"This is all my fault... After you all believed that I was the secret keeper, I convinced James to temporarily change the secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew." Black said heartbreakingly, "I hate myself! "

He wished he had died in Azkaban.

From the perspective of the remorseful Black, he believed that he was the murderer who killed the Potters.

At the other party's roar, Dumbledore suddenly stood up.

"In a sense, you did succeed. After all, Principal Dumbledore was deceived by you. I believe Voldemort also thinks you are the secret keeper, if Peter Pettigrew did not leak the secret." Nietzsche affirmed.

It has to be said that this trick is really brilliant.

Once successful, even if Blake, who leaked the news to the outside world, dies, it will not affect the Potters. Unfortunately, there are variables.

It's rare that Gryffindor used his brain~

Dumbledore pulled Nietzsche aside, and in a flash, the old headmaster's face looked calm again.

But he knew that the other party wanted to ask about Peter Pettigrew, but Black's mental state was really...sorry, after all, he had been tortured by dementors in Azkaban for more than ten years, and all he could think about was revenge.

"I have been looking for Peter's whereabouts for so many years, but apart from the remaining finger, there is no clue." Dumbledore said the details of that year.

And that finger was returned to the hands of Peter Pettigrew's family.

"Can animagus be seen?" Nietzsche asked.

"Strictly speaking, unless the Animagus himself is exposed, it can be confirmed in advance or distinguished by the characteristics of the shapeshifter."

"Scabbers the mouse may be Peter Pettigrew. One of his fingers is missing, and Blake happened to see it at the newspaper office." Nietzsche said slowly, "I can give Ron a pet this Christmas."

But as far as Black is concerned, without evidence, he's still going to be placed here.

Dumbledore looked back. He planned to let Grindelwald take charge of guarding and also inquire about Nietzsche's 'helper'.

"He didn't lie," the principal said softly.

"Maybe, you egomaniacs..." Nietzsche didn't have his mind on Sirius Black.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. On this Sunday, as soon as Nietzsche came to the auditorium, he heard bursts of noise and flying ribbons. Without thinking too much, it must be Gilderoy Lockhart back.

He stood on the platform where the Sorting Hat once stood, throwing various books underneath.

There were two suitcases at his feet, which he had used to clean out his office and plan to run away early. Now they were filled with various Muggle handicrafts and snacks.

"Everyone has a gift, don't worry!" Lockhart was wearing an expensive sky blue handmade robe. "A new student in Ravenclaw, right? Study hard, maybe you and I will be colleagues in the future..."

Nietzsche suddenly regretted inviting him to school.

At this time, Hermione yawned and followed several witches out of Gryffindor Tower.

Lockhart caught sight of the two people at the door at a glance, so he held up his robe like a princess and ran towards them happily, which frightened Hermione so much that she flew away in drowsiness.

"Why are you back?!" She took out her wand, causing the enthusiastic Lockhart to stop midway.

"For a great task." He rubbed his hands and ignored this rude behavior, "Don't be like this, I have made sure that you and Nietzsche have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives, so you have to do something like that, right? "

In Lockhart's eyes, Hermione was a walking cornucopia.

If you put a piece of gold in it, it will be returned to him doubled the next day.

This is true. After all, without him, Howard would not have invested, and Nietzsche would not be selling novels...

"I am very satisfied when I think that Quirinus Quirrell won't talk about the research on curses in my ears. The only drawback is that there are no reporters everywhere in Hogwarts." Lockhart hugged him involuntarily. Nietzsche passed by.

"It seems you've adapted well outside." He pried the other person's fingers apart forcefully.

"Not bad? I am now a celebrity in the fields of space exploration and clean energy!"

Lockhart was even more confident than before. He pulled the two of them to sit on the long table in Ravenclaw, signing autographs for the eaglets and talking at the same time.

In fact, after Nietzsche's interference, he is now a real celebrity in the wizarding world---I heard that Muggle studies also drew on his novels about traveling in the Muggle world, which played a big role in promoting it.

Therefore, more young wizards read his works than before.

"Be careful, or you may die of food poisoning the day after you return to school." Hermione glanced at Professor Snape who walked away.

She had a bad temper, and Lockhart flinched, not knowing where he had offended her.

