
"Cats can sense danger."

The speed of the train was getting slower and slower. Nietzsche looked out the dark window and found that the darkness even covered the silhouettes of the trees and weeds on the roadside.

The ocean fell from the sky, as if it was about to roll over the entire train. Everyone could feel the carriage begin to shake. Suddenly, the train stopped suddenly, but they did not see the familiar Hogsmeade Station.

The car lights in the corridor were also turned off.

You know, this is a magic lamp!

Only after the darkness outside the window began to spread in the carriage did Nietzsche realize what it means to be "invisible". There was only a dining table between him and the two professors opposite, but he couldn't see any silhouettes.

Not even a vague outline can be seen.

"What happened?"


"Stop running around, I'm going to see what's going on!"

"I heard the car door open. Did someone get in?"

The car was in chaos, and the temperature inside began to drop rapidly.

"The sun is like day!"

Hermione was sitting next to the window. She put her hand on the window and could feel a thick layer of frost forming on it. She tried to use a lighting spell, but even so, she and Nietzsche could only reach a weak level. of fluorescence.

And if you get a little further away, you won't be able to see any light.

Just like a black hole, the darkness here sucks up all the light and temperature.

"Quiet!" Professor Lupine opened his eyes, opened the compartment door suddenly, and walked out with Grindelwald.

With the crackling sound that can only be made by firewood in the stove, Lupine held the wand in his right hand and made a fist in his left hand. Everyone in the corridor could see that he seemed to be holding a silver flame in his hand.

The faint silver light was a beacon, and people couldn't help but move closer to him.

Under the silver light, Lupine's resolute eyes were always staring ahead, and his tired face became tense.

"Everyone, go back to the cubicles." He noticed that one of the students huddled next door had a scar on his forehead, and then continued to shout to the front, "There is nothing here you are looking for. People, get out!”

Nietzsche threw Crookshanks into Hermione's arms, then took out his wand and walked out.

He found that the person getting on the car was a man wearing a cloak... No, it wasn't a man, it was just a black cloak. It slowly floated over and finally stopped at a place where the silver light could not illuminate.

And made some 'clucking' breathing sounds.

At this time, Grindelwald took action.

He snapped his fingers, and blue flames suddenly appeared in the car lights in the corridor. Those trembling flames seemed to be burning the darkness here, making a hissing sound, illuminating the entire corridor. got up.

But Lu Ping suddenly turned his head to look at his companions, as if he had seen a ghost.

If he guessed correctly...is this really Li Huo? !

Volume 1: Chapter 149 The strong wind is howling, and the person standing on the train at this time...

What kind of monster is that?

The body was like a tattered rotting corpse, and the hands stretched out from the robe showed gray-white skin under the illumination of the fierce fire. It was covered with mucus and spots. There were no facial features, and there was only a twisted, swirling mouth on the face.

Just by looking at it, Nietzsche felt a sense of helpless panic in his mind.

"Sirius Black is not hidden here, this is the Hogwarts train!" Lupine warned.

But the other party ignored him, and instead leaned down like a dog, pressing his straw-like mouth against the partition. But at this moment, Harry seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly fell to the ground and began to twitch.

Lupine whispered, "It can't stay here."

He's asking for Grindelwald's help.

"What is that?" Hermione swallowed, hugging Crookshanks for warmth.

"Dementors." Grindelwald said softly, "Feeding on happiness is the opposite of everything positive. In Muggle terms, it is the embodiment of negative nihilism... Make a note of this. But it’s a rare experience for you!”

Professor ‘Grendel’’s voice penetrated the compartment of the carriage.

This made Lupine a little strange. He looked at this weird old wizard and didn't know what to say... Come on, some students fainted, and they said this was a rare learning experience?

Well, it is indeed necessary to learn, and the key point is to dispel the students' fear.

"I very much agree with this view~ For example, what should you do next time you encounter such an unreasonable wizard?"

The conversation between Lupine and Grindelwald caused the students hiding in the cubicle to open a crack in the door. They all gathered together and planned to see what the professors' 'means' were.

For people of their age, curiosity always conquers all.

"Expecto Patronum!" Professor Lupine took a step forward and chanted the spell loudly. The wand made the same crackling sound as before, and then a silver light shot out.

