Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 201: hero100

After the game, the English media showed a state of division. **Part of the media has reported on how difficult it is for the Liverpool reserve team to win the FA Cup, and what a great jingle.

Among them, the "Liverpool Echo" was the most active. They slapped this headline on the front page: "There are two best teams in Merseyside, one is Liverpool and the other is the Liverpool reserve team! "

At this time, using Shankly's famous quote as the title is really perfect.

These media praised the Liverpool reserve team’s performance in the game, and the media apparently knew more. They also posted stories after the result, such as Chen Yingxiong who took the initiative to ask the reserve team to participate in the FA Cup match. , Martin O'Neal is actually a kind of side who wants to give up the FA Cup.

As for the FA Cup semi-finals and finals, it was Chen Yingxiong who asked Martin O’Neal to allow him to participate with the reserve team, otherwise Martin O’Neal would definitely send the entire first team line-up and kick the reserve team aside like the League Cup. go with.

Anyway, I tell readers that if it weren't for Chen Yingxiong... the so-called reserve miracle would never happen!

After the finals, the media overcorrected and refused to mention Chen Yingxiong. Now it is tantamount to overturning Chen Yingxiong.

But Chen Yingxiong didn't care.

He just wants to be a champion. As for this champion, his contribution is not significant, he doesn't matter.

There is another thing he doesn't care about.

Another part of the media reported on Chen Yingxiong's yawning during the national anthem ceremony. They generally chose the photo of Chen Yingxiong who opened his mouth and yawned at the time, which made Chen Yingxiong look ugly.

Then these media used very provocative language to tell readers what a rebellious thing Chen Yingxiong did before yesterday's game!

These media have chosen to ignore the explanations of Chen Yingxiong and Martin O’Neill, or if they write, they also use very small fonts to quickly bring it through. In short, if you don’t type word by word, you will definitely not be right. Explain any impressions.

Just like Martin O'Neill said, these media were actually trying to blacken Chen Yingxiong from the beginning. They saw Chen Yingxiong not pleasing to the eye, so naturally they would look for various opportunities to blacken him. When they saw Chen Yingxiong actually yawning while playing the national anthem, their first reaction was definitely not anger, but happiness, and excitement-finally let us grab your new handle!

Look, don't look at their current article. The meaning of patriotism is obvious. To scold Chen Yingxiong is disrespect for the British national anthem and disrespect for the country. But in fact, patriotism is just a cover for them. Their real purpose is to strike against Chen Yingxiong.

If you really listened to the explanations of Chen Yingxiong and Martin O'Neill, wouldn't you have no chance to use this incident to defeat Chen Yingxiong?

So even if what Chen Yingxiong and O'Neill are talking about is the truth, we have to twist it into a "brilliant word". The truth can only be in our hands. Only what we say is the truth. The "truth" that has not been approved by us is all lies. , Is a lie to cover up the truth!

The essence of indulging public opinion and affecting people's hearts is nothing more than this.

But it is a pity that they ran into a stinky stone that did not get in. No matter what they said in the newspaper, Chen Yingxiong didn't care at all. It is impossible for their remarks to have any impact on the image of Chen Yingxiong, because these years, they have been persistent and focused on black Chen Yingxiong and have developed antibodies. Those who should hate Chen Yingxiong have long hated them, and those who should like Chen Yingxiong. Still like it. It is impossible for them to turn those who liked Chen Yingxiong to hate him because of what they have said now.

Therefore, for Chen Yingxiong, there is no impact at all.

Just look at the reaction in Liverpool. All the Liverpool players interviewed praised Chen Yingxiong's performance. As for yawning while playing the national anthem, who cares about such trivial matters!


Only British people care about Chen Yingxiong's yawning when he plays the national anthem, and he is not all British.

In England, in Europe, in China, and all over the world, there is one thing that attracts more attention than the yawning of the national anthem and the miracle of the Liverpool reserve team.

It has become a focus of discussion in the media for several days.

This is the three-digit number of Chen Yingxiong's total goals in a single season!

Just as the commentator had envisioned, when he brought the matter out during the game, all the media responded to how big news they had missed.

But fortunately, this matter has not passed many days, and it is still in the effective time of the news.

It's not too late to make up for it.

Just because they were afraid of losing the sensation of this news, the media broke out with great power in an instant, arguing this matter all over the world in the shortest possible time.

For a while, everyone knew that there was such a young man who scored more than one hundred goals in a season, and his name was Chen Yingxiong.

