The texture of black walnut is very beautiful.

The moment Nietzsche held it, he felt that his arm and the wand merged into one.

"Black walnut, with... unicorn tail hair, 14 inches." Ollivander's expression was a little regretful, "It seems that you will fail in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, kid."

"What do you mean?"

"Although unicorn hair is very stable in releasing magic, it is very resistant to dark magic, which means... the wand made of it is very stable, but it can't be too powerful."

Hermione on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

Dark magic sounds very evil, at least she doesn't have to worry that this antisocial little lunatic will go further and further on the path of dark wizards.

"It doesn't matter, stable casting of magic is very helpful for Transfiguration."

This news showed completely different trends in the eyes of the two professors. Professor McGonagall was a little relieved, while Professor Snape laughed.

"At least I don't have to worry about the new students of Slytherin this year."

But Nietzsche didn't agree and continued to ask: "Does a wizard only rely on black magic to define strength?"

"Not really, but there are almost no wizards who can do white magic like Headmaster Dumbledore, and duel magic and war magic are both black magic, which are more prominent in combat."

Does the wizard rely on floating objects to attack?

Therefore, the inability to go deep into black magic means that the final direction of wizards is almost spell research, and they have no chance to work in industries such as Aurors.

Nietzsche had many questions in his mind, but he chose to go to the bookstore to find answers.

"Thank you for your care, each new wand is five Galleons, don't break it, this price is only for the first purchase of a wand."

After walking out of the wand store, Hermione puffed out her chest with pride.

The same wand core as Professor McGonagall, dragon heartstring...the heart nerve of the fire dragon, just sounds very majestic.

"It doesn't matter, unicorns are also cute~"

Nietzsche gritted his teeth and finally didn't bother to refute.

Forget it, let her be proud for a while.

Before he found the basic principle of magic, Nietzsche allowed Hermione to be proud for a while, but after that, he would return it a hundredfold.

Volume 1: Chapter 9 Harry in Malkin's Robe Shop

Hermione's arrogant look is what Nietzsche wants to ignore the most now.

But she just deliberately wandered in front of him, even when she saw the Defense Against the Dark Arts book in Flourish and Blotts, she had to say a few more words.

To be honest, Mrs. Granger wanted to remind her daughter, but was finally stopped by her husband.

"When have you seen her like this?" Mr. Granger deliberately pulled his wife away from the two people running in front, and said angrily and amusedly, "Don't you think this proud look is very real?"

Real, yes...

Hermione's appearance is cuter in the eyes of her parents than when she was immersed in the fantasy of books.

This originally belonged to the twelve-year-old Hermione, instead of letting her be like a boring office animal all day long, going to school, doing homework, eating, bathing, reading, and sleeping every day.

This kind of vitality full of life is what Hermione should be like.

Mr. Granger didn't know for a moment whether Nietzsche was unintentional or intentional... but thinking about his fathers, it makes sense if it was intentional.

Nietzsche in Flourish and Blotts, put away the "Defense Against the Dark Arts: Basics Guide" and blocked his face.

"Hermione, although the dragon heartstring is indeed stronger than the unicorn hair, don't forget what Ollivander said, it is also one of the most difficult wand cores to control."

The corners of his mouth slightly curled up because of Hermione's lively appearance.

Yes, this is what life should be like... lively and full of sunshine, instead of holding a book all day and night, always paying attention to the various unspoken rules set by the powerful for the weak.

"But don't forget, as long as I learn fast enough, I can master it forever!"

"Hehe... In this case, you shouldn't just take the first-year books."

"You reminded me, yes, there are also "Magic Defense Theory" and "Magic Potion"."

So, among a bunch of freshmen, Nietzsche and Hermione are the most different. The books stacked in their arms have already exceeded their heads, and they can only see the road with their peripheral vision.

Just after paying the money, Hermione, holding the books, staggered to meet her parents outside the door.

Then came the robes. To be honest, Hermione and Nietzsche, who were born in human society, were a little... Especially those gorgeous robes and patterns, which can only be said to be hard to describe.

Especially ordinary clothes, which are almost exactly the same.

"Sorry... sorry."

Just when Madam Malkin was measuring the height of the two, a strong man accidentally pushed down the hanger.

It was the giant Nietzsche had seen in Gringotts before. His beard was as messy as Sherlock's. The boy next to him looked a little embarrassed because of his recklessness.

"Hagrid? Are you here to order a moleskin coat?"

"I'm here to bring Harry..."

"Harry? Harry Potter?" Madam Malkin covered her mouth, horrified, "Oh my god, that lucky child."

Nietzsche turned his head and saw that the thin little boy next to Hagrid looked familiar. He noticed that Madam Malkin lifted Harry's long hair and exclaimed at the scar on his forehead.

Where have you seen him before?

He thought that among the people he had beaten, there were no such thin people.


This was not a warning shout like Hermione's, but more of surprise and joy. This kind of sigh is usually a strong emotion that people will have when they see a friend they haven't seen for a long time.

Even Hermione raised an eyebrow.

But Nietzsche responded to her with a blank expression and a shrug.

"You...I'm sorry, have I seen you?"

"I! Dudley's cousin!" Harry shouted in surprise, "You were the one who beat Dudley. I recognize you...I'm sorry, I wanted to speak for you, but the day you were expelled, I Locked in the house by Vernon."

As soon as he said "Dudley's cousin", Nietzsche had some memories.

He was the boy who was bullied by the fat man at that time, but when Nietzsche beat the fat man, it was more or less a personal grudge.