The carriage illuminated by the fierce fire looked like the stone corridor outside the Ministry of Magic's trial hall. Everyone saw the silver light penetrating the Dementor's chest like a sharp sword.

Immediately afterwards, Nietzsche first felt a vibration in the train car, and then heard a sharp cry from the dementor.

It ran away without looking back... but the train didn't start, so after Grindelwald and Lupine looked at each other, the former followed it and completely disappeared into the aisle, while the latter headed towards the front of the car. Go.

"Well..." Lupine turned around and hesitated towards the girl holding the cat next to him.

Only then did he remember that he did not know these two children.

"Hermione Granger."

"Miss Granger, there are chocolates in my suitcase. Please help me distribute them to the frightened students." He raised his head and said to her with a kind smile, "Excuse me, but I need to talk to the driver. talk..."

So in the aisle lit by fierce fire, Hermione held Crookshanks in one hand and distributed the dark chocolates with the other.

The taste was no different from ordinary chocolate. It was a bit bitter in the mouth at first, but then slowly turned into sweetness. A wave of heat surged to her toes. Slowly, the students in the entire carriage came to their senses.

But Hermione was still looking outside worriedly. Things had not improved because the sky outside had not brightened again because of the departure of the dementors.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Nietzsche followed Professor Lupine through the prefect's carriage. When he arrived at the front of the car, he found that the driver's face was pale and he did not dare to move. He just kept shaking his head.

Nietzsche felt that he was probably frightened because...because he saw a group of people blocking the car in front of him...

A swarm of dementors.

"Did they notice something?" the driver said collapsed.

"Even if Sirius is really in the car, we can't let them search it!" Lupine looked at the group of dementors and made up his mind, "These barbaric and disgusting things will not let the students here go."

When he was about to get out of the car and make a break, Nietzsche stopped him.

Because the other professor moved faster than him, Grindelwald stood on top of the train despite the heavy rain, facing the overwhelming group of dementors without showing any timidity or hesitation.

With a simple flick of the wand (a branch), the starter at the driver's hand started on its own.

Round after round of flames emerged from the tip of the staff. Under control, these flames mimicked the shapes of some monsters and surrounded them. What is even more amazing is that these increasingly powerful fires are almost clinging to them. On the train.

The 'fire' car began to sprint, with roars and whistles, and the wall made of dementors rushed away.

The wind was howling, and standing on the train, clearing the way for everyone, was a real hero!

The rain evaporated in the air before it even touched the car body. This train was filled with fierce fire, surrounded by steam. It was a train returning from hell to the world, heading towards Hogwarts Castle at the fastest speed. gallop.

"Did Professor Dumbledore do it backwards?" Lu Ping was completely stunned as he looked at the figures directing Li Huo and stopping the dementors above his head.

Is there a possibility that he is actually the 'assistant'?

With his skills as a three-legged cat, he is worthy of having an old wizard of this level cooperate with him in teaching... Lu Ping looked at the flames attached to the car and tugged at the corner of his mouth with difficulty.

"Are they dead?" That was all Nietzsche cared about.

"Dementors cannot be killed and cannot be killed." Lupine took out a piece of chocolate from his arms and broke it in half. "They exist in fear. As long as the world is not peaceful for one day, they will never be killed." will disappear."

So the question is, if all the people in the world are killed, will the dementors disappear completely, or will they quietly wait for the next birth of intelligent creatures to appear?

Of course, Nietzsche was just curious...

In order not to scare the low-key and introverted professor, it was better for him to swallow the question.

After returning to the cubicle, most people either planned to take a rest or were discussing the superb magic of the two professors.

"The two professors were as thin as bones. I was worried at first that the gust of wind would cause them to stagger..." Seamus took a bite of the chocolate, bent down and hugged each other.

Countless white gases appeared along with the sound of talking.

"That's a Dementor!" Hannah gestured back and forth and said in horror, "This is the first time I've seen it in my life. It was so close to me at the time... I dare say that the two professors this time are no show-offs. "

That’s you! Lockhart!

Especially Grindelwald, he was the most impressive. He was drying his clothes in various ways in front of Hermione, and arranging his hair style with few white hairs, just like a white parrot.

