Volume One: Chapter 172 Hermione’s Great Transformation

In the next few days, the whole school focused on 'Sirius Black'. Even the Quidditch team was not curious about how the stupid big guy from Hufflepuff matched up with the outstanding guy from Ravenclaw. The golfers are together.

In addition to the topic of how Blake got into the school, it is about his 'helper'...

Although this helper has a lukewarm attitude towards Black, she can still be considered a helper. After all, she helped him escape from Grindelwald.

"I bring you some very happy news~~" Snape said in the first Potions class after Halloween.

There was no doubt that the news was bad news.

Not only Gryffindor, but also people in Slytherin think so:

If Professor Snape says 'good news', then the news may not be good for them, but it must be very happy for the professor; if it is 'bad news', then the news will definitely shock people.

So...please, they are mentally prepared.

"This week's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lupine is not feeling well and cannot continue to teach you." Snape walked lightly, and his mood rarely improved.

Everyone burst into howls.

Without even thinking about it, since it was Snape who said it, he must have taught it on his behalf.

"I told you, Snape must have put something else in the potion at that time!" Harry lowered his voice and said angrily.

"This is your luck. A sick person can't help you learn anything new." Snape turned his head and looked at something, then pointed to the front row and said, "One point for Gryffindor, you should follow suit. Miss Ranjie, learn.”

It's really rare. This is the third time Snape has given points to Gryffindor.

"Once a year, it seems you have used up the number of times this year." Nietzsche lowered his head and complained in a low voice.

It's no wonder that Snape did this, because Hermione was humming a little song energetically and tinkering with the potion in the crucible. Nietzsche guessed that she must have had a good sleep last night, and she didn't have to attend three classes at the same time in the morning. class.

Of course, after a few days, she will receive a withdrawal form with her signature on it...

"Think on the bright side, maybe we can also learn some knowledge about 'how to use potions to deal with dark magic'." Hermione was so happy that she forgot that it was a class now and said abruptly.

Snape, who was standing behind her, paused and made a mental note.

Yes, this is a good idea.

"Yes, for example, if you can prepare 'undetectable poison gas', you can release it when you encounter Sirius Black and protect yourself..." Snape said the cruelest words in the most relaxed tone.

He seemed to want Sirius to die.

Even Harry was aroused with some interest, and Nietzsche silently mourned Blake in his heart.

This potions lesson made Neville relieved. He was not in trouble today! No! Snape seemed to have forgotten him, just immersed in the intoxication of potions and dark magic, and gave the students a preview.

The only person Nietzsche was worried about was Hermione.

"There's something wrong with you today." He wondered if Granger had done something else.

Did she add some euphoria to Hermione's breakfast?

"Come on, she's been like this since she came back from Hogsmeade." Lavender suddenly pushed down the book in front of her and said with a bad smile, "She was hiding under the quilt and laughing last night. It's really yours~"

Nietzsche looked at Hermione at a loss. He didn't know how he got involved with him.

You know he didn’t do anything that day!

"I just had a cup of tea at Mrs. Puddy's Teahouse!"

"Bara... Okay~" Lavender interrupted frantically, "I understand, Cedric said the same thing when he came out, but now neither he nor Qiu Zhang wants to compete with each other."

Wait, is this the truth about this year's Quidditch match?

The Slytherin team was originally going to play against Gryffindor, but later the opponent was changed to Ravenclaw. The reason was that the seeker couple of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw didn't want to face off? ! !

What is even more unexpected is that Warrington and Wood actually agreed...

Nietzsche despised flying football players.

But the reason why Hermione is so weird is not what Lavender said... To be precise, it's probably not entirely true. It's more that she is much more confident now and won't be too forward-thinking or think too much.

‘I’ve even been to Mrs. Puddifu’s Teahouse, why should I be careful? ’

This is her current state of mind.

This was reflected in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class on Wednesday afternoon.

Everyone squeezed into the classroom on time, because they did not expect that one day they would see the greasy old bat in the non-basement area, and this was not a dream, so it was better not to be late.

Just by looking at this group of Gryffindors, Hermione had already understood Schopenhauer's understanding of life - either pain or boredom.

"Boggarts, red hats... I think these things should be dealt with in the first grade. If I remember correctly, Quirrell seems to have already talked about these weak dark creatures."

