Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 224: Chen Yingxiong and Liverpool's philosophy of success

Chapter 224: Chen Yingxiong and Liverpool's Philosophy of Success

"Heroes and our year-long agreement"

The next day, "Liverpool Echo" used this headline to report yesterday's championship celebration.

Although the display of the championship trophy yesterday was the main purpose of the celebration, when the celebration came, everyone realized that even the five shining silver championship trophies could not steal the limelight from Chen Yingxiong.

He attracted all his attention to himself in just one sentence.

Since then, until the end of the championship celebration, and this morning, everyone is discussing his words, as for the Champions League champion?

Everyone has been happy.

Nor can it be said that the Champions League champions are unattractive, mainly because Chen Yingxiong's remarks are too shocking.

Because he actually said that he would defend all the championships next season, and by the way, win the championships he hadn't won before, that is, to win all the championships!

The tone of these words was so big that they had never heard of them.

To say that Liverpool can become a great four-time champion this season (if the Community Shield is counted, it is a five-time champion), it is a matter of luck.

So in the history of world football, there are many teams that can become the Triple Crown, but none can defend the Triple Crown.

Because to become all champions, it requires not only strength, but also luck.

And luck is the most uncertain thing. Liverpool have had good luck this season. Will they still have such good luck next season? What if the team suffers extensive injuries? What if you encounter strong enemies repeatedly in the Devil's schedule? What if you encounter a critical misjudgment in the game and become a victim? All it takes is an accident. They may fall short on the road to defending so many champions. As long as they lose one champion, they will be defeated.

Therefore, many people cannot understand why Chen Yingxiong should say such words.

Is this ecstasy?

Even Liverpool fans did not believe what Chen Yingxiong said.

In fact, they are very satisfied with their results this season. They are even prepared for the next season, which is far from being so brilliant-how can there be a prosperous team? They are already very content, and they don't dare to ask for more, for fear that being too greedy will defeat their character and lead to bad luck next season.

But they didn't expect Chen Yingxiong to be more greedy than them!

Not only does he have to defend the championship, he also has to win all the championships.

Is he really afraid of losing his character early by doing this?

Only Liverpool’s "Red Bear" trusts Chen Yingxiong as always-as long as Chen Yingxiong said, then he will definitely be able to achieve it!

They can be said to be Chen Yingxiong's "brain fans", but they are not ashamed, but rather proud.


Soon, after media reports, Chen Yingxiong's words at the championship celebration spread throughout England, the entire continent of Europe, and as far away as China.

Everyone saw Chen Yingxiong's crazy words.

Some people dismissed it: "He's quite good at stealing the show, but such words are self-hype, don't care."

Some people were surprised: "Sweeping all the championships? It would be nice to be able to win the four crowns once. He actually wants to win twice?"

Someone ridiculed and ridiculed: "He must be crazy. The great success of this season has made him lose his composure, a little ecstatic. His mind has become a little abnormal!"

There are others who persuaded me bitterly, "Why? Isn't it a bad character to say that? Hero, you are so full of words now, what should you do if you can't finish it? Put the whole Liverpool on fire!"

These people have forgotten that the promise Chen Yingxiong made is unfulfilled...

Of course, some people choose to believe it, but the number of these people is too small to constitute an influence at all, and they are not even included in the statistical population.


The day after the championship celebration, the team officially had a holiday, and the players went on vacation to relax.

Martin O'Neal was called to his office by club general manager Niang, precisely for what Chen Yingxiong said yesterday.

When Martin O'Neill entered the general manager's office, Niang was reading the newspaper. It was today's newspaper. There were several copies on the table. Niang picked up a copy and turned it over to the sports version, and quickly read it, then put it down and picked up another copy.

He only looked at the part about Chen Yingxiong, and only the part where Chen Yingxiong was arrogant.

After seeing O'Neill come in, he put down the newspaper and got up to greet him. O'Neal is now the head coach of the Four Champions, and he has to show enough respect. Although everyone knows how much of these four champions are attributed to Chen Yingxiong, it is really not easy to find a coach who can cooperate so well with everyone, and at the same time be obedient, humble, low-key, and competent.

Less than a last resort, Niang is not like a global coaching.

So he got up and took the initiative to meet O'Neill, conveying his importance and respect to him. Let him feel satisfied.

