Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 213: One minute after the equalizer (the fourth one asks for a monthly pass!)

Many people did not understand what happened to the sudden cheers.

This is especially true for Barcelona players.

They analyzed a lot of Liverpool before the game, but they did not pay attention to such small details. Of course, it's nothing if you don't pay attention to such small details. It doesn't affect the overall situation. Knowing it will not help them play this game.

After all, this detail is related to Chen Yingxiong and has little to do with Liverpool. It is easy to be overlooked.

Besides, Barcelona is not a Premier League team. After Chen Yingxiong joined, they have never drank Liverpool against each other, so naturally they will not know what this shout means-if Liverpool's final opponents are replaced by Manchester United and Manchester City, Waiting for the Premier League team, then everyone will suddenly realize, and then... raise the level of security.

Why raise the guard level, because Chen Yingxiong is going to go crazy.

Unfortunately, Barcelona is not a Premier League team and has never encountered such a thing in the game. So they have no idea what this means.

They were only interrupted by the shouts of Liverpool fans because they cheered for their goals, and they were a little unhappy.

I was in a good mood, it was like being thrown into a basin of cold water.

The celebration ended hastily, they returned to their own half and let Liverpool kick off.

Messi doesn't care much about the interruption of the celebration.

Anyway, he scored a goal. Liverpool fans can’t erase it no matter what.

In the contest with Chen Yingxiong, he took the lead first and temporarily took the lead.

In a single game, Messi will not admit defeat!


Guardiola didn't care about the interruption of the celebration.

Goals are real, the rest are clouds.

He was very pleased that the team was able to tie the score quickly within ten minutes of losing the ball. This proves the strength of the team and he is more confident in winning this championship.

Faced with such a strong opponent as Liverpool, they can quickly equalize the score after losing the ball. So what is there that they can't deal with?

What he should consider is what the team should do next, whether to shrink the defense and drag it to the end of the first half, or take advantage of the fact that the team has just evened the score and the morale is boosted, and then make persistent efforts. End the first half with a lead?

He didn't think much about it, so he decided to continue the attack.

After conceding the ball seven minutes later, the score was equalized. Morale was at the peak. It would be a pity if you didn't make good use of it. There may not be two opportunities like this in a game.

So he waved his hand and allowed the team to continue the offense in the next few minutes.


"Leo. Messi scored the goal in the game, and Chen Yingxiong has not. This is a competition between two great shooters, but it has nothing to do with the best shooter, but the honor and dignity of the two people." The members also focused on Chen Yingxiong and Messi.

This is quite normal.

When Messi scored a goal, the first thing everyone thought of was Chen Yingxiong.

Just like Chen Yingxiong scored the goal, everyone will immediately mention Messi.

Whether they want it or not, they are already one in a sense.

Messi scored the goal, and Chen Yingxiong did not. Everyone wanted to see how Chen Yingxiong would react when he was unwilling to do so.

Pavlov in the stands stared at Chen Yingxiong closely. Now he is not so much watching the game as he is watching Chen Yingxiong.

His sight did not leave Chen Yingxiong's body for a second.

Because he is curious, he wants to see whether the Liverpool fans are crazy, or whether Chen Yingxiong is really capable of making another city for the team in five minutes...


The game restarted and Liverpool kicked off.

After Chen Yingxiong passed the football, he ran straight forward.

As for where the football will be spread, he doesn't care at all. Anyway, he will definitely return to his side in the end. He must ensure that he can appear in the right place by then.

Liverpool's attack after this kick-off took the simplest method-in the football back

And seeing Liverpool keep coming back, Barcelona also pressed on. They can still keep in mind Guardiola's teachings, and try to use this morale to make another city.

So it is natural to suppress the offense. Moreover, the frontcourt is what Barcelona is best at. If they can intercept the ball in the frontcourt, they can attack on the spot and directly threaten Reina's goal.

In the face of Barcelona's pressing, Liverpool just passed back, passing from the midfielder to the midfielder, and then from the midfielder to the defender. It seems that they can't find the point and direction of the ball.

Finally, the football was simply passed to the feet of goalkeeper Reina.

The Barcelona fans in the stands uttered triumphant cheers, happy and excited that Liverpool were suppressed by them.

They seemed to be able to see such a scene-under the pressure of the Barcelona players, the Liverpool players made their own moves, and finally passed the football to Villa's feet with one kick, and then the gourd baby dunked the attacking goalkeeper, The football was passed to Messi, and Messi easily pushed the empty goal into the net...···

After Reina got the ball, he found that the Barcelona players were still pressing, especially Villa rushing to him like he saw a red bull.

