Hero of the Penalty Area

Chapter 183: You relegation team!

Chapter 183 Your relegation team!

When Chen Yingxiong was sweating like rain in the copy, his cell phone rang.

Chen Yingxiong was used to receiving calls when he was training in the dungeon. He quit the training copy very skillfully, and in the blink of an eye, he has appeared in his own bedroom.

The agent Dracula called.

"The Naples club is looking for me." He said straightforwardly. Dracula has this habit. He will tell you something straightforwardly, instead of circumscribing it, talking about the weather today, hahaha, etc., let’s talk about business. The disadvantage of this is...inconvenient to make up the word count.

"Hey, didn't I say that I'm not interested?" Chen Yingxiong felt strange.

"The Zenit Club agreed to their offer. They are here to negotiate a personal contract with you."

Chen Yingxiong was shocked-he didn't know anything yet, how could he be sold!

"How is this going?"

"Naples bid 13 million euros, and there is a floating clause of 2 million." Dracula explained to Chen Yingxiong.

"That means I'm worth 15 million?" Chen Yingxiong was very happy to hear this offer, 15 million! How many years do I have to earn to earn it!

"No! I didn't say I'm going to Naples!" He reacted quickly.

"Negotiating at the club level will not consider where you go or where you go." Dracula continued to explain. "But if you don't want to go, you can reject them during the personal contract negotiation."

"Well, you help me reject them, just say that I am not interested in going to a relegation team."

"Are you sure?" Dracula asked habitually, because of his cautious and rigorous attitude.

"Very sure!" Chen Yingxiong waved his hand. "That's it, I will continue the special training!"

"Okay, I'll talk back."

Chen Yingxiong hung up the phone. After thinking about it, I think it's really inexplicable. The team that I obviously didn't want to go to was the one that came to the door in the end... But why isn't it a giant!

He also dreamed of being able to go to the rich...

He shook his head, left the matter behind, and began to concentrate and rebuild the training copy.

In a blink of an eye, he reappeared in the lively training ground, his teammates and coaches are waiting for him to return.

Aurelio de Laurentiis, who was enjoying the California sunshine in the courtyard of his home in Los Angeles, put down the phone, the expression on his face was indescribable.

Just now, the club’s general manager Marino (pierpaolo marino) called and reported him bad news.

As the president of the club, the forward Chen Yingxiong whom he personally saw rejected the contract offered by the club...No, it should be said that he did not negotiate a contract with Naples at all. He told Marino very straightforwardly that he would not relegation with a team. The team talks about any contract, even if they offer a weekly salary of 100,000 euros, he is not interested!

While listening to Marino relaying these words from Agent Chen's hero, De Laurentiis' expression kept changing, sometimes surprised, sometimes angry, sometimes helpless, sometimes smiling.

At the end of the day, when he finished the phone call, that was the expression on his face.

He wanted to laugh but couldn't think of it, because he didn't know if he was laughing at himself or at the little **** who knows no height.

He knew this man’s time was a month ago, when his club received a CD from the agent claiming to be Chen Yingxiong’s agent, which contained all 27 goals and leagues that Chen Yingxiong made in the Russian Premier League last season. A few goals in the cup. This kind of self-promotional CDs and letters are received by the Naples Club every day.

This shouldn't have been something that can be known to the ever-changing club owner. But the agent named Dracula said Chen Yingxiong was very, very powerful, what "Twenty-seven goals in a single season, and in the past six seasons, there has never been a single season's top scorer who can play. Scored more than 20 goals. Since the establishment of the Russian Super League, no one has ever scored more than 25 goals in a single season... The most important thing is that he is only 19 years old and he has unlimited Potential, his outstanding physical fitness ensures that he will not be easily injured, and he can continue to improve and grow... Now, for such a young and very potential player, his contract with his former club Zenit is about to expire, Zenit If you want to take it off, it doesn’t cost much to buy him..."

The copywriting is clearly organized, and Chen Yingxiong's strengths and achievements are listed, which makes it clear at a glance. And the writing was very motivating, which made the club's general manager Pierre Paul Marino interested.

When the Italian football economy is declining and the influence of Italian football is also shrinking, there is a team that can be regarded as a miracle, and that is Udinese. Udinese has maintained sufficient competitiveness and good economic conditions. Udinese does not pay high salaries to the players, but never defaults on it, which is also very valuable in many Italian small and medium teams.

Udinese is able to achieve such results, a large part of the credit is the shrewd and capable general manager.

After de Laurentiz joined Naples in 2004, he moved to Marino from Udinese as the general manager of the team. In his tenure, he brought to the team such highly cost-effective players as Hamsik and Ravitch. These two players have become the core main force of Naples.

Out of trust in his management skills, de Laurentiis let Marino run the club.

After watching Chen Yingxiong's scoring CD, Marino keenly told him that he was a very talented player like Hamsik and Ravitch. If it's not as expensive as his agent said, it's really a bargain.

