Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 5 Chapter 186: A master at picking things

Chapter 186: A Master of Choosing Things (Second, ask for monthly pass)

It seems that there are always several games every year that Chen Yingxiong can't avoid. The game against Manchester City is one of them.

He doesn't care about this. As for the cruel words of the Manchester City fans before the game, he simply put his left ear in and out of the right ear, not thinking about it.

He has seen more vicious words from fans, and he has seen more vicious words from Manchester City fans. He doesn't even pay attention to the fanatical Turkish football hooligans, and he cares about those guys who only dare to put up his **** in the stands and swear a few swear words?

Richards is gone, he doesn't care. Anyway, there are Manchester City fans lining up to let him draw.

However, the media always let him talk about Richards and Manchester City.

Just say, he doesn't care about offending people. He just doesn't want to be used as a gun by the media... He feels that he should not take the initiative to provoke the incident-if you provoke me, I will beat you and I will take the blame. You haven't provoke me at the moment. If I hit you, it doesn't make sense...We must be quality people.

So he didn't say a word.

However, there are always people in this world who do not have long eyes and feel the pleasure of being abused by others...

In the face of reporters’ problems, Chen Yingxiong did not say anything. This scene fell in the eyes of Manchester City fans and would never be regarded as Chen Yingxiong’s initiative to show good, to repair the relationship between the two, but to take the initiative to show weakness is Chen Yingxiong's timid and fearful. , So I closed my mouth.

Many Manchester City fans laughed at Chen Yingxiong.

In fact, it's okay for Manchester City fans to laugh at him. After all, when these laughs are not in the game, Chen Yingxiong can't see it.

It can't stand the Manchester media coming in.

Chen Yingxiong couldn't hear the ridicule of the fans, but he could always hear the ridicule of the media?

Many media in Manchester have stated that Chen Yingxiong’s silence is because he is afraid of Manchester City, because he has a guilty conscience, and he does not want to provoke the anger of Manchester City fans, because this is an away game, and he does not want to be a target in the game...

So so so. In fact, if you analyze it carefully, you will feel that the views of the media are very nonsense-why is Chen Yingxiong guilty of conscience? Now Liverpool is the number one in the league, and he is also the number one scorer. He is already on the same level as Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Why should he be afraid of Manchester City? He has often provoked the anger of Manchester City fans and is not afraid of Manchester City fans at all. Not to mention anything like this at home at Manchester City. Has he ever abused Manchester City at home less? He has scored nine goals in two league games. If this is a performance of fear, then there is probably no one in this world who is not afraid...

It stands to reason that this kind of low-level mistake is impossible for the Manchester media to make, because it is totally unreasonable logically.

But they committed the crime, and they committed it grandiosely.

Why is this?

The answer will be revealed a day later...


Chen Yingxiong was delighted by the remarks made by the Manchester media-I am afraid of Manchester City? It's really the funniest joke I've heard this year

**, this group of people really didn't fight for three days and went to the house

If I don’t show off, do you really treat me as Winnie the Pooh?

Chen Yingxiong immediately fought back.

"Don't shame some people, Lao Tzu's low-key is not your capital for pretending to be compelling," Chen Yingxiong said in an interview with Liverpool media the next day. "I'm afraid of Manchester City? This is really a joke. You have to ask how much Manchester City is afraid of me? Hahaha"

He smiled very proudly, because he has such capital.

The trauma he brought to Manchester City is indeed very serious. If a ball is a wound, then Chen Yingxiong has left more than ten **** wounds on Manchester City.

"Speaking of Manchester City's home stadium... Ah, that is really one of my favorite stadiums, because it always brings me many good memories." Chen Yingxiong began to use his taunting skills again. "I'm especially looking forward to the weekend game. Re-lobbying in the old place may leave new memories. Don't you think?"

Look, the goal of the Manchester media has been achieved-do you think we can't let you talk if you don't open your mouth? Naive

Compared with us, your kid is still tender


The Manchester media finally succeeded in provoking a new round of hatred between Chen Yingxiong and the Manchester City fans.

They don't care what consequences this will bring to both sides, as long as the hatred is provoked, which means that they will have more topics for hype in this game.

This is a good thing for media that make a living by attracting attention.

But whether bad things happen when this kind of hatred accumulates, they can't control it. They are journalists and not police, so it is not their responsibility to maintain order.


