Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 91 Ren Jie Saves Someone

I was scared by you, and said, um, cut, you were raped... Fatty said immediately when he heard it, but then realized that Ren Jie's words were wrong, and he wanted to refute Ren Jie's appearance of being raped , but when he thinks that there are only him and himself in the spirit beast car, if he is going to be raped, then he will be himself...

The fat man waved his hand, as if he wanted to drive away something, and said: Go, go, talk nonsense, I really need to check the meal ticket boss, whether you have been injured in the head and are still recovering.

Very good, let's go out and have a look. Ren Jie said and got up. Although the injury has not fully recovered, but with the help of physical strength, the surge to the peak state of the seventh layer of the body training state has not affected the normal movement. He got up and raised his hand to put away the war drum in front of him, ready to go out.

Boss meal ticket, did you just break through to the seventh level of the Body Refining Realm, or... broke through to the seventh level of the True Qi Realm? Gao Ren also got up and followed Ren Jie, but his mind was still full of the scene just now, that scene It shocked him so much that he was in a daze until now.

When Ren Jie broke through just now, the change in energy was so intense that he had never seen it before.

How can Qi Jin be so strong, even if it is ordinary true Qi, it is impossible.

Thinking of Ren Jie finally containing such a huge amount of power into his body, Gao Ren now feels inconceivable.

What's even more incredible is that the method Ren Jie said was to break through at this time, and he really succeeded in breaking through. Gao Ren was frightened by the energy of the moment after breaking through.

However, if it is really the real energy state, it should also be the condensed true energy, but if it is the energy of the body training state, how can the energy reach that level, condensed to the point of solidification, if the energy in other people's body Jin exists like flowing sand, while the Qi Jin that Ren Jie burst out at that moment is as solid as hard meteorite. The gap between the two is immeasurable.

It's not that Gao Ren has never seen a strong man, even if a super strong man breaks through in front of him, he won't be like this. It's just that Ren Jie's change in that moment just now is too amazing. Thinking about it, he feels scalp numb, even a little suspicious Is it because I feel wrong for a moment, there is a feeling of hell.

So he backed away unconsciously, covering his mouth with his hands for fear of disturbing Ren Jie by shouting out.

I really want to reach the Real Qi Realm right away. It would be good to break through to the seventh level of the Body Refining Realm before the big exam. By the way, you seem to be a little bit short. You have to continue the special training after you are busy here. Don't worry. As soon as Xiaorui leaves, you will let Nanshan go. Ren Jie didn't explain, didn't answer, and then answered the fat man, who had already stepped out of the spirit beast car.

Being inside the spirit beast car, it was as if he was not in this noisy world. As soon as he stepped out of the spirit beast car, there was a pungent smell of blood, the sound of fighting outside, shouting, the sound of weapons colliding, and the screams of blood gushing together.

Get out of here, get out of here immediately, Ren Jie, dare to cripple my son's eyes, I will kill you with my own hands. At the same time, Guo Zongyou's roar came from a distance, they were hundreds of meters away, the two No one around people dares to approach.

The cold sword energy brought by the flying Xuanyin sword made the Xishan cemetery look even more gloomy and terrifying. The surrounding hundreds of meters were covered by the sword energy, and the supernatural power displayed by Chang Laosi with the help of the Xuanyin sword was also quite amazing.

However, Guo Zongyou is also extraordinary, the three-eyed pottery furnace has amazing defensive power, and he also has two middle-grade spiritual weapons. He is indistinguishable from Chang Laosi, but Guo Zongyou is even more excited. Because his people had taken Guo Xiu away before and informed him of Guo Xiu's situation. Although there was no life problem, his face was severely injured, and one eye was also blind.

Legends such as the regeneration of a broken arm are not impossible, but even if one has cultivated to the Yin-Yang state, there is no way to achieve this by strength alone. It requires extremely precious geniuses and earthly treasures, let alone eyes.

At least Guo Zongyou is still not capable enough to recover his son, so he exploded all of a sudden, desperately trying to get past Chang Laosi's obstruction to kill Ren Jie, but unfortunately Chang Laosi has the Xuanyin Sword to help him, and he will kill Ren Jie every time. He stopped.

On the other side, the formations of the guards around the spirit beast vehicle came and went one after another. At this time, Tong Qiang had already thrown off the other two elders of the Holy Medicine Hall and joined the formation of the guards.

After all, Tong Qiang is a soldier, and he knows that individual battles and bravery must be obeyed by the collective. The formation led by him is more powerful. At this moment, there are already hundreds of corpses on the periphery, and there are also some injuries on the Guards side, but the situation is different. much lighter.

With the cooperation of the guards, nearly half of the people in the Holy Medicine Hall were lost, and there was no sign of breaking through the formation of the guards.

Originally, Ren Jie was very worried when he discovered the tragic fighting situation outside with his spiritual sense at the first time, but when he really came out to see it, his heart was relieved. The Guards really deserved to be the survivors who followed Ren Tianxing all over the world. Recently, they have made breakthroughs in strength. In this case, they took advantage of the cooperation of the formation and achieved a result that even Ren Jie was a little surprised.

