Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Kyogen (fourth more monthly ticket)

Chapter 173 Kyogen (fourth more monthly ticket)

Hero Chen doesn't care?

how can that be possible!

With such a serious provocation, how could he not care about Chen Yingxiong's **** temper?

But how to fight back?

Is it racial discrimination to scold the other side in the media?

No, this is not Chen Yingxiong's style. Being bullied by the other party, but just cursing back, this is the performance of the weak.

He issued a statement, sternly denounced the other party's racial discrimination and such malicious actions against Chinese people. Could it be that the other party can repent and change his past?

This is just the self-deception of the weak.

Because there has never been anything in this world where you ask him to apologize, and he will truly apologize. Even if you apologize, it must be yin and yang weird, not sincere at all.

What's the point of this kind of apology even if it comes?

Think the other party will succumb?

Maybe the other person will only look down on you even more in his heart.

So if you get a slap in the face, the best way to respond is definitely not to cover your face and cry and run to the complaint, but to round your arms and shave your big ears until you can't even recognize the other party's mother.

"You despise me, I smile slightly" this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen to Chen Yingxiong.


"In this game, I must break the record." Chen Yingxiong said calmly and calmly when facing the reporters.

The people who interviewed him included British journalists, Chinese journalists, and journalists from other countries.

When everyone listened to him, they were actually focused on his face and wanted to see his expression.

If Chen Yingxiong shouted angrily to give Newcastle United some color, the British media and fans would only laugh in disdain, thinking that Chen Yingxiong was weak and deceptive.

Even if they had to apologize to Chen Yingxiong due to the pressure of face, they didn't know what Chen Yingxiong would be called.

So if others look down on you and speak harshly at you, then you should withdraw. Although the other party will not change the evil and return to righteousness, it will only hate you even more. But he didn't intend to like you in the first place. Since the result hasn't changed, why not choose a more pleasant way to fight back?

Pulling it back, making the other party hate him more, but he feels better from the bottom of his heart.

You don't want me to break the record, then I will make you feel like a concubine!

"Well, yes, please note that I am talking about breaking records, not tying records. I don't want to share the honor with anyone, even a great player like Dixie Dean. Because I am greater than great." Chen Yingxiong said solemnly.

Since the English people are so upset with themselves and have torn their skins, then Chen Yingxiong has nothing to worry about. Are you unhappy that I want to surpass Dixie Dean? Then I will make you even more unhappy!

After speaking, Chen Yingxiong turned and walked away, leaving everyone on the spot.

A group of reporters could no longer stop him from asking questions. They were all shocked by Chen Yingxiong's answer.

Especially the last sentence.

I am greater than great!

These words... really arrogant to the end of the world...

The faces of some British journalists became very unsightly at the time. And the Chinese journalists were also surprised. They were worried that Chen Yingxiong's arrogance would arouse more people's disgust and opposition. These Chinese media dare not just talk about British racial discrimination. They think this is a serious problem. The problem is to take into account the relationship between the country and the country, for fear of any diplomatic disputes. And when something goes wrong, they always find the responsibility of their compatriots first, for fear of offending the foreigner.

In their view, all of this was caused by Chen Yingxiong's arrogance. If he can keep a low profile, why would these foreigners target him? Didn’t Sun Jihai also play in England for many years? Why can he be loved and welcomed by so many Manchester City fans? Why is the mention of Sun Jihai in the English media all praises? And Zhang Wei also played in Bolton and Celtics, he did not cause any controversy.

Why is only you, Chen Yingxiong, controversial? Isn't it because you are too arrogant?

If you are honest, how can there be so much criticism?

Now that Chen Yingxiong has become more arrogant, they are more worried and panicked in their hearts, for fear that Chen Yingxiong will stimulate the British to make more aggressive actions, just like they treated Alpay at the beginning.

Of course, not all Chinese journalists are so unkind.

Some people still support Chen Yingxiong, and they can see that this is not a problem that Chen Yingxiong can solve without being arrogant. No matter how humble Chen Yingxiong is, he will still be criticized and suppressed when he encounters this matter. For the aloof British people, it is best for Chen Yingxiong to kneel on the ground without raising his head. Perhaps they think that Chen Yingxiong is humble and polite, rather than arrogant and domineering.

So in the final analysis, the cause of all this is Chen Yingxiong's skin color, which has nothing to do with his personality.

"Okay! Well said!" someone among the Chinese reporters suddenly shouted.

