Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1048: Above the legend

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   "Haha, there is no one who can kill me at Magic Mountain, even if it is your master, tell her that one day, I will kill Buckingham Palace and enjoy her body!"


  After Demon Mountain, the whole person disappeared.


   "Well, what kind of three new stars in the dark world are you invincible in the world? Still enjoying the owner's body? I'm not afraid that even the bone residue left by the owner's pet dog will not be left!"


   The woman knocked on the car wall with her fingers, the driver noticed, threw a whip, and drove away in a carriage.




   In the night sky, thunder flashed, and a huge sword of judgment resembled a meteor, torn through the space, and after beheaded a super-order Di Maria, nailed it to the floor.




   The marble floor was broken, the stones were scattered, the dust was flying, and the sword of judgment was the center. The holy light spread like a twisted lightning on the ground, and instantly covered the whole street, sweeping all the demons.


  咻! call out! call out!


   The light was great, and the Holy Light turned into an arrow, wreaking havoc on the audience.


Even if humans are pierced by the arrow of the Holy Light, there is no discomfort, but the demons will not be able to do it. Just by being irradiated by the Holy Light, the body seems to be thrown into the oil pan, and the pus is grumbled up. .


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


The pustules ruptured and the blood splattered. Their flesh began to disintegrate and were directly corroded. For a time, the streets were full of devil figures rushing like headless flies, against the background of screams and wailing, making people seem like Be in terrifying and far-reaching hell.


   Death is spreading. Souls screamed reluctantly.


  In the blink of an eye, a presiding judge appeared in the sky. Under the moonlight, it was as dazzling as the sun, and then he pointed, and the sword of judgment would be born. Kill the target.


   "This is the power of the legendary strong?"


   Downton looked down and breathed coolly. Although those Di Maria are not in the heyday state, but they are completely abused by a legend, it is really a little garbage.


   "Don’t forget the attributes, you can change a magician to see if you can get this result?"


   In the eyes of cheap gods, they are all fishes before the legend.


   "Is that Mangbart thorn dead?"


   Downton and the two soul bodies guarded the three daughters of St. Lily, although the demons were desperately attacking. He blew himself up on the verge of death, but this group of Templars could be chosen as the Knight Guard of the Virgin. They are also the most loyal and devout believers. They faced the demon who carried out the suicide attack, and they looked back. Furiously shouting slogans, it seems that only by fighting to death can you show your faith in the Goddess of Light and the High Lady!


   "Really a group of religious lunatics!"


   Downton looked shudder. Whispered.


   St. Lily heard this and couldn't help but rolled her eyes. Twist Downton's rib.


   Some big figures saw this scene and couldn't help but jumped their eyes. From this action, the relationship between the two people seemed very intimate.


   "Downton won't even conquer Her Royal Highness?"


   "What nonsense? Who Downton thought he was? Love Saint?"


   "Maybe, don't forget, Princess Sissi and His Royal Highness Dilanxue have **** with this kid!"


  The big guys can't believe it. More than just gossip, Bavarian roses chase Downton, known to the world.


  Know that Shengli can’t get married, so the reputation is a bit weak, so these two princesses. Is the dream lover of men across the continent.


   "Not dead, his second soul escaped!"


  Homer sighed, if this kind of enemy could not be killed at once, the future would be endless.


   "Be content, Evil God used such a large lineup, and it didn't hurt us, it should be fortunate."


   Elaine is still terrified until now. If the will left by the miracle of the Virgin is so powerful, everyone will die.


   Paris is, after all, the capital of Saint Laurent, and various departments responded very quickly to the crisis, not to mention the saint and princess, so the whole city was alarmed.


   After tonight, I don’t know how many people will lose their heads, but that is not the small transparent Downton qualified to care about.


When such a big thing happened, Queen Liv also arrived. Elaine had no choice but to follow her back to the palace, and St. Lily had no time to entertain Downton, because there were many follow-up matters to deal with, at least some of the evil spirits Violent ~ The exposed base unfolded.