Snape couldn't wait to sit down before Harry, who came through the door with the bell ringing, could not wait to speak.

"It's all theory until now!" Dean Thomas couldn't help but retorted.

"Quiet, five points from Gryffindor. I just criticized Professor Lupine's teaching for lack of structure and too much entertainment." Snape said angrily, and he didn't let anyone refute.

He's back, he's all back, and points will be deducted if he opens his mouth. This is the old bat they know.

But this also made many people a little dissatisfied, and Hermione also noticed that not only Professor Lupine was not there, but also Professor Glendale, who was responsible for teaching spells and dealing with dark creatures.

"Where's the other professor?" she shouted, raising her hands.

"He and Holmes went to the principal's office. Miss Granger, turn the book to page 394 now. I am going to teach you how to identify a werewolf. This is not a harmless funny thing like Grindylow."

Harmless refers to what Muggles call 'water ghosts', which can hide in water plants, drag people to the bottom of the water, and try to drown them.

"Those things are really simple." Hermione nodded in agreement.

"That's just you!" Ron said coldly, "When I was hit on the head several times by Red Hat with a wooden stick, I fainted. I thought I would be beaten to death with random sticks."

Dean couldn't stand Snape's arrogant behavior and said boldly: "Tsk~Professor Lupine will never let us endorse from textbooks..."

But Professor Snape's ears had always been very pointed. He squinted his eyes and looked over with a terrifyingly calm gaze.

"It seems that you like Professor Lupine's teaching method very much... Aha, werewolf, Mr. Thomas gave me some inspiration. Come up, let us take a look at what you have learned." Snape sneered. .

Poor Dean was caught on stage as the first person.

But the problem is, there are no werewolves here. If Snape goes to the Forbidden Forest now, he will have enough time to catch a few ordinary wild wolves.

But this was not a problem. Snape took out his wand and used Transfiguration to turn the dummy placed in the corner of the classroom into a werewolf - it first turned into a wolf, then its body was elongated and its shoulders were bowed. stand up.

Dean didn't dare to move because the human wolf was hunched over and circling around him.

"Note that a werewolf's snout is shorter than that of an ordinary wolf, and its pupils are the same size as humans... But! If you think that werewolves can think like humans, you are totally wrong."

"They are more aggressive than real wolves. If you are brushed by one of its teeth or claws, I'm sorry, you will be infected by wolfsbane and you will remain a werewolf for the rest of your life and turn into a savage beast!"

Snape spoke vividly, making the students forget for a moment that this was the product of Transfiguration.

"Have you dealt with them before?" Hermione couldn't help but ask.

"I almost killed one." Snape said quickly, and stared at the transformed werewolf with extremely hateful eyes, "Thomas, pick up your wand and let me see what Professor Lupin's teaching is like. How awesome.”

However, when Snape directed the werewolf to jump over, Dean was thrown to the back of the classroom and slowly slid down the wall before he could even finish the spell.

Although this werewolf is relatively slender, its movements are very fast.

"That's it?" Snape looked around the class, "Is this what you learned from Lupine? If this was in actual combat, he would have had his neck broken. Now, shut your mouths and give I opened the book..."

"This doesn't count!" Ron couldn't help shouting after seeing his companion injured.

"Oh? Mr. Weasley wants to come up and perform too?"

Ron drooped like a pickle, with no strength left in his body.

But should we just let Snape discredit Professor Lupine?

Of course not! You must know that there is also a trump card sitting here!

"I think Hermione learns the most." Ron's words made many people nod. "She is the most serious in class. If you want to criticize Professor Lupin's teaching, why don't you test the best student in the class? "

Wow, Hermione didn't expect that as a good student, she still had this obligation. She just hoped that Professor Snape wouldn't follow suit... No, it seems that she was too extravagant.

She seriously underestimated Snape's determination to step down on Lupine.

"Miss Granger, please~" Snape said with a cold face and in what he thought was the most harmonious tone.

Hermione reluctantly walked to the podium, looked at the werewolf in front of her, grinning and roaring, silently reciting the 'repelling spells' Grindelwald taught her - written as banishing spells, pronounced as war magic.

But she didn't even notice it, and she felt much more relaxed at this time.