"Are you jealous?"

Hermione stabbed the table knife hard on the table and said viciously, "Yeah, even I'm jealous of my talent!"

Hearing these incomprehensible words, Lockhart shut up. He might as well enjoy breakfast without Quirinas.

"Why are you jealous of yourself? Are you too narcissistic?" Nietzsche asked cautiously.

"It's just that I wanted to be lazy and canceled these classes without authorization." Hermione took out a crumpled notice from her pocket and slammed it on the table. "It's really funny. It turns out I still have this side. !”

The notice clearly stated that Hermione's elective courses were reduced from six full courses to three normal courses.

Nietzsche pursed his lips, restrained his smile, and hooked Crookshanks' chin with his finger---this was obviously Granger's masterpiece. She drank the shrinking potion he gave her and disguised herself as the fourteen-year-old Hermione to cancel those elective courses.

"Maybe you are too tired, so tired that you forgot about it yourself?" he said.

"Maybe..." Hermione sighed and said disappointedly.

This is not possible. Maybe she originally had regrets, which led to her using the time converter to split herself to do this for her.

But this is not a bad thing. Think about it on the bright side. At least she can now make time to learn spells and potions knowledge, and strive to surpass Nietzsche before the final exam.

"Let me show you something." Lockhart was dissatisfied with her negative emotions, waved his wand, and something flew out of the suitcase.

It was a flat, square thing that looked like a miniature projector, except that the lens was on top of the set-top box, and there were several stone test tubes in another slot.

Then he lit up his wand, allowing Nietzsche and Hermione to see the microscopic magic patterns engraved on the test tubes.

"I don't have much sense of involvement in Muggle movies, so I've been thinking how cool it would be if everyone in the cinema could participate...excluding horror movies, I hate that type."

Combined with Lockhart's expertise, Nietzsche knew that this was a memory playback device.

And those stone test tubes were probably the place to replace the 'film'.

"So you came here this time to show off Professor Quirrell's invention?" Hermione said unhappily.

"Hey! Although Quirinus completed most of the content, I was the one who provided the idea!" Lockhart's stubborn temper came up, "At least the fans of Star Trek and Ghost in the Shell should thank me."

Hermione looked at the excited Ravenclaws. She didn't expect Kitty to have a homebody attribute.

No, you can't think like that! She almost entered Ravenclaw College back then!

(Nietzsche: Staying at home and reading books is also considered a nerd, a nerd)

More and more curious wizards gathered around, and Nietzsche quickly pulled Lockhart away, leaving only two boxes full of gifts and Hermione who was alone and sad.

"So what does Headmaster Dumbledore need me to do?" Lockhart tugged at his clothes and said in a serious tone, "I'm very busy. If it's to clear my own memory, the headmaster can do it himself."

"You're better~" Nietzsche complimented.

"Well... you're right." A smile immediately broke out on his face, "So who is the one who asked me to clear my memory this time? Let me guess, is it a wizard as strong as Nick Flamel, or a big official?"

"Sirius Black."

Lockhart's smile froze, and the whole person stood there as if time had been suspended, his face turned pale, and then he walked back with his things.

But Nietzsche knew he would do this, so he held up his wand, dragged his robe and continued to walk forward.

"That murderer?!" Lockhart rolled over and tore at his clothes, his eyes always watching for shadows around the corner, "You didn't mention this in the letter, I'm a celebrity, don't let me get involved in this mess!"

Whenever a student passed by, he immediately became quiet, and smiled and greeted them.

"I told you that you wouldn't come back~" Nietzsche said calmly.

"No, no, no, Black is also wanted by Muggles, you know! That guy killed people without blinking an eye, and it took more than 20 wizards from the Magical Law Reconnaissance Team to control him back then!!"

Lockhart is still so timid, and he panics once he catches something beyond his ability.

How can this be possible?

Nietzsche needs to train him well, at least to be as calm as Quirinus Quirrell...

Or let Gilderoy Lockhart try to die once?

"Including Principal Dumbledore, there are three people here who can deal with him, what are you afraid of...I need a room where Sirius Black is being held." Nietzsche waved his hand and threw him in.

