"Silver flash!" "Quickly reveal." "Reveal your true form."


"Hey~'Mentos' is a portkey spell." Hermione corrected their attempts, "This is Hogwarts, and a series of spatial magic such as Apparition is prohibited."

But the tapestry did not change at all.

Lavender even lifted it up and touched the wall and hooks behind it with her hands, but the only thing she got was dust on her hands.

"Maybe... maybe it's a magic similar to the portkey?" Parvati shrugged, "Otherwise how do you explain that all the footsteps stopped here? I have never heard of anyone praising this tapestry of Hogwarts."

It's impossible that this tapestry was made by a founder.

Oh, of course there is this possibility, maybe it was woven by Hufflepuff.

"Let me think about it!" Hermione lowered her head and walked back and forth, subconsciously stepping on the footprints that appeared, "There must be a place for Nietzsche and that woman to study here..."

What does it have to do with her how they study?

Hermione thought: No, no, no, you need to find where they study, and see clearly why that woman suddenly approached Nietzsche. Although he is good enough, he is still a boy after all.

Just after she walked back and forth twice, a smooth door appeared on the wall opposite the tapestry.

'It's really a wish come true. ' Hermione felt something strange.

"Secret room~~" Lavender said in a dragging voice.

The three of them put their ears to the door and listened for a long time without finding any movement.

"Is it a bit wrong for us to do this..." Parvati retreated at the last minute, "It always feels weird to eavesdrop on the corner."

"How can you think so?!" Lavender roared in his throat, "Indians are just unreliable... We are doing this for Nietzsche's good, what if those pure bloods use that kind of intellectual woman to seduce him."

"Didn't Daphne try it before? What I mean is... trust him."

Hermione pulled her sleeves and her face was livid.

"That thing is poison. What if he doesn't have the willpower to control it?" She waved her hand and kicked the door on the wall open.

The light in the corridor dragged the shadows of the three people very long.

The sudden movement startled Sirius Black, who was already mentally weak. He was squatting on the long bench without manners, holding half a piece of buttered bread in his mouth and a chicken leg in his hand.

Who? Someone from the Ministry of Magic? Come to arrest him?

But who would betray him?

"I know that Slytherin's bastards are unreliable." Black wiped his greasy hands on his clothes, and his leg muscles were tense.

"Slytherin... Have you seen Nietzsche and that man?" Hermione walked into the Room of Requirement and looked around.

The color tone of the whole room is the warm red and yellow color of Gryffindor style. There is also a huge empty portrait hanging on the wall. A soft big bed and desk are placed near the stove.

This is indeed the sign of the 'skeleton' in the divination class.

"You're not here to look for me?" Sirius breathed a sigh of relief. "Great, if you're talking about the woman who threw me here... maybe she's also a Slytherin. Anyway, I've only seen her with that boy."

"What are you doing together?" Lavender asked immediately after reacting very quickly.

"Just studying... repairing things or something, I don't know."

But Parvati felt that Sirius looked familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere before, but he was a little gentler than she had imagined.

Hermione directed the notebook on the desk to float in front of her. It was all about rune translation and alchemy. She even saw the magic equipment that Nietzsche bought in Hogsmeade Village under the table.

Sure enough...

"If you're here to seek revenge, I'll just pretend I didn't see it." Sirius covered up his snicker by chewing food, and casually pointed to the leftovers on the table, "Or you can sit here and wait."

He looked at the young, unfamiliar little wizard, trying his best to be very welcoming.

But this look, combined with a sloppy appearance, would only have the opposite effect---the three of them frowned and took a few steps back.

"I remember seeing him on the wanted poster in Diagon Alley, it's him! Sirius Black!" Parvati pulled Hermione's clothes and screamed, "He's hiding here!"

Black paused, and after seeing the three people raising their wands, he instinctively raised his hand to explain.

"Quickly repel."

"Petrify all."