After the two sat down on the sofa, Niang asked him, "You heard what the hero said yesterday, Martin?"

O'Neill nodded. He was standing in the team at that time, and he couldn't hear clearly anymore.

"What do you think?"

O'Neal didn't answer this question right away, but smiled and talked about a past event.

"I remember that at the beginning of this season, we met together to discuss transfer strategies and goals for the new season. All of us put forward the goal of defending the league championship. Only the hero shouted out to win the four crowns... We all think he is crazy, this is incredible, it is impossible to achieve... but now the facts have given me a slap in the face." He spread his hand. "So if you ask me this question now, I think of my original thoughts."

Niang also laughed.

He was there at the time and was one of the witnesses, and now he has the feeling that he has personally experienced the major events that led to historical changes.

"Heroes really like to speak wild words, and in the media there is no shortage of slobbering lawsuits with others because of this." Martin O'Neill continued. "However, few people seem to have noticed that most of his rumors have become reality... Few people associate the results with his rumors. I used to think that he was just habitually uttering rumors, but now I don’t think so."

Niang looked at him with interest and listened to him telling him how he changed his understanding of Chen Yingxiong.

"I think he uttered his arrogant words to give himself a goal, and then pushed himself to a dead end, and tried his best to work towards the goal, coupled with his own extraordinary and powerful strength, the final outcome is not bad. So. If he says that he will win all the championships next season, I believe he is ready to work towards this goal. However, it is not he alone who has the final say to win all the championships. It requires the efforts of the whole team, so I decided to support him. He. Said that his goal next season is to win all championships, then that is the goal of the Liverpool team."

Niang laughed: "Well said, Martin! This is also the goal of our Liverpool club!"

His words mean the attitude of the Liverpool club's top management.

"In order to help the team accomplish this goal, we will try our best to help you bring you to Anfield."

Martin O'Neal shook his head: "No. Liverpool now has a very complete and strong lineup. I can't think of any support. If there are, they are all substitutes and some potential young players... I There is an idea, Niang. We need to reserve more potential players for the future, because the Liverpool dynasty will last for more than two or three years. At the beginning, Ferguson could dominate the English football for a long time with the 92nd generation. In 2015, I think we can do the same. So the focus of the team’s team building policy should fall on the youth training camp in the next step."

Niang was surprised that O'Neal would answer this way, but he also admitted that O'Neal's words were correct.

The strength of the first team is already very strong, especially Chen Yingxiong. This can be verified from this season. Fighting on four fronts at the same time can still win four championships. It would be too hypocritical to say "our strength is not enough and we need to add a lot of strong support".

They must admit this generously, that is, Liverpool's first team is really strong now.

But if you want Liverpool to continue to be strong, it is definitely not possible to continue to buy people. The best way is to cultivate their own reserve forces.

"This is a good idea, Martin. But they can't help us next season."

O'Neill smiled and said: "Then buy some substitutes. We have Chen Yingxiong, so you can rest assured most of the time."

"So, this summer, I can relax for a while?"

"I know a good holiday destination. Would you like me to recommend it to you?"

Both of them laughed.

Full of confidence and vision for the future.

While the outside world was still ridiculing and questioning Chen Yingxiong's Kyogen, the two men in charge of the Liverpool battleship had already made specific plans for Chen Yingxiong's Kyogen.

Perhaps this is why Liverpool can become the most successful team this season, while others can only be mere mortals.

In fact, they are all ordinary people. The Liverpool team and club are composed of ordinary people, but why can they succeed while others cannot?

Success is like the four crown kings and the five crown kings. Although there is a component of luck, but the role of luck is infinitely exaggerated, but many other more important things are ignored. It is no wonder that so many people will always do nothing. Because they are always lucky and feel that sitting at home, maybe they can get the favor of the goddess of luck? I thought that if I had luck, I could do anything. If I didn't have any luck, no matter how hard I tried, I would get nothing.

As everyone knows, luck can also be achieved by your own hard work?

Many people say good luck and good character in the final lore. But if you stop running towards the end of the game, stop fighting, and raise your hand to surrender, how can you get the luck of the final match? I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to threaten the opponent's goal.

If you push yourself into a desperate situation, you can abandon all flukes and indecisions, and work hard and fight with all your strength.

The final result is often not bad.

This is Chen Yingxiong's philosophy of success.

Now, this is also Liverpool's philosophy of success.



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