There is no problem with Chang Lao Si for the time being, and the Guards side will surely gain the upper hand with less battles and more battles. Ren Jie is also relieved, and then his consciousness moves. Because as far as he could see, he didn't find a person, who was also the focus of the contention between the two sides this time, the evil sword in his left hand, Xie Jian.

It's just that under the investigation of the spiritual sense, everyone around was fighting, and Xie Jian was not found at all. Ren Jie paid special attention to checking the position where Guo Zongyou used the three-eyed medicine furnace to cover Xie Jian just now, and still found no traces, but judging from the sobriety of the scene and the fact that Guo Zongyou wanted to kill himself at all costs in a rage, At a time like this, he didn't seem to be the one who would take Xie Jian away.

All he cared about was the life and death of his son Guo Xiu, and Xie Jian was obviously insignificant to him, as he had been coerced by Ren Jie to use war drums before he gave up Xie Jian without thinking too much.

In this case……

Ren Jie suddenly thought of a place where the man with a slight effort under his feet had already jumped onto the top of the spirit beast seat. Although his consciousness has now reached the level of supernatural powers, the range that even supernatural powers can detect is very limited, so he can only Jump on the spirit beast car to check. At this time, the sky was already a little pale, but even the total darkness did not have much impact on Ren Jie. From a distance, he could see a figure standing in front of the grave that Guo Xiuren blasted away just now.

Seeing Xie Jian's figure, Ren Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the place is in such a mess, Ren Jie is really afraid that something will happen to him, but fortunately, apart from Guo Xiu who wants to vent his anger, Guo Zongyou and the others obviously haven't found Xie Jian yet. the difference.

Ah, go to hell, bang... At this moment, a person roared suddenly from below, followed by a violent explosion.

The person who shouted was an elder from the Holy Medicine Hall. Although he was only a person in the third level of the Divine Ability Realm, he was a person who had mastered supernatural powers and spells after all. This kind of person was originally very powerful. Jay has a lot more here. But under the mutual response of the guards, they were helpless, and just now Tong Qiang and the guards cooperated to injure this person severely, but people who can reach the level of supernatural powers are extraordinary. Knowing that there was no hope, Qiang Zhongchuang actually used a method of mutual destruction, bursting out with great power.

There was a bang, and a mass of dark light exploded. He detonated his weapon, and immediately blasted Tong Qiang and a dozen guards into the air.

This is not a big deal, so it opened a gap in the formation of the Guards.

Their formation is messed up, break the formation, kill them all, leave none behind, and avenge the young master. At this time, a person in charge of the battle in the Holy Medicine Hall shouted, making the morale of the people who were originally low Everyone in the Holy Medicine Hall immediately erupted with a burst of strength, ready to rush in.

Shrink, protect the Patriarch and evacuate first. Tong Qiang clutched his chest, a half-meter-long weapon fragment stuck in his chest, but he ignored it at all, and rushed up again with blood in his mouth.

Guo Zongyou, you are looking for death, boom boom boom... Ren Jie suddenly roared, took out the war drum again, and beat it without hesitation. The sound of the war drum seemed so loud in the Xishan cemetery. Shocking.

You...fucking... lunatic, withdraw, immediately escort the young master back to the sect, withdraw!! Guo Zongyou, who was fighting with Chang Laosi in the distance, trembled involuntarily when he heard the sound of the drums. He also sneaked over to take a look, but he clearly remembered that scene. Tens of thousands of people were moved by it, and after hearing about it, there were still some people who knew the war drum was beating and knew the song, and came back secretly from other places. If the war drum was beating again, there would be even more people.

Needless to say, just a Zhan Tianlong is enough to give him a headache. Although he does not actually control the military power now, the soldiers of the family are fierce enough. Although the Holy Medicine Hall is also strong, it is impossible to directly compete with such an army of tens of thousands.

At this time, I can only retreat for a while, and then immediately go to the palace to find a way. No matter how I say it, I am the head of the country, a relative of the emperor.

When Guo Zongyou heard the sound of the war drum, he led the people away without hesitation.

As soon as he left, Ren Jie stopped beating the war drum, jumped down from the top, and checked Tong Qiang's injuries first.

Don't try to force your strength. The injury is not too serious. Fatty, you can help stop the bleeding and treat the wound. Ren Jie saw that Tong Qiang was in good condition. After all, his body was strong enough to block most of the injuries. The impact is not fatal.

But others were not so lucky. Ren Jie took a quick look and saw that three members of the Guards had died.

There are still more than a dozen people with serious injuries. Ren Jie can temporarily control some of them by taking some medicines, so as not to hand over the life-threatening ones to other people. After all, they have been fighting all the year round, and there are also special guards in charge of this aspect.

One person's arm was cut off, but fortunately, it was cut off directly, and the arm was not damaged. In the last life, there was no problem with connecting the arm, but it was impossible to completely restore it, but this life is completely different, because of the development and cultivation of one's own strength, there is nothing wrong with the arm being cut off directly.

Ren Jie quickly took out the medicine from the storage bag, and accurately bandaged the person's arm. The follow-up is to continue to nourish the medicine, and then let him use the true energy to activate the meridian and activate the veins. Fortunately, this person is also true energy People in the realm, and already have the opportunity to attack people in the realm of supernatural powers.

