Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1144: Domineering 4 overflow

The righteous words of Kaka’s remarks, if Downton can’t be reversed in the end, he will definitely be nailed to the column of shame in history and become the object of rejection by humans across the continent.

"and also?"

Downton asked back.

"Isn't that enough? It seems your face is thicker than you think!"

Baggio sneered.

Downton grunted and did not answer him, but swept his eyes and swept the audience.

The sharp eyesight made the delegates sit on the needle felt and twisted their heads all the time, daring not to stare at him. Those cowards from the country were already terrified by the sweat.

"Oh, you know shame, I thought the shamelessness of the nobles had broken through the sky!"

Downton pouted and chuckled.

The delegates were very embarrassed. In fact, they understood that Kaka’s accusation was totally unreasonable. The orc empire is a farming country, can have the current prosperity, and still lives in the ranks of the nine empires. It is inseparable from the trade of human countries.

Everyone is worried about face, and they dare not trade on the surface, but in private, they dare to buy anything, and do not enter the business group of the sunset prairie every year. As for the rich families, which one is not connected with the upper nobles of the orcs? The arms trade and the slave trade, which are not sold too much, are hundreds of millions of trades each year.

This is a paradox. Humans don’t want the orcs to grow bigger, but they can’t give up the huge market formed by the billions of people, because the human countries are not united, and some people will always make these money, so everyone sticks to the rules and starts to go underground. Fight for market share.

Yes, there is no innocent human representative present. Of course, if there is, then it is also a knockout who does not have the strength to open up the market, not a big deal.

"Second, you actually divided the area in Drankford, gave those orcs their residence, and allowed them to be naturalized. What do you want to do?"

Kaka saw that Downton didn't refute and couldn't figure out his intentions, but riding a tiger was difficult and he could only stand on his scalp.

"Do nothing, just feel happy!"

Downton shrugged his shoulders.

"Third, you subsidized the Tauren tribe, and a Barak has been transformed from a civilian to a big chief, and one of the ten richest people in the sunset prairie. Do you know? The prosperity of this tribe will make the orcs conquer The difficulty of the empire increases, and at least tens of thousands of soldiers will die because of it!"

Kaka didn't expand his words. The rise of a tribe brought about various influences.

"Hey, this is a testimony of the great friendship between Downton and Barak. How did it get into your mouth and become a sinful act?"

A zebra spoke, and immediately dozens of great chiefs agreed to apply for Kaka.

The delegates were stunned, because the atmosphere at the scene was really weird. The human representatives either wished to immediately determine Downton’s crime, or to protect themselves. In short, except for the diplomats of Saint Loren and Lombardy, none of them defended him. Instead, they were orcs. Excited.

Low vision does not understand, but some visionary guys are very clear that war returns to war, life still needs to continue, Downton can make a Barak, then it can make a second, who does not want his tribe to flourish?

After confirming that the Downton and Tauren tribes were in a stalemate, the chiefs were all ecstatic. This was a great opportunity. In private, there were already many orcs found to pray for trade partners.

In the past few days, Juliet has been soft in receiving gifts. Now with such a good opportunity for flattery, the orcs will naturally not let go.

Downton pressed his hands down, and the orcs immediately fell silent. The human representatives who watched this scene were amazed, as if he was not a human, but a power among the orcs.

"Go on!"

Downton made a please gesture.

"Fourth, you and Taixi Feng are too close. You must be plotting something. By the way, there is also a wolf king. Yesterday in the square, but tens of thousands of people heard your conversation!"

The Kaka mouth gun is fully open.

"Oh, I'm just a **** guy!"

Downton smiled embarrassedly.


"My ear must be wrong!"

"Downton and Tessie are comrades, are you kidding me? But this is big news!"

The entire conference hall fell into silence because of Dunton's words. The delegates stared at Dunton stunned, and their jaws were about to hit their insteps.


A chuckle broke the silence.

Kaka was annoyed and glared subconsciously. As a result, the soul was scared away, and he bowed his head quickly and withdrew his eyes, because it was His Royal Highness Dilanxue who laughed out loud.

