Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1021: Bloodline broke out!

The words of Queen Liv made the audience stunned, but thinking about her style of acting was relieved. If you don’t like killing, how could you get the nickname of Bloody Queen.




   Yilian froze for a moment, then pleaded.


   Liv stared at her daughter, and the dignified gaze suddenly made Yilian shut her mouth obediently.


   "I don't know what the queen means?"


   Tang Dunjian frowned slightly.


   "I'm asking you, answering that I want to die or I want to live!"


   Liv questioned, the royal aura that had been killed for many years was fully opened, and the nobles all bowed their heads and dared not look directly at her.


   "I choose the one that is good for Elaine!"


   Downton did not hesitate, and answered aloud firmly, letting the guests froze again, didn't he say he played a movie with a little girl, was it a lo*ic*n? Why does it look like it is a heavy sister control now?


   There was a moment when Liv was a little dazed. She really didn't expect that Downton would answer this so much that the following lines were interrupted.




   Elaine was a little embarrassed and a little ecstatic. She hugged Downton's arm as usual.




   The maid chief immediately coughed to remind Elaine that she had lost her appearance!


   "So you chose to die?"


  Lifu sneered.


   "It doesn't matter, before I see Yilian get happy, even if I was born in hell, I will crawl out and bless her!"


   Downton's eyes were firm, his expression as heavy as the mountains, and he looked directly at Queen Liv without any evasion, because he had no guilty conscience.




   Liv sneered, his expression gradually becoming cold, but in his heart. But she sighed, because of her talent, she could see from other people's eyes. Reading some of their thoughts, Downton's eyes were clear and clear. Representing his sincerity.


   Downton is silent, he loves Elaine, no need to use any language to modify.


   "Okay, since you have made a decision, go to die!"


   The voice of Liv has not fallen, and the surrounding air has cooled rapidly, making people feel as if they are in the frozen ground of the north, visible to the naked eye. An ice layer appeared on Downton's body, quickly covering the whole body.




   Elaine exclaimed that nowadays Queen Liv is already a legendary strongman, which is why she does not travel with the guards, because it is harder to kill her if she wants to kill her.


  Lifu ignored Yilian, just stood in front of Downton and looked at him, but soon. She was annoyed. Although the queen has a pair of slender legs, she is also a tall, middle-aged woman. But Downton was taller, which made her need to look up when she looked at him, so invisibly, her momentum became weaker.


   "Kneel down!"


  Liv was snorting.


   Downton's feet were slightly separated, his hands were on his chest, and he stood on the spot without countering or flinching. Let the queen's field strengthen.


   Within a few breaths, his hair was already covered with frost and snow. But he still stood firm, like the immortal green pine. Like towering mountains, like the pillar of the world that never collapses!


   "Kneel down!"


  Looking at the stubborn Downton, Liv scolded again. This time, it was no longer the Queen's order, but God's Word.




   The air was shaking rapidly, and the invisible ripples spread. Downton's body couldn't help but tremble, and a blood bleed from the corner of his mouth.


   crunch! Crunch!


Downton's body was shaking more and more violently, especially his legs, and there was already a bend. Although he was supporting, but the power of God's Word was too strong, like a mountain, pressing on him and letting him The bones all over the body are wailing and wailing.


   Zi! Zi! Zi!


  If Downton had not the body of Vulcan, he had been crushed into a muddy mud, but even then, the skin cracked and the blood arrow shot.




   Elaine shouted distressedly, and she was about to release the magic technique to treat her brother, but Queen Liv just glared at her, and all her actions were imprisoned.


"kill him!"


  Blonde Louis' eyes flashed with excitement, nothing was more wonderful than watching Downton's prince.


A sigh sounded in the hall.


  Guests shook their heads helplessly, what about the first person under the Marshal? To the Queen, it was not the same as the crushed ants.


Victor and Lukaku frowned, and there were those scepter ranks. Because of their strength, they could feel how powerful the Queen’s Word attack was. Downton could last for so long. The waves got their name, no, they were already amazing.


   "Kneel down!"


   Queen Liv's eyes flashed a strange color, surprised at the tenacity of Downton, but still no mercy, God said again.




   Downton's right leg made a cracking sound, and a clearly visible bend appeared, but he still did not kneel.




Elaine screamed, complaining to her mother involuntarily. To be honest, she didn't care about Liv's identity. Even if she was a queen, as for the recognition, she was very happy because she had a mother, but it was nothing more than that. In my mind, no one can compare to the brother who raised him.


Elaine clearly remembers every dinner his brother made for himself, collecting every little gift his brother bought for himself, and every comfort he sat by the bed when he was sick, which she treasured in The sweetest memory in my heart.


