Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 779 Monkey

Li Wanfa also looked helpless, in fact, he knew the current situation without Li Tiancheng telling him.

He didn't blame Li Tiancheng either, at this moment he even figured out the origin of the heir with the purest Suzaku bloodline of the Demon God Sect. Needless to say, he was also a member of the Ren family, and it was because of these two that the Ren family didn't do anything to them.

This is the jade slip where the sacred monument is located. From now on, you will be the new leader of my Wanfa Sect. Li Wanfa seemed to have aged hundreds of years all of a sudden, and at the same time lost his fighting spirit and anger. He took out a jade slip from his hand and handed it to Li Tiancheng, and at the same time gave Li Tiancheng a magic weapon symbolizing the imprint of the leader of Wanfa Sect.

He had no choice, he had to consider not only the jade slip, he had to hand in the jade slip, and it was polite for the other party to ask him to hand it over now, and he knew this very well.

But after handing over the jade slips, the entire Wanfa Sect had no way out, so he simply handed over the position of the leader of the Wanfa Sect to Li Tiancheng. It was because of this decision that he was so entangled just now.

Here is the time acceleration space of fifty times, Ren Jie is not worried about Li Wanfa's consideration, of course, now that he has made a decision, it is the best.

I'm actually not very good at being the leader. It's better for you to be the leader. Boss, this is for you. Li Tiancheng really has no interest in the position of the leader of the supreme university that countless people dream of. He hasn't made a decision yet, and he really wants to say that he's not interested in this.

He prefers to practice and fight with his brothers, which is much more enjoyable than being the leader of Wanfa Sect.

Tiancheng, you are in charge of the Wanfa Sect. There are some things here. If you inherit the Wanfa Sect, you can build a team according to your own style. You and Shiyu despise specific things. Now I will send you out first. This place is not suitable for you. With a move of Ren Jie's mind, the jade slip thrown by Li Tiancheng has been put away by him in an instant, and at the same time, Ren Jie stored a small world that compressed a huge power in a magic weapon, and at the same time He also handed over to Li Tiancheng some of the things obtained from dismantling the Great World of the Ancient God King before.

Ren Jie didn't give the Ren family too many magic weapons. At least at this stage, Ren Jie didn't think it was necessary. On the contrary, a large number of magic weapons left over from the Great World of the Ancient God King were handed over to Li Tiancheng, and let him control the Ten Thousand Laws and use them to strengthen the Ten Thousand Laws. The strength of the Dharma teaching is the most suitable for controlling people's hearts.

Boom... Li Tiancheng took what Ren Jie gave, and the next moment the space changed, and they had already appeared outside the space channel.

Master... bastard, kill him...

Save the leader, kill him...


They stayed inside for a while, but the time inside is accelerated by fifty times. If the time acceleration of the Great World of the Ancient God King is placed on the shelf, the time acceleration of hundreds of times, in the perception of outsiders, they just entered It came out in an instant.

So when they came out, they heard that those people from Wanfa Sect had just realized that they were going to rush over.

Master, it's the leader...

The leader is out again, the leader.

At this time, when Li Tiancheng and Li Wanfa came out, the members of the Wanfa Cult immediately rushed over, but no one from the Ren family who had already received the order stopped them.

Wen Shiyu happened to see Li Wanfa and Li Tiancheng looking at her. She already knew the situation and nodded slightly at them.


Boom... bang bang...


At this moment, another unexpected change appeared in the battlefield. The Ren family was still strong, but soon Danquan and the remnant people under the control of the Remnant Emperor discovered a problem. The Ren family did not have a suitable magic weapon, let alone People use magic tools.

Only Yu Wushuang's special Wushuang imperial concubine's treasure has no special level, but only exerts corresponding power according to Yu Wushuang's power, and it has reached the level of a middle-grade fairy weapon at this moment.

But after all, there were too few, so they immediately launched a counterattack relying on the power of the fairy weapon, which achieved a certain effect, but the effect did not last long. Under the powerful offensive and oppression they used the fairy weapon, the Ren family army actually fought Constantly breaking through.

The reason why it is said that the Ren family's army broke through is because it is not just one person or two people, it is like blooming everywhere, one after another breaking through desperately.

This time it was lively and spectacular.

It happened that Li Wanfa, Li Tiancheng and the others came out, and a person had a breakthrough in the battle. This kind of thing is nothing. In the battle, facing the pressure of life and death, it doesn't matter if a few people can break through, but now almost all of them are in the battle. Breaking through one after another, this is already too terrifying and incredible.

Think about the advantage here that I just thought I was going to, just oppressed, but the opponent broke through and rushed up.

One person breaks through, the side is also breaking through, several people are breaking through, hundreds of guards are also breaking through, and the Tianlong Army's tens of thousands of people are breaking through...

