Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1111: Prince or princess?

As a scepter, the werewolf can be defeated by Donovan’s mad attack. It has been quite strong. Under the guidance of His Royal Highness, although their subordinates often fight, they have a very good relationship. If they are placed in peacetime, even if they die hard , The werewolf will also rescue, but today, without any hesitation, he turned and fled directly.

"Ma Lei, get me back!"

Donovan cursed, but couldn't catch the werewolf at all.

"Miscellaneous fish!"

The werewolf spit out in disdain and stared down at Downton. The young man put a lot of pressure on him, especially to catch Tutu in one blow. It was terrible.

As a companion, the werewolf knows how difficult the bunny's strength is, and as a result, in front of others, there is no way to fight back.

"Our Highness will pay a lot of money to redeem people, so please don't hurt Tutu, otherwise no matter what your origin is, you will never escape!"

The werewolf dropped a threat and went back to move the rescuers.

"I hate being threatened the most!"

Downton pouted, his fingers slightly pressed, and the bunny girl's cheeks immediately turned red, and he slammed his arms.

Although Tutu is very beautiful, in his current identity, Downton still cares about her. If Di Lanxue's face is not there, she would have been killed.

Tutu is the best at escaping, but Downton’s domineering capture contains the power of law, which makes her useless.

≈"If you kill her, it will be very troublesome, and Taixi Feng is a very short guy!"

Xia Luo ridiculed.

"What's the point of this guy?"

Downton frowned, and Di Lanxue didn't say anything. He had been with the sage wolf for so long, and he hadn't seen her boast about anyone, except for Tai Xifeng.

"He is the illegitimate son of the current orc king, and it is said that the lion king was born~ fortunately an elf woman~ the slave was born. So he is born beautiful and prettier than a woman!"

Juliet is the deputy head of the free trade zone, so I have heard all the news, but it is not detailed.

"Really? A man prettier than a woman? What should it look like?"

Downton was interested and looked at the bunny girl, wanting her to describe it. To know that even a beautiful man of the elven family will not use this adjective.

"Downton, aren't you gay? Why do you care so much when you hear the name?"

The cheap **** suddenly made a noise, and she didn't hide it deliberately, so Dilanxue and his party heard it, and looked at Downton in surprise.

"You are the **** guy, your whole family is **** guy!"

Downton fought back, his face white.

"Oh. It turns out that you are really gay, otherwise why are you in a hurry?"

The cheap **** is bored and can only make Downton happy.


Someone couldn't help but laughed.

"What is **** guy?"

Walnut stabbed Yilian's ribs quietly and whispered.

"do not know!"

Elaine was embarrassed, which made her answer.

"Let me go first!"

Bunny asked.

Downton let go, shrugging shoulders indifferently, if she could escape in front of Di Lanxue and Xia Luo. He was convinced by mouth.

"Well, although our Highness is an illegitimate child. But the talents are roughly, and the wise are unparalleled. Under his administration, Khorasan has become the richest autonomous province in the orc empire."

The bunny girl stood up, patted the dust on her ass, and said these words. A look of pride.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Yilian suspected, but the expression on her face was also seen on the faces of Downton's subordinates. It was a heartfelt worship, with the consciousness of dying for the loyal king.

"Humph. No big brother anyway!"

Walnut retorted.

"Oh, it's him? Our Highness has raised a million refugees in the territory of 200,000 people. What is his achievement?"

The bunny girl sneered.

"Only one million? Big brother feeds more than 10 million people so that they can all eat meat, which is not counted as hilly indigenous and grassland orcs."

Walnut argued loudly that in her mind, Downton was unparalleled in the world, no one could compare, even Heinrich stood by the side, not to mention Taisi Feng who had never heard of the name.


The bunny girl pointed to the sky.

"what happened?"

The walnut puzzled and looked up at the sky.

"It's such a big breath, the cows are blown to heaven by you!"

Tutu counterattacked.

"Are you fighting?"

When Walnut rolled his sleeve, he was ready to beat the bunny girl.

"Forget it, don't be noisy." Downton appeased Little Loli, "If you really worship that Tai Xi Feng, don't hang any man on your lips, otherwise I can guarantee that even if the Lion King will not kill him, those The princes with inheritance rights will not let him go!"

"It doesn't matter, any tricks can't defeat His Royal Highness, he will eventually lead us to the top of the empire!"

The bunny girl became more and more excited, even breathing heavily, her face flushed.

"So arrogant!"

Julie sneered, waving her hand as a whip, and pulled it on the back of the bunny girl, "Warning you, pay attention to your attitude, you are now a master's slave, believe it or not I will throw you to those guards for a night?" "

"Humph, kill me, the warrior of Khorasan, would rather die to war than be insulted!"

Tutu stood up straight, with a generous style.

"A lie, why don't you die?"