"It's very nice to be black!"

Lion Ji Duan sat on the spot and nodded his head in appreciation.

The eyes of the delegates are even bigger, what's the matter? In the past few days, although Di Lanxue has not been absent, she never expressed any opinion in meditation, but no one was surprised, because Her Highness's character is notoriously cold, but now, she actually exaggerates Downton...

"Isn't that rumor true?"

Everyone is curious about gossip, regardless of the familiar and unfamiliar representatives exchanged their eyes, then looked at Downton, his eyes full of admiration and lament.

"To get Di Lanxue's heart means to get a part of the Twilight Empire, how charming it is."

"Lion Ji is Heinrich's fiancée, and he has the courage to wear him a green hat, and Downton is also ignorant!"

"No, if I could get Di Lanxue's body, I would be willing to break my body!"

Delegates wandered various thoughts in their hearts, and finally turned into a pity. No matter what, Downton was dead, because Heinrich was offended, even Dilanxue could not protect his life.

Snapped! Snapped!

Downton clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the audience. He asked Kaka, "Is there any more? Come out!"

"Don't change the subject, will you explain these first?"

Baggio asked.

"Yes, if there is not a definite answer, you are the sinner of humanity!"

Kaka's expression was sacred, like a justice officer with no sand in his eyes.

"Human sinner? Who betrayed you?"

Downton pointed his finger at a representative, and the guy quickly shrank his head and avoided his sight.


Downton pointed to the next, and the other party also dodged.

"Or you?"

Downton's index finger stretched out and drew a large semicircle.

"Downton, don't be fooled, you won't be confused this time, you can point me to me!"

Kaka straightened his chest.

"Yes, if you hit someone like you, we are obliged, and Duke Heinrich will not let go of your scum!"

Baggio was very cunning. Heinrich reminded the delegates of Downton's enemies, so he accused him sharply.

Delegates are the best at following the tide, so many people are watching, don't scold Downton, isn't it a trench with him?

For a strong man like Heinrich, the delegates can only stand behind him, because the neutral faction and the enemy faction are no different, and they belong to the target to be killed.

Downton snorted coldly, but the sound was not loud, but the audience seemed to be hit by a sonic boom, the whole soul was trembling, and his mouth closed pale.

"Is it you? Are you also worthy?"

Downton glanced at Kaka sideways, his disdain over his words.

"Downton, don't be arrogant!"

Kaka was ignored and his face flushed with anger.

"Less nonsense, hurry and explain!"

Baggio aroused everyone, but this time there weren't many voices that followed his shouting explanation, and the sparse Lala looked ridiculous.

"Explain? How about this?"

Downton grabbed it with one hand, and a very happy representative near Kaka was captured by an invisible big hand, and was dragged to him in front of him.

Just when everyone was unclear, Downton waved his right hand casually. Although he didn't touch the representative, his head sounded like he was hit by a rocket and burst.

The blood was splashing, the skull was swirling, and it fell on a conference table with a click, and the nearby delegates were scared to leave the table.

This is the conference hall for the peace talks between the two communities. There were nearly a thousand representatives present. No one expected that Downton would kill people in this kind of place. No, no one should have done so since ancient times. This is not arrogant. Instead, the delegates were not taken into account.

"Not enough explanation? Then another one!"

The headless body twitched and was thrown away. Downton didn't glance at the end of his eyes. He grabbed it, and another shouting, more excited representative was arrested.

"No... don't kill me!"

The representative was crying and running, but unfortunately it was useless. The next moment, his voice came to a halt, and the entire upper body of the person was bombarded by bully punches.

This time the scene was more bloody, the internal organs were flying, you can see the ribs on the broken corpse, making some representatives sick.


The third hapless ghost screamed and was caught next to Downton.

"Downton, what do you want to do?"

Kaka's face changed.

"Aren't you going to explain? I'll give it to you!" Downton looked at the representative caught in the sky like a salted fish. "Don't you need it anymore?"

"No! No!"