Queen Liv really loves Elaine, and since she recognized each other, she has given her everything she can give. It can be said that that is the princess dream that every girl desires to have. Elaine got it, but she is not happy, she is the most happy What's more, I am a princess and can be my brother's backing. Later, if someone wants to bully my brother, I finally have the power to protect him.


   "Yi... Lotus, I'm not... thing, no... to be disobedient... your mother!"


   Downton still held his arms and looked directly at Queen Liv, his trembling voice, you can see how much pain he suffered.


   "A stubborn man is my taste!"


Mrs. Red Heart covered her cheeks with a fan decorated with tassels, stretched out her fragrant tongue, licked her red lips, and looked Downton with interest.


   "Hey, hello, don't you really want to be killed? I can feel the killing intention of this woman, she is not trying to test you!"


   Cheap God reminder. A woman like Queen Liv is used to her own arbitrariness and will never consider the feelings of others. She felt she could give her daughter the best of everything, as far as Downton. Just like an ant on the roadside, even if you step on it, there will be no reaction.


   "Okay, very good, very good, how many years have passed since no one dared to disobey me!"


   Liv even said three good words, but the mood was already terribly bad. As a high queen, she hated this kind of hard-working servant.


   "Downton, do you really think I dare not kill you?"


   Queen Liv snorted, the power of the law increased again, Downton’s body was squeezed and deformed, just like being thrown into the meat grinder, and the skin of some parts was twisted.


   Keep going like this, but for more than ten seconds, Downton will shatter into a pool of rotten meat, attacked by the legendary strongman. Not so easy to connect, not to mention that he did not have any resistance.


  This is just a few breathing times, Downton will die!


  Jilian tried his best to break free. When he was ready to rescue his brother, when the guests felt that Downton was mortal, he suddenly burst into a huge soul wave!


   Boom! boom! boom!


   Downton’s soul power was sprayed to the surroundings like a magma burst. It was hot, violent, and invincible. It was completely instinct. All the soul shields of the magicians in the hall were all bombed out for defense, but below the Dragon Slayer. Their defense was like a piece of blank paper, and it was torn into pieces in an instant.


"what happened?"


   "Haha. I thought this guy was a tough guy. He was facing death. He was scared!"


   "However, he dared to deal with Queen Liv, he is dead!"


   Many of the guests were jealous of Downton's beauty. Now they are overjoyed when they see the offended queen, but they soon stun them with a roar.


   "Fool, he didn't fight back at all, it was a natural outbreak of blood power when the host was facing a crisis of death!"


   Lukaku leaned forward, his eyes widened, and stared at Downton violently, in this bloodline power, he smelled a thick mellow breath.


   "If I can devour him, I will definitely be promoted to Marshal Tier 2!"


Lukaku stared at twilight with greedy eyes. The reason why he has the nickname of Little Warcraft, in addition to his ugly appearance and the same constitution as Warcraft, there is an unknown secret that he can devour the strong. The corpse absorbs the essence to strengthen its own power.


   Downton's powerful bloodline makes Lukaku salivate.




The magical energy in Downton's body sprayed like air arrows, and a silver crescent appeared above his head, and then the visible completion was a full moon, just like the starry sky hanging on the fifteen, beautiful. , Make people fascinated.


   Haoyue was in the sky, silver radiance was everywhere, and it seemed that there was a star bucket flashing around. At this time, Downton's head was the midnight sky, the summer wind, and the mottled stars forming a beautiful starry sky scroll!




   Even if the chandelier on the ceiling in the hall is magnificent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The wall lamps on the surrounding walls exude a bright light, but at this time, they are all dark, as if the starry night is coming directly.




   Some timid female guests screamed out, because the scene was so weird.




  Looking at the full moon, Queen Liv thought about it. It seemed that this picture had been seen before.


   All the guests were stunned and fell into shock. Only Madam Red Heart's eyes narrowed and a flash of amazement, she was somewhat familiar with this bloodline image.


   The silver glow of the full moon was sprinkled on the body, like the slender hands of a lover stroking, making some guests groan comfortably~ They screamed suddenly, they suddenly found that their hidden illness for many years had actually improved.


   This silver glow has a very strong healing effect!


   Downton's injuries also recovered instantly, and then the full moon fell, and a morning glow with warm glow rose slowly.


   The mist that was tossing was dispelled, strolling all over the earth, dawn came!


  Ten seconds later, all the visions disappeared. Downton still stood in the same place, but compared to the embarrassment just now, he was like a **** descended from the sky, with a straight back and a hunting flag flying like a battle flag!




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by the Flash God Tuban@天若有情gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】

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