire god. This is also the root of the failure of the beast to evolve martial arts. When the two reach a balance, Downton has completely changed.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton sprinted, punched in a row, and burst into the sky with a pop.

The battle immediately enters a stalemate stage!

"Artis. Don't make a fuss, don't you see Downton at a critical point?"

Fiona, who was always good-tempered, finally got angry and became a big sister. On important occasions, she is still very powerful.

"Okay, Downton, I'm in harmony with you!"

Edith completely let go of her soul.

"Thank you!"

Downton smiled. There was no way to concentrate on it.

"kill him!"

For the first time since the battle, the blue robe, which has not yet suffered a defeat, has experienced the feeling of fear. Almost subconsciously shouted.

Drogba looked grim, and suddenly caught a scimitar. Kill Downton.

Great light sword!

Downton took a little Drogba, and in the roar, the power of the law was drawn into the air. The white light flashed, and a dazzling bright sword appeared, falling down and bombarding.

The sword of light is as its name, the speed is as fast as the light, and it is fleeting. Drogba has not yet had time to respond, it has been cut off.


After the sword cut off Drogba's right hand, he burst into the floor again. A big pit was exploded, and the sky was filled with dust.


Drogba roared, and the sound made the dust tumbling more violently. He did not step back, grabbing the falling scimitar with his left hand, and beheaded with a strong behead.


The floor was shredded, and a slash mark spread over most of the arena and climbed up the wall again.

Drogba rushed into the dust and then flew out at a faster rate. Deeply embedded in the wall.

"So strong!"

The adventurers murmured in unison and looked at Downton.

The dust drifted slowly. Downton also showed his true face. At this time, he was gorgeous and incomparable, like a holy angel from the plane of heaven!

Downton hugged his chest with his hands, suspended in the air. Behind him, there were a pair of wings with white feathers. From time to time, the feathers would flutter and fall.

Platinum-gold magic tattoos spread all over the body. Not only does it not feel ugly and ugly, but it also has a dazzling charm.

Downton's head was covered with a white gold halo, with a body surface, and a layer of light. His magical suit also changed. A set of light silver and silver knight armor was covered on his body, and a long sword was hanging on his waist. He had a huge iris-shaped shield on his back and a silver spear floating on his side.

This is not the equipment of the twin angels, but the angel costume of Fiona and Aeth after the use of the beast transformation martial arts method.

The battle was over, but Downton didn't care and waved his finger at Drogba, beckoning him to attack.

"court death!"

Even the legendary hero without desire, Drogba was irritated, strode wildly, and killed Downton.

call out!

Downton threw it with all his strength. The silver gun roared like a meteor piercing the sky. It stirred the airflow and formed a wind tunnel vortex!


Drogba didn't retreat, his machete was chopped on the silver gun, followed by a harsh rubbing sound, the spark burst, but unfortunately, with his power, he failed to block the success.

With a puff, the silver gun pierced Drogba's shoulder. He was about to fight with pain. Downton's wings battled, and the next moment, he appeared in front of him and grabbed the silver gun.

Titan Windmill!

Downton twisted his arms, held the silver gun, picked Drogba up, and followed him to the ground like a tomahawk slam dunk.


The floor was immediately dented, the spider-like cracks spread over a hundred meters, and most of the arena was affected, the gravel was splashing, and the bang was banging.


Downton withdrew the silver gun, the teleport disappeared, and the air wave blew the dust, stirring to the surroundings.

"On top!"

Triangle Eye shouted.

Downton's wings are folded together, and the whole person hangs upside down like a judgment blade, whistling down with the sound of breaking wind!

Drogba's complexion changed, and it was too late.

Wow! Wow!

Around Drogba, a white vortex cloud appeared, and a white silver chain shot out and wrapped around it.

This is the lock of the sky. It is a derivative divine spell that the Dunton and the Twin Angels have merged in various ways. It has a powerful law effect, and it cannot be freed in a short time!


Downton shot the silver gun into Drogba's body, and the huge impact force shattered the floor. Then, like a tsunami, it rose up to a height of three meters and swept around.

Adventurers dodge in a hurry.

"you win!"

Drogba's willingness to lose, the whole person shattered into a flare and dissipated in the air.


Triangle eyes were excited, but the black robe and the blue robe were deeply worried. Downton's strength made them frightened.

"This is the animal form?"

Without looking in amazement, envy, or jealousy, Downton took a fist and felt the power flowing in his body.

This is a brand new experience. At this time, he feels that the soul, spirit, and flesh are completely integrated into one body and rounded himself!

The sensitivity of the mirror to stop the water is also stronger, Downton can even feel the emotions of these people around him.

"Wrong, although this mysterious method is called Beast Evolution, but it should be called the devil gesture!"

Naga explained.

"The ordinary magician possesses the demon servant, and the eight holy coffins possess the demon god, so after the beast transforms into martial arts, it is called the demon **** posture!"

Homer Cop.

"What? Did you say that Downton learned to be a master of the monsters?"

The blue robe exclaimed, and other adventurers were stunned.

"No, that's Asadin's stern school. How could he learn it all at once?"

"Naga has admitted, let alone Downton's fighting talent, it should not be difficult!"

"Not difficult? Why doesn't any one of the entire Orcs know?"

The adventurers murmured, and when they looked at Downton, they remembered that this guy had also inherited the barbarian king Tanan and learned to dominate the air.

"There are also Titan martial arts and dark martial arts, the goddess is on top, these are all epic martial arts!"

Not to mention the warriors, even the magicians, are envious of them, and any of these martial arts can be used as a treasure of the town clan, so that a family can last forever, but Downton actually learned so many.

Downton looked at the adventurers, who almost subconsciously stepped back and made a defensive posture.

"I will continue to challenge!"

The blue robe stood up. He believed that his wisdom was not bad. Downton could understand that he could.

"Sorry, no chance!"

Naga didn't give the blue robe any chance to argue. With a wave of his hand, the law was launched. When they recovered, they already appeared outside the arena.

"Downton is not here!"

Blue robe gritted his teeth, hatred unlimited.

"Damn, I shouldn't give up!"

The black robe regrets to die~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unite, wait for Downton to come out, kill him, and the loot is evenly divided! "

The blue robe did not allow Downton to survive, and Naga left him, obviously to reward him.

"it is good!"

Black robe nodded, then looked at the others, "Want to share a piece of soup, stay, otherwise, get out!"

Some adventurers hurried away. They knew that the black robe was cleared. If you want to fish in muddy water, you will definitely die, but they are the Grand Marshal of the Dark Brotherhood and are qualified to do so.

"Downton, congratulations on getting the secret method of the king of beasts. These gifts are rewards for you. Take it, and then contribute your strength to the mainland!"

Naga snapped her fingers, and the legendary heroes standing in the stands suddenly turned into light groups and shot at Downton.

Downton's nerves were only tense, and he gave up. If the Beastmaster wanted to harm him, he couldn't resist at all, so it was better to accept it!

These light groups are the combat experience, memory, and art of war of these legendary heroes during their lifetime. They are their most essential knowledge, and they are all instilled in Downton at this time.

Although Downton cannot be digested all at once, these will become his wealth as time goes by.

Knowledge is always priceless! (To be continued)








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