Manchester City fans reacted fiercely to Chen Yingxiong’s remarks, because a 3:4 and a 1:5 at home are the pain that Manchester City fans never want to mention, and it is also their shame-on their own turf, It is a shame to be scored four and five goals by their most annoying guy.

Chen Yingxiong actually took it out again and again, showing off as his most proud record.

This makes Manchester City fans very upset.

How upset is it?

It can be heard from the boos during the game...

The match against Manchester City was played on a rainy night.

As soon as Chen Yingxiong got the ball, the Manchester City fans in the stands made a huge boo. This momentum even disturbed the rain above the stadium, flying violently at the Etihad Stadium, like a stick of silver. The needles are the same... In other words, if these are really silver needles, the Manchester City fans will definitely use roars to guide the only silver needles, so that they will eventually pierce Chen Yingxiong and give him a "thousand arrows through the heart" and let him die. No burial place

Under the heavy rain and booed by Manchester City fans, Chen Yingxiong had no fear. He leaped high and flew the header in the air to his teammates.

Lescott was a little embarrassed when he was competing for the top, and he hadn't won. After landing, he slipped and fell directly to the ground.

Chen Yingxiong almost lost his footing, but he still maintained his balance at the most critical moment.

Immediately afterwards, the football was re-passed to his feet. Chen Yingxiong, who had maintained his balance, had no time to adjust his football, so he turned around and shot.

The shot was hurried, but because he used his right foot, and the characteristic of Chen Yingxiong is that he can't shoot the ball, he feels very good, so the final shot was quite good and straight. Go to the bottom right corner

It was not a threatening shot that eventually forced the England goal. Joe Hart made a wonderful save.

He fell to the ground and slid out, flicking the football out between the fingers of his left hand.

so close

There was a huge inhalation sound from the stands.

All from Manchester City fans, they were really scared

Although they booed when Chen Yingxiong got the ball, who had said a particularly reasonable thing-when they always have to prove their invincibility through some drastic means, it is actually a kind of bravado. This shows that The weakness of their hearts.

So Manchester City fans are still very scared, especially when they see the football go straight to the bottom right corner of the goal, their hearts are all hanging in their throats, and they even forgot to boo.

Fortunately, Joe Hart made a world-class save at the most critical time.

Or maybe the goal is going to fall again.

At this time everyone reacted, boos again

This time their boos were louder than before.

The Manchester City fans who had escaped from the dead were terrified in their hearts, and the boos naturally became even louder...


"Look at this ball, Joe Hart is beautiful, this save is beautiful"

"The hero's turn and volley almost went in, but Joe Hart made a world-class save."

The narrators also yelled excitedly.

Chen Yingxiong held his head, a little regretful.

He felt very good when he kicked the kick just now. Although the action was irregular, many beautiful goals were made under this kind of irregular action. Shooting is about feeling, but not regular action. Or not.

Unexpectedly, Joe Hart's save was so beautiful, even an opponent like him couldn't help but want to scream "**" to express his emotions.


There is no scoring goal, of course it is a bit regretful. But this is not a big deal for Liverpool.

Strong self-confidence, as well as a psychological advantage in the face of Manchester City, so that the Liverpool players did not take this goal to heart.

But soon reality gave them a cruel slap-Manchester City at home took the lead

The person who scored the goal was the team's main striker Aguero.

He took advantage of the chance of a slippery field on a rainy day, swayed to Skrtel, then broke through successfully, and finally shot low. The football was sticking to the turf and went straight to the back corner of the goal. Reina couldn't make a save and let the football roll into the back point.

After the goal, huge cheers erupted from the stands of the Etihad Stadium.

Aguero also opened his arms and ran to the side of the court. He was pulled to the ground by his teammates when he ran halfway. A group of excited Manchester City players followed and pressed him firmly under him.

The Manchester City players were as excited as they had beaten Liverpool.

They are so excited for a reason. Last season, at his home court, he was poured five goals by Liverpool, and five saps were directly overturned. That game was simply a shame for Manchester City. They were not able to bring such a great sense of humiliation to Liverpool last season when they were reversed 3:4 at home.

So the Manchester City players breathed a sigh of relief. Must win Liverpool at home.

Now this lead is a good sign.

Liverpool have confidence in themselves, so why not Manchester City?

Especially for a star like Aguero, he feels that he is not much worse than Messi and others. Why can't he break his wrist in front of Chen Yingxiong?

Chen Yingxiong has not scored yet, I have scored

I want to prove that I am better than him

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