Lockhart beat his chest and stamped his feet. He was so stupid. Really, he should have known what kind of guy Nietzsche Holmes was.

But now, Grindelwald was the only one in the room. His skeleton-like figure and heterochromatic pupils did not look like a guard in the dark room, but more like... an accomplice.

"Nietzsche? Nietzsche!" He held the memory playback device and retreated repeatedly.

Grindelwald hunched his back, playing with the wand in his hand, circling around him. Lockhart felt that he was wearing clothes or not, and his whole body was completely exposed to this old professor.

The other party's eyes were full of disgust, and he sneered from time to time.

"That's it? The future of the magic world?"

Volume 1: Chapter 176 The Secret Keeper Twelve Years Ago

The extracted memories were stored in a tube made of black stone. The process was very thrilling... but the consequences were all borne by Black himself.

Grindelwald squatted aside the whole time, smacking his lips and admiring constantly.

"Is there anything else in it besides the alchemical principles of the Pensieve?" His fanatical eyes scared Gilderoy.

"I...how do I know." Gilderoy's hand shook, and he carefully pulled the silver wire at the tip of the staff further, "Don't disturb me, his memory has been tortured by the dementors and is ready to collapse at any time. status."

He was in a bad mood.

You must know that he is a famous figure now. If he were not worried that Quirinas would cast poison spells from time to time, he would not be ordered by Nietzsche to do these miscellaneous things.

Not to mention coming into contact with such a dangerous person.

After Gilderoy had sorted out all his memories, he pressed a button, and the top of the projector immediately emitted a beam of light, turning the original cell into a small hill with a house on it.

Even the shape of the wind is revealed by the surrounding grass.

Nietzsche, Grindelwald, Gilderoy and Dumbledore are all concerned about what happened next, twelve years ago.

"This is Godric's Hollow twelve years ago." Sirius Black said with fascination, sitting on the cold grass.

At this time, a man suddenly passed behind Nietzsche and ran hard towards the hillside. The man had elegant black hair and a handsome appearance. It was easy to tell from the striking gray eyes that he was Sirius Black back then.

Young Black passed by Old Black on the ground.

"James! Lily!" He climbed up the hillside and knocked hard on the door.


Nietzsche and others did not need to run, the entire scene was zoomed in because of Sirius's running.

They were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Harry's parents:

James Potter looks elegant, with gold-rimmed glasses and hazel eyes, much like Harry;

Lily Potter, on the other hand, frowned and tiptoed from the back room, looking very impatient after seeing the guests coming. Like Harry, she had almond-shaped green eyes.

"I just put Harry to sleep." Although Lily was unforgiving, she still poured him a cup of tea.

"Sorry, didn't I just come back from the Order of the Phoenix?" Sirius scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and swallowed, "We have received new news that the mysterious man is looking for the children in the prophecy."

He did not continue speaking, but looked at the two of them in silence.

The meaning was self-evident. James stood up in confusion and walked back and forth in the living room. Then he paused and glanced at Harry's bedroom.

"Where are the others?" Lily was the first to break the silence.

The first thing she thought of was not herself. Of course, maybe this was out of trust in Dumbledore.

This was something Nietzsche did not expect.

"Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom have already hidden their children, and now it's up to you." Sirius took a sip of hot tea and calmed down, "Professor Dumbledore proposed to use the Fidelity Charm to hide you."


Nietzsche looked at Principal Dumbledore in confusion. Could it be that Neville's life was also hanging by a thread back then?

"Voldemort chooses people who he thinks are most likely to pose a threat to him." Dumbledore explained aloud. "Neville was almost thought to be a squib, and he thought that Harry's bloodline... Lily was a Muggle wizard. "

Sirius said something more to the Potters, and then left quickly.

But when he opened the door, the scene was not the Godric's Hollow they saw between them. Following the scene of Sirius, the scene still stayed in the living room of Mr. and Mrs. Potter's house.

The only difference was that it was filled with people Nietzsche didn't know.

Dumbledore had not changed much from more than ten years ago, except that he looked more haggard and anxious than now.

"The secret keeper must be the person you trust most, James." Professor Dumbledore stood at the door, his expression uncertain in the dim light. "If you are willing, I can be the secret keeper."

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