Everyone at the scene turned their heads and saw that it was a short and thin Chinese journalist. He was wearing huge black-rimmed glasses and looked old-fashioned. In fact, he was not too young. It was estimated that he was fifty. How old is it.

He strained his face, cheering at what Chen Yingxiong said just now, and at the same time slapped his hands.

"Papa!" In the silent crowd, his applause was clear, but he also seemed a little lonely.

But he didn't care. He turned a blind eye to those curious, mocking, and disdainful gazes, just a stubborn person applauding Chen Yingxiong.

"Greater than great! Well said! We must have such confidence!" He applauded Chen Yingxiong while applauding. "That's why a hero is a hero, and those who laugh at him, those who ridicule him, and those who dare not even think about it, can only be inaction mortals!"

His words were like a heavy hammer, knocking into the hearts of every Chinese reporter present.


When the British media published Chen Yingxiong's arrogant remarks in the newspapers, it immediately aroused more people's indignation!

They think that Chen Yingxiong has no respect for the best striker in the history of English football. This impolite approach makes them hate Chen Yingxiong even more.

Many people spoke on the Internet, expressing angrily that they would cheer for Newcastle United in that game.

"We would love to see Chen Yingxiong's bad luck!"

"I curse this **** Chinese man who was kicked and broken in the game against Newcastle United!"

"How can the highest record of English football be possessed by such an unethical person?"

"As long as I think that when we mention the single-season scoring record in the future, we will inevitably mention the name of this disgusting man, and I feel even more disgusting..."


These people cursed and attacked Chen Yingxiong on the Internet.

Chen Yingxiong's Twitter and Facebook pages were overwhelmed by angry England fans.

The TV show in the evening was all discussing Chen Yingxiong's remarks.

Few good words were all criticizing Chen Yingxiong for lacking politeness and being too arrogant.

"...I think, obviously, Chen Yingxiong's achievements made him lost, too proud. I admit that he has scored 57 league goals in two consecutive seasons, which is a great result. But here is not it. Let him stand high and look down on anyone..." a guest said indignantly. "The more rampant he is now, the worse he will lose in the end. This is a very irrational behavior."

"Greater than great? Haha! Allow me to laugh, this is the funniest joke I have heard this year! Dixie Dean has proven that he is one of the greatest football players in this country, and Chen What about the hero? He is not far behind!" Another guest smiled happily, his eyes full of disdain.

"There is a saying in China that seems to be'self-defeating'... Is that what it means? It means that you don't have such a great ability, but you have to speak big..." A man who claimed to be a "famous sinologist" shrugged his shoulders. Tao.

"Chen Yingxiong has successfully angered Newcastle United. At St. James's Park, Liverpool will definitely be stubbornly blocked by the home team. Chen Yingxiong's approach is very unwise. If I were Martin O'Neal, I would definitely stop Chen. The hero said this stupid thing! Under the premise that the team is still facing the FA Cup final and the Champions League final, angering opponents in the league, what if there is an accident in the game?"

The guest seemed to be thinking about it for Liverpool, but in fact he was hinting at what Newcastle United should do-those are regarded as accidents in the game and no one will be held accountable.

In fact, at this time Martin O'Neill was indeed calling Chen Yingxiong and expressed concern about what he said in the afternoon.

"Then what do you think I should say in that situation, boss?"

In the face of Chen Yingxiong's rhetorical question, Martin O'Neal could only sneer.

He knew that this was simply because the British were uncomfortable with Chen Yingxiong. Although he was not from England, Chen Yingxiong would regard himself as the same. After all, foreigners are the same in the eyes of the Chinese.

"You can choose to fight back with actual actions, hero."

"Yes, I am using my own actions to fight back..."

"No, I'm not talking about this kind of rhetoric, it's meaningless. You have to perform well on the football field..."

"Boss, of course I will slap them with goals on the court, but at the same time I will not concede defeat."

Martin O'Neill knows Chen Yingxiong's temper very well and knows that this is his true word.

He sighed, and couldn't persuade Chen Yingxiong.

Chen Yingxiong heard the boss's concern, and he in turn comforted his head coach.

"There is nothing to worry about, boss, I'll be like chopping melons and vegetables, and I will **** them all!"

"Ahem, hero, pay attention to the words, pay attention to the words... You are too fierce, I can't stand it." Martin O'Neill on the other end of the phone coughed with fright.

Chen Yingxiong smiled happily.




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