Chapter 1577 Darkness and Transaction

“I changed my mind. I will go to the Treasure House in the Cloud with you and personally fetch the treasures I want.”

The thief leader raised his voice, but Rod’s brow furrowed deeper.

“Why do you want to change your mind? Based on everything you said, I would rather believe that this is a trap.” Rod shook his head and said.

If the thief leader can’t give him a satisfactory answer, he won’t believe the person in front of him.

Lord didn’t know what price it would cost to obtain those precious treasures from the Treasure House in the Clouds, but it was obviously not easy to do.

The treasure house that only heroes can enter has also explained to Rhodes the particularity of this place.

In any case, the thief leader in front of him did not have any reason to personally take this treasure, even if she sent other men to follow Rod, Rod felt more credible.

“Because you can see me.” Facing Rod’s question, she gave Rodr’s surprising answer.

From her eyes, Rod felt her unusual. It was a look of excitement and excitement. For such a creature at the apex of the legend, she shouldn’t be unable to control her emotions.

No… Feeling the darkness covering the surrounding layers, Lord denied this idea. For her with this ability, she does not need to control her eyes and emotions at all times. Darkness is her best disguise. .

Recalling the laziness and languidness she showed when she first saw her in the dark, maybe that was her truest appearance.

“I have been looking for the creature that can see me through this layer of darkness. Unfortunately, whether it is a legendary wizard who is good at spells or those underground creatures living in the dark, they cannot see through this layer of shadow realm. ”

As she said, she spread her hands out and exhaled deeply:

“I don’t remember how long I’ve been looking for. Just when I was no longer hopeful, I met you. You have shown this ability. I don’t know how you did it, but you are the one I was looking for. people.”

Hearing what she said, Rod fell silent for a moment. If it weren’t for the existence of Scarlet Eye, Rhode would also not be able to see exactly what the leader of the thieves in the dark looked like.

What Rod did not expect was that the Scarlet Eyes he had put on for stronger power actually had this effect. And he didn’t even know what the thief leader was looking for for a creature with this ability.

“I don’t want to guard against sneak attacks from my companions all the time, and you have this ability.”

After thinking about it for a while, Rhodes intends to refuse the request of the leader of the thieves.

Although the leader of the thieves knew the location of the treasure house in the cloud, Lord did not intend to cooperate with her.

Rhode can predict what kind of guards there are outside the treasure house in the cloud. If Rhodes is facing those powerful enemies, the thief leader suddenly launches a sneak attack, the consequences will be disastrous. For this reason, Rhodes rejected her request.

“Really? Don’t you want to know the specific information about the treasure house in the cloud and the hero Yves?” She didn’t seem to care, but asked Rhodes rhetorically.

Rod looked at her in silence without answering.

“Besides, I won’t attack you sneakily. It took me so long to find someone who can see me. I won’t just kill you like that.”

Perceiving the deep chill in her words, Rhode held the Titan’s arrow in his hand tighter.

After a moment of silence, Rod slowly said, “You heard the report from the thief. The hero Yves must have come to me. I need information about him, and I can say a condition that I can accept.”

“Didn’t I tell you? If you agree to go to the treasure house in the cloud with me, I will tell you this information.” She insisted.

“It seems that there is no way.” Rod shrugged, he still had to find a way to deal with the attacking enemy, but he couldn’t stay here for a long time.

“Wait…” Seeing Rod’s insistence again and again, she finally changed her words, “Since you never agree, then all right. I can tell you this information, but you must go back to the Thieves Guild headquarters with me later. trip.”

Rod looked at her somewhat unexpectedly, and said with confirmation: “Do you agree to tell me this information? Don’t be some outdated false information.”

“You are questioning the credibility of the Thieves Guild.” She spread her hands and said, “I always think that intelligence can only be maximized when it is in the hands of those who need it. Don’t you think so?”

“You should tell this sentence to those who come to the thieves’ guild to buy information, no, it’s better to take it as a rule and record it in the thieves’ guilds everywhere.” Looking at the thieves’ leader in the dark, Rod Said with disdain, he knew that the Thieves Guild would only provide information of equivalent value, and no one could take advantage of it here.

“I’m more and more interested in you. Those thieves dare not talk to me like this.” She looked at Rod scorchingly, and gently ran her fingers across her lips. “You know those thieves who talk to me like this, finally What’s the end? I will cut off their tongues and let them be silent forever.”

Rod also let out a cold snort: “Do you know the fate of those who threaten me? I will transform them into undead creatures and let them be enslaved forever.”

Looking at Rod, she nodded in satisfaction: “Say business, information about hero Yves.”

Hearing what the thieves leader said, Rod also became serious.

“According to the investigation of those thieves, the hero Yves fought against the powerful demon king in Vernin, and disappeared after the battle. According to the judgment of the Book of Silence, he is very likely to die in the hands of the demon king. , I didn’t expect him to appear again now.” She said slowly.

“The Demon King?” Recalling the footage he had seen with the farsighted pendant, Rod seemed to understand something, “I don’t know which Demon King you are talking about?”

“You actually know how many demon kings are there? Those legendary mages don’t know this information.” She showed a look of surprise, but added, “It was the flames burning all over the hero who defeated the hero Yves, who was in charge of the jealousy of the fiery elf. The king, but not her body…”

As she said, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Rod: “This is a higher level of secret information. Do you want to know this information?”

“No need.” Rod seemed to remember something, his eyes gradually sinking, “Needless to say, I also know who she is.”

“Oh?” She looked at Rod carefully, seeming to want to confirm the truth of what he said.

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