"Fall to the ground."

But because they mistakenly thought he wanted to use magic, several sparks and lights hit him, especially Hermione, who hit him the hardest, and it was unknown whether she had some other emotions.

After all, an adult dark wizard who is wanted will definitely cast spells silently without a wand.

Sirius Black, who is wanted by both worlds, was still holding food in his mouth and was stiffly knocked out.

Dumbledore was about to take a nap in the headmaster's office when he was awakened by Professor McGonagall's knocking on the door. Then he was dragged by the ear to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. Snape was standing in front of the tapestry...

He was called by Lavender. God knows how long this witch stood at the door of the underground office and hesitated.

"Nietzsche must have been...held hostage by Black, otherwise why would he come here every day." Lavender stood beside the professor and stammered.

"That makes sense." Snape said with a frown.

"I think this should be a misunderstanding..." The headmaster was still patiently explaining to Vice-Principal McGonagall.

But Snape didn't even look at Dumbledore. He just pulled Lavin behind him, holding his wand, and kicked the door open like Hermione, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Dumbledore followed closely behind, just lamenting what happened tonight.

Sirius Black was lying on the ground with his fingers bent and his eyes closed like a wax figure, his face bulging with food on both sides, and the butter bread in his mouth was almost melted.

Hermione and Parvati stood nervously beside the "wax figure" and pointed with their wands.

"Professor!" As Gryffindor students, they had never called a Slytherin dean like this.

"Well done, five points for Gryffindor." Snape stared at the face on the ground and blurted out.

"Granger, Patil, Brown... I thought you three were the best students in Gryffindor, but I didn't expect you would go out at night. Do you know what you almost did?" Dumbledore tried to change the subject.

But Snape deliberately opposed him.

"You did a great thing---you saved the wizarding world and the Muggles," the professor raised his hooked nose and looked down at Black, "and saved Nietzsche Holmes... but you used the wrong spell."

But it doesn't matter.

He will help these three little wizards perfect it---Is it the Crushing Curse? Or the Exploding Curse?

The Killing Curse? Forget it, it might scare the students...

Then it's decided, the Divine Sharp Shadow is just right.

Volume 1: Chapter 179 Snape is too sharp

"What is going on?!"

When Snape raised his wand, Professor McGonagall immediately stepped forward to block Sirius, and raised her eyebrows, staring at Dumbledore very majestically.

"Obviously, my students were controlled by the criminal, and your three students found the murderer because of their close attention to him. Is this difficult to understand?" Snape waved his wand and motioned her to move aside.

He was so righteous that he didn't even care about Gryffindor's night wandering to the eighth floor.

But the whole process was really different from what the professor said, but Hermione could only stiffen her neck, blush, and nod repeatedly when Snape looked over.

If they still can't find the bottom of the stairs, it would be really stupid.

"No! Nietzsche is responsible for guarding him... Severus, Sirius is not a criminal." Dumbledore patted his forehead.

What is this?

"So our headmaster deceived Slytherin students and protected criminals?" Snape pushed the vice-headmaster away and pointed his wand at Black's forehead, "Either hand it over to the Dementors, or I will get rid of the harm in the name of the name!"

The situation gradually got out of control, and Headmaster Dumbledore had to control Snape.

Twisting his long-bearded left hand, he raised a finger, and the room was instantly filled with red light. Hermione also blinked because of the flash. When she opened her eyes again, she found that Snape's wand was in the headmaster's hand.

Snape's mouth, which had just been raised, immediately sank again.

"I can kill him in an instant without a wand."

"Give me five minutes!" Dumbledore seized the gap between his words and quickly interrupted, "Sirius was wronged. The murderer twelve years ago was not him... The evidence is there!"

The headmaster pointed to a small bottle stored on the bookshelf.

Following the guidance, Hermione and the other two saw the typical Muggle-style magic device. Wasn't that what Gilderoy Lockhart brought when he came to school? !

