Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 222: Chen Yingxiong and Platini (first ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 222 Chen Yingxiong and Platini (First, ask for a monthly pass!)

ps, I'm sorry, my wife had a sudden attack yesterday, and she was born at 3 o'clock in the afternoon when she was sent to the hospital. I have hardly closed my eyes since the early morning of yesterday and have been accompanying me in the hospital. She was sweaty and couldn't update online.

Weibo is still on my wife’s phone...

At noon today, come back to take a bath and rest, and go to the hospital in the afternoon.

So the update has been delayed until this time.

Please forgive me.

In addition, I once said that I would celebrate the birth of a child. Speaking of yesterday, there are ten more today! !


When the runner-up leaves the podium, it's the champion's turn to accept the prize.

The person who approached the medal is still UEFA President Platini.

Chen Yingxiong stood in the audience. Among his teammates, he watched Platini and said to his teammates: "Some people don't like us to win the championship. We win the championship and he is like a dead father."

Everyone was puzzled: "Who?"

Chen Yingxiong motioned everyone to look at Platini with his eyes: "Mr. UEFA President, who else is there. You didn't see the regret and warmth on his face when he presented the Barcelona players just now. Now it's our turn. , Look at his expression again..."

Everyone turned to look.

Sure enough.

When Platini turned around, everyone saw the cold expression on his face.

Although soon he changed his expression on his face, a little smile.

But the previous expression has long been fixed in everyone's heart.

"Why doesn't he like us winning the championship?" Some naive teammates are still asking this question.

"The ghost knows." The teammate next to him shrugged and hummed from his nose.

"Because we defeated Barcelona, ​​in his heart, that is the team that best represents the beauty of modern football." Chen Yingxiong stared at Platini with a playful smile on his face. "We are like a group of reckless savages who rushed into his home and were smashed by the exquisite porcelain he carefully collected! You said that you can like such a group of people?"

"Uh..." The teammate who was asked back by him was speechless.

"It doesn't matter. We are champions, and champions don't need to look at anyone's face."

After speaking, Chen Yingxiong walked out of the crowd and walked towards the podium. He was the first to step on the podium.


In fact, Platini does not like Liverpool's victory because he hates the house and Wu, because he especially hates Chen Yingxiong, so he hates Chen Yingxiong's team. Just like he hated Naples very much before. Now that Chen Yingxiong has left Naples, Platini's impression of this team has returned to normal.

Now that Chen Yingxiong has arrived in Liverpool, he naturally will not give Liverpool a good face.

But...sometimes the scene has to be said, and the superficial effort is also to be done.

So he quickly adjusted his mentality and smiled again on his face. This is how the smile looks stiff and fake.

Especially when he saw that the first person on stage was Chen Yingxiong, the smile on his face became stiff and false, and he couldn't tell that he was smiling.

On the contrary, the smile on Chen Yingxiong's face was particularly strong, his face was like a flower in full bloom.

Of course, it's not a chrysanthemum.

Platini had no idea that the first person to come on stage to receive the award would be Chen Yingxiong.

He was a little ill-prepared. I haven't completely adjusted my mood yet.

If other players come up first, he can still treat him with a normal heart, and then slowly enter the role. When it is Hero Chen's turn, maybe he can say a few words and cover up his true thoughts seamlessly. .

But he miscalculated. He didn't expect Chen Yingxiong to be the first to come on stage.

And why is the smile on his face so strong?

Is he laughing at himself?

How dare an ordinary player laugh at the UEFA president?

What right does he have to laugh at himself?

For a time, there were thousands of thoughts in Platini's heart.

The expression on his face became more and more unnatural.

In fact, as a seasoned politician, Platini's cultivation skills and acting skills are still very good. But I don't know why, when facing Chen Yingxiong, he always can't maintain his self-cultivation, and he doesn't care about any acting skills.


Chen Yingxiong finally walked to Platini's face, and then looked at Platini with a grin, and said nothing.

However, Platini seemed to dislike his smile, so he turned around and picked up a gold medal from the tray of the courtesy lady next to him... He suddenly remembered an old thing.

Four years ago, it was also at the award ceremony of the Champions League final. At that time, Chen Yingxiong was still wearing a blue Naples jersey. He won the championship and he had to give him a card as usual.

He walked in front of him, and logically he should bend down and lower his head before he could hang the gold medal around his neck.

But Chen Yingxiong didn't do this. He stood in front of him, straightened his chest, straightened his waist, and held his head up. He didn't mean to bend down to Platini at all.

Platini is not tall, he was 1.78 meters as a player, and now he is old and shrunken, he doesn't even have 1.78 meters. And Chen Yingxiong is 1.95 meters tall. In fact, with this height difference, Platini can raise his hand a little bit, and he can also put a medal on Chen Yingxiong. But Platini didn't do this. He just lifted up slightly, forcing Chen Yingxiong to bend down and bow his head greatly if he wanted to be put on the gold medal.