The representative shook his head again and again, and the two bodies lay on the floor, which made him dare to agree, and the yellow urine was flowing down the trousers feet while shaking.

"Everyone goes together and wins this rebellion against humanity!"

Kaka felt lost and snarled loudly.

No representative dared to move, they did not forget, this one has a terrible record, and there is the star dancer Lan Xing Marquis backing, Heinrich these people can afford it, they can not afford it.

"Oh, everyone did not listen to your proposal, so it seems that I think my explanation is reasonable!"

Downton spread his hands and made an inquiring expression.

"Why not, Downton, are you crazy?"

The opening of Duke Klinsmann was entirely a lesson to teach the younger generation, "If you have any dissatisfaction, you can ask, why do you have to kill?"

"Yes, you are a noble, not a mob!"

As Klinsmann appealed to Downton, representatives of some second-rate countries began to speak out.

"They slander me, why can't I fight back?"

Downton asked back.

"You are a murderer!"

Kaka growled.

"What about killing people? If you don't agree, then you can fight!"

When Downton said this, his expression became serious, and a pair of sharp eyes swept the audience.

Everyone was calmed down by the domineering speech of Downton. If he refused to accept it, then he would go to war. Yes, although he held the title of the king of Drankford, in fact he was the king of this country, supreme. The king, with a single order, there will be tens of thousands of soldiers fighting for him.

As for the record, the title of the first star in the North owned by Downton is the best proof. The country that is destroyed by him is not one.

There is no need for the backstage shots of the two empire behind Downton, as long as the powerful air fleet of Drankford patrols a circle, don't be third-rate, even the second-rate countries have a raving voice.

The diplomats of Lombardy and Saint Laurent nodded with satisfaction. Does Downton need to explain? No, in the diplomatic field, strong force is the criterion for judging everything. If you win, you are right. What is wrong is also right. Everything is a winner!

"What about these two unlucky leaders?"

Xia Mawei was already standing, and Downton was not stupid enough to offend everyone, so he dropped the third unlucky egg.

Crunch! Crunch!

The chair rubbed the floor and made a harsh noise. The two representatives stood up quickly and asked nervously.

"What did the Duke ask?"

The corner of their eyes reached the representative of the rest of the life after the disaster, and the guy ran out of the conference hall with a boneless leg. This kind of miserable appearance made them even less afraid to offend Downton and stand up even more.

"Use your intelligence system, tell their king, and send two more representatives, remember, don't be stupid!"

Downton instructed calmly that Kaka ignored it completely.

"Donton, don't bully too much!" The prince of Milan, who was completely ignored, kicked the table. "Don't bully those third-rate countries with the ability!"

"Okay, then I will bully you!"

By the end of the last word, Downton had teleported and appeared in front of Kaka. He punched hard, and he hadn't seen this guy well.


Not only Kaka was dumbfounded, but even other representatives were stunned. Downton killed several representatives of third-rate countries. They are not surprised because they can carry it, but they attack Kaka, which is different. He is the Prince of Milan, and A powerful presence like a giant.


Kaka didn't respond slowly, his hands crossed to block, and at the same time his talent was launched, an elemental monster formed out of thin air, biting his head towards Downton.


An orange flame was suddenly born, burning down Dunton's body, and the hot high temperature swept through the conference hall. The delegates' magic shields and defensive costumes were all activated independently.


In the magnificent cry, a firebird shot from Downton and hit the elemental monster ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to detonate it.


In the explosion of elements, Downton chased Kaka in the sky.

"Baggio, help!"

Kaka was beaten to greet allies, his face was anxious.


Baggio roared, but he deliberately slowed down a bit. Although he was allied with Milan in order to fight against Bavaria, he also coveted this land. If Kaka died, it will undoubtedly cause Milan to be turbulent. There is no chance of encroachment.

Downton turned on the mirror to stop the water, keenly aware of Baggio's dynamics, so there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his fists slammed into Kaka.


The savage giant's illusion rose from the ground, and his fists hit an endless storm. r1152


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