Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 75 Vajra Indestructible Body

Iron tower, come on, I like you.

Haha, Iron Tower, it's up to you today.

Hold on, it's up to you if you have any wine tonight.

It's a rare opportunity, stick to it, the captain will treat you tonight.

Ren Jie didn't use his spiritual sense. He walked into the yard and found a group of people happily booing around the yard. In the wide field among the crowd, the iron tower was not wearing anything on his upper body at the moment, and his skin looked black and bright at the moment. .

It's just that within the dark and bright skin, there is a layer of golden light flashing faintly. Against this layer of golden light, the already tall body of the iron tower is even more amazing at this moment.

Standing opposite the iron tower is Tong Qiang, the captain of the Guards. At the moment, he is not wearing any armor, and his upper body is also naked. Although the golden light on his body is not as bright as usual, it is also powerful. It is much smaller in size than the iron tower, but its momentum and coercion are not weak at all.

Ren Jie saw the posture of the two people, it was obvious that they wanted to compete, and then he heard the voices of people around him booing and fully supporting the iron tower, it was obvious that as long as the iron tower could last for a quarter of an hour, Tong Qiang would invite everyone to drink. This kind of contest was originally the most common and intimate behavior in the military camp, especially in the close guards, but Ren Jie saw it a little confused.

Although he knew that the iron tower was going to break through in the past two days, it was obvious that his posture had reached the state of true energy now, but there was still a gap of 108,000 miles from Tong Qiang. How do they compare?

Ren Jie was also very curious, and walked to the outer steps to watch the development of things quietly.

Ah! Suddenly, the iron tower that had been prepared yelled loudly, and stepped forward in an instant, and the distance of more than ten meters between the two of them had been shortened by one step.

Boom! The gigantic fist has already been bombarded with howling strong wind pressure. If this punch is injured, it will definitely shatter bones and kill people. The relentless bombardment of the iron tower made Tong Qiang's eyes full of fighting spirit, because he had stayed in one realm for many years, Ren Tianxing's disappearance for a while and the situation after Ren Jie took over as the head of the family made him also depressed. Now that the fighting spirit is mentioned again, Tong Qiang's surviving life and vast murderous aura are undoubtedly revealed.

The same move and the same hammering method were also bombarded. In an instant, the fists of the two people collided with each other, and there was a bang, like two huge hammers weighing a thousand catties colliding together, causing many people around to retreat hurriedly. , feeling the buzzing in the head.

The powerful collision between the two made the ground tremble one after another, and some cracks appeared on the hard ground.

In the next moment, the two of them refused to give in, and once again changed their shapes, they used their bodies to move, and used their fists as hammers to strike down.

Diamond hammer, one hammer breaks tendons and bones, two hammers break gold and stones, three hammers thunderbolt, four hammers...

Diamond hammers, a total of 18 hammers, one hammer is stronger than the other.

This is the attack method that Tong Qiang and the others learned at the same time when they obtained the method of cultivating the Vajra Indestructible Body. Only this set of exercises can use their Vajra Indestructible Body to its maximum power, completely bombarding with itself as a weapon, powerful and fierce unimaginable.

Ren Jie couldn't help but shine in his eyes when he saw it. If they went to the battlefield, they would definitely be killing machines, too ferocious. The impact of each hammer gives people the feeling of a peerless beast fighting, with such a ferocious and strong impact that the ground seems to be trembling.

And what is incredible is that the power the two of them are using at this moment is around the seventh level of the True Qi Realm. On the seventh floor of the True Qi Realm, Tong Qiang is okay to say that he is in the Supernatural Realm, and it is enough to suppress the power, but it is too strange for the iron tower to have this power. However, his power does not seem to come from himself, and there seems to be some problems. Ren Jie has already seen that there is a problem with the source of the tower's power.

At this time, the two bombarded and collided frantically one after another. The two were not only physically strong, but also the exquisiteness of the diamond hammer. Then the fourth hammer is naturally cast.

Because the first three hammers could hardly see anything from each other, the fourth hammer iron tower was not displayed, and the situation changed immediately. In the ferocious fourth hammer, there was a hidden trick, and the iron tower was accidentally swept, and the whole person's shoulder was swept away, and the person flew out directly.

Boom! Falling far above the ground, smashing a hole in the ground, the iron tower suddenly wanted to stand up, but the golden light in the body suddenly dimmed, and the next moment, the whole person was extremely tired as if he had been training for three days and three nights , stood up abruptly and then sat down with a plop, his legs were weak and trembling constantly.

I... lost. Tieta scratched his head with a smile, looked at Tong Qiang and said.

His appearance immediately attracted good-natured laughter from the people around him, Xiaoniao happened to be at the side, leading two people to help him up.

Not bad, not bad, you can last for such a long time, you have just reached the real energy state.

Tieta said in a naive voice: If the captain hadn't borrowed my strength and suppressed part of it, I wouldn't have supported it for so long.

It's pretty good that you can master it so quickly after you just reached the real energy state. Tong Qiang also walked over, asked the iron tower to take some medicine to make him stand firm, waved his hand to let others continue to practice, and then took the iron tower to walk towards Ren Jie here.