Seeing that Ren Jie treated so many wounded in an orderly manner so quickly, arranged for different people to take different medicines for different people, and dealt with them quickly, even the people in charge of treatment in the Guards were stunned.

And Chang Laosi, who just came back from a bitter battle with Guo Zongyou, had his eyes straightened. This is okay. Is the master still a wonderful pharmacist, and he can cure diseases and save people? Moreover, it was a traumatic injury, which required experience. How could the master have such experience in this area, but the methods of bandaging the wound and dealing with the connection, I have never seen such a powerful one in all these years of wandering in the rivers and lakes.

Could it be that this thing is also born with nature, no? Even though Chang Lao Si was not at all surprised when he fought Guo Zongyou just now, he was frightened again at this moment. Although he had never seen the evildoer or the sky-defying blue sky that others said, he felt more and more when he saw the magic of Master. , the evildoer against the sky may not be so exaggerated, I really don't know what else Master can't do.

Another person's abdomen was worse than Tong Qiang's, and there was also a fragment inserted into it. This was part of that person's weapon. The dark fragment penetrated almost through his abdomen.

My...Master... I'm afraid I can't do it. I haven't reached the real energy level yet, so don't...don't worry about me... Finally, I didn't waste my time to kill myself, and I was able to fight to the death for the Patriarch...I'm really go to save other people. Let's go... Seeing Ren Jie coming, there was no pain on that man's face, only happiness.

Panting heavily, there was a happy feeling on his face. He had suppressed it for so many years, and this battle made him finally feel that he was worthwhile, that he was still alive, happy, so fucking happy.

Brothers, I'm here to look for you, haha... The man muttered, reaching out to hold the black shard stuck in his abdomen. It was a huge low-grade spiritual weapon that exploded. Once pulled out, he would die Dead.

At this moment, some people who were not seriously injured or were not injured stood aside, and everyone stood up straight. They had experienced too many such things, but at this moment they did not have any sadness, and each of them only had a trace of solemnity in their eyes.

Generals die in a hundred battles, and there is no one who is undead in battle. They have experienced too many such things, and they have already been prepared for this to survive until now. They understand the feelings of their teammates, rather than supporting them until they die like before, they might as well die in battle.

Crack! Ren Jie raised his hand and grabbed his wrist and said, Don't be afraid of death, but never say death lightly, try to survive.

Who still has a life-saving panacea? Ren Jie stopped the member of the Guards, looked up and asked everyone.

As the name suggests, life-preserving elixir is a pill that can save life with the greatest effect. It is a elixir that is stable in all aspects. It will mainly maintain and provide the needs of various aspects of the body, and the main purpose is to save life in critical moments. Of course, if the injury exceeds the effect of the life-saving elixir, you can only hang your life temporarily, and then think of other ways, just like Fang Qi used the life-saving elixir to hang your life before.

Therefore, the life-preserving elixir, unless treated with high-level life-preserving elixir, can directly recover people who are not too serious. It is precisely because of this that the life-preserving elixir has another name, the life-saving elixir.

Hanging life elixir is a elixir for prolonging life at critical times and buying time. Hearing what Ren Jie said, the busy Gao Ren didn't have time to talk, and he raised his hand and threw a low-grade life-saving elixir, and Ren Jie also took out one at the same time. These two low-grade life-saving elixir were details at the time When Guo Xiu got it, Ren Jie shared one with Gao Ren, and took them all out without hesitation.

We still have... At this time, three members of the Guards stepped forward, each holding a low-grade life-saving elixir in their hands, which was even better than the one that Ren Jie got from looting Guo Xiu. Ren Jie heard from Tong Qiang that when Ren Tianxing took them with him, ordinary guards members had low-grade life-saving elixir, and he even had a few middle-grade life-saving elixir, but unfortunately most of them have been consumed in the battle. There are not many left today.

Ren Jie also took over, now the low-grade life-saving elixir is enough, but...

Master, I... here is a middle-grade life-saving elixir, which I won a few years ago. Chang Laosi stood aside and hesitated a little after hearing Ren Jie's words. If Ren Jie needs him, he must Apart from anything else, he took it out, but he could see that Ren Jie wanted to use it for this member of the guards who hadn't even reached the level of real energy. Normally, even if the general level of real energy is not very important, if he uses the low-grade panacea, he will feel uncomfortable. wasted. But he only hesitated for a moment, and then took out a middle-grade life-saving elixir, which he originally kept for emergency use.

Take these low-grade elixirs and give them to a few of them. As long as they see that they can't hold on, give them to them. We have a lot of opportunities and time to get more of this kind of extraneous things. If the people around you who are willing to fight for you and sacrifice for you leave, it will be fine. Even Tiandan is hard to get. Ren Jie took the mid-grade life-saving elixir handed over by Chang Laosi, and while speaking, handed over the five low-grade life-saving elixir to Chang Laosi.

Chang Laosi took the five low-grade life-saving elixir that Ren Jie handed over, his hands trembled involuntarily, and his heart trembled violently.

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