That's right, he was transferred to another school because he was beaten too hard.

"You don't know that after Dudley was beaten by you, he seldom bullied others. Damn it Vernon! If I hadn't been locked in the room, you would never have been expelled back then!"

Nietzsche nodded proudly towards Hermione and nodded slightly.

Did you hear that? Others are saying that you played well.

"Do you know each other?"

Hagrid, who was beside him, rubbed the back of his head innocently, looking even more surprised than Harry.

"He is the person I told you. The only Superman who beat up Dudley Dursley in school was because of Nietzsche. Dudley spent the rest of the summer learning boxing and wanted to come back for revenge."

After taking a closer look at Harry's figure, Hermione was speechless.

It was obvious that Nietzsche's popularity was proven, and she couldn't help but wonder whether those people would be as excited as Harry one day when they looked back and found that the campus gangsters were out of action.

Harry was lucky enough to be able to escape from the Vernon family in the future, but he didn't expect... that he would still meet the same person.

"This... this is no reason." Hermione felt strange. "Generally speaking, after Nietzsche leaves, won't those gangsters like them come back to take revenge on ordinary people with even greater intensity?"

Such people need to find happiness through the suffering of others.

However, Harry just shook his head blankly. He didn't understand any of these things: "I don't know. Anyway, Dudley looked very scared later... By the way, I remembered that when he saw Hagrid using magic, That’s the same look!”

Very well, the answer was clearly placed in front of Hermione.

"You actually used the wizard's magic power to..."

"No, I was just intimidating a little bit on a psychological level."

Hermione glanced at the giant Hagrid who was listening, and immediately shut her mouth. After hurriedly buying a few wizard robes and school robes with comfortable fabrics, she hurriedly left here.

Harry, on the other hand, was awkwardly dragged around by Madam Malkin, and finally waved as he watched the two people leave.

He suddenly remembered that these two people were completely different from those wizards who became crazy when they saw him, so he felt a little more recognized. What he needed was not star-like treatment, but friends.

"Then...see you at school?"

"See you at school."


After returning to Baker Street from the Leaky Cauldron, Nietzsche once again returned to the two-point-one-line life before September 1st.

Just running back and forth to Granger's house at 221 Baker Street.

In just two months, he almost finished reading the "Basic Knowledge of Black Magic" he bought, and then picked some simple spells from the "Book of Spells" written by Miranda Gorshak. experiment.

"Magic can dissipate electrical signals like a magnetic field..." Sherlock on the other side was talking to a person.

He looked impatient and spoke out all the clues very quickly.

The bloated man sitting next to Nietzsche's father, who looked as if he might die from sweets at any time, was none other than Sherlock Holmes's brother and Nietzsche's uncle, Mycroft Holmes.

He praised Mrs. Hudson's creme brûlée, but didn't seem to listen to what Sherlock said.

"Sherlock, in fact, the British government knows about their existence." Mycroft moved his butt, trying to sit more comfortably, "I am just curious about the...magic used by groups like wizards."

"You knew this all along?"

"I have always said that our reasoning is on a different level, but fortunately, now with Nietzsche..."

But Sherlock flatly rejected his brother's request, even before he raised it.

"Don't even think about it!" Sherlock held his cigarette holder in his mouth and stared at the gun holes in the wall. "He has his own path. He went to school this time just to cooperate with our investigation."

"Yes, you're right."

However, although Nietzsche was resting with his eyes closed, it did not mean that he was asleep.

In fact, he was able to sense the force like he was doing for the first time... ah, no, it was magic power. Nietzsche really had no interest in this word, it sounded very vulgar.


Nietzsche made gestures with his wand and whispered an incantation over the deliberately broken cup.

As a result, he could feel that there was an "energy" that seemed to drive the broken glass to fuse. This energy existed in all things, and what Nietzsche did was just use the energy in his body to drive it.

This magical phenomenon also attracted the two Holmes who were talking on the sofa.

Sherlock asked first: "Is it healing or fusion?"

"It's not healing, I can't create it out of thin air... It's more like atoms are re-melting and rearranging."

Mycroft only pondered for two seconds and found the problem: "What if you lose a piece of debris?"

"Then there will be a gap in the cup... But I can fill it with the same material, just like building a house with bricks."

The three Holmes were speechless at the same time.

What does this mean?

This means the third productivity innovation! The world pattern will start to change again!

Imagine that if England can have the help of wizards, then the whole society will undergo tremendous changes, and resources will be reused in the true sense.

"Someone is trying to destroy the relationship between wizards and the British government!"

After seeing this strange phenomenon in person, Mycroft reacted instantly. His consciousness went beyond the murder case and saw all the layouts from a macro perspective.

The reason why Holmes can become the secret weapon of Scotland Yard is because Mycroft and Sherlock, one is a macro master, and the other is a micro-manipulation master who looks for clues from a micro perspective.

Although Nietzsche often saw the two of them bickering...

"I must tell the Prime Minister about this. By the way, Nietzsche, keep communicating with MI6 by letter after you go to school."

After saying that, he put on a black bowler hat and left in a hurry.

However, he was the only one who was running around to take England. Sherlock began to rearrange all the cases together with the wizard group, while Nietzsche began to pursue the use of this magic.

After he used magic related to defense against the dark arts several times, he found that the unicorn hair was a little...unpleasant?

It was like a blocked faucet. When outputting magic power, it was not stable, sometimes large and sometimes small, but when he used other standard spells, there was no such thing at all.

Nietzsche had to start exploring the secrets of ordinary spells.

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