Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1114: Moving castle

"Huh, whose child is this? No upbringing at all, forget it. I'm in a good mood today, and forgive your rudeness!"

Puyol pretended to be generous, and in front of Di Lanxue, who was well-known, even the prince of the royal family, he temporarily converged his arrogance and did not want to be regarded as a barbarian.

"Who used you to forgive me, believe it or not, I hit your head?"

The little walnut stood on the back of the air ray, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to dry.


Puyol snorted and swept his soul under pressure. He wanted to give these people a horse, and in front of him, everyone except the Lion Ji would kneel.


The Soul Twin Trees are running, and Downton's Wrath of the Lonely Mountain is also radiated out, like a tsunami, sweeping towards Puyol's Guard.

"Human, how dare you?"

Puyol didn't expect Downton to have the courage to fight back, and the words that had just started were immediately struck out.


The surrounding air fluctuated violently, swaying like ripples.

"court death!"

Downton's left eye glared, the dark staring started, and the hanging spider pattern suddenly gleamed, as if darkness covered the earth, eroding everything.


The lion and the bear bear cried out immediately, the soldiers were dizzy, and they could not control the mount.

"Look for beating!"

Little Walnut exhaled loudly, rushing towards Puyol, and the hand of the flame demon smashed with a brilliant halo.

"how is this possible?"

A group of imperial guards were surprised, is this little loli marshal? Otherwise, how can you stop the impact of His Royal Highness? This thought is still wandering in their minds, they have spontaneously come out to protect the master.

"Go away!"

The walnut roared, and the sonic technique started.


The Warhammer hit a forbidden guard, and the erupting waves blew away all the guards around.

Puyol's face changed, and he punched his right fist. Hit with the Warhammer.


The walnuts flipped continuously, and after flying for dozens of meters, the air ray arrived. Just caught her.

Puyol looked ugly, although he was not injured. But he couldn't win a small loli with a single blow, which caused him a serious loss of face.

"Okay, be quiet, close the knife!"

Di Lanxue uttered his voice, and the words of God launched. Everyone's fighting intentions were like being submerged by a handful of frozen ice on the top of the Tamur Raya mountain. They instantly extinguished and followed the two words of exit. Everyone's arms are out of control, and the knife is retracted into the sheath.

"God's Word?"

The eyes of the orcs looking at Di Lanxue became both fearful and dignified, and there were some coveted and obscene greedy eyes before, all disappeared.

"Your Highness is indeed well-deserved!"

Puyol let out a sigh of relief and expressed emotion from his heart. Before coming, he also planned to try the weight of Di Lanxue. If he had a false name, he would **** her back to be a female slave and give Heinrich Dai Yi Big green ~ hat. But now, his heart is full of awe.

"Your praise, Your Highness is here. What's the matter?"

Di Lanxue's attitude was very cold, and the hearts of people who stabbed like cold wind and frost were almost frozen.

"I heard that His Highness destroyed three gangsters of bulls, bucks, and thunders, and killed their leaders, so I came to confirm!"

Puyol said that his gaze turned to several battle flags in the business group, three of which were seized from the bandit group, and were still stained with blood and fire.

"Yes, they are dead, but the Tauren was killed by Downton!"

Di Lanxue never lied.


The guards' eyes lit up. The origins of these three bandit groups are not simple, most of them are not regular troops. It is composed of the most elite warriors in the tribe, because it cannot withstand the oppression of the nobles and other reasons. Before they defected, there was a tribe of hundreds of thousands of orcs behind them.

Now that the three armed forces are over, it means that the three tribes are like young women who have been stripped of their clothes and opened their legs, waiting for their ravages.

Thinking of the wealth, the bears' chests are hot, and they want to go back to the army to fight against it.

"What about the head?"

The simplest pastoral life is on the grassland, so the population is wealth and power, and Puyol is here to stop.

"If you say yes, just give it to you? Who do you think you are?"

Julie Ye sneered.

"Leave me a head!" Puyol took out a token and threw it to Downton. "With it, all your business groups, doing business in any settlement in the orc empire, will not be troubled!"

"Thank you, Your Highness's reward?"

There are shouts.

call out! Snapped!

Downton took the token and smashed it out. His flattering face blossomed and his nose bleeds.

"Let's go!"

Downton is ecstatic.

"what do you mean?"

Puyol's face was ugly. If Di Lanxue was not present, he still wanted to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, so he had to do it. As for the force of Downton, he didn't take it at all. He even thought Lion Ji said that the Tauren killed him. Put gold on his face.

"You are a raw material producing country, but you still dare to be arrogant. Believe it or not, the Duke closed the free trade zone and stopped buying your fur and herbs in minutes?"