Juliet took another whip, but in view of the presence of Di Lanxue, this time it was just a loud noise, not hit Tutu.

"Do you know Taixifeng?"

Downton didn't blame Juliet, the bunny girl was taken captive, and she was so reckless and deserved to suffer.

"Having seen one side, if there is an heir who can take the ZTE with the orc empire, then I choose Taixifeng."

Di Lanxue's evaluation was a complete mess, after all, the young man who could identify with her, but a slap.

"Oh? It looks like he's going to get him some trouble!"

After Donton finished talking, he remembered that there was another Xia Luo beside him. He glanced at it, and it turned out that the other side rolled his eyes towards himself.


Downton quickly explained.

Di Lanxue shook her head and smiled. She understood what Downton meant. Everyone is human, and the orcs are feuds. Then naturally, we can't let Taesi such a talent ascend to the throne of the king, or the more idiot the orc king, the more we like it.

"You worry too much, even if the princes of the Lion King are dead, it will not be Taisifeng's reign!"

Charlotte interjected.


Walnut is curious. "Is it true that illegitimate children also have human rights?"

"When you see him, you will know."

The sage wolf sold a pass.

The United Caravan was on the road again, and the Bunny Girl was not only unbound, but also mounted a warhorse.

"Hello, aren't you afraid of me running away?"

Tutu was very surprised, because at this time, Downton and Di Lanxue had left tens of meters away, at this distance, she confidently escaped. No one can catch it.

"Then you try, but the next time you get caught, you won't be treated as well."

Walnut flew beside him on an air ray, watching Tutu.

"Do you really want me to run away?"

Tutu's eyes turned and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, then I can take the opportunity to beat you up."

Walnut rubbed his hands.

"You adore that man?"

Tutu understood that Little Loli was dissatisfied because she said that Downton was not as good as Tai Xifeng.

"You run. After a hundred meters, I will chase you again!"

Walnut left and right. Lowered the voice and consulted with Tutu.

"Hey, what's that human being called?"

Tutu is also a chatter, looking at Downton's back, can't help asking, to be honest. This man is not only strong, but also handsome and handsome, especially when he smiles. He is very sunny, and it seems that even this cold winter grassland has been sprinkled with warmth.

If it were not for accustomed to the beautiful face of His Highness Tessei. Tutu feels that he is likely to like that human man.


Walnut answered.


Tutu froze for a moment, "What are you talking about?"


Walnut looked at the bunny girl's long ears, "Aren't you deaf?"

"You mean Downton, the first star in the north? Princess Sissy's boyfriend?"

Every time Tutu asked, she saw that Xiao Loli nodded her head. At the end, she was speechless. "Aren't you going to lie to me?"


Walnut proudly propped up his small **** and pointed to the high flying flag.

"Damn, I knew it was Downton, so I wouldn't hit the girl's attention!"

Tutu regretted that His Highness had always praised Downton, and even went to the Free Trade Zone in person to visit, and wanted to visit, but he was completely empty.

Downton is one of the few humans who can be recognized by His Highness and Pride.

Just when Tutu blamed himself, he heard an angry and corrupt voice in front of him.

"Downton, sell her to me, this relationship, our Borgia family must have good rewards!"

Donovan seemed to be anxious, but he was thoughtful. He pretended to be angry for his men. In fact, he was preparing to use her as a bargaining chip, and to discuss the terms with Tessie. The property of Khorasan, they had been coveting for a long time, but they were suffering from no way. .

"Sorry, I never do slave trade!"

Downton refused.

"Ten million coins!"

Donovan offers.

Downton shook his head, almost mad at Donovan.

"Don't worry, Big Brother won't sell you!"

Little Walnut patted Tutu's shoulder like an adult.

Tutu is speechless, Xiao Loli's heart is very kind, which shows that Downton is not bad, but we seem to be the enemy. You think about the enemy like this, don't you think that the painting style is wrong?

Donovan was looking for an excuse. Skyrim suddenly heard a melodious whistle, followed by a Chimera in his vision, approaching quickly.

"Ready to fight!"

The principals were frightened and gave a command, and they ran to Downton in full order~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for protection.

Chimera's huge body, comparable to an adult dragon, flew across the sky, leaving a huge shadow, and then a young man jumped down.

Without a gorgeous flip, the young man floated down slowly, and finally suspended in the air half a meter above the ground.

"Dancing sky?"

Donovan's pupil shrank sharply.

"Duke Downton, His Royal Highness Dilanxue, and the Great Prophet of the Wolves, please forgive the rudeness of the contemptaries, and Tessie is here to pay!"

The man who claimed to be Tai Xifeng bent over to apologize, the etiquette was completely messed up, not at all like a vulgar or brutal orcish empire.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Walnut exclaimed, and everyone else had a similar expression, Prince? This is obviously a princess, is that good? Look at that face, it is already comparable to Yilian! (To be continued...)


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