   "I won't go!"


   Queen Liv sent an invitation, but Downton did not want to enter the well-regulated palace, so he comforted her sister a few words and followed the bishop back home.


   "The Gis family has developed this time. It was originally a royal faction that supported the emperor. Coupled with Downton's relationship, it will also unite with Bavaria."


   "Yeah, the business of the Guice family can be unimpeded in Lombardy. How much gold do you earn in a year?"


"Well, the biggest gain of the Keith family is the friendship of Downton. Have you not understood yet? Downton is likely to marry Princess Sissy and become the Prince of Bavaria. And make good friends with Princess Elaine..."


  The nobles looked at the carriage where the female bishop left, their eyes filled with envy, jealousy and hatred.


  The door of the Guice family opened wide. The current head of the Duke Guice took his family and waited for Downton in person. This was the most solemn welcome etiquette, and he was completely regarded as his own.


   greetings, socializing, eating, and did not know how many hours I was busy. Until midnight, the drunk Downton was drunk by the servants and returned to Andrea’s courtyard.


   "Are you better?"


   The bishop screened her maid and took care of Downton herself.




   Downton dealt with it and really didn't want to speak.


"thank you!"


   The bishop put a hot towel on Downton's forehead. She knew that the kid's character would not participate in these entertainments unless it was for herself.


   "You are the mentor of Elaine, let me do everything, it should be." Downton explained, "And this way, the Duke will not force you to marry."


"Silly boy!"


  Andrea sat by the bed and looked at Downton's face that had become pale because of drunkenness. His fingers slipped involuntarily, stroking his face gently.




  Drunken attack, Downton sleepy confused, only feel the palm of the female bishop is cold, attached to the face, especially comfortable. He held her.


   The bishop blushed, and she twitched her hand without twitching.


   "As early as when the western border was in crisis, I asked you to support Downton, but you don't listen, just come to the door now, don't you think it's too late?"


   The bishop naively said to herself, she understood that neither Downton nor Elaine. They have no feelings for the Guice family, but for their own sake, they agreed to many of the requests made by their father.


   "Fool, the border free trade zone is your source of wealth, how can you let the Gis family intervene!"


  Andrea looked at the sleeping Downton, stretched out his left hand, and squeezed his eyebrows mischievously.




   Downton grabbed the other hand of the bishop.




   The bishop was ripped, and his body twisted. He fell on Downton's body and just wanted to get up. But looking at his handsome sleeping face, he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed his forehead, then his eyes, nose, cheeks, and finally fell on his lips.


  Andrea is also a thirty-year-old woman, if there has been no man. Forget it, but Downton let her taste the pleasure of being a woman. Under the stimulation of alcohol, her reason began to get out of control.


   "Wow, the bishop is so proactive. Downton's little piece of fresh meat ~ can't handle it anymore, oops, it's not right, it's another lead!"


   Cheap gods ridicule.


   "Don't talk nonsense, I think the female bishop is grateful, don't forget, when attacked at night, Downton has been protecting her!"


  Homer understands a woman, a man who is desperate for her, and doing something extraordinary when he has a good heart, is completely understandable.


   Downton responded, one turned and pressed Andrea to the bed.




   Downton ripped off the bishop's robe, rubbed the papaya breast a few times, and bit it on it.




  The bishop groaned~ She yelled, hugged Downton's head, and then realized that he could not find a part, so she actively opened her legs.


   Downton stood up, entered Andrea's body, and then began to fight.


   The ambivalent atmosphere is flowing, and the breath~ breath quickly fills the room.


After Homer put a soundproof enchantment outside for Dunton, he and the cheap **** retreated into the deep space of the magic book. With their identity and knowledge, for these things, it is almost the same as watching low-level creatures~ It might be more interesting to discuss the original mysteries of magic.


   In the early morning, the sun shed through the window sills and sprinkled on the bed, and it was warm.


