Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1118: Crisis 4 volts

The orc's hostility towards humanity has reached an undisguised level. Downton walked on the streets of Ujumqin and found that every male orc passing by would cast an angry look.

"It shouldn't be like this, Downton, you have to believe in our sincerity in peace talks!"

Tessie kept thinking about it and explained to Downton that if he fought against the human kingdom, many people would die. The current Rousseau Holy Court is no longer the orc empire that dominated the Western Continent. As the day falls, Xishan, the old man of Gouyan's lingering pant.

"I don't like war, but you see it too!"

Downton was helpless, the women were better, but they were hiding their eyes away from their vigilance, but the little children who didn’t know anything had already been courageous after seeing some human businessmen shrinking their heads and hiding. Got up.

They were just cursing. After they didn't know who dropped the first stone, they all picked up the stones on the roadside and hit the nearby humans.

"Get out of Ujimqin, get out of the sunset prairie, this is our home!"

"One day you will be killed, you **** humans are exploiting our wealth, otherwise we will not live so poorly!"

"Yes, kill these greedy humans!"

The children of the orcs roared, and their voices gradually became a whole, resounding through the street. They opened their scarlet eyes like a cub, and wished to immediately rush up and bite the enemy's throat.

"Go away, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite!"

"Come on, go back to the hotel first!"

"Can't stay any longer, leave tonight!"

The human merchants murmured and left in a hurry. They were all guarded, but this is the orc's main city. With a population of millions, who dares to make it?

Now Ujimqin is a gunpowder barrel, and it will be ignited with a little impulse.

"The orc's political work system does a good job of propaganda!"

Downton pouted. The situation is more serious than expected, because even a single human being can no longer be seen on the street. This shows that the killing and looting have already begun, and the order will die.


Tessie was overwhelmed. He heard strong sarcasm from Downton’s words. The contradictions within the orc empire, coupled with the snow disaster, hunger and poverty have become imminent problems. In order to avoid people’s rebellion, they It can only lead the contradiction to humanity.

Children are the most innocent. They should enjoy a carefree childhood, but now they have become fanatical'patriots' under the propaganda of the country.

An orc child suddenly rushed out of the street, took a stone, and hit Downton and his party.


The trembling Alice didn't notice, and the back of the head took a hit. The other person used a lot of energy, so a trace of blood bleed out.

"Bah, despicable human,"

The little orc fiercely pointed a **** at Alice. Spit a spit, he felt that at this moment, he was the hero of the city.

Other orc children were encouraged. Also rushed out and joined the ranks of hitting stones.

"Are you looking for a fight?"

Juliet was angry, trying to teach these children, but was stopped by Downton.

Downton shook his head and gave the maid a restless look. Taixi Feng was still there, always giving the prince a face.

"Are you all right?"

Elaine treats Missy.

"No problem!"

Alice covered her head, tears swirling in her eyes.

"Sorry, you guys don't stop now. Stop it soon!"

Tessie apologized, and immediately persuaded her to stop. It is a pity that this kind of violent resistance has made the children more unscrupulous.

"Wait. He seems to be the prince of Khorasan!"

Someone recognized Taixi Feng, after all, he was followed by werewolf knight and bunny girl, and the beautiful appearance famous for the orc.

"What about the prince? With humans, he is a traitor!"

"Yes, kill this traitor!"

"Get out of Ujimqin, your scum of the orc, or it will defile our land!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

With the angry roar, a dozen stones hit the Taixifeng, and there is only right and wrong in the children's world. In their view, it is wrong to be with humans, so more and more children come over, Hit Taixifeng and his party.

"Your Highness, leave first?"

The werewolf cannot fight back, but can only protect the prince.

"you guys……"

Tai Xifeng also wanted to make some efforts to restore the children's reason.

"Come on, what do you tell the kids?"

Downton took a tacit seal, and the children's character was developed only by ears and ears. From this, their parents have the same attitude towards humans.

"Hey, it shouldn't be like this!"

Tessie grabbed her hair irritably. Isn't war unavoidable?

Downton took a deep breath, the air on the grassland was cold and lingering, there was a bone-chilling chill, not made by nature, but by the hearts of the people.

"This is a suffocating city!"

Di Lanxue sighed.

Under such a tense atmosphere, the business could not be done long ago, and the principals of the major business groups did not even dare to live alone, so after the Swan Lake Hotel was packaged, they all moved in and they took care of each other. .

The businessmen had eyelines, and Donovan did not want Downton to stay out of the business, so they notified them early in the morning, so Downton and his party were blocked by the joint merchants as they prepared to return to the mobile castle that was staying on the outskirts of the city.

