Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 763: One Hundred Times

Boom... A huge black flag broke through the space directly, and appeared in the sky over a grassland in an instant, and there happened to be two places where the fairy world collapsed and the space was torn apart, and the breath of the fairy world slowly flowed down. However, all of them are prohibited and controlled within a certain range.

At this moment, after the main flag of the God Banner of Jiujiu Yinyang Town appeared in an instant, Ren Jie then displayed a series of hand formulas and seal formulas, instantly bombarded and vibrated these formations, changed some changes of these formations, and then instantly moved the immortals inside. All Qi is introduced into the small world of Shenqi in Jiujiu Yinyang Town.

In this way, the main banner of Ren Jie's Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner will break through the air and leave again. This situation has lasted for nearly a month.

Ren Jie has almost used this unimaginable method to completely circle the entire big world.

When he changed all the bans arranged by himself, Ren Tianxing, and the other three immortal kings, he didn't need to do this. At this time, it was the last few places, and Ren Jie stopped after everything was done.

Boom... The next time the main banner of the God Banner of Jiujiu Yinyang Town broke through the space again, and appeared in a vast mist, without any action from Ren Jie, the immortal energy in one of the places where the immortal energy was blocked immediately gathered continuously They poured into the Divine Banner of Jiujiu Yinyang Town.

Those immortal qi that fell down continued to accumulate continuously, and then Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner collected them when they passed by.

Seeing that everything was fine, Ren Jie moved back to the small world of Shenqi in Jiujiu Yinyang Town.

After entering the small world, the power of Ren Jie's immortal soul moved and instantly notified several people. The next moment the space fluctuated, and then several figures appeared in front of Ren Jie. Although they are not as close to teleporting as Ren Jie, they are almost the same. This is the fairy king.

The collection of immortal energy is going well. I think the immortal energy in this small world is growing continuously. According to this trend, it will not be long before this small world will undergo earth-shaking changes again. Seeing Ren Jie, Ren Tianxing immediately said with emotion That's because the immortal energy in this small world is far stronger than that in the big world of Burying Immortals.

After all, Ren Jie collected all the fairy energy leaked from all the fairy worlds in the whole big world. After all, the small world is limited, just like the water at the bottom of a basin will overflow when poured into a cup. The size of the container is different. If these fairy qi are scattered in the big world, they will only increase a little or be directly absorbed and plundered by a few people, but they are all concentrated in the small world, which is terrifying.

At this time, the Black Dragon Immortal King also said: Patriarch Ren, if you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I am very busy there, your apprentice and grandson are very interesting, but Immortal King Xingyun has been inseparable with Ren all day long. Stars, but it's fun to train them.

Seeing the Black Dragon Immortal King like this, both the Phoenix Immortal King and the Qilin Immortal King couldn't help laughing and shaking their heads. Among them, only the Black Dragon Immortal King still has this momentum, so it might be like this.

I will also start retreat soon. I want to know the overall situation. If you have any questions, you can tell me by the way. Although it seems that the time is not long, Ren Jie knows very well that there are these fairy kings The super characters are here, and they have opened up special spaces in the small world in different regions, and the flow speed of time in those spaces is different from that of the outside world.

So after more than a month, it may have been a long time inside.

Speaking of this, the Qilin Immortal King and the Phoenix Immortal King looked at each other, and finally the Qilin Immortal King said: Well, let your father Ren Tianxing introduce it to you. When we have something or need to communicate with the Ren family, we will also communicate He said, so he was well aware of the overall situation.

Say it, just finish it quickly. Originally, when the person asked this question, the Black Dragon Immortal King wanted to speak, but after hearing what the Qilin Immortal King said, and seeing the Qilin Immortal King looking at him, the Black Dragon Immortal King said indifferently. with.

Ren Tianxing didn't waste time, and said directly: In general, everything is progressing well. With the power of the Immortal King, it is generally easy to arrange a space with ten times the flow rate of time, and it is a bit unstable if it is twenty times the flow rate. A joint team, including Xingyun Immortal King, also helped a lot, so a total of 30 times the time flow rate, two 20 times the time flow rate, and ten ten times the time flow rate were arranged in each area. It is used by people of different cultivation.

The speed of time flow is not as fast as possible. It depends on the situation. It is like a place where several of them jointly arranged thirty times the speed of time flow. And it's not too stable there, not suitable for battles, not suitable for strength cultivation, only suitable for enlightenment and retreat.

Of course, Ren Tianxing said that the Immortal King can arrange formations to this extent without all kinds of material magic weapons, otherwise it is another matter.

Under such circumstances, everyone's improvement speed is very fast. The key is that everyone's body has been adjusted to a super ideal state, and they have the most suitable exercises...