Tong Qiang, Tieta, meet the Patriarch. The two walked up to Ren Jie and bowed at the same time.

Sit down and talk. Ren Jie pointed to a gazebo next to him, led the two of them over and sat down.

I discovered this Vajra Indestructible Body with Tieta's father and I followed the old Patriarch, but there are seven people who actually practiced this set of exercises. Back then, the seven of us followed the old Patriarch to fight together. Although there is no way to improve after the state, but later we also discovered a special feature of this set of exercises, which can transfer part of the power of the powerful Vajra Indestructible Body cultivated by ourselves to another person who also practices this set of exercises In the body, although this transmission is a temporary loan, it is already very miraculous.

Later, the seven of us continued to try, and found that the King Kong Indestructible Body was more powerful when the seven of us joined forces. Although we all reached the supernatural power level, it was difficult to improve, but the seven of us joined forces. The Yin-Yang realm superpower who condenses the soul fought, and even forced that person back. It's a pity that other people died one after another in the battle, leaving only me and Tieta's father. It got smaller and smaller, and after Iron Tower's father left, I was left alone, and I never used the trick of borrowing each other's strength.

Before Ren Jie could ask, Tong Qiang had already started talking.

This time the Iron Tower has just broken through to the Real Qi Realm, so I will teach him this trick and let him experience it for himself, so that he can use it if he needs anything in the future.

Because this vajra is not broken and it is not an ordinary exercise, Ren Jie's state is currently unable to fully see through the back and help Tong Qiang and the others repair the exercise, so he has not acted. He really did not expect this set of exercises to exist. Such magic.

It is nothing for a powerful existence to seal some power, moves, and supernatural powers on some people who are weaker than themselves, so that they can use them when they are in danger or necessary. But this is different from borrowing, and it is definitely not called borrowing.

Can I try it now? Ren Jie glanced at the iron tower that hadn't fully recovered.

Well, well, it's okay. Tieta knew that Ren Jie was worried about him, so he nodded repeatedly to indicate that it was okay.

Tong Qiang began to slowly operate the Vajra Indestructible Body, a layer of golden light gradually appeared on the skin of the body, and then this layer of golden light gradually condensed, and then Tong Qiang held the hands of the iron tower with both hands, and the golden light visible to the naked eye gradually merged into the body of the iron tower among.

With Ren Jie's vision and realm at the moment, he has already discovered some subtleties at a glance. Tong Qiang condenses the power in his body now, but with 100% of the power condensed, he can only transmit 30% of the power into the body of the iron tower, and the remaining 70% of the power is used to complete the transmission process. And that power enters the iron tower body and is gradually consumed at any time.

In other words, this is a one-time consumption of power, and Tong Qiang needs to consume more than twice the power passed into the iron tower's body to complete it, and the iron tower's body obviously has a limit according to its own situation. This is like an ordinary person. Although the more equipment and armor he wears, the better, but his own load-bearing capacity is also limited, and it is not easy to support this force.

This is also the reason why the iron tower supported the power of around the seventh floor of the true energy state and looked very tired after fighting with Tong Qiang, and almost broke away. Although there are so many disadvantages, in general, depending on the situation, it should be as Tong Qiang said. It is stronger, but even so, this Vajra Indestructible Body is already an extremely miraculous skill.

Boom! At the next moment, a surge of power filled the whole body of the iron tower, especially a layer of golden light that did not belong to his own power, which was like an internal armor, which was part of Tong Qiang's loan to him. strength.

But at this moment, Tieta stood up again, almost as powerful as when he was fighting Tong Qiang just now.

It seems that if you want to lend one point of strength to others, you need to consume at least two points yourself, and this power is not unlimited, it must be within the limit of the other party's support. And there is no way to keep the power forever, It is a one-time consumable, which will continue to be consumed and lost quickly. It can be said that if you lend your power to others, you will lose a lot in a short period of time, so it seems very fair and balanced. Ren Jie looked at the situation of the iron tower , one word has explained the key.

The head of the family is right. There are indeed various disadvantages and limitations in lending power to the other party. Sometimes the effect is not too great. In fact, the biggest advantage of the indestructible body of the King Kong is that it can enhance each other. The more the number of people, the better the effect of the increase. It's a pity that this Vajra Indestructible Body was a fragment at the beginning. Later, the old Patriarch worried that he would not be able to find the way to practice later, so he didn't let people practice it. Now it's just me, Iron Tower, his father and the three of us who know this skill It's over. Tong Qiang didn't know that Ren Jie saw it at a glance, and thought that Ren Jie knew it, so he didn't feel any surprise.

If you let him know that Ren Jie just saw the process just now, he will be shocked.

Can you lend me your strength? Ren Jie suddenly thought of this question.

No. Tong Qiang immediately shook his head and said: We have tried this many times, because if we can lend our strength to others without learning the Vajra Indestructible Body, or learn the method of strengthening the Vajra Indestructible Body and jointly defending, then It's too powerful. It's a pity that no matter how much research is done, there is no result. Even the old Patriarch said that except for those who practice the Vajra Indestructible Body, it is impossible for other people to use these two unique exercises of the Vajra Indestructible Body.

That's not necessarily... After listening to Tong Qiang's words, Ren Jie closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly smiled.

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