The most common way for two professors to get closer is to brag about each other.

"Beautiful reaction and Patronus Charm." Grindelwald did not hesitate to praise him.

"You also have... enviable control skills. There are probably not many wizards in this world who can control Li Huo so well." Lu Ping bit another piece of chocolate, trying to calm down his mood.

When Crookshanks saw his master coming back, he simply climbed a few steps forward and lay on Nietzsche and Hermione's laps at the same time.

"How did you prevent the fierce fire from burning down the train? It's too dangerous!" Hermione closed the door and lowered her voice, very worried about being heard by others.

And this was the first time Lu Ping had seen this weird way of getting along - the student actually scolded the professor with a serious look on his face.

"Because I can't use the Patronus Charm~" Grindelwald answered without any hesitation, as if it should be like this. If it doesn't work, it means it can't be used. If you are not used to it, you are not used to it.

"This is too..." Hermione actually meant to say that it was too dangerous.

But as long as she recalled the flame that burned the darkness and expelled the dementors, she felt a little excited in her heart, telling herself that she must learn this kind of spell, as if she had awakened something terrible.

And Grindelwald also discovered this. He closed one eye, observed with one eye, and finally sneered.

"If you want to learn, I'll teach you."

Volume 1: Chapter 150: The Bat that Dislikes Everyone

(I hope WBG reaches the semi-finals, woo woo woo)

The train finally pulled into the station.

This was probably the most heroic thing Hagrid had ever seen - the joints between the wheels and carriages of the Hogwarts Express were filled with flames, and by the time it came to a stop, all the rainwater on the platform had evaporated.

Those neat things couldn't dissipate for a while, forming a mist that enveloped the Hogsmeade platform.

"What's going on?" Hagrid used his palms like a fan to disperse the thick smoke and steam around him, "Are you okay?!"

But except for the first-year students, no one paid attention to him. Everyone was still immersed in the previous stories.

The group of people rode the Thestral carriage in a daze. When they passed the main entrance, they found two dementors standing beside the stone pillars on both sides. Even sitting in the carriage, Hermione and Nietzsche could feel the coldness of falling into the icy lake. .

"Why are they here at school instead of guarding Azkaban?" Nietzsche was somewhat disgusted with such creatures.

Seeing that he didn't know, Hermione told what she and the professor had seen in Diagon Alley.

"It's about Sirius Black's escape from prison. He blew up the entire street, killing and injuring countless people." Hermione frowned, feeling a little weird as well, "But why did the Ministry of Magic want to impose martial law on Hogwarts? ?”

Are all the police in the magical world that kind of thing?

So what else do Aurors do...

Good guy, Fudge is trying to cut down on the Auror Department's expenses, right?

It's a pity that the only two professors who could explain it were not on the same path as the students. They needed to enter the school in advance and sit at the guest of honor seat before the students arrived in the auditorium.

Crookshanks stood on Nietzsche's thigh, holding the window open with his forelimbs, looking seriously at the castle tower that was getting closer and closer.

"You were so frightened that you fainted? Potter?" Draco, who had just gotten out of the car, looked at the Gryffindors hugging each other for warmth and began to ridicule, "You have little knowledge and coward... What are you so afraid of? Could it be that you really protected that criminal? "

"Why do you think I would help a dark wizard who killed thirteen people...maybe he is looking for you." Harry elbowed him away.

But when Hermione got out of the car, he immediately shut his mouth and turned his back to the two of them.

However, this behavior made Hermione find it even more interesting. She glanced at Daphne behind Malfoy and said deliberately: "I will never doubt you, don't worry, after all, you are not playing with Muggles now." Have you gone?"

Malfoy and Muggle?

This made many people unable to believe it and thought they had heard wrongly. You must know that Draco Malfoy was almost expelled last year.

"It's so new. It seems that Malfoy is also going to become a pure-blood traitor." Ron said sinisterly.

"Is this true?" Pansy asked, holding his hand.

"This... is true, yes." Malfoy immediately said gloomily, "Granger, it's your Muggle dukes, princes and the like who invited us as guests, who would refuse the gold delivered to our door. "

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