Just when Ren Tianxing said this, the Black Dragon Immortal King also nodded fiercely, and couldn't help but take over the words: Really, seeing their situation is really unimaginable, not chaotic creatures, even innate creatures No, it's hard to imagine that there will be such a good physical condition, and the speed of improvement is astonishing if you just help it, it's really enjoyable, it's really enjoyable, even if we are the descendants of chaotic creatures, those who are called For the existence of divine beasts, they may not be as powerful as your Ren family, teaching them is really enjoyable, especially Gu Xiaobao and that Ren Xing...

Heh... Hearing that the Black Dragon Immortal King was so excited, Ren Tianxing couldn't help laughing, because he also felt this feeling, or he was shocked in the early stage. It is completely unimaginable that the situation of this group of people is so good. , The profound foundation, the smoothness of the exercises, and the coordination of the body have almost reached a perfect level. Once you start to practice and have enough immortal energy, each of them will not only travel a thousand miles in a day, but it will be thousands of miles in a day or even farther.

The Qilin Immortal King and Phoenix Immortal King were also deeply moved, and when they heard the Black Dragon Immortal King excitedly mention this, they also nodded with great emotion.

This touched them too much. If you think about making Chaos creatures feel so emotional, you will know how far the Ren family has reached under Ren Jie's continuous training.

At this moment, Ren Tianxing looked at Ren Jie full of relief and pride. Ren Tianxing was the old head of the Ren family. Although the Ren family was not bad at that time, it was only for the small country of the Mingyu Dynasty. different. He is the most emotional, because he can really feel the gap between the Ren family.

Speaking of this, everyone was very touched, even the Qilin Immortal King who didn't plan to say anything just now couldn't help but marvel at the few people he brought.

Hehe... In the end, Ren Jie himself was amused, and he had to raise his hand to stop them and said with a smile: Okay, okay, the owner of this family is not humble, but we should treat it as a compliment even if we praise our own family. Let’s look at outsiders, my family always praises me here, even people like me who can’t blush blush, haha, don’t mention this, it will be better in the future. If I don’t have this, how can I have the confidence to keep up with the fairy world and the ancient times? Dynasty battle, Dad, let’s continue.”

Well, okay, then let me continue. Ren Tianxing nodded and continued: There are no other problems, and we will do our best to help them. Whether it is fighting or other aspects, the only big problem now is that in this In both cases, their improvement speed is very fast, and many of them have already reached the peak of the Law God Realm. But in our big world, after reaching the peak of the Law God Realm, they cannot practice, otherwise they will have to enter the Immortal Realm after experiencing the God Tribulation. Wouldn't it be troublesome, so at this time, we have to find a way to suppress it.

Except for Gu Xiaobao, Ren Xing, and Yu Wushuang who are in special circumstances, they already have the power of immortal souls and can improve infinitely without going through the divine calamity due to special reasons. The others have to stop when they reach the peak of the Dharma God Realm. Ren Tianxing also thought about it carefully, and there was no other problem, so he talked about this problem that they had been discussing but could not solve.

After all, this rule is the 'Tao' that has been integrated into the rules of this big world. They have no access to this for the time being, and they can't stop it even if they want to.

I've thought about this. You continue to help them. I have three solutions now, but I need to wait to see if the best option will appear. If it doesn't work, I will think of other ways. This problem is not There is no solution. Ren Tianxing, Qilin Immortal King, Phoenix Immortal King, and Black Dragon Immortal King couldn't think of a good idea or a good solution, but Ren Jie didn't take it too seriously, because he had already thought about how to solve it. solved.

Ah, no way, there is a way, three more?

Upon hearing Ren Jie's answer, the four dignified fairy king-level existences including Ren Tianxing were surprised and shocked again.

They have thought that unless they enter a different world like the Burial Immortal World, they will not be affected by the ways and rules of this big world, but this kind of big world is different from the small world, so where can they find it?

In addition, unless there are people beyond their level, there may be a way, which is almost equivalent to following the rules, fighting against the sky, and changing fate against the sky, but now Ren Jie opened his mouth and said that he has three solutions Way, this... this is too exaggerated.

It's nothing, you'll know soon, what I'm waiting for is the solution to whether I can enter another big world, if this doesn't work, I'll wait until I rescue the Seven Heaven-Defying Saints, the half-sage should have a way to influence this, the other... ...Heh... Ren Jie saw the surprised look of the crowd, and he said it before they asked directly, but he didn't say it directly as the last solution, he just shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and then snapped his fingers to attract everyone's attention and said : Okay, let's not mention this, now I am going to ask you to help open up a space where time is accelerated, but I want a space where time is accelerated by a hundred times.

One... a hundred times? Upon hearing Ren Jie's words, Ren Tianxing and the three Immortal Kings were stunned for a moment, thinking what a joke.

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