"Duke Downton, you must help us!"

Dozens of businessmen knelt down on the ground, holding a variety of gifts in their hands, the drama was extremely precious, at least worth tens of millions of gold coins.

These businessmen are not stupid, Di Lanxue's identity is too distinguished, they are not qualified, and they dare not ask for help from His Highness, then they can only save the country and ask Downton, they feel that any man will try to express himself in front of Lion Ji.

Downton, as the first star in the North, Princess Sissi’s scandal boyfriend, these are the guarantees of the source of confidence of the merchants, not to mention that his best friend is also one of the orcs’ billionaires, Chief Chief Barak, his Power. Enough to let everyone leave the prairie safely.

"Go back and wait for the news!"

Downton did not rashly agree to come down. Even if he did, he had to get enough benefits. In the position of the king, he considered things. It is no longer allowed to carry personal feelings, but to take care of the overall situation.

"Sir, we have packed a sapphire nightclub, please be sure to enjoy the light, and your highness, thank you for your generous help!"

Which of the businessmen who have the courage to do business in the prairie is not a human spirit. If they want to be attentive, it will make people feel like a spring breeze.

Downton was not interested. But thinking of asking the merchants about the current situation of the orc empire, they agreed to go to the meeting, "Yilian, take them back with walnuts!"

"No, I'm going to watch singing and dancing!"

Walnut was reluctant to hug Downton's calf like a koala.

"Walnut, obedient, go back to class with me!"

This kind of feast, Di Lanxue naturally does not go. It's better to spend time on studying. Professor Abu has no secrets. Of course she has to go all out.

Wallenstein's painting skills were a mess. But the strength and insights are extraordinary. I don’t know whether it is because Juliet appreciates his paintings. The painter taught him how to teach the maid’s martial arts, even taking the little walnut.


I don't know why, but Walnut didn't dare to disobey Di Lanxue, so he dragged his head and agreed.

The party parted ways, and there was Lion Ji, Downton was quite relieved. So pulling Tessie to the nightclub, he had to make sure what the prince really thought.

Sapphire is the largest nightclub in Ujimqin. The price of a one-night charter is three million gold coins, and the merchants are pleased with Downton. I was out of it. Even so, I was worried that I could not be satisfied. I told the boss specifically to prepare the best performances and women.

At dusk, the party rushed to Sapphire, then dumbfounded, because the hall was full of voices and noisy.

On the dance floor, there were twisting orcs everywhere.

"What's going on? What about your boss? Call him out!"

An angry businessman grabbed a passing waiter with an angry expression and snarled at him.

"You are a human being, what is your qualification to see our boss?"

The waiter pulled the merchant's hand away and left with disdain.

"We were fooled!"

"These guys who don't talk about credit, after receiving money, actually do nothing."

"Duke Downton, I'm so sorry!"

The businessmen were filled with indignation and immediately apologized to Downton.

"Forget it, just sit back!"

Downton waved his mind innocently. He noticed that besides those powerful and rich second generations, the orcs were a large number of officers, and only they had spare money and time to vent their excess energy.

"Take up all your signature dishes and good wine!"

In order to make up for the mistakes, the businessmen naturally entertained themselves, and when they got angry, they wanted to vent, and the voice was unavoidable, but this sentence caused a lot of hatred.

Some orcs nearby stared immediately, their eyes sharp.

In the shaman shrine, black tea is offered as a sacrificial offering to appreciate a magic book.

"The high priest, Downton entered the sapphire, Dilan Xue returned to the moving castle, the Marshal Star Bros. asked if the plan was suspended?"

A cloud of black mist suddenly appeared in the living room, condensing into a figure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ reporting to the Soul Ritual.

"No, inform the ministries, at eight o'clock, implement the plan!"

Lishen sacrifice closed the magic book, and his expression was hard to hide his excitement. Instead, this unexpected variable made him excited. If he kills Downton and captures Dilanxue, he will get a huge reward from the evil god!

"Hey, the one next to you is His Highness Tessei. If something goes wrong, doesn't it seem right?"

"Whispering sound, father hurt your mother does not love a bastard, beat him have no place to complain to go!"

"Yes, being with a human is a traitor, it would be nice not to kill him."

The officers whispered together. These businessmen are all fat sheep. They have long salivated these guys. They can't say anything about it.

"Anyway, these guys can't go back to the human kingdom. As long as we manage the boss well, we can clean up any mess!"

The officers snickered and started to act. Anyway, if they didn't kill themselves, others would start. (To be continued)

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