   Downton woke up, just about to get up, and found that his right hand was pressed against a plump of soft meat, and then turned his head to see the sleeping bishop.


   "My Emperor Polo!"


   Downton quickly shrank his hands and shouted at the bottom of his heart, "Homer, cheap god, why don't you stop me?"


"Don’t yell, are we not for you? You went through a series of battles yesterday, and you also hit two positions. The body and soul have been extremely weak and exhausted. You slept with the woman, yin~yang~ adjust, Relaxing moderately is good for your body."


   Homer explained.


   "It's a good fart, can't you find me a dancer?"


   Downton only felt a while, he was drunk to hide the past last time, what to do this time?


"I know that your pockets are all gold coins. No, in your identity, no gold coins. The top dancers in those taverns are willing to serve you, but don't you think it's too worthless? Identity and appearance can be compared to the female bishop How many women are there?"


   The cheap **** felt that Downton was in the blessing and did not know the blessing. "Andrea did not say anything. What do you complain about as a big man?"


   Downton was speechless, compared to a middle finger, and turned to think of getting up.


   "Hey, leave the woman on the bed and leave by yourself, this behavior is very innocent!"


   Cheap God despise.


   "What about then?"


   Downton has a headache.


   "Say sweet words, coax her, women like to be cared for."


   The tone of the cheap **** is completely like a person coming over.


   "Are you a female?"


   Downton was puzzled, listening to the voice, the voice of the cheap **** was indeed slightly girlish.


   "You are not yet qualified to know, when you will become a legend, then check my details!"


   The cheap **** pouting, pretending to be mysterious, but as the days of staying together get longer. Downton had no awe and mystery about it.


   "St. Aoxun!"


   Downton lamented that after he was promoted to Grand Marshal yesterday, some of the law bindings were also opened, so he knew the rank above the legend, called St. Aoxun.


   Saint. It means extraordinary sacredness, occult, refers to mystery, mystery, and honour, it is merit and immortality. The entire western soil continent, reaching the sacred power of sacred aoxun, but ten people!


   at this level, it is said that he already has the qualification to peep at the theocracy. However, what is known is not limited to this, because it is only a legend. It is already the existence that many magicians cannot climb and need to admire.


   The power of Saint Ao Xun, who can never know the vocabulary just from the Grand Marshal, can be seen, let alone ordinary people, is the magical power of the Dragon Slayer. When you read these three words, you will die.


   Marshal order. Is the birth of a second soul, the second evolution of talent!


   is the legend. At this level, the magician's body is already an advanced form of energy, which is difficult to kill easily. Mangbarn Thorns is an example, and the natal scepter will evolve into an exclusive domain with the second soul Ronghe.


   has a saying that legend is the **** within the realm!


   influence the weight of a battle. It is the right time and the right place to harmonize, and the field is to make all three of them modernized and lean towards the legendary strongman, so that their strength can be brought to the limit.


   Just like the Chief Judge just now, the entire long street was shrouded in the field of his holy sword, and the power was doubled.


Above the legend, it is St. Aoxun. At this level, the magicians can already be reborn, because what constitutes them is no longer flesh and blood, but a collection of pure law power and magic energy, or That said, they no longer have a solidified form.


The reason why Saint Ao Xun is powerful is because the soul is immortal, and they will live forever. They have a long life, so the worldly disputes can no longer cause any of their desires ~ impulses ~, only the throne and divine power, It is the existence they long for.


   Listening to Homer's science, Downton stunned, and then lost his expression.


"what happened?"


   Cheap and puzzled.


   "I thought that I had become a Grand Marshal, and I could already see the mountains and small mountains. I didn't expect it, but I was still standing on the mountainside and could not look up at the top of the mountain."


   Downton sighed.


   "You just understand, there is no limit to the magic world, and the magician also has no limit, gods, but it's just...uh!"