He quickly passed the football to central defender Scott, who had retreated to the penalty area.

After taking the ball, Scott did not dribble the ball, nor did he look up to observe anything. Instead, he sent the ball to the foot of Inle, the midfielder in front of him.

Inle did not stop the ball and directly passed the football across to the right back van der Weer on the right.

Enrique also didn't stop the ball, and once again made a diagonal pass, sending the football to the foot of Gerrard in the middle.

When the football flew towards him, Gerrard looked left and right, observing the situation around him and in front of him.

He saw that because of Barcelona's aggressive pressure, there was a big blockbuster space in front of you. As long as you can use it...

He noticed that Barcelona's right side, where Alves was guarding, was somewhat empty. Because Alves pressed up to participate in the offensive and has not yet returned...

So he passed the football sideways, then turned and raised his left foot, making another long diagonal pass.

The football was sent directly behind Alves!


When Gerrard passed the ball, Bell was almost in line with Alves. Although Alves came up to assist, but he still did not dare to completely relax the defense against Bale. He knew Gareth. Bell is great.

Bale's skills at the feet are naturally far inferior to the Barcelona players, but against Barcelona, ​​they can't play with them in detail. He has one weapon that Barcelona players can't match, but it is also the most effective. That's...speed!

In a series of dizzying passes in Liverpool’s backcourt, Bell was watching, and then when he found that the football was being passed to Gerrard, he realized it was an opportunity.

Almost at the same time Gerrard turned to pass the ball, he started!

Gerrard's passing has enough advancement, he can give full play to his speed and expertise, and increase his speed to the highest.

Alves only felt that there was a gust of wind around him, and then Bell, who was with him, disappeared.

When he looked back, he could only see the back of Bell Yiqi Juechen...

He was stunned for a moment and hurried back to chase.

But with Bel than speed, he is really...not enough!


"This is Liverpool's offense! Beautiful! Gerrard's pass is very beautiful!"

Harry. Levy screamed excitedly.

The Liverpool fans in the stands even cheered vigorously to cheer Bell.

Another Barcelona central defender, Fontas, saw Gerrard pass the ball and found the gap, and quickly made up for it.

It stands to reason that he is closer to football than Bell, but his speed is too slow, so when the two people met, Bell stretched out his foot and stabbed the football from Fontas’s legs. He passed, followed him around Fontas lightly and caught up with the football!

Now in front of him, there is only one goalkeeper Valdes and one central defender Pique!

This is really a great opportunity!


When Pavlov saw this scene, he was stunned.

Is it true that Liverpool really want to overtake the score within five minutes after losing the ball? !

He couldn't believe his eyes, but the Liverpool fans around him uttered deafening cheers, reminding him that he was not dreaming, all this was true for a long time!

Liverpool took advantage of a kick-off opportunity to directly threaten Barcelona's goal!


"Damn it!" Guardiola didn't expect that his team's defense would be so easily penetrated by Liverpool's pass... He really didn't expect Liverpool to be so dazzling in the backcourt. To cooperate with each other. In his influence, this kind of cooperation is Arsenal's expertise in England...

But now he can't care about complaining about this, his eyes are fixed on what is happening on the court. The heart is also raised in his throat.


Gareth. Bell passed Fontas, and the cheers in the stands grew louder.

Pique is now in a dilemma.

He was a guard, and the opponent was a two-person assault.

If you go to defend Gareth who gets the ball. Bell, Bell will definitely pass the Suite i to Chen Yingxiong, even if you think about it on your knees. At that time, Chen Yingxiong was unmarked, facing Valdes directly...Pikwe didn't dare to think about it anymore. It was not that he did not trust his teammates, but Chen Yingxiong's scoring ability was placed there.

But what if he follows Chen Yingxiong to death and doesn't intercept Bell?

Then Bale will break into the penalty area by himself, face the attacking goalkeeper Valdes, and make a single-handed shot! Bell's scoring ability is not weak.

And because of Pepe's lessons learned, the current Barcelona players dare not ignore other Liverpool players except Chen Yingxiong.

What if the scene of the first concealed ball is repeated again? That's really a big loss!

Look at Chen Yingxiong, who is staring at him on his left, and Gareth, who rushes in with the ball on his right. Bell.

The world-class central defender Pikwe is in a dilemma.


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