It is naturally impossible for Chen Yingxiong to do this, and Platini will not accommodate him. So after a stalemate between the two sides for a few seconds, Platini squeezed the gold medal directly into Chen Yingxiong's hands. The two did not even hold their hands, spreading their terrible relationship throughout the world.

Now, it is once again his turn to present the award to Chen Yingxiong.

Platini feels aggrieved when he thinks of this old story. He is a UEFA president, and he will still compete for the FIFA president in the future. There is nothing like an ordinary player.

If it weren't for the hope of FIFA president, he really didn't want to be UEFA president, because as UEFA president, he must attend the UEFA Champions League awards ceremony. When he thinks of presenting awards to Chen Yingxiong, he feels that the UEFA chairman has done something wrong.

Standing in front of Platini, Chen Yingxiong still held his head high, without the slightest intention of bending over and lowering his head to let Platini give him a gold medal. But this time, he didn't embarrass Platini too much. After all, this time, unlike the last time, what Platini did at the main venue in Lyon made Chen Yingxiong angry, and he desperately wanted to award the Champions League. Platini was embarrassed at the ceremony.

This time, he is in Liverpool and he hasn't felt Platini's hostility yet.

So he gave Pula the first step.

His upper body is straight, like a javelin.

But his lower body was different from usual. He spread his legs apart, then squatted down, making a squat stance, and finally lowered his height to the height of Platini.

These platinis can hang the gold medal around his neck without having to stretch their hands too high.

Platini looked down at Chen Yingxiong's weird posture...

He did not hang the gold medal on Chen Yingxiong's neck, but directly put the gold medal in Chen Yingxiong's hand.

"Damn! Say it early!"

Chen Yingxiong rolled his eyes while holding the gold medal, and then bounced quickly, just as if he had a hydraulic pump on his knee. He was still muttering in Chinese.

I said you were going to put it in my hand, why should I do such a weird move?

Chen Yingxiong miscalculated.

Platini saw the expression on Chen Yingxiong's face and laughed. This time it was not the stiff smile that he had pretended. It was a smile from the bottom of his heart. In the duel with Chen Yingxiong, he finally Regained a round.


It is not easy for Platini to let Chen Yingxiong suffer. This makes him feel good in the future. When awarding the Liverpool players, he also performed more freely, with a casual and friendly smile on his face. Will pull Gerrard to praise his performance, congratulations to him for being able to win a Champions League at the end of his career-he has opinions on Liverpool, very upset with Chen Yingxiong, but he still likes Gerrard very much.

This kind of loyal player meets his football ethics requirements.

He talked to Gerald about the homework, then he picked up the big ear cup that was set aside and handed it to Gerald.

Gerrard did not pick it up right away. He said to Platini: "I'm sorry, Mr. Platini. I want to find someone else to come and hold the cup with me..."

Platini nodded and said in a gentleman manner: "No problem."

So Gerrard shouted to the crowd nearby: "Hero! Hero!"

Platini's smile stiffened again when he heard this voice, but he adjusted it back in an instant.

Hero Chen heard Gerrard shouting, and saw Gerrard waving at him.

He ran over: "What's the matter, Captain?"

"I think you should raise these trophies with me, hero." Gerrard pointed to the trophy that Platini was holding in both hands.

Chen Yingxiong turned his head and looked over, the smile on Platini's face became even more rigid.

The two of them are chatting here, and Platini is like their waiter, responsible for giving them trophies...

Chen Yingxiong was not hypocritical: "Okay!" He agreed.

Gerald hooked up: "Come on, then!"

Platini handed the trophy over, and Gerrard stood on his right, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the right handle of the Champions League.

Chen Yingxiong stood on the left side of Platini, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the left handle of the Champions League.

"The trophy was handed over to the two captains of Liverpool!" the commentator said excitedly.

The fans in the stands had swollen mouths and made a low buzzing sound, which continued without interruption.

Chen Yingxiong and Gerald looked at each other, then nodded.

Then, they raised their arms high at the same time!

The trophy was held high by them!

At the same time, those buzzing noises in the stands suddenly increased.

"Hurray!! Liverpool!"

"Ula! Ula——!!!"

The voice went straight into the sky.

Countless flying red confetti floated over the Gazprom Arena.

The famous "We Are The Champion" song by the Queen rang from the broadcast on the stadium.

In the singing, Gerrard and Chen Yingxiong held the trophy aloft, and the surrounding teammates surrounded them, and they reached out to touch and touch the trophy representing the highest honor of the European football club!

Everyone’s face was filled with excitement and joy.



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