   Cheap God and Downton have been together for a long time, and there is nothing to hide, almost leaking big secrets.


   "But what is it?"


   Downton blinked.


   "Hmm, don't tell you!"


   Cheap God turned his head.


   "Hey, don't talk nonsense, the bishop wakes up!"


   Homer reminder.


   Downton turned around and saw that Andrea closed her eyes, but her shaking eyelashes were still violent~ revealing the fact that she was awake.


   The more silent, the more embarrassing.


   "My emperor Polo, let's get out!"


   Downton also felt that it was too hurtful to leave quietly. It was no different from a scum man, so he pressed on Andrea, grabbed her chest, and kneaded.


   Downton was ready to wait for the other party to get angry and slap him, taking the opportunity to leave, but who knew that the bishop silently condoned his behavior.




  Homer and cheap **** smile spray.


"What should we do now?"


   Downton was dumbfounded and unconsciously loosened the bishop's chest.


   "Fool, keep going, it's all like this, what else do you care about? Anyway, the female bishop won't bother you!"


   Cheap God urged.


   "Everyone is going to be your underground lover~ Are you still a man? Show me some points!"


  Homer was so mad, Downton did not take it.


   "You pit me!"


   Downton growled, let the two guys close their eyes, and then kissed the red lips of the bishop.


   The first two were drunk, Downton didn't feel much, but this time was different. In the early morning, he completely vented his vigorous energy to the female bishop, and finally realized the beauty of the woman's body.


  Andrea is like a big sister, tacitly approving all actions of Downton, spoiling him, loving him, and even actively teaching him some knowledge.


  Relying on the physique brought by the body of Vulcan, Tang Dunshi ~ the essence of the taste, tossed to noon, if the female bishop worried about the servant coming, he really wished to drown in the deep gully in front of the female bishop's chest.


   Another night came, and Margaret, who had been busy in the monastery for a day, returned home bounced like a happy squirrel.


   "Thank you, Master Downton, may your body be healthy forever!"


  Looking at the ham and bread in the basket in his hand, and even a small bottle of liqueur, Margaret smiled happily and sincerely prayed for Downton. Without him, he would not have a good life now.


The monastery’s mothers were good, even if there were a few bitter and harsh people, they didn’t dare to arrange a heavy work for her after knowing that Margaret was introduced by the virgin, so these days, it can be said that her life The happiest day in the world.


   "If you can be the maid of Lord Downton, just look at him every day!"


  Margaret looked forward, and quickly shook her head, throwing away the idea, he was just a lowly civilian girl, how can he climb up to Lord Downton?


   "Brother, I'm back!"


Margaret pushed open the door and froze, because in the room, the mother was tied to a chair, while the father was lying on the floor covered in blood, the brother was missing, and several men were sitting on the chair Go on, play cards and chat.


  The camellia girl turned around subconsciously and ran, but the person hiding behind the door had blocked the way.


   "Your father owes us 200,000 gold coins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please give it back!"


   The man stared greedily at Marguerite's body, wishing to swallow her.




   Margaret called out, not to mention 200,000, or 50,000, which was an unimaginable sum of money for her.


"White and black characters are all your father's handwriting. He has sold you to us. Gee, are you a biological child? He is so cruel to you. Even if you pick up customers every day, it will take thirty years. Pay off."


   "Every day a dozen men are spoiled. She can't wait for thirty years before she's finished."


   "What are you waiting for? I think this girl is still a young bird. Let's enjoy it with our brothers first, otherwise we will bring it back to the headquarters. Where else can we have our share?"


   Several men grinned and pounced on Margaret.


   "She's here, will you let me go?"


   Stepmother begs for mercy.




   The man slapped her face, "Shut up, or I will find a dog to serve you."


  'S father was begging for mercy, but seeing this scene, he pretended to be dead, he didn't want to be beaten again.




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Team @雨爱亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】Bring your friends (@影承@新城神@字书文@玉树琼花满目春)

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