Downton has the confidence to say this, and his free trade zone has great influence, involving billions of funds and the livelihood of tens of millions of orcs. Although this is done, it is harmful to others, but it will hurt the orcs more. .

"If you don't buy it, there are other merchants who buy it!"

"Yes, big deal, let's grab it!"

"Yes, kill all human beings, steal all of them!"

For soldiers, war is a means to make a fortune, so these guards clamored and looked daunting.

A group of principals gathered around the outside looks ugly, this is really a savage nation, unreasonable.

"Are you declaring war on our human nations?"

Downton's expression was also serious.

"Why? Frightened?"

Puyol was complacent, but as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the scolding.

"As a king, pay attention to your words and deeds!"

Di Lanxue's tone is severe, "In addition, I will explain to the representatives of the various countries and the Lion King this meeting of the two communities. I will join a request that is to deprive you of the right to inherit the throne!"

"Without a national in your heart, you are not worthy of the throne!"

Charlotte accused.

"What's your business? You think it looks like a goddess of harvest. Are you a sage wolf?"

Puyol couldn't afford Dilanxue, and could only vent his grievances on Xia Luo. At the same time, there is some confusion in the bottom of my heart, because with the status of the lion Ji, if you make suggestions, it will inevitably reduce your image in the father emperor's mind.

"Attention, if you talk to Prophet Wise Wolf again, I will ask you to duel!"

Taixi Feng stood up and defended Xia Luo.

"The **** rolls away!"

Puyol cursed, causing the werewolf and bunny girl to be angry again.

"I'll say it's okay to kill these people. It's really annoying to watch!"

Donovan licked his lips. In a word, the atmosphere was overwhelmed. He deliberately wanted these people to fight hard.

With the character of Downton and his party, he will never make a round and make peace. The principals don't care about face, but the qualification for not speaking is when the orcs are eager to try and prepare to attack. A group of running maids suddenly broke into the field of vision.

Their speed is very fast, and they are running fast, not even inferior to the fine blood horses. However, their movements are light and dexterous, just like a female deer, every posture is full of strength and beauty.

"What the **** is this?"

It’s not just walnuts, but the onlookers are dumbfounded.

These women wore traditional maid skirts with black bottoms and white apron. The skirts were placed three inches on the knees. When they ran, they would reveal plump thighs tightly wrapped in white garter tights.

They wore white lace hair bands on their heads. The black round toe shoes are on the feet, and there is a pure and sweet atmosphere all over the body.

suddenly. The chief maid stopped and looked back.

"This is it. Ready to land!"

As the maid commanded her, the maids dispersed and became busy.

"What is this for?"

Many people can't figure their heads. The maids are only twelve. Even the magicians, the power is too weak. You have to know that there are thousands of people, especially bears, each with a big waist and a mess of tough guys. The hands may squeeze them to death, but they are not afraid!


Just as the argument grew louder, Walnut shouted, then pointed in the direction of five o'clock, "Something flew over!"

Everyone looked up, but after a minute, they still had nothing. Just when people were impatient and ready to send someone to ask, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the sky, with the sound of breaking wind, approaching at a rapid speed.

"Come on, ready to meet the shock!"

After the maid had finished speaking, the maids had finished their work, and a huge buffer magic array lit up.

"Go away, the castle is about to fall down!"

Walnut reminded loudly that her predictive ability was good. At this speed and direction, the big guy flying in the sky would definitely hit the maids.

"Thank you for your concern!"

The maid turned and thanked the walnuts, but not only did they not leave, but the magic circle lit up on each hand.

"Oh, it will hit you!"

Little Walnut was anxious, jumped off the air rays, and ran past.

When Downton wanted to stop, the mobile castle had been smashed down with a falling star.


The magic circle was full of light, rising into the sky, buffering the falling speed of the castle when it was continuously broken.

"Be careful!"

The maid was startled. This landing was the latest research of the professor. It was not perfect yet. The small Loli who appeared rashly was likely to be injured by mistake. "Second team, go all out!"

As the maids on the right fully fired, the castle tilted and the weight was deflected, resulting in an imbalance, so the maids on the right were pushed back by the castle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, feet and frozen ground A deep gully was plowed out.


Little Walnut was in a hurry. A teleport appeared on the right side, exhaling and raising her hands, reaching out to block the castle, but she was small, and the castle flew over her with a ‘咻’.


Walnut was dumbfounded.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the little walnut standing in the same place, holding the pushing posture, the maids laughed, and they didn't even care about moving the castle upside down.


Seeing that the castle could not stand, the maidservant ordered decisively.


As the maids spread out, the moving castle hit the ground, then wiped the ground, and stopped almost 100 meters. (To be continued)

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