"... The number of goals scored in all official matches in a single season... That is to say, only the league, cup and Champions League matches are counted, not other luàn warm-up matches, only the goals of this kind of official match, Chen Yingxiong One hundred and two goals have been scored this season! This is a very remarkable achievement..."

"...What is the concept of scoring hundreds of goals in various official matches in a single season? Let's put it this way... There has never been a player in the history of world football who can score so many goals in a single season! Of course, at that time, the number of games that could be played in a season was very limited. But anyway, the hero has made a history. He has built a monument for latecomers that they can't even look up at!"

"... Of the 102 goals, 62 are league goals, 18 are Champions League goals, 14 are FA Cup goals, and 7 are League Cup goals. Goals, and another Community Shield goal...they add up to exactly 102! Part of the goals that greatly improved the hero's performance came from the league. Sixty-two goals in the league caused him to break. Dixie Dean’s sixty-goal record..."

"The hero's scoring ability is really breathtaking. In terms of scoring ability alone, I believe that there is no opponent for him on this planet! He scored a total of 46 in his first season at Liverpool. The ball, the second season suddenly increased to seventy-five, the third season became 87, breaking the single-season scoring record Messi just created a year. Now, he is even more of his own The record created has been greatly improved to 102 balls!"

"... The hero is the first player in football history to break a hundred in a single season! In today's football, in fact, future generations are always repeating the steps of their predecessors, making new innovations in the experience of their predecessors, and the record is the same, so everyone It was'broken'. If there is no original record, how can it be broken? But the hero has created a feat-he created a new record, something that no one has done before, he did it, he became The first person in history!"

"...What makes us scared is that this season is not over yet! The hero now has one Champions League final left! He will continue to set the record he has set. Will he be able to score in the Champions League final? ? My instinct tells me-yes! Facing the old enemy Barcelona, ​​could the hero easily let them go?"

The media all over the world and the major official news agencies gave high praise to Chen Yingxiong's achievements.

As the main sponsor of Chen Yingxiong, Nike also specially designed a special trophy for Chen Yingxiong-a 25 cm high cube-shaped award "stone" made of pure gold. The front of the monument is a very eye-catching. The number "100" was then densely engraved with one hundred and two opponents who scored in the rest of the monument.

In ancient times, Fang triumphantly returned from a battle and would choose to gather the heads of the enemy, pile them into hills, and then seal the soil to form a high mound to show off martial arts. Named "Jingguan".

Now, Nike has accidentally done exactly the same thing as the building of Jingguan.

Those dense names are not the corpses of the enemy?

However, this is still a design draft and has not yet been completed. After all, the season has not really ended yet.

There is also a UEFA Champions League final, maybe the name of a team should be added to this monument?

At the same time, Nike also announced that they will launch a brand new boots for Chen Yingxiong called "Hero 100". Just look at the name. This is specially made to commemorate Chen Yingxiong’s single-season goals scored by 100, but Nike also said that this is not a simple commemorative sneaker. Nike intends to develop it into a series, just like it once launched. Classic 90 combat boots. I don’t know if this 100 series of boots will become a classic in the future...


But this is not over yet.

Because someone suddenly thought of a question-since Chen Yingxiong has scored 102 goals in a season, how many goals has he scored so far in his career?

Many players are far from counting league goals by the age of twenty-six, because their careers are still very long, and the statistics now are often meaningless.

But Chen Yingxiong is different. After counting the number of goals he has scored in a season, everyone goes forward and thinks that there is a lot to do.

Think about it, he has scored 102 goals this season.

How much was he last season? Eighty-seven, breaking Messi's record.

What about last season? Seventy-five.

How about last season? Forty-six...

With so many goals, only four seasons, how many goals has he scored in his career?

The media suddenly felt that this number would be scary...

But this motivated them to go through the piles of old papers.

Because they desperately want to know the final answer.

They are full of curiosity.

The record of Chen Yingxiong's early effectiveness is not deep, because at that time he was not very famous, and in the small league of the Russian Super League, some of the records were not so sound.

It's not necessarily useful to just go to the official website to look through the shè hand list over the years. They have to look for news reports about Chen Yingxiong that year to find the clues.

Because the number of goals scored in his career is not just league goals, but also many cup goals.

In the end, after some searching, everyone finally came up with a number.

Then they were frightened by this number. The first reaction was that they had made a mistake and went back to add one ball by one.

But no matter how many times it counts, the result is the same.

Since his debut at Zenit St. Petersburg in August 2006, Chen Yingxiong has scored...500 goals in his career in ten seasons!

No more, no more, five hundred!


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