At least she no longer had those unwarranted worries: 'Will it hurt others if it is too powerful?' 'Is the Ministry of Magic prohibiting its use?' etc., because her heart was filled with other things.

Therefore, when the werewolf rushed towards Hermione, Harry, who was sitting in the back, saw the brightest light he had ever seen so far.

Volume One: Chapter 173 Snape’s Evil Ideas

War magic is Grindelwald's signature, but it is too powerful and has the power to consume the will, which makes Hermione always somewhat resistant. After all, she believes that magic should be a tool to change the world.

But... Hermione could easily be deceived by some minor emotions.

It means that after she bravely took a step forward in another field and solved the dangerous incident of "Nietzsche and others studied", she no longer hesitated.

The war magic stimulated by the strong dragon heartstring deprived Snape of the vitality given to Transfiguration, and the leaping werewolf began to decay, like a piece of damp and thousand-year-old rotten wood, which would break at the touch.

The whole audience was silent.

After a long time, several witches stared and said: "Wow~"

"A wonderful performance." Snape clenched his clothes, tightened his muscles, and stood by the wall trembling with excitement, "When dealing with werewolves, this kind of magic should be used, everyone remember it!"

Hermione looked at the pinch of powder at her feet and immersed herself in the teachings of 'Grendel'.

After she used the war magic without hesitation, she immediately found that she did not only destroy things, but her magic and will made Snape's Transfiguration ineffective.

"In fact, Professor Lupin said that most expelling spells are repelling spells." Hermione stuck out her tongue.

"No! His teaching method is too weak, but I am very satisfied with your performance this time." Snape didn't care what magic she used. For him, as long as he could kill the werewolf, it was enough.

He cleaned the podium, with a sly smile on his face.

"Your homework today is to write an essay on how to kill werewolves, except Miss Granger."

This is big news. If Hogwarts has campus news, Hermione will definitely see the headline of the next day - the insidious and vicious old bat has made another exception for Gryffindor.

And Hermione tasted the second sweetness.

When she was not restraining herself, she seemed to be able to do better.

They spent the whole class listening to how Snape described the ferocity and cunning of werewolves, but Ron and others still couldn't cheer up.

"But the book says that werewolves are also people before they transform!" Harry held up the book and deliberately picked on the other party.

"Don't be silly, of course they will hide that side of themselves, because werewolves need to be responsible for killing people when they are human." Snape's tone was very sarcastic.

Snape said that werewolves emphasize that they are people because they need to ensure that they are not harmful, so as to protect themselves during the transformation, even if they accidentally kill someone, they will not be responsible for any benefits.

However, Hermione always felt that such words were harsh, but she couldn't tell why they were strange.

"Did you know that there are werewolves among the Death Eaters?" Snape was so calm that it was frightening. "Yes, the only difference between them and ordinary werewolves is that they don't hide their intentions."

"But... but there are also werewolves that have never been hurt!"

Snape's face was livid, staring at the aggressive Harry Potter, and the good mood that Hermione had just felt was over.

He moved the blackboard to the side and cleared a large space in front of the classroom.

"You should have experienced being almost killed by a werewolf. Perhaps the driving force brought by death will make you use your brain. In the second year after I saw a werewolf, I invented magic that can kill it."

Then, Hermione only saw the professor swing his wand, and the clothes hanger next to the steps of the Dark Magic Defense Office was split in two.

Together with Professor Lupin's scarf and patched clothes.

Next, everyone in the classroom was dragged up... Hermione didn't expect the screams to be so rich, perhaps this was related to their different levels of pain.

Fortunately, some little lions know how to swing their wands and use lightsabers to chop, so they are not too miserable.

But Snape will still be dissatisfied and sarcastically say: "You don't have the strength to chop a werewolf, and you still say you are Gryffindor." "Use force, chop it in half, werewolves have strong self-healing ability." "Out, next, if it were a real werewolf, you would be dead."

The bell finally rang, and they almost crawled out of the classroom.

"Harry Potter, what have you learned?"

"During the transformation, a werewolf will not...hiss (think), but will only fall into irrational madness." Harry said, holding his stomach.

"Very good, it seems that you have all learned a lot. By the way, if you meet a werewolf again, don't imagine that I am hiding in the woods to control it. You can either run or kill it." Snape said happily.

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