"Okay, Severus, he's here and can't run away." Professor McGonagall supported him and coaxed him in a gentle voice.

But Snape didn't say anything, just stared at the headmaster fiercely, pulled out a small stool, and sat next to Sirius' head, as if he would be unlucky if he was not satisfied.

Hermione was not panicked, and stood by with Snape's excuse.

What Slytherin women, there is no such thing, they found Nietzsche's recent abnormality, and accidentally discovered this "wanted criminal" out of concern.

So Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall can't blame them.

After half an hour, Dumbledore, who was dry-mouthed, barely explained the "betrayal" incident surrounding the Potters twelve years ago.

"But why didn't you tell us about this?" Professor McGonagall said puzzledly.

"That's because... I was still sleeping!" Dumbledore unconsciously raised his voice a little, "I confirmed Sirius' innocence last Sunday, and I didn't expect that someone else would come here in the middle of the night the next day!"

He was not old enough to see the pile of magic traces outside.

No one expected that Granger, whom Hermione met in the library on Sunday, would secretly come with his friends to find their secret place late at night on Monday.

So, Hermione took the initiative to get involved in this mess.

And Snape had a stinky face... If Lavender didn't call McGonagall, then McGonagall wouldn't call Dumbledore.

"Gryffindor's night out, deduct five points." He gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone!"

Okay, not only did I return the points I just added, but now I also deduct ten points.

Hermione sighed and didn't dare to refute, even though Professor Snape didn't seem to be deducting points from them, but more like deducting points from Dumbledore.

Thinking on the bright side, at least she now knew about the Room of Requirement, and she also looked forward to seeing Nietzsche's surprise and racking his brains for an excuse when he met her here the next day.

"Don't be silly, Severus, are you really going to make a mistake because of that little joke?"

Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped Black twice, lifting the effects of the two curses.

But he still didn't wake up. As soon as his stiff muscles relaxed, the bit of food in his mouth began to flow out from the corner of his mouth. And because he was lying down, the bread flowing into his esophagus blocked his trachea.

Blake's face turned purple visibly.

"What other methods did you use?" Dumbledore didn't care about his nausea, and immediately reached out and opened his mouth, and the half-melted butter bread mixed with saliva fell from the inside.

But Snape was quite happy to see it.

"Looking like a vegetative person who is about to choke to death on bread, which corresponds well to the tapestry outside." He made an inappropriate joke.

"It's a repel spell... Maybe the impact I used my magic power was too great and he hit his head." Hermione raised her hand awkwardly, "Repel it quickly."

But this time it was much less powerful than before.

What made Snape laugh out loud was when he saw the unconscious Sirius being pushed by Hermione behind him with a repelling spell, and immediately slipped out of Dumbledore's arms, just like a bar of soap.

After the residue blocking his esophagus flew from his mouth to the ground, he fell in again.

Even Professor McGonagall, who wanted to help, stopped and even took a step back in disgust... Who would like to approach a person with vomit on his face.

"Miss Granger." Dumbledore's tone was almost pleading.

Snape pursed his lips, looking very gloating.

Lavender, who was hiding aside, seemed to have thought of something, pulled the two of them over, and whispered: "I may know how to get Snape to give points to Gryffindor..."

"How to add it?" Parvati and Hermione were both curious.

"Just let him see that we hate evil so much."

But this 'evil' refers to Sirius Black.

Volume 1: Chapter 180 The most painful thing in the world

The icy drizzle was mixed with fine snowflakes. Perhaps because of the dementors, November this year was colder than in previous years, and the dark clouds overhead had not dispersed.

Strong winds blew from the north of the Forbidden Forest. Standing in the corridor, Nietzsche sometimes couldn't hear whether there were a few dragon roars in those whistling sounds. In this extremely bad weather, the herb shed outside the campus seemed to be shaking at any time. They will all be overthrown.

He yawned as he walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

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