When they cultivated to a certain point, in the following hundreds of years, sometimes thousands of years or even more, they were changing and accumulating. Now that they have a place to release and fight, they have made breakthroughs on their original basis.

Some break through big realms, and most of them break through small realms, but they are all breaking through at the same time, which is really spectacular.

Asshole, what's going on?

How could this be? What kind of thing is this? Impossible, absolutely impossible?

What's wrong with them, how could they all break through?


The people in the remnant soul, the people in the Danxian sect and the sword immortal sect are really about to cry, what is this, how can this battle be fought.

This is not just an increase in strength, it is a blow to their psychological oppression, which has surpassed the blow brought about by the increase in strength. It almost makes them collapse completely. There is no way to fight. How can this continue? .

Ah... At this moment, Qinglong, who was still hesitating to make a move, was already dumbfounded at this moment, and there was only one thought in his mind at this moment, damn it, fortunately he was not impulsive just now, fortunately he didn't act immediately.

What kind of situation is this, breaking through at the same time, there is no major change in the world, and I don't feel it.

It is impossible to reach the bottleneck at the same time! !

He couldn't figure it out, even if he tried to break his head, he couldn't figure it out, but there was one thing, he also felt a heavy heart.

Look, leader, you don't need to get angry this time. Unlike them, although Li Tiancheng didn't go in there with them, he didn't feel strange about what happened under the control of the boss.

And seeing so many brothers and so many seniors breaking through at the same time, he was also extremely happy. He glanced at Li Wanfa who was worried just now and said.

Uh...heh... Li Wanfa didn't know what to say, he really had nothing to say, even his smile was stiff.

Just now in that small world, he saw the scene of the five immortal kings cultivating. Now that he came out to see this scene, he finally understood what is inconceivable, what is what only he can't think of, and what no one else can't do.'s amazing to have a fairy weapon, my fist is even harder, bang... bang... At this time, Gu Xiaobao, who also exploded and suddenly became bigger, punched the dzi bead with a bang. It flew into the sky, and he chased after it.

The whole person has been playing violently and excitedly.

The army's counterattack at this moment has started again, and at this moment, under such pressure, just after Huajing's death, the Emperor Remnant Soul who originally controlled the remnant soul wanted to do something, at this moment he It feels better to retreat first, this situation is too weird.

At this moment, on the contrary, he feels that the trap that Huajing said before is still better.

And he discovered one thing, even after Danquan looked around at the moment, he began to gradually control the people of the Danxian Sect to retreat. At this moment, their losses in every aspect have already exceeded half. If this situation continues, the entire army will really be wiped out.

As for Danquan trying to persuade Qinglong and Li Wanfa to join the battle just now, after Li Tiancheng brought Li Wanfa into the space channel and came out immediately, Wanfa's teaching immediately fell silent.

Coupled with the fact that all the breakthroughs in the battle just happened, I believe they will never join the battle easily. The only way for them now is to retreat as soon as possible, and then go back and think of a way, but they will not retreat now. It's not that easy anymore.

No matter how fierce the battle outside is, no matter how special Ren Jie is, he can't pay attention to it, because compared with his current situation, it is like a child playing house outside, and now this is the real important thing for him.

After getting the jade slip from Wanfajiao, the first thing Ren Jie did was to use the power of the immortal soul to control the jade slip.

The jade slip in Ren Jie's hand was obviously an imitation, so Ren Jie couldn't enter whenever he wanted, but now that he got the jade slip from Wanfajiao, it was different.

Boom... With a bang, Ren Jie directly urged the jade slip, and immediately felt the power of the runes and formations on it rotate, and the space fluctuate.

But Ren Jie was mobilizing in the Great World of the Ancient God King. Although he had already opened the channel to connect to the Great World, and he was not afraid of consuming power to keep it open at all times, he only felt fluctuations, and there was still some distance from the direct opening.

But Ren Jie then injected huge power, and suddenly a force pierced through the big world directly from the Great World of the Ancient God King, and then linked to another special space.

Although Ren Jieren didn't go there directly, but now because Ren Jie has huge energy, he can use it at will, and he is not afraid of consumption. He keeps the space channel in a stable open state, so his immortal soul power can directly enter that space , that space that he is not unfamiliar with, that huge stone tablet that he is familiar with in memory, this is the space of the holy tablet that suppressed Qi Tian.

Monkey, you will do what you say. My patriarch is here. Let me ask first, are you convinced? Although the situation on my side is urgent now, and the small world is desperately gathering and compressing this huge force, the five immortal kings use their own strength to help him balance it. Absorbing the enormous power smelted from the Great World of the Ancient God King, and even suppressing it as much as possible to prevent its transmission, but even so, it can only barely maintain it. Although the situation is a bit bad, it is still difficult to suppress Ren Jie's mood at the moment, and scenes from the past also flashed in his mind.

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