So he asked the Zenit club for the price.

At the entrance of the Sasania station was 18 million euros, and Marino retreated.

The general manager of Naples has no quotations, but from time to time he thinks of the scene where Chen Yingxiong is high in the air, knocking against the opponent's defender, and smashing the football into the goal... He is a little unwilling. Such a good player, if you buy good students and train them, what about the next Hamsik and Ravitch? Even... the next Vieri is not impossible!

But 18 million euros worth of money is too expensive for a player like Chen Yingxiong who is not yet famous... He has no reputation in the world at all. At least I had never heard of this person before.

It was not until after the UEFA Cup Marseille and Zenit St. Petersburg match...Because Florence was sure to meet Zenit in the UEFA Cup quarter-finals, the Italian media began to report the news of this team, and he did not notice. Zenit’s greatest hero in knocking out Marseille is this hero Chen...

He can't sit still anymore-this kid has already started to become famous, what if he is robbed by others if he doesn't make a move?

But 18 million he really couldn't be the master... he decided to report to the boss de Laurentiis.

In this way, the veteran Italian movie tycoon De Laurentiis, for the first time heard of Chen Yingxiong, the slightly arrogant name.

After watching the CD that Marino gave him, the film and television tycoon, who has a perverse personality in the Italian film circle, was deeply attracted by Chen Yingxiong's passionate goal. He is a football layman, but he has his own knowledge of football.

He thinks that the high center of his dreams should be like this. He always felt that there was something missing in Naples now... After seeing the video of Chen Yingxiong's goal, he finally knew what was missing-a powerful center who is as aggressive as a monster! With absolute dominance in the restricted area, almost no one can shake him. Lavizzi is good, but a bit soft...

He leaped high, he topped the goal with the football and the opposing defender, then took off his jersey and left his upper body naked in the ice and snow, revealing the strong muscles and arrogant tattoos inside...

That's it!

After seeing Chen Yingxiong's goals, De Laurentiis brightened his eyes. He felt that he had found the center of his dreams.

He called Marino and offered a price of twelve million euros to talk to the Zenit club.

Although the agent said that Zenit was in a hurry to sell now, he might be able to get it without much money. But he is worried that such an excellent center will be taken away by other clubs-he always feels that football laymen like himself can be seen. Wouldn't those more professional team managers ignore him?

It is better to start first and conquer the opponent's club with financial resources. Anyway, I am not short of money.

In this way, under his direct instruction, Marino and Zenit’s general manager Sasania started frequent contacts and negotiations, and finally reached a price of 13 million euros plus a floating price of 2 million euros with Zenit. The club reached an agreement.

Naples finally got the qualification to contact the players themselves.

I thought everything was going well and the most difficult clubs were done. Can a player not do it? In any case, Naples is also a team in the Italian Football League, and its status and popularity do not know how many times higher than St. Petersburg Zenit in the Russian Premier League. He felt that he didn't need to say anything, he just reported his name as a Serie A team, and the players should happily agree to this contract.

How can I think of...

It turned out to be rejected! And even if there was no chance to provide a contract, it was rejected!

The reason for the opposition turned out to be... "You are a relegation team!"

"You are a relegation team!"

A relegation team...

Relegation team...


These words circulated in De Laurentiis's mind all the time, lingering, as if reverberating around the beam.

Does this kid know what kind of team Naples is? Do you know what kind of club chairman Aurelio de Laurentis is?

You have to say that we are not qualified for the European war and I have no temper. You just say that we are a relegation team... Have you ever seen a ninth-ranked relegation team in the league?

Ranking ninth in the league means having a chance to qualify for the International Toto Cup-Italy's Toto Cup is the eighth place in the league. Now it is ninth. Maybe it will be eighth after the league? After three rounds of the Toto Cup, the eleven teams that have won the UEFA Cup can qualify for the UEFA Cup. According to UEFA rules, the Italian team has an empty bye in the first two rounds of the Toto Cup and directly participates in the final third. In the round of matches, there are two home and away games. As long as Naples can win the two games, they will be eligible for the UEFA Cup. In other words, qualification for the Toto Cup means qualification for the UEFA Cup. Able to participate in the Toto Cup, it is possible to participate in the UEFA Cup, you can gallop in the European arena next season!

What's more, now that the league is not over, can't the current ninth place make the seventh place, sixth place and fifth place after the end of the season? All of them can directly qualify for the UEFA Cup.

Is this the future of a relegation team!

He was sitting on a beach chair, the warm California sun shining on him, but his mind was not on it at all.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number of his personal secretary: "Emma, ​​book me a ticket to St. Petersburg, Russia. Yes, one day later!"

Bastard, do you look down on my team? Do you look down on Naples where Maradona used